Rewritten. people who have already read this story don't NEED to read it again, but I added more details into the first chapter, and fixxed a few mistakes.

**Mary Sue Warning**

I do not own Naruto.

Dyeing isn't so bad. At least my death wasn't. I had been hiking down a trail I frequented and the lights just...turned off I suppose. It took a good three hours of searching around the pitch black until I just realised I was dead. I'm unsure how I knew, I just did. I sat down, well I mean it's no clouds and golden palace, but it's also not fire a demons, so I could live with this dark nothingness. I guess the Sumerians were right when they guessed afterlife was darkness for eternity. Or maybe this was self reflection time, well my life had been...hard. I had lived with my mother for the first chunk of my life, but I didn't really know her, in fact I don't even remember her face, she would rather blow welfare on booze and drugs then spend time with me, I was an independent child. When I was five I moved in with my dad and his wife. I loved my Dad. His wife did not like me though, she looked at me and saw my mother, so my life with them was not particularly nice, and got so much worse after they had two children. Being an outsider in your own home. It was as though I was intruding on their perfect little family. I had been through my fair share of suffering and abuse by age 16, that's when I applied for independent living. Things got so much better, I went to much needed counselling since I had grown a very unhealthy anger issue among other forms of ptsd, I studied martial arts, and surprisingly it helped my anger allot, which was good seeing as if I had my old anger problems while being trained...well lets just say I may have gone to jail. I finished high school, then went to university for fine Arts, now I was a well known sculptor and painter, I didn't have family or close friends but I was still happy. I took in foster kids, in fact I left behind 3 teenaged girls and one boy, but I had a will, and once they were 18 my savings were to go to college's and trust funds, and all my unsold art went to the Family I hadn't seen since the day I left. They would be okay with out me, I was okay with dying.

I wasn't a perfect human by any means, I swore allot, I made crass jokes, I was horribly nerdy, when I wasn't in my studio working on what ever project I was on, I was at home watching Anime, or on my laptop reading fanfiction, on top of that I was emotionally constipated, I was prideful, I also hated being touched by humans. I was no peach but I actively tried to be nice to everyone, I tried to help those in need and overall I think I left the world on good terms. I had no regrets, I was okay with how my life turned out. Besides all artists died young.

You lived a good life.

"Yeah I did." I replied. Wait what the hell? Did someone just talk to me?

You endured many sorrows and still managed to find beauty in everything.

Yepp that was a disembodied voice, I have watched enough horror flicks to know what ever happens next.

"Em well I'm an romanticism artist, finding beauty in things is the job description." I replied shakily. "So are you god or something?"

Or something. The voice chuckled, at least I could tell this voice was male, or maybe a women with a VERY deep voice.

"Are you em going to kill me?" I asked him.

Your already dead.

"Touché Mr. Voice, you know I like you, you have a sense of humor, that's what I look for in scary disembodied voices." I joked.

I rather like you as well.

"Well that's good, it would be awkward if we didn't like each other. You know seeing as we have the rest of eternity together."

Not quite, I'm giving you a second chance.

"At what?" I asked confused as to what was happening. Or maybe my mind was still working on the fact that I was talking to a freaking disembodied voice.

At life.

"Oh no no no. I did it once, it was hard and hurt more often then not. I'm happy leaving the world as I did." I said adamantly.

You wont be returning to the place you came. I think you will find this world much more enjoyable.

"Wait, wait, wait, Mr. Voice, not only are you telling me reincarnation is real, but your also springing that their are more then one the same time. That's something you ease into." I complained. The voice chuckled.

Not enough time, we are almost at your stop. You will have a loving mother and father, siblings, and romance. You will have friends and good teachers, you will be strong.

"That's sounds really nice..."

Don't be skeptical, I have a soft spot for humans like you. Now go.

Dyeing isn't so bad. Being born sucks ass. I literally closed my eye's the second I realised what was happening, I tried my best to help efforts squeezing myself as small as possible, maneuvering to hopefully make this horrible experience go faster. My mother was being rather quiet, I was pretty sure she should be screaming, but I was okay with that, everything already felt to loud. Once it was over, all I could think about was how freezing it was, I think I might die of hypothermia, that would be hilarious, just reborn, just to die again. I was swaddled in a soft warm blanket then held my someone. I tried not to have an anxiety attack about being touched. Wait... It doesn't feel the same as my old body, before when I was touched I wanted to scrub off the effected area until i bled, but this body didn't react that way, it was just comforting.

"Give me my baby!" I heard a very tired women cry. Holy shit was I kidnapped already. I struggled to open my eyes, I was expecting to have shit eye sight like in all those Self inserts I've read, but I could see just fine. I was being held by a man, who for a kidnapper was very gentle, he had a black cloak on with the hood up. He was pale, and he had big brown eyes, his hood covered his forehead so I couldn't see his hair at all. When he spoke I felt his chest rumble.

"It will only make it harder, Konoha Shinobi will be here right away to get her." did this guy just say Konoha? And shinobi? Shut the front door. Mr. Voice you dropped me in the Naruto-verse! I thought you said this would be a happy life. Is anyone actually happy in that story? They are always dodging sharp pointy objects, and chasing after that emotionally challenged Uchiha guy. Although I have to admit, being a ninja would be cool, I could put my muay thai to work. Wait never mind...I'm a baby.

Okay cool. I'm in Naruto, that's fine. Weirder things have happened. I can't think of anything off hand, but I could handle this.

"She is my daughter and I have to say good bye!" I was handed to my apparent mother. God damn was it cold now that I was being passed between the two and not pressed against the warm man, though I felt instantly warmer once I was in my mom's arms. She has curly black hair that was sticking to her face from sweat, she looked incredibly tired, and a bit sick. She was just as pale as the previous man and had big eyes with dark lark lashes, though her eye colour was ice blue, they where so captivating and a tad freaky, Her tears looked like little Ice crystals. "I love you. Daddy loves you." she looked up at the man - huh- not my kidnapper. "I wish we could have known you." she put me down onto blankets beside her, than the man picked her up of the ground throwing a cloak identical as his around her shoulders. Whoa whoa whoa! What the hell! They where just leavening me? What kinda shit parenting is that? I started screaming my little baby lung out as I saw my dad pull my mom into his arms and jump into the trees out of my sight. Whoa wait? Trees? Your telling me that not only did they abandon me they abandoned me in a forest, while it is freaking freezing outside. If I ever see there faces again I swear to what ever gods are out there I'm going to smash their stupid heads in. They do realise this is how villains are made. I thought I was supposed to have loving parents, I want a refund, I've already been abandoned, I've been alive for like five minuets. Being to busy in my own head I didn't even notice three people show up in front of me until one spoke.

"they abandoned their baby?" the shortest one asked. One of them approached me and I instantly stopped crying. This man was scary. He gave off a horrible vibe that he used baby's as toothpicks, and right now I'm a baby so my future is more screwed than it was a couple seconds ago, and it was pretty damned screwed before.

"should we continue to the targets sir?" The scary man, previously called sir looked at me than at the blanket.

"no this baby was just born moments ago, it needs medical attention, and warmth." Sir picked me up surprisingly tenderly, and held me close to his warm body, i starred up at him though all I could really see was his jaw and occasionally his face when he looked down to check on me. "Don't be scared sweet one, I'm taking you home with me." I only noticed than that we where moving through trees. Who ever said don't judge a book by it cover needs an award because this horrifyingly scary man was very very sweet. I fell asleep in his arms. Man todays been a crazy day, just died, got reborn, got abandoned, than got saved.