Hey guys, Akane here! Welcome to a new story that I decided to write!
This one will focus on my new OC, Sora Sakamoto.
This was also written in first person, which I haven't done in a while, so please tell me if I need to fix anything! Just so you all know, I'm using the Japanese anime for this story.
Finally, this is going to be updated monthly, but there is a chance that updates might be earlier or later than that. ^_^
NOTE: Somehow, the ending of this chapter is similar to RaisingHeartExelion's The Crimson Star Priestess' first chapter. It's completely by accident that this happened, but I wanted to let you guys know.
I was running as fast as I could, trying to get as much distance between me and the looming black skyscraper as possible. My boots smacked against the ground repeatedly as I ran, while my hair flapped around behind me. My grey bag was hitting my side, but I wasn't really paying attention to that. I was gasping for breath, but I knew I couldn't stop running. Not unless I wanted to go back to that place.
That place was the Arcadia Movement, a home for psychic duelists like me who were shunned by society. I had been there for as long as I could remember, since Divine found me on the streets after I'd been labelled a monster and freak, but I never really felt like it was a home. For me, it was more like a training area for the military. We were constantly trained to use our powers, but never really taught how to control them. Most of the time, I just watched the psychics hurt each other, or other people, which just ended with them being called monsters. There were times I wished I was a normal psychic duelist, since I wouldn't have gotten his attention.
When I duelled, I couldn't cause physical injury to my opponent. Hell, I couldn't even materialize one monster for longer than 10 seconds, which was a good thing in my book, since I hated injuring others. However, I could heal the injuries of others instead, which was a rare ability, according to him. Though I couldn't heal fatal injuries or broken bones. The most that I could heal were just cuts and bruises, which was rather sad, since most psychic duels usually ended with far worse injuries than that.
Due to my abilities, I ended up spending most of my time reading books, since I couldn't really train my powers to get stronger without anyone to teach me. Hell, I couldn't even practice on myself, since I tried once, and I woke up in a hospital since I couldn't get my powers to heal myself. Needless to say, I learned my lesson about ever trying that again. I did hang around the infirmary a few times, reading the medical texts that were around to see if I could figure out how to make my powers stronger, but I just ended up confused more often than not. There was a time where Divine tried to get me to materialize a monster for longer than 10 seconds, or inflict an injury on another. The only thing that ended up happening was I got a really bad headache and passed out for 4 hours. He never tried to get me to materialize a monster or hurt another again. I guess he just gave up on ever making me stronger. Not that I could blame him, even if I found his staring afterwards rather creepy.
Though I never told him about the other thing I could do. While I couldn't materialize a monster, I could see their spirits outside of duels. This, of course, freaked me out when I was younger, as I was seeing duel monsters outside of duels with no explanation. I knew that many people thought of me as crazy because I kept screaming at thin air when I was younger, and I couldn't really blame them. I would have though the same thing if I didn't have my powers. I never told him this because I felt like I had to keep it a secret.
But most of all, I was envious of the people without any psychic powers. I used to stare out the window of my room all the time, just watching them walk and live their lives without worry. Though at the same time, I hated them, since they were the ones that shunned us just because we were different. I think I could understand why they thought that, and while I didn't like it, it made sense; it was human nature to fear something that you don't understand. That didn't stop me from hating the way that I had been treated when I was younger, but now that I was older, I had mostly put it behind me. But, I still refused to tell anyone I met about my powers because I feared that I would be shunned once again.
However, a while ago, I had started to feel somewhat suspicious about the Movement's true motives, so I decided to leave. I only brought a few of the things I could call mine, which didn't include the stupid uniform of the Movement. These things were my duel disk, my deck, an extra outfit, and a pendant that I wore around my neck. I had a feeling that it used to belong to one of my parents, but I couldn't remember them anyway, so I had no way of knowing.
Which leads me to my current situation. I could tell that my body was going to give out soon, since I hadn't stopped running since I left the building. While I wanted to indulge my body's impulse to pass out, at the same time I was worried that I would get dragged back, and I didn't want that to happen. Especially after all the trouble I went through just to get out of that building without getting spotted.
As I was running, I could see an alley up ahead. I quickly darted into it, and as soon as I did, I collapsed against the wall. Panting, as I tried to regain my breath, I leaned my head against it, the cool temperature was relaxing to me after running for so long.
Maybe… It wouldn't be so bad to take a nap for a few minutes… I thought as my eyes slowly closed, dragging me to sleep.
As I started to wake up, the first thing I realized was that I wasn't in the alley anymore. I was far too comfortable to be in that concrete alley. I slowly opened my eyes, and sat up carefully. I still wasn't sure if I had gotten enough rest, and I'd rather not knock myself out because I wasn't careful.
After I sat up, I finally got a good look as to what I was lying on, which was a couch. And a rather soft one at that. I looked around the room, which appeared to be a living room. Compared to any of the rooms I had been in, this was massive. This made my room back at Arcadia look like an office in comparison.
Since I was looking around, I didn't hear or notice two people come in until they gasped.
"You're awake!" one of them exclaimed, causing me to turn around.
What I ended up seeing was surprising for me. The two people in front of me were just kids, both with teal hair and brown eyes. Though one had their hair in pigtails, and the other had their's in a ponytail. I could tell that the one with the pigtails was a girl, since her face looked more feminine than the other, who was a boy. They were both wearing white shorts and white short sleeved jackets, but their shirts were different colors, with the girls being pink and long-sleeved, while the boy's was blue.
