As suggested by Larkflight of RiverClan: Half Clan Names!

For the first part of your name, choose a Clan. Then pick one of the prefixes next to the Clan.

ThunderClan: Thorn Bramble Moss Grass Daisy Petal Hazel

RiverClan: Vole Reed Fish Water Mist Splash Lake

ShadowClan: Lizard Creek Toad Pine Marsh Dark

WindClan: Breeze Crow Hawk Bark Heather Boulder Rock

SkyClan: Cloud Cliff Clover Bird Sparrow Pigeon Dew

For the second part of your name, choose a different Clan. Then pick one of the suffixes next to the Clan.

ThunderClan: Storm Cloud Leaf

RiverClan: Stream Pool Shimmer

ShadowClan: Step Shade Shadow

WindClan: Breeze Face Foot

SkyClan: Wing Feather Bird

Mistcloud wished that both of her parents were RiverClan. She and her brother, Thornpool were always teased about it. If you have an idea for a name generator, please tell me about it! It would be great if anyone came up with an idea that I could use!