Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara! It belongs to the brilliant mind of Ryohgo Narita.

Pet me, Darling

Chapter 1 – Don't mess with Shinra

It was such a nice day. The sun was shining; his phone left at home and to top it all he had managed to convince his beloved to go on a date with him. Well, she didn't want to leave Ikebukuro, so they just went to a park near their love nest. It was all set to be a beautiful picnic and even thought his gorgeous enchantress couldn't eat the food laid out before them on the blanket; reason for that would be the lack of a head; they had a really good time. Right now, the underground doctor laid with his head in Celty's lap, letting her feed him some grapes. The two lovebirds had a sickening sweet, lovey-dovey aura around them. Shinra was feeling absolute bliss at the moment. If he would die in a second he would die as a happy man.

Sadly for him this happiness wouldn't last long. Of all places to go, they held their date in Ikebukuro, after all.

It all happened so fast. Just as Celty lowered a strawberry down to Shinra's accepting mouth, a certain raven haired man, clad all in black and a fur trimmed coat, even though it was early summer, sat beside them, snatching the red treat out of the Dullahan's slender fingers, popping it into his own mouth.

"Urgh. Shinra, how can you eat something like that? Disgusting." the ravenette's smirk turned to a frown due to the overly sweet taste lingering in his mouth. The two lovers were dumbstruck. "IIZAYAAAAA!" An almost primeval sounding roar traveled towards their ears. The informant's frown turned back into a smile after hearing his name being called in such a lovely way. "That's my cue." he said standing up before waving at them. "Tataa!" and with that he jumped away from them. Only a second later a trash bin landed on the exact same spot, the slender male was just a moment ago, pouring its content over the food lying on the blanket. Shinra jolted up, the shock evident in his eyes. Izaya playfully gasped at the scene before him, just as the blonde ex-bartender arrived. "Oh my! Look at what you've done, Shizu-chan. How cruel. Just look at poor little Shinra's devastated face." Only now the blonde recognized his two friends sitting on the ground. "Ah! Celty, Shinra. You okay? I'm sorry." he spoke. Even though the Dullahan had no head, Shizuo could feel the piercing glare she shoots him through with, but Shinra was different. He really looked out of it. His eyes the size of plates and mouth slightly a gap. He just starred at the ruined pick nick.

Izaya gripped his shirt right over his heart, his head turning to the side he let a single tear roll down his face. "Poor, Shinra. I bet he planned this for months ago, and you, protozoan, you just ruined everything." The raven now locked eyes with the blond, pointing a finger at him. "Bad, Shizu-chan! Just bad. No bones for you today." he scolded the bigger.

The monster of Ikebukuro gritted his teeth. Hands turning to fists at his side, a mad grin grazed his features while a vein popped on his head. "You really have a death wish, ne. Fucking flea!" Just before the blonde's fist could hit the sly male, Izaya hopped to the side, fleeing the scene, with Shizuo hot on his heels.

Although the Dullahan wanted to follow, them, she thought better of it, trying to snap her fiancé out of his daze. She couldn't see his face due to his bangs hanging over it. "Ne, Celty, darling…" the doctor began. As he lifted his head to look at his love, the sun reflected from his glasses. His smile sending shivers down her spine. Celty would never forget how scared she was looking at Shinra. "Can I ask you a favor?"


Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

Like a mantra that single word raced through his mind, while his body raced after a certain rotten flea. He had a peaceful day at work… well as peaceful as debt collecting could go, when the stupid louse showed his face in front of him.

He didn't remember what it was this time, that had him go on a rampage, but still he was out to crush the informant running from him. In between their race, the flea lured him to a park in Ikebukuro, where Shizuo, in his rage, literally trashed the date Shinra had planned out carefully for so long. He couldn't imagine how his bespectacled friend must feel at the moment. Celty had told him a few weeks prior about their date. She looked so happy about it. Well more, about how giddy Shinra seemed about it. The two really love each other and he just ruined this rare occasion for them.

Just now the info-broker turned in an alley way. This was the fortissimo's chance. While running he grabbed a streetlamp as if it was nothing. "Stop right there, you fucking flea!" he shouted before throwing his weapon towards the raven, although he knew his projectile wouldn't hit him. At least that's how it's always been, until now. Suddenly the younger man was wrapped in black strings, shocking not only the raven but also the blonde and so the lamp hit the informant right over the head, instantly knocking him out.

"Fuck!" Shizuo cursed under his breath running towards the black lump lying on the floor. Before he could reach him, the black rider jumped over his head on her motorbike, grabbed the flea and drove away as fast as she came.

"What was that?" The blonde wondered while grabbing a cigarette between his lips. Before lighting it up he thought better of it. After putting it away and placing his hands into his pockets, he started walking into the direction of a certain underground doctor's apartment.


"Ara~ Celty, my love, you're back." a bespectacled brunette beamed at the sight of his headless soul mate, carrying a lifeless black form with her. The doctor shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "You didn't kill him, did you?" The woman carried the black clad male over to a spare bed laying him on top of it, before producing a PDA out of nowhere. "Of course not." It read.

Shinra beamed at her, getting closer to her for a hug, gaining an elbow to his side instead. Smiling he held his aching side, looking over the unconscious man. "Good. It wouldn't be as much fun otherwise." His grin turned dark. "Now, my sparkling fairy of love- Umph!" Another elbow to the side. "Ouch! Wo… would you do me the favor of working your magic?" Shinra was now curling up on the floor; that last hit was really something. As he turned his head up to look at his lovely future wife, she was standing right next the hospital-like bed, holding one hand over the sleeping Orihara. Shadow-like smoke crept out of her sleeve wrapping itself around the raven, before seeping into his body. The unconscious form arched up and the dark matter came out of him again, beginning to form a black lump on top of his chest.

"Yaay! It works. Celty, it works!" Shinra exclaimed happily, while beginning to prepare all the things he'll need next.


One hour. One fucking hour! That's the amount of time Heiwajima Shizuo wasted pacing up and down in front an apartment block in Ikebukuro. It wasn't just a random building he was facing. No, in this building lived his best friend and her fiancé, whom he also considered to be a friend. Earlier today, Shizuo had managed to hit his eternal nemesis, Orihara Izaya, with a street lamp, but only because the black rider interfered their fight at the wrong moment. Why she had done such a thing, he wasn't sure, but what caused even more confusion was that she sort of kidnapped the flea right before his very eyes. He decided to go after her and after arriving here, he came to one big conclusion. What is he going to say? Wouldn't it look suspicious that he cared for the flea after hurting him? Whole 'Bukuro knew the fact these two where enemies, so why would he go after him? He couldn't tell Celty and especially not Shinra the real reason he followed the flea's kidnapper. So what to do? What to do?

After an hour of thinking and giving in the urge of smoking a few cigarettes, he turned to the entrance. "Fuck it." he growled out. "I'm just going with the flow." And so he made his way into the building.

Reaching the door of the couple's apartment didn't take him long. As he was going to ring the bell, the door opened, Celty holding her PDA out to him.

"You were pacing the streets up and down for a while now. I saw you from the balcony."

"Oh!" He was slightly surprised. "So that's why she knew I was here." he thought.

"You took my prey." The blonde said scratching his neck strolling in. The headless rider closed the door before taping something on her PDA, but a sudden cry of pain disrupted her. "Ow! Help! He really wants to kill me!"

The fairy and the dept-collector hurried over to the living room, where Shinra was sitting on the dining table looking teary eyed at Celty holding his right hand out. His pointer finger was bleeding. "Celty, he bit me." he whined. The Dullahan's shoulders were shaking uncontrollable, probably laughing.

The blonde frowned. "Who bit him? There's no one else around." A sudden hiss pulled him from his thoughts making Shizuo look at the couch, where a black kitten was sitting on the back rest, glaring right back at him.