My biggest question was why were they alone at home? Where were their parents? And why did they bring a complete stranger into their house? It made no sense to me.
"Uhh, lady. Are you ok?" the boy asked me, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times, before realizing that I had been caught up in my thoughts. I looked at the two of them, before giving them an apologetic smile.
"Yes, I'm fine. I just got caught up in my thoughts," I said quietly. "How did I get here anyway?"
"We found you in an alley not too far from here, and it looked like you were unconscious. Since it was going to start raining, we brought you here," the girl said.
"That was a nice thing to do, especially for someone you don't know," I commented. I was actually impressed by their maturity, since many people in Neo Domino wouldn't do that for a person they found on the streets. They would just look at them in contempt before walking away. That particular occurrence was something I was rather used to, since it had happened several times when I went out into the city. It was pretty much the reason why I never left my room at Arcadia.
I swung my legs off the couch, inspecting myself. I was still in the same outfit that I had worn when I ran away. It consisted of a grey sleeveless top with light grey lining, a two toned blue skirt, with lighter blue lining the bottom of it while the rest of it was a darker blue, black biker shorts that went down to my mid-thighs, grey armbands that went from my wrists to my elbows, and light grey socks. I reached up and touched the back of my head, and I felt the dark blue ribbon that I used to tie up some of my sky blue hair into a bun was still there. However, I did notice that I wasn't wearing my ankle high black boots that had the top folded over upon themselves, but as I looked down, I saw them on the floor near the couch, along with my bag. Relieved, I reached down and picked it up, placing it on my lap. Opening it up, I saw that everything was still there, including my duel disk and deck. I pulled out the pendant that was inside, which was a blue gem surrounded by gold, and looked at it for a few seconds before putting it on. Once it was, I sighed slightly, I closed my bag, and set it down beside me.
I looked up at the two people who brought me here staring at me intensely. It was kind of disconcerting, since I never knew that kids could have that look.
"Is everything alright?" the girl asked me.
I nodded. "Yes, everything's fine," I paused for a second as I reached down for my boots. I wanted to thank them, but I didn't know their names. "Um… who are you two anyway?" I ended lamely, as I wasn't exactly the most social person in the world.
The boy grinned. "I'm Lua, and this is my twin sister Luka!" he pointed towards his sister. "Now, who are you?"
I looked at the both of them before replying. "Sora. Sora Sakamoto." I started to put my boots on as I said, "Where am I?"
"You're in our apartment in the Tops area," Luka told me. I froze when I heard that. How could I have run into the Tops? I hadn't even been running for that long. Though it was possible, since I had never really gone out of the building except to go to the Daimon Area, so I probably got lost.
I finished putting on my boots, and grabbed by bag, putting it over my shoulder. While I was grateful for what the two of them did, I knew I couldn't stay here.
"Where are you going?" Lua asked me. I turned back towards the two of them.
"Thanks for bringing me here and taking care of me while I was asleep… but I should go," I said seriously.
"But do you have anywhere to go?" Luka questioned, causing me to stop. The only place that I could even go to is the Arcadia Movement, but I would never return there. So, to be honest, I don't have anywhere to go. But I didn't want to burden the twins or put them in danger, especially if Divine came after me like I know he would.
"No. But I'll deal with it, since I've had to before," I respond, my mind flashing back to the time I lived on the streets when I was little. I quickly shook my head to clear my thoughts, as that time wasn't one that I liked to remember.
I started to walk forward again, when I felt something close around my left wrist. I turned my head back and saw that Luka had wrapped her hands around it, holding me in place. It wasn't something that I was used to, seeing as no one ever wanted me around, even back at Arcadia. I always figured that it was because of the fact that I wasn't like the rest of the psychics that they didn't like me.
"If you want… you can stay here with Lua and I," Luka suggested with a gentle look in her eyes.
To say that I was shocked at the offer would be an understatement. Did they really trust me - a complete stranger mind you - to stay here with them? Especially when they didn't know anything about me?
"Are you sure?" I questioned quietly, still in shock at the offer. "You just met me. What about your parents? What would they think?"
"I can tell that you're someone trustworthy," Luka told me. "Even if your aura is somewhat guarded, there's still a kind and gentle feeling from it." The way that Luka said that was shocking to me. No one had ever described me as kind or gentle. I was always called a monster or a witch because of my ability to heal, and at Arcadia I was basically a loner, as I was so different from the others there. So I had no idea how to take what Luka just said.
"And our parents wouldn't mind," Lua added with a smile on his face as he walked over to his sister's side. "They're always gone on business trips, and they would be fine with you looking after us, as long as they got to talk to you first."
I looked at the both of them, and I saw that they were hoping that I would take them up on their offer. To be honest, I was actually considering it. Not only were these two really nice - something that was rare in the city - but they also reminded me of the younger sibling that I always wanted so that I wouldn't be alone anymore. Plus, I wanted to repay them for taking care of me, and this would be a good way to do so.
A small smile appeared on my face as I said, "Sure, I'll stay."
Well, that's the end.
The next chapter'll come out when I get the time, since school just started for me, and I'm going to be spending most of my time on that, along with working on an art course that I'm going to be starting soon.
Also, what do you think of Sora just based on what is in this chapter? Is there anything I could fix about her character? This is the first 5D's fic I've ever written, so getting feedback on my writing and character would be really helpful.
Until next time,