Sarah, Peter, Samwell, Rosemary & the Wilson Family © Cozy Shadow

Flame, Petunia, Jeffery, and Sunny © Phantomask

Italicized brands or names (like food labels, movies, and songs) belong to their rightful owner.

To the person who was essentially asking if there'd be any lemons in this story, I highly doubt it. Frankly, I suck at writing lemons, so I won't make you guys suffer lol

On another note, yes it's been over a year since I've updated. I graduated college and moved to another state. I'm currently working full time, but surprisingly, the majority of this chapter was done a few months after I last uploaded. So this chapter has just been marinating for a while now. Just want to say thanks for MistyVoid48 (aka now TinyShinny) on helping me with not only editing this chapter but motivation in general when things were going rough in my personal life. TinyShinny and I are actually working on some stories together. She has one up on her account here right now called Bolt of Blue. Any future stories on my account are still in the works as TCG has been main priority for me despite wearing me down for years. I do have a lot of other stories that I wanted to do, and so I've been writing to them whenever I didn't want to do TCG - which I'll be honest, was the majority of the time. I used to be better at uploading on FF when I actually had multiple stories going just because it's natural for me to jump from story to story in the middle of uploading. During the time when I didn't have anymore to do but just TCG, that's when the stress of it started kicking in. So, I made new stories to combat that stress. I'm not sure if any of you would be interested in me uploading any of those stories while doing TCG. I just feel like it would help get me back in the older days when I would actually want to write/upload to FF. I might do it anyway.

Honestly the toughest part about writing this story is remembering if I spelled Shia's name as Shia or Shea. I double checked in a spot where I knew she was in the story and you wanna know what I called her? 'female dog' Past me didn't know either.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The next chapter is being written to and is almost half done at this rate. If any of you don't realize, the title of this chapter is a meaning of 'the truth being rarely pure and never simple,' hence the title of last chapter being about the lies we create and the web we weave doing so. Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Rarely Pure and Never Simple


Shadow rarely saw Sonic so stoic and motionless - and this was one of those times where he really didn't want to see it.

"Sonic?" The ebony hedgehog slowly walked over to his friend. Sonic was staring at the ground and lost in thought.

Shadow grabbed Sonic's shoulder. "Sonic?" he repeated.

"What - What do you mean?" The inquiry was quiet.

Shadow exhaled in relief as he let go of the blue blur. "I think Flame might be a spy, Sonic. I told Silver why - he thought it odd but I think he's come around to the idea - "

"The idea?" Sonic hissed at him. They were back at square one. Just when Sonic was going to lighten up on Shadow, he was ready to take a hit at him again. "What do you mean, Shadow? Why the hell would Flame be a spy?"

"Because when we were at the hospital," Shadow took a moment to take a seat on the stool by the work bench, "I saw him receive a text. It was from a random number - there was no name to it - and the text said, 'Is she dead yet?' Now I know we shouldn't assume so quickly, but the more I thought about it and how he responded - I think he's working for Samwell. But perhaps, he's in the same situation as Scourge - if Scourge is really in a situation."

"You think that Sam somehow got a hold onto Flame and is now threatening Sonia's life? The kids' lives?" Sonic didn't like the notion one bit, obviously. His stomach became twisted at the thought.

Shadow looked at him with a more serious tone. "No, I think Flame might have known Samwell long before he met Sonia. Think about it - we've never seen even a picture of Flame's family."

"They said they were headed to see one of his relatives during Valentine's Day," Sonic argued. "That's why we watched the kids in the first place."

"Yes, but he could be lying."

Sonic's quills ruffled in distress. He paced in circles as he brought his hand to his muzzle in thought. "I - What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know," Shadow confessed. Red eyes gazed upon the ex-hero with an unsure look. "I don't want to ruin the funeral by interrogating Flame, but if Samwell is closing the gap between him and us because he has all of us near one another now, then Flame might want to be on the right side sooner rather than later."

"You think Sam would hurt Sonia and the kids if Flame did nothing wrong?" Sonic scoffed. "What's the point in that?"

"There's no point to what Samwell Turner does, Sonic. If he's being blackmailed into this, Flame probably lies awake at night to make sure Sonia's still breathing." Shadow walked over to Sonic. "The moment we visit Scourge, I guarantee you that Samwell will find out quickly enough. And if he thinks Scourge is turning against him, he might think Flame is, too. Considering that Flame is so much closer to us to begin with - I don't reckon Samwell will keep Flame alive by the end of whatever his sick plan is. That is my worry."

"So, now we have to worry about them?" Sonic gripped his quills as he felt tears coming. He had just lost his mother. He couldn't handle losing anyone else right now, especially not his sibling. "That's my fucking sister, Shadow."

"I know," he was trying to quickly calm Sonic before he became even more of a mess. The funeral was tomorrow - Sonic wasn't going to be okay then. The least Shadow could do was make sure that Sonic didn't lose it today, as well. "I know, Sonic. And we will keep her and the kids safe."


"I also worry that Flame might be on Samwell's side," Shadow mumbled. He gave a heavy exhale. "We don't know, though. He tried waving off the text like it was nothing, but who sends a text like that? Who talks like that?"

"It said that? Really?"

"Yes. Word for word, Sonic. Something isn't right with Flame, and I worry that it has to do with Samwell."

"Great," Sonic went back to pacing in circles. He sniffed and wiped away the rebellious tear. "That's just perfect. Now I have to worry about my sister. I can keep Manic safe here - he knows about Sam now, but he probably won't jump in to do anything reckless. My sister? How can we protect Sonia if she isn't here?" He covered his mouth as he leaned against the workbench, suddenly seeming like he was going to be sick. "Shadow...Knuckles and Rouge - their kids. Oh, my God, what have we done?"

Shadow watched the male crumple onto the bench with his head in his hands. Sonic didn't cry, but he was frozen in place, trying to process the amount of danger that was rising. Not to him but to the younger lives that were completely innocent and yet undoubtedly in harm's way.

"We have powers, Sonic. While we shouldn't underestimate Samwell or his men, we've won worse battles than this."

"You know most of the time those battles consisted of robots and didn't have children stuck in the middle, defenseless. Samwell wouldn't actually hurt a child, would he?" Sonic dared to look back at Shadow.

He knew the answer with Shadow's grave look.

"We can't assume things like we know what Samwell will do next. Scourge, and even Flame, could help us with that. If push comes to shove and they know nothing or won't speak, we can try Peter Worthington. Sarah could - "

"Don't you dare fucking bring her into this," Sonic hissed, his eyes narrowing. He was full of colorful words it seemed, but his expression told Shadow not to press the matter. "That's my mate with my child - she's stressed enough mentally, Shadow. I'm not about to put this on her."

"So, we're not going to tell her about any of this?"

"No, I don't want to," Sonic glowered at the table that he was now propped up against with his elbows. "She can't miss anymore work, but maybe we can send Amy with her. If those two stay out of our way and are safe, then we can focus. But I will not put her in danger, and neither will you."

"I doubt Peter Worthington is dangerous."

"You just said not to assume things," Sonic snorted and twisted around to look at him. "Tails can tell that he had some sort of power with machines. The guy wasn't exactly hiding it that one time the stereo broke at that school play we had to go to."

"So, machines? Wow, terrifying. I think Sarah and Amy could handle him if he decided to attack, but we both relatively know the man. He's a preschool teacher that's more bark than bite, if any bark at all." Shadow shrugged as if he didn't think of Peter as a threat. "I don't see the cat as that - "


"What?" Red eyes went back to Sonic, who appeared to have an epiphany.

"If Peter is a spy, and he's good with electronics...could he hack into anything?" Sonic curiously inquired.

Shadow stopped whatever words he was going to say and thought about it. "Well, I suppose...Shit. Are you sure Tails knew something was up about him?"

"He read the stereo. Or that's at least what Tails said it looked like. The guy was reading it just by standing by it. Then he went to the laptop hooked up to it and didn't touch it or anything - he just kept reading nothing. His eyes kept moving, but nothing was happening."

"Maybe. Let's suppose he can hack into things. That would put him as a valuable asset to Samwell, and a threat to us because…" Shadow trailed off.

"He'd be able to hack into anything electronically that we have. Maybe even so far as bank accounts," Sonic suggested. "He might know everything about what we do through things like credit cards or our phones. He's been around both, technically, since we've met him in person before. What if he managed to read our phones while they were still in our pockets?"

Shadow put his hands up as if to slow him down. "Alright. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, here. We'll deal with Peter, alright? After we deal with Flame and Scourge. Maybe Scourge has more information on Peter - maybe Flame does. They could help us and we could help them - or at least that's what it seems like at this point."

"So, Scourge we visit Monday?"

"Yes. We can talk to him then. Maybe we'll see Rosy, maybe not. I don't know if the child and her are staying with Scourge, or if he's done the smarter thing and moved them to a more secure location."

Sonic scoffed. "Because that's what would you do?"

"Absolutely." Shadow wasn't going to think that through for another second. "If I had a mate and a child and their lives were at risk, I would put them somewhere on the other side of the world if it meant they'd be safe while I dealt with the problem."

"Is that what you're trying to do?"

"Excuse me?" Shadow narrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Sonic glanced up at him with a softer look. "With Amy?"

His quills bristled. "You and I both know she'll do something reckless if it means saving an innocent life."

"Answer the question, Shadow."


Sonic cracked a smirk and put his full weight on the workbench. Pointing at Shadow, he clicked his tongue. "You might as well own up to your feelings for her tonight - to her."

"I don't have to do any such thing."

"Shadow, you just compared her to having a mate." Sonic was cocky as ever upon being able to pin Shadow down on this matter. "I don't think you can make an excuse out of this one, bud."

"Whatever," Shadow grumbled, unable to find any words to fight back with. "That's not important right now. Are we going to talk to Flame at the funeral tomorrow?"

"After the funeral," Sonic stated. "Sonia wants us all to have dinner in town - lunch technically. It's an early service."

"So, what - we have that nice conversation during lunch with everyone, including Amy and Sarah, listening?"

"No. We talk to him in private somehow. Sonia talked about going somewhere after lunch to let the kids play. Said we should go hang out and do something in Mom's memory. Like bowling."

Shadow scowled. "I know your mother was into that before the sickness caught up with her - but do we have to?"

"Just because we kick your ass every time doesn't excuse you from it this time," Sonic raised his eyebrows at him as if to reprimand a child. "You're going to suck up whatever my sister has planned. We're going to talk to Flame in private and see what he knows."

Shadow agreed with a nod, and the two remained standing there in silence for a few minutes.

Sonic cleared his throat. "So, you and Amy…"

"Shut up," Shadow hissed under his breath. His expression became softer as he mumbled, "I pissed her off this morning, anyway. I keep trying to push her out of this nonsense so she doesn't do something foolish, but she keeps pressing the matter."

"She is stubborn."

"It's not helpful."

Sonic gave an exasperated sigh. "You said you'd tell her. You know, maybe you should stop trying to keep her out of this? I mean, she knows all about it - she was the first one to know. What she doesn't know is that you're actually doing something about it. Actually, she probably saw straight through me. So, if anything, she's probably more pissed off at you. What'd you do?"

"Nothing. Words that I regret," Shadow whispered mainly to himself. "I need to think of a way to apologize...Or cancel the date. Hell, maybe cancel all of this."

"What?" Sonic was becoming confused at the rambling male. "What are you talking about?"

Shadow let out a sharp exhale as he clasped his hands and sat back down on the stool, being next to Sonic who was still leaning against the workbench. "Like I said earlier, Blaze and Silver are leaving after this Samwell situation is put to rest and he is dealt with - and Blaze might take Amy along with her. The cat made it quite clear with her words and actions that she doesn't like me - around Amy or not."

Sonic narrowed his eyebrows a little at the words. "They're leaving? Will they be at the wedding?"

"Who knows. Maybe? Silver tried to calm her down. He seems okay with me."

"Blaze can't make Amy do anything. Amy's a grown adult capable of making her own decisions - what happened to her in New York was just a run of bad luck that luckily led her here. We should be grateful for that, honestly. I missed her," Sonic cracked a small smile. "It's nice to see how much she's grown and become responsible - you're just a bit better at the whole adulting thing than she is. I think you two could easily lean on one another and be happy. You two seem closer now than I could have imagined possible."

Shadow was trying to find the right answer, but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to respond to Sonic. He wasn't sure if he wanted to say anything, really.

So, the blue blur continued, "If you pissed her off, just apologize. Words you regret aren't anything new - neither are lies. As far as everything is concerned, we're all lying to one another. I think we should just come out in the open with the Samwell situation and work together on it - as a team, like old times. It's easier that way. I could tell Tails. Knuckles has probably informed Rouge all about it. Rouge is probably going to strangle me on Monday - Monday. Shadow, I forgot," he turned to the Ultimate Life Form, "Rouge said they'd come and visit Monday."

"But we're going to Scourge's."

"Well, we won't be there all day. Maybe we can convince them to show up later."

"Great." Shadow wasn't too fond of the idea of seeing Rouge still. He was trying to work his nerves up to it.

"You're going to have to talk to her eventually, and not just over the computer. It'll be fine, Shadow. She understands it might be hard for you to grasp the situation. I think as long as you don't hate her kids, you'll be fine," he gave a small laugh.

"What were they like?"

"The twins? They were kids, as expected. Talked about aliens a lot - one's a lot more talkative. The other, Derrick, is more shy. Dexter was like a firecracker by the time they got to the hotel, though."

"I really doubt they know the situation that happened to Rouge."

"What - that their father isn't Knuckles?" Sonic made some sort of sound that got caught in his throat, as if not believing Shadow would actually suggest that the twins know the truth. "They're kids, Shadow. As far as it seemed, they full heartedly think Knuckles is their father - and he is. So, don't go spouting shit in front of them. It's not like they were adopted, it's different. Way different."

"Yes, I understand. I wouldn't have dreamt of doing that. Too many questions to answer for such little, innocent minds," Shadow noted. "I'm not completely heartless, Sonic."

"No, I know you're not," Sonic smirked and shoved his shoulder. "Amy is a clear show of that."

Shadow grumbled incoherent words under his breath while Sonic chuckled. The two were engulfed in silence for a couple of seconds once more before a thought hit the latter.

"Shadow, you said Blaze showed through her words and actions that she didn't like you. What do you mean? I mean, I don't get what evidence she has to hate you when you only helped us during the war." Sonic felt a protectiveness wash over him at the sight of Shadow hitching his breath and letting it out in a tremble. "Shadow? What did she do?"

"She didn't quite get that far. It's hardly anything to be upset about. Silver was quick to come to my defense, although I would have let her - "


Sonic didn't normally make Shadow feel as small as a child, but it was times like this that he succeeded. Shadow didn't mind the fact that Sonic would always come to his aid when someone was cruel to his very existence - it was annoying as Shadow didn't want to cause a bigger scene, but he wasn't about to tell the cobalt hedgehog what to do. Sonic was his own self when pushed to his limits of anger, and Shadow knew better than to press those buttons as Sonic knew the same for Shadow. It was an understanding between them, only for slightly different reasons.

Those that were rude to Sonic, weren't rude to him because of his hero days. It was typically something as stupid as bumping into them or cutting in line by accident. For Shadow, it was obviously when someone brought back the past in a form of a milkshake to his face. That was when Sonic typically snapped. When he saw anyone he cared for being mistreated - as any friend probably would.

In those moments, Sonic turned into an angry mother bear, and Shadow was placed into the uncomfortable position as being the cub, so to speak. And there was absolutely nothing Shadow could do to stop Sonic when he was suddenly treated like a child in need of defense.

"It was nothing."

He still tried his best, though.

Sonic's fur turned a little darker, and it was the first sign that told Shadow he should probably just tell the truth of what had occurred.

Shadow groaned in annoyance. "She tried to spit on me."

With a gust of wind, Shadow was alone in the workshop.

Letting out a sigh, Shadow figured he should probably head towards Blaze as quickly as possible - even though Sonic was no doubt already yelling at her. There was hardly anything he could do about it when Sonic started.

Without another thought, Shadow left as quickly as Sonic had.

Sonic had to walk into the house to look as nonchalant as possible, but on the inside he was furious.

How could she? Blaze? Really? I swear to God, I'm gonna - ugh. It sickens me that even she could stoop that low. We were a team at one point - even Shadow was by our side - why would she try to do that?

It didn't make much sense to the blue blur, even as he walked through the house. He passed by Manic and Sunny in the living room playing the console on the TV. He figured Sarah was still asleep in their bedroom. He'd check up on her after this. He hadn't seen Amy, but he figured she was in the kitchen with her lunch.

Heading towards the only other part of the house that people would really be, Sonic went down the stairs of the basement with a scowl on his face. He could feel Shadow on his heels.

Both of their ears perked up at Silver and Blaze's voices, however. Sonic and Shadow simultaneously slowed down on the stairs to eavesdrop. Shadow put his hand on Sonic's shoulder, as if ready to drag him back upstairs, but Sonic shoved him away.

"I don't get it, Blaze!" Silver's quiet hiss went through the cold air. "You knew about Scourge-I told you not long after Shadow told me. Why are you so upset about all of this?"

"Because he didn't say anything about spies. Or us being in real danger. Or the fact that he's been lying to us all along! And you! Getting buddy-buddy with him," Blaze responded just as harshly.

"And that's a problem because?"

"You know why."

Sonic stepped forward, hitting the last step and turning the corner to see the two on the loveseat pointed towards the television. "Yes, Blaze. Do tell why it would be a problem for Silver and Shadow to actually get along? Better yet, why don't you also explain to me how you could actually try to spit in his face?"

The blue hedgehog folded his arms across his chest as he stood tall. Shadow peered around the corner before shuffling awkwardly into the room, avoiding eye contact with any of them.

Blaze stood up quickly. "Sonic. Look that was just a misunderstanding. I was upset in the moment - "

"Then apologize like you mean it," Sonic reprimanded. His gaze a merciless one. "Of all the people…How could you?"

"I know. I know you get defensive in situations like these. I know I owe him a huge apology," Blaze took a step closer while clasping her hands. With a sincere look, she turned her attention to Shadow. "I'm sorry I got so upset and tried to…" she glanced at Sonic quickly before going back to Shadow, "dehumanize you."

Shadow shook his head as if the memory didn't matter. "It's alright."

"No, it's not." Sonic gritted his teeth and judged Silver. "You just sat back and watched?"

"More like I was between the two. I mean, it happened so quickly, Sonic. Trust me, I wasn't happy about it," Silver went to Blaze's side. "Despite that, you weren't there. She was overly upset for whatever reason."

"You knew about Scourge beforehand? Why were you so upset?" Shadow interrupted. "I thought you didn't know."

"Silver tells me everything," the feline muttered. "I was more unaware about the spies. And the fact that you continue to hide things from every single one of us," she spoke softly as she closed her eyes. "Shadow, I think I understand you more than you'd like to admit. You're an outsider from the world, and the majority of society either hates you or has chosen to forget you exist. But we are the few that should accept you. With that, I still apologize that I let my emotions get ahead of me. I overreacted."

Sonic snorted in agreement. Silver gave him a stern frown in return. "Sonic, that won't help the situation. She's apologized. Are we good?"

"No." Sonic stepped forward and the white hedgehog immediately put himself between Blaze and Sonic.

For once, Blaze actually looked frightened by the blue male. Shadow's quills bristled as he took a moment to register what was happening. Sonic wasn't actually threatening Blaze, was he? She apologized with reason, and that was good enough for Shadow.

"Sonic. Relax," Shadow warned with a gruff tone. "I figured from the start that Blaze didn't like me-for whatever reason. But I'm not particularly new to that feeling of being disliked."

"Why do you dislike him, then?" Sonic paid no attention to Shadow. He was still giving off a threatening vibe that sent Silver in defensive mode.

Blaze gripped her boyfriend's arm now. "I don't know, Sonic. Society, maybe? Even Silver has told me to give him a chance, but honestly, I think my major reason is because of Amy."

Sonic stood straighter and scoffed. "What about her?"

"Well," Blaze relaxed a little as Sonic backed off. Silver, however, did not relax one bit. "For starters, she didn't tell us she was homeless, Sonic. It killed me to know that she didn't tell us. I lied awake at night, wondering if she was okay. I genuinely want the best for her."

"So? You got upset she came here all of a sudden?" Sonic guessed.


Shadow narrowed his brow in confusion. "What does this have to do with anything?"

"She just showed up here!" Blaze couldn't believe the bolshie male. "You weren't upset that she barged into your lives without much notice?"

"I wasn't about to turn a friend away, Blaze," Sonic responded. "She called me first. Yeah, it was unexpected, and she made the decision entirely on her own. And yes, in most circumstances, it would piss someone off. But Amy is a little sister to me, and I wasn't about to let her go homeless, either. If Shadow really did care about his privacy, he wouldn't have gone to pick her up - trust me."

Blaze shut her mouth for a second, processing his words. Then she spoke with a shaky and hurt tone, "Why didn't she come to us then?"

"You were on the other side of the world."

"Not really, but okay," Silver interjected. "I get it. Amy didn't want to bother us. That's how she is. She barged into your lives, and we were mostly upset about the fact that she still chose to act like nothing happened previously. Alright? We talked over email and you know what? She sounded happy, Sonic. It was so different. Go back conversations we had with her while she still had her job, and you'll see they are very different from the ones we had when she came here. So, Blaze and I could only wonder what was happening. So, we showed up upon Amy's behalf."

Sonic clenched his jaw. "You never showed up for the wedding, did you?"

"I…" Silver opened his mouth but closed it immediately. He gave Sonic a look that told him they never intended on it.

"We were hardly ever a part of your Sonic Heroes group, Sonic. You, Tails, and Knuckles were more friends than any one of us." Blaze gave him a low stare. "I mean no malice, but do you really think we'd show up this early for your wedding when we barely spoke to you in the past?"

Sonic returned the cold look. "I'm sorry to say I thought we were family, Blaze. As heroes, we always were on the move to rescue another person in need of saving. Or stopping Eggman. But once those days were done? We spent two years together in the city. We all hung out as a group. Am I the only one that recalls any of that?" He glanced between each of them. "We'd actually go out? No? No one remembers that?"

"We remember, Sonic. That doesn't mean we felt welcomed. At times, it felt more like a pity invite," Silver shrugged. "And then we all went our separate ways. If we were really family, wouldn't all of us still be a group?"

"People move on. They're still family, but they also have their own dreams to live through," Sonic reasoned.

"Then how come none of us, even you, put the effort into keeping in contact?" Blaze seemed to wince. "Because it was easier to not do that? To put our past behind us? It's not wrong, really. We all moved on and changed. But we were never family, Sonic. It was only an illusion for some. I'm sorry."

Sonic swallowed as he nodded in understanding. "You're right," he whispered in agreement. "We all could have kept in contact. Put that effort in. Maybe it's for the best that we don't try to relive the past in the future-by being with the same people, that is."

Blaze bit her bottom lip. "Okay."

Shadow narrowed his eyes as he looked between the two. "We're just going to say our goodbyes after this? What about Amy?"

"Amy will be fine with whatever choice she makes," Blaze clearly spoke. She didn't like the words, but they made it out. "Whether she moves back to New York or somewhere else. Or if she stays here. I'm not her mother. Despite wanting what's best for her, I can understand that I'm looming over her shoulder a bit too much for her liking right now. But, Shadow?"

His ears perked towards the cat. "Yes?"

Amber eyes looked deep into red. "She won't be happy to know you've kept her in the dark. Amy is the most selfless person we will ever meet. When you do tell her the truth, at least try to let her help. At the end of the day, right now, you and I are trying to do the same thing: make sure Amy is okay."

Shadow tensed his shoulders. "Samwell is the real threat. If you two do plan on leaving after he is dealt with, that might also upset Amy."

"It will. But I'll still try to be friends with her," Blaze shrugged. "I'm sure she'd come around, eventually, anyway. She doesn't like to say goodbyes."

A smirk played across his lips as he recalled Amy saying those words upon Aleena's death. It was more of a smirk of hope that Blaze was right, and that Amy would somehow manage to be the glue that held them together. It was a smirk of revelation that perhaps Amy would still keep everyone in contact with each other because despite being an outsider to society, Shadow liked to think of these people as his family.

Even Silver and Blaze. He knew it was right to include them. They all had experienced the fall of Mobius and saving Earth. An experience that drained them of the people they once were. In that way, they had had to go and find themselves again-which perhaps made up for the lack of keeping in contact with one another.

Either way, Shadow was beginning to hate goodbyes as much as Amy. As much as the next person. Because within Blaze and Sonic's eyes, he could see that neither of them wanted this. Neither of them wanted to leave this group of heroes behind. Because they were the only people together that didn't gawk at them and ask for autographs. They were real.

"Yes, I know she doesn't. You don't care then, if she stays here?"

"If she makes that choice on her own," Blaze nodded but Shadow a knowing look. "Then I would personally like to say good luck. Whatever is going on between the two of you...I must say, I've never seen her this way."

Sonic backed up to lean against the wall that jutted out past the stairs. "I don't think I've seen Shadow act this way, either," he teased.

Shadow rolled his eyes, refusing to take any sort of embarrassment Sonic would throw at him.

"You're suddenly okay with them being together, though?" Silver questioned. "I mean, the idea is there, let's all be honest with one another for once."

"You helped me see that," Blaze reminded him of their conversation. She stared at Shadow. "You deserve a chance to be happy. To be a person. And if it's with Amy, and she reciprocates those feelings, then it would only be cruel of me to say I don't approve. Society hasn't helped in shaping how I see you, but they don't know you, and neither do I. But Amy does. And I trust Amy."

Shadow gave her a curt nod. "Then there's nothing else to be said."

"Sure, there is," Silver shot out. "Have you apologized to Amy?"

"Apologized?" Blaze was suddenly not speaking as softly as before. "Apologize for what?"

Sonic laughed nervously as he didn't want the moment to be ruined by another fight. He grabbed Shadow and hauled him up the stairs rather quickly. "Don't worry, Blaze. Shadow is still working on how to correctly show his feelings without being an asshole that shuts himself off from the world! You know how it is! I mean - no, you don't! But you get it, right?!"

Blaze watched as the two disappeared up the stairs. She turned to Silver. "I made the right choice, right?"

"Of course," Silver waved it off. "Despite how hard all that was for you to say, I'm proud of you. Don't worry about that little thing that just happened, by the way."

"What happened between Amy and - "

Silver stopped her with a gentle kiss. "Arguments between people aren't a new concept, love. Let's just enjoy this free time we have now," he ushered her to the couch.


Before Blaze could do anything, she was back on the couch and under the care of her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Sonic and Shadow were in the upstairs hallway. Sonic shut the door to the stairs for the couple.

"Just in case they get spicy."

Shadow rolled his eyes but growled under his breath, "They had better not do anything to my couch."

"Relax," Sonic waved him off. "I'm sure they'll just kiss and make up for whatever was happening before we went down there. Now that it's all out of the way, though," he clapped his hands, "I have to check up on Sarah. You can go and tell Amy the truth."

Sonic didn't make it a foot away before Shadow was on his tail. "Perhaps I should see how Sarah is as well. Amy could wait."

"Oh, no, you don't," Sonic turned back around and whispered harshly, "You are going to suck it up, apologize to her, and then tell her the truth about Samwell, at least. You can confess your undying love for her some other time."

He merely scoffed at the idea.

"Not denying it," Sonic noted as he twisted back around and made it to his and Sarah's bedroom door.

A growl rumbled in Shadow's throat. "Don't you even start."

The cobalt blur shrugged with a humorous look as he opened the door. To both of their surprise, Sarah was already standing in front of the door. She rubbed her eyes as she stood pigeon-toed with her other hand reaching for the door knob that was now being pushed towards her.

"Heyyyy," she tiredly groaned as she let Sonic open the door completely. It swung inside the room, so she had to wait before she could walk out.

The two males waited patiently as she sauntered past them both and towards the bathroom across the hall. Sonic followed her hurriedly. "How are you feeling?"

"Ugh, go away."

Sonic was greeted with the bathroom door being slammed in his face. "I love you, too," he mumbled before turning to Shadow with a knowing look. "Well? You gonna go?"

The ebony hedgehog walked past him and gave him one final look. "Aren't you going to wish me luck?"

"Hell no. It's Amy," Sonic shook his head and went to his bedroom to wait for Sarah. "That much luck doesn't exist."

Shadow frowned. He walked past Manic and Sunny, both of them still focused on the video game. He decided to check the kitchen and see if Amy was still there.

Where else would she be? He thought in a duh tone to himself.

Stepping foot into the kitchen, he was greeted with a warm sight.

Amy was on the floor with her back resting against the cupboards. Between her legs was a very happy dog. Butch was getting his well-deserved attention time that he figured he needed. Even if Amy was staring blankly at nothing in particular, she was at least scratching his ears.

His tail wagged even more so when he saw Shadow.

This broke Amy's train of thought. She first looked to the ground to see Shadow's boots. Then she looked up and met his welcoming gaze. She almost forgot that she was mad at him.


"We need to talk."

His greeting wasn't exactly what she was expected - especially when he was suddenly walking past her and into the garage.

Unfortunately for Butch, Amy stood up and curiously followed him. Grimly, she came to the quick realization that Shadow was probably going to apologize for earlier, and she would most definitely bring up Samwell. Which would only cause another argument between them. She was tired of the fighting, but she wanted to be a part of this.

This might end our date for good.

Without much hesitation, the rose hedgehog followed - leaving Butch to wait for their return.

The garage was small to begin with without Shadow's truck taking up the majority of the space. Yet the truck became useful as Amy leaned against the back of it, looking into the bed of the truck that had a few tools, a spare tire, and pieces of hay scattered around. Sighing, she put her arms up on the top of the truck and pressed her full weight down, letting the tips of her shoes drag on the ground a little as she tippy-toed.

Shadow had meandered to the workbench.

He sat down on the only stool in the garage and immediately picked up a wrench absentmindedly. Looking at the messy array of metal on the workbench, Shadow reminded himself to clean the garage later. Hell, he had rather do it before speaking with Amy. He had rather done anything before speaking with Amy - because this conversation wasn't going to be easy.

Sonic said to apologize to her and tell her about Samwell, at the least. But I can't bare to bring myself to do it just yet. I can apologize to her, sure, but can I really look at her right now and tell her that I've been lying? She knows...I know she knows.

So, the question is, are we going to just be pretending at this point that neither one of us knows what the other is doing? Maybe it's for the best. I want to keep her safe from Samwell. If she tries to help, she'll intervene somewhere and get herself stuck in a mess with the bastard, I just know it. That's how the universe works for us - it's not very forgiving to begin with. She'll be pissed in the long run, but at least that'll save the fight for later.

Shadow didn't want to fight right now - especially on the night of their date. At this point, the ebony hedgehog really wanted to make things work between him and Amy. He genuinely wanted to see what could become of them. He was beginning to thoroughly enjoy her company, and he considered her a friend. He had considered her a friend a lot quicker than he ever had with Sonic. Of course, he hadn't thought of Sonic as potential romantic companion, anyway, so that didn't matter. He had hated Sonic for years. It made sense that he wouldn't immediately like the guy's company. However, he never really knew what to think of Amy besides what she truly was back then: an annoying little girl that followed Sonic around like a lost puppy.

Those feelings about Amy were long gone, though. New feelings had emerged within him, and he was ready to explore those feelings. He just needed Amy to reciprocate them. Shadow figured she wouldn't be so willing to do so if they continued to fight about this Scourge and Rosy nonsense.

Still, a pit formed in Shadow's stomach, telling him it wasn't right to continue to lie to her. But Shadow didn't know what listening to his heart really meant. He solely based his actions on his mind, and this was one of those times.


"Yes?" The pink Mobian had been lost in her own little mind.

She didn't know whether or not to bring up Scourge. She figured Shadow was going to apologize to her, especially since it had only been awkward between the two since this morning.

And we have our date tonight...It'd be terrible to have such tension between us let a good night be ruined. Still, while I want things to work with him, I don't know if I should bring anything up. Hell, I don't know if I should even talk right now. Maybe if I just let him talk, he'll go from apologizing about this morning to apologizing for lying to me. Because he is.

I just know it.

So, Amy waited for Shadow to make the first move.

"I wanted...I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I said earlier." His tone was soft, and she barely heard him. But his words were genuine.

Amy swallowed heavily as she paused, waiting to see if he'd continue, but it seemed like he was waiting for a response instead. "It wasn't very nice…"

"I know. I'm very sorry. You apologized and felt terribly guilty for the things you said to me when you first came here. I'm sorry that I spoke so badly of you as a hero - you are a hero, Amy. You always will be."

The memory of her snapping at Shadow was sharp and hurt still. Wincing inwardly, Amy turned slightly to peer over her shoulder at him. He was staring at her with such a soft gaze that she almost considered walking over to him and embracing him. But, she was still upset with him. She knew he was lying - and she was giving him the opportunity to come clean.

So, why wasn't he taking it?

"You're forgiven. I suppose we both have sharp tongues."

"It would appear so," Shadow hummed as he made the move to walk over to her. As he sauntered over, Amy tensed a little. By the time he was right up against her, Amy had relaxed only slightly. He leaned up against his truck like her, never breaking eye contact with her. "I didn't want this awkward silence between us anymore, especially not for tonight," he spoke as he brushed her front quill of her face.

Amy bit the inside of her cheek.

He's so alluring and charming, goddammit. He's also a lying jerk that isn't telling me the straight truth. But why? What benefit does he get from keeping me out of the loop of this whole situation with Scourge and Samwell? The fact that I won't get in the way or cause trouble or ruin plans? Maybe.

Is any amount of him doing it for my benefit, though? Or is he just doing this all for himself? Rouge might have known Shadow the best back then, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Shadow does things for him and himself only. He's never been in a relationship before, and he's certainly never tried to be in one. He's never felt this kind of love that I dare say I feel for him - getting stronger every moment we spend together.

Dammit to Hell and back - why is he lying? Maybe he doesn't want to fight right now...Maybe he'll tell me after the date for the sake of keeping the date still going. Maybe he knows something I don't, and the fact that he's keeping it hidden will only make me cancel the date. That would just be another thing to benefit him.

She wanted so badly to read his mind. Yet, all she could do was stare into the vermilion eyes that she was becoming accustomed to seeing - from every morning she woke up to every evening she fell asleep.

Amy felt a small lump in her throat as she realized just how deep this was getting and how quickly it was happening.

Are we going too fast? No. We've only shared a bed, so far, and it's not even been in an intimate way. There's nothing wrong with that, considering he only has two beds in the house, and I wasn't about to hop in with Sarah and Sonic. I just got sick of the couch. All fifty-million of them.

But is it? Are we? Going too fast? Is this normal? When has anything any of us have ever done been normal, though? Who knows if this would even work out then? I've only been here for a little while. Almost a month? Jeez...Almost. And this is already happening? We barely know each other. What if this is his true nature, and he actually lies a lot?

What if I can't trust him?

Amy faltered for a moment, but offered Shadow a very small smile. He didn't think of it as normal, and knew instantly that she was bothered by whatever train of thought she had been on.

"Yeah. Makes sense."

Shadow narrowed his eyes. "Are you alright, Amy?" He prayed and pleaded in his mind that she wouldn't bring anything else up. That she would just let things go for at least tonight.


The ebony hedgehog sighed, backing off a little as his shoulders slumped. Shadow knew that he would have to tell her sooner rather than later. But not right now. Not until after tonight. He just couldn't. He didn't want to argue with her anymore. "Look, I understand that you're still hung up on the other matter, but would it be completely selfish of me to ask that you quit worrying about it? When it's not something of ours to worry about?"

Amy's eyebrows narrowed just a titch. "But - "

His finger pressed against her lips, and he got closer. Shadow gritted his teeth in hopes that she would just stop being so stubborn. "For tonight? Please, Rose. I want to be around you for the sake of being around you. Nothing else."

His emphasis on the words were clear to Amy in that moment that Shadow didn't want to hear another peep about Scourge or Rosy or Samwell.

He's never going to tell me the truth. She came to the harsh realization. He's just going to keep standing there and lying to me. He's going to get involved with Sonic and who knows who else. He might have gone behind my back and even got Silver or Blaze to help him. Him, along with whoever else knows, are going to leave me out of the loop intentionally and because why? Because I might ruin the plans? Because I might become the damsel in distress?

Amy's heart ached a little at the pleading look in Shadow's gaze.

He doesn't want to argue anymore, and neither do I. But why do I have to be pushed out of helping? I can help. I want to help. This is ridiculous. If Sonic pushes me out of this, too, then who can I trust? Certainly, not Shadow. And if I can't trust Shadow, then how are we supposed to succeed in being together? We'd never have a good relationship if I can't trust him to trust me. To trust that I can handle things. That he doesn't need to control the situation.

But if he needs to control this much of it, so much that he's controlling my own actions, then I don't want to be in a relationship with him.

It was a breaking point for Amy.

While realizing how far she had fallen for the male, she also realized that if they could never be a team, then their relationship wouldn't last long. She wouldn't be happy with the relationship.

Especially if Shadow doesn't let me in. Doesn't show me emotions. Isn't a team with me.

The rose hedgehog nodded slowly. "Sure. Of course. It's not really our problem, I understand. For tonight."

Shadow gave her a pained look, knowing all too well that she wasn't happy with the conversation, and also feeling the lack of emotion on her side. He brushed her quill again and pressed their foreheads together. He looked as if he was going to say something, but then he didn't.

Instead, he pulled away and walked out of the garage - going back into the house.

Amy stood alone in the garage to contemplate some more.

Should I have called the date off instead? Before things get too complicated? What if this date actually goes smoothly, and I end up falling more in love with him?

Well, think, Amy. What do you like about him so much that you think you've fallen in love with him?

Being around him, for one, is nice. It's comforting, safe, and it feels like home here. For once, it feels like home in a place since Mobius. I could never have fathomed living in such a rural area, but I enjoy it. It's quiet and it's nice with their company - with his company.

But what if I'm jumping the gun here? What if I'm only feeling this way because it's been so long on my own that I needed companionship? That I needed to see everyone again? And I needed to press restart on my brain?

What am I really doing here? Can I really stay here and be happy? I was happy in New York - at my job. But could I be happy here, doing nothing? What would I become? A housewife?

Amy almost didn't know how to think of the idea. It sort of felt uncomfortable for her, considering she knew how Shadow would probably be.

We aren't even officially together right now, and he wants me to stay home. He didn't want me looking at the job at the cafe. He wanted me here, and he was fully prepared to hire me as a maid or something. I can't imagine how much more controlling he might be if we were married. Or had kids.

The idea almost felt a little foreign to Amy. Despite her dream from before, she didn't think Shadow would actually want children. And even if he did, Shadow was already more in tune with his instincts than any male she had met.

If we were mates, and I was home for so long with him, how close would we be? God, we'd be so used to each other's company. But in turn, how protective would he get? Especially on my period. Amy shuddered at the memory of how Shadow acted, and even how she acted. She was still unsure if it was because they were both attracted to one another, or if Shadow was just instinctive in that moment. But, that didn't stop her from wondering how bad it might be if they were together.

No. Sally's books said otherwise. Just like why Sonic doesn't lose control around Sarah - they're already mates. That was the whole idea. If Shadow and I were to get closer, it would be easier for the both of us to act like normal beings - to act more human than animal. But that still doesn't mean Shadow wouldn't be overly protective - or possessive. And if we did have kids - oh, God. He'd be ten times worse. He might not admit it, but he's already that way with Petunia and Jeffery, but imagine him like that with his own kids - kids of his own flesh and blood.

Amy heavily swallowed as she leaned a little too much and ended up falling to the ground rather slowly. Sitting on the cold cement, her back pressed up against the tire.

Would I really want that for my life? To be stuck here with Shadow forever?

Well, he's not all that bad. Like, before, it feels like home here. I feel comfortable around him. We have similarities that we didn't have in the past. We understand one another. He can actually crack jokes around me. But he isn't the best at showing his emotions, and because of that, I think he's trying to protect me by lying to me.

While it was a flattering thought, that didn't make up for the fact that Shadow was also incapable of being completely trustworthy at the moment.

We'd have to work through that together, and even then, he might still try to hide things. Or I'm just overlooking this one thing. If he is doing this as a weird way of protecting me because he can't express his feelings, then that means a) he has the same feelings for me that I do for him, and b) he's more worried that something bad will happen to me rather than me screwing something up. Or at least, I think that's what I'm getting from this.

Amy sighed heavily to clear her head.

Alright. Tonight, I'll try to enjoy the date with Shadow. Then afterwards, like tomorrow morning or late tonight, I will talk to him about the whole situation and clear the air. I know that Sonic is involved somehow, and that Shadow has told Sonic. I just hope that the others wouldn't do that to me...because then that might mean they all think I get in the way of things…

The thought wasn't comforting to Amy. It hurt really - to think that her good friends might be agreeing with Shadow in that Amy would only ruin things.

But if he continues to dodge the situation, then that's it. I'm not going to waste my time trying to fix Shadow. I'm not here to fix the Ultimate Life Form - considering he isn't the type to really accept help anyway.

However, the notion of calling things off like so also hurt Amy. She didn't want to give up on her and Shadow. A large part of her had become attached to him for some strange, bizarre reason that she figured she would never be able to fully explain.

So...maybe I just think about this a bit longer. Maybe I get my own help, considering Shadow told Sonic and kept that from me. I don't see why I can't at least get some sort advice.

Amy pursed her lips in thought.

I wonder if Sarah's busy right now.

"He went out for groceries."

Samwell plucked at the wooden table. It was a normal looking kitchen within a normal looking house. Yet the three occupied in the room were far from normal.

A maroon wolf was busy applying peanut butter to a jelly coated sandwich. She licked her thumb as she set the peanut butter aside and began to eat the sandwich. Twisting around, she chewed and stared at her boss - who remained quiet.

The other being in the room was a snake. His gaze caused shivers to race up her spine and her tail to poof up just a little. The hair on the back of her neck rose whenever she caught him looking. For the most part, the snake kept to himself and watched Samwell, just the same as she did. Both waited for him to make a sound.

Margaret sighed as she took another bite. "You still thinking about putting that little pipsqueak on the main team?"

"Yes." His response was thoughtful sounding but simple.

"Frankly, I don't get it," Margaret smacked her food as she set the sandwich on the counter without any plate whatsoever. "He's not completely different from what some of the others could do. Yeah, he's one of the closer ones - at least to that chipmunk and Sonic's girlfriend, but who the hell cares about that? We'll have them right where we want them, anyway. With or without Peter."

"Peter is a valuable asset to us," Samwell shook his head. "He's also one that I know will follow my orders."

The snake scoffed from behind Samwell. "How the hell do you figure that? Peter is just like any of the others on the list - they could turn any moment."

"No. He's not. Peter is something none of the others are when it comes to facing against me."

Margaret narrowed her eyes. "And that is?"

Samwell put his chin in his hand and rested his arm on the table. "He's a coward. He'll listen to every word so long as it means the chipmunk lives. We keep getting information out of him as to their current whereabouts. Last week's report was...delightful, to say the least. Just as Flame said, they're getting prepared for a funeral."

"Big whoopee," Margaret took another bite of her sandwich. "That's not when we're gonna do shit, is it?"

"No. Just Flame. I have something special planned for him - to prove his loyalty more or less. Or to prove that he, too, might be just as much of a coward as Peter is. He'll do anything to keep his family safe."

"I'll never understand how you liked the guy," Margaret rolled her eyes. "He was nothing but a dick to me. And then he met that girl. Ugh."

"Sounding jealous, Maggie?" the snake raised an eyebrow.

"Shut it, Jasper. You know that's not the case. I got Charles."

"Yes, the man you married at the ripe age of sixteen. Congratu-fucking-lations," Jasper snorted. "It's not exactly a proud moment, hm? Especially to lose your newborn in all that mess on Mobius - "

"Shut it," she growled menacingly. "At least I didn't lose my little sister - "

Jasper disappeared for a split second before he reappeared right in front of her, grasping at her throat. Margaret dropped her sandwich and reached for his wrist. She gasped for air as his eyes wrote nothing but murder across them.

Samwell stood to interrupt them. "Would you two relax? Jasper, back off. All of this will be paid for in due time. Very soon."

Jasper slowly let go but gave a warning hiss. "After this is over, mutt, I might not let you live."

"I'll have you locked in an asylum before that happens, Williams," Margaret snarled.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Margaret's ears pinned to the back of her head as she backed away from Jasper. He disappeared once more and then showed up across the room as if nothing had happened.

Samwell took a glimpse at the badger that walked in. "Nothing, Charles. Your wife and Jasper were getting a little hotheaded."

The badger looked as tough as he was, but he didn't have much for a brain. He glanced to the wolf and shared a soft gaze with her before looking at Samwell. "You decide on Puss?"

"His name is Peter. You've known him for several years. I don't understand the nicknames you all throw at one another," Samwell shook his head as he spoke. "But yes. I'm going to let Peter join the main team - he's not going to do something foolish and get himself killed. That would mean Sally would be killed as well, and he knows that. Same as Scourge and Flame. Now, are the trucks ready? I have the backhoe until tomorrow, then we've got to return it."

"Tomorrow?" Charles scratched the back of his head. "Uh...We haven't quite gotten started yet on the first list of names, Sam."

Samwell sighed as he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I want the first thirty gone by tomorrow. Margaret will help you and your crew. Jasper?"


"I figured," Samwell wasn't going to argue. He threw his hands in defeat and turned to Margaret. "Make sure you aren't followed. Once you hit the mountains, you'll be clear. The backhoe is already in place there, outside the cabin. Just get to it."

"Yes, sir. Charlie?" the wolf walked up to her mate and grabbed his arm. "Where's the list?"

Charles faltered for a minute before looking at Samwell. "You're sure about this?"

"We don't need all of these loyal members with us, anymore. They'll slow us down, Charles," Samwell cleared his throat. "I won't have any risk of anyone talking, so I'm getting rid of them. Well, you're doing the dirty work, but you get it. Like a mob. You should feel lucky, Charles. You're useful. Besides, no human is going to care if a few Mobians go missing - that's the beauty of us overpopulating Earth even more so. Humans despise us already."

Despite the lack of emotion in Samwell's smile, Charles nodded. He patted his pocket as if to answer the previous question. "Alright. Let's go, Maggie."

He led the way out but stopped shortly, looking at the sandwich on the floor. Pointing to it, Charles glared at Jasper. "Pick that shit up. I don't have a pigsty for a house, Venom."

Jasper rolled his eyes as Charles and Margaret left. Against his own desire, he cleaned up the sandwich. "Their nicknames are starting to get worse."

"Yes. Say, don't you have a party to get ready for?" Samwell changed the topic as Jasper sat down at the table with him.

The snake shrugged. "It'll take me two seconds to be there. I already scoped out the barn - what with perks of renting one of their cabins. They got some nice land, honestly. Some good shit to take if we want."

"No. We aren't messing with the humans right now," Samwell shook his head. "Just be there on time and stick to the plan."

"Of course, Sam."

"I mean it, Jasper. We're not attacking anyone yet. I need you to keep your cool and scout to see what they're up to - who all is there. Peter looked into some texts and emails. The bat and echidna should have flown in by now. See if they're at the party."

"And if they're not?"

"Then perhaps they'll be at the funeral. We need confirmation that they're here, though, before anything can take place. They're the last ones we're waiting for, but we don't have access to anything under their names to see where they are."

"And their kids?"

"What about them?"

"What are we gonna do with everyone?" Jasper questioned, unsure if Samwell really knew what he was doing. "You have your eyes set on Tails for the portal. I have mine on Sonic for the southern bombs on Mobius. But what about the kids in all of this?"

"You suggest we let them go?"

"Hell no." Jasper gave a little sadistic grin as he leaned back. "I'm just saying - with the plan, the kids might not even be in the area that the adults are in. So, if we were to corner the heroes somewhere, the kids would be left perfectly alone. Easy pickings."

"I'll let someone else handle them besides you."

"Can't stop me, Sammy."

"Don't call me that," the bat gritted his teeth. He stared at the table before narrowing his eyebrows. "Did you say the southern bombs?"

"Yeah," Jasper picked at something in his teeth. "That's how Penelope died. We couldn't get out with the group fast enough."

Samwell looked confused for a moment. He had researched the events of the fall of Mobius up and down. He knew every aspect of it like the back of his hand. It led him to know everything about Tails and the rest of the heroes. It led to this moment. But one thing didn't sit straight with what Jasper just said.

"Sonic wasn't in the southern bombs of Mobius fiasco."

"What are you talking about?" Jasper suddenly looked just as confused. "That stupid wolf said he was the cause of it the moment I joined you guys."

"No." Samwell shook his head. "That girl was - Amy Rose. She was the one trying to guide people out. They genuinely let a child try and save people. She was only twelve or so when it all went down."

"Twelve?" Jasper looked as if he was ready to choke someone. "Fucking twelve? I was older than her and couldn't see shit through the smoke. I knew that area more than her, then. Amy Fucking Rose? That stupid little bitch you were caught up on the moment she arrived in town?"

"It's all thanks to Amy that this is happening, really. She brought everyone together again. A little reunion of sorts," Samwell clasped his hands together and leaned forward. "But it'll be their downfall. Amy led the southern team with several other fighters against that Robotnik guy. Didn't mean she was smart about it. Honestly, any one of those heroes on Angel Island could have seen the bombs coming from where they were at."

"The echidna?" Jasper fidgeted in his seat, suddenly aching to grasp another throat.

"Yeah. He was up there until the very end of it all - trying to find a way to save the stupid rock up there. Who knows if he did? But it wasn't Sonic that killed your sister. It was Amy. She could have gone different routes. We've looked at them all with people who knew the land. She should have taken the - "

"The canyon down. It was safer and only a day behind schedule, I know. I remember my parents arguing about it and considering breaking off from the group," Jasper growled. "I wished they had. Then I lost them. Then Penny."

Samwell gave him a promising look. "You'll get your peace, Jasper. Just wait. Follow the plan tonight, and don't lose your head. Even if you see Amy. Understand?"

Jasper clenched his jaw and nodded.

The bat rose from his seat. "Well, good luck, then. Shouldn't be too difficult. I'll see you later tonight or early morning. Try not to drink too much either," he clapped the table before exiting the room.

Jasper sat there in silence, except for the clock on the wall ticking by.

It was that little pink hedgehog all along?

He felt as if he'd been cheated suddenly. That damn wolf had told him it was Sonic's fault for the southern groups getting bombed by Eggman. But it had been Amy Rose. And Jasper knew Samwell wouldn't lie - Samwell couldn't lie to him. He wasn't good at it, and Jasper saw straight through it. Samwell knew the events that had transpired on Mobius.

How could I have been so foolish to believe Margaret so quickly? Well...this makes things more interesting on my part. I thought for sure that I'd get to have no fun in torturing Sonic, so I also wanted his little mate. Even for a little fun now, if she truly is with child. I might still try her out, too.

His cold, blue eyes glared at nothing in particular and screamed insanity.

After Amy, of course. Before then, I might have some more fun, though. After all, Sam is right. The humans won't notice if a few Mobians go missing.

In fact, they'd love it as much as I would.

At one point in time, Amy figured she would have more to do with her long quills rather than having them short for her entire life. She was beginning to hate the idea entirely, but she wasn't the only one.

"I'm thinking of just cutting it all off," Sarah motioned to her own quills as the two stared into the bathroom mirror. They were supposed to be getting ready for the birthday party - so far, they'd only gotten dressed.

"Maybe I can braid it," Amy whispered mainly to herself. She limply tried, but she didn't see much of a reason to look good. Not anymore.

She wasn't the only one noticing her half-ass attempts, either.

Brown eyes lazily looked over at her. "What are you doing?"

The pink hedgehog let her quills fall down smoothly. They weren't wavy like Sarah's, fortunately. "I don't know…"

"It's okay to be nervous, I guess. I mean, you don't seem to be nervous around Shadow, but whatever you got going. It's only a birthday party - not much of a scenery for a date if you ask me."

Amy bit the inside of her lip as she watched Sarah. The green hedgehog pulled her own quills up into a messy bun and decided to call it good.

"Can I ask you something?"

Sarah was caught off guard. She stared at Amy through the mirror with wide eyes. "What?"

"I need some advice."

"Pfft, it's just Shadow. It's not rocket science, Amy. You two get along."

Amy leaned her palms onto the counter. Thankfully, it was just them in the tiny bathroom with the door shut. It was the perfect time to corner Sarah and ask advice, since Sonic had hogged up all of Sarah's time until this moment.

"That's not what I mean…"

"Well, what is it?"

She chewed her bottom lip, watching Sarah nitpick the messy bun. "Hn...I guess it's more like relationship advice in general. Certain aspects of it, maybe."

"Amy, what the hell are you going on about?" Sarah droned - not particularly in the mood to play guessing games.

"If Sonic were being dodgy with you, what would you do?"

"Dodgy?" Sarah's nose scrunched up. She was confused suddenly. "Is there something I should be concerned about?"

"No." Amy figured perhaps it would be best to not let Sarah in on the Samwell situation. Sure, at certain points of the day she really wanted to blurt it all out to Sarah. At least she knew that Sarah would actually listen to her and not wave her off immediately. "Not you. But for me. Shadow's...difficult."

"Probably because he's never been in an actual relationship before?" Sarah suggested, enunciating each word as if Amy were a small child. "Amy, he's barely truthful with himself."

"That doesn't make it right that he won't open up to me about certain things that should definitely involve the both of us."

"And what things are that?" Sarah didn't quite believe her. "Amy, you've barely been here. You don't know how half the farm works. What could you possibly have to be involved with that Shadow does?"

Amy opened her mouth to speak, but she realized she couldn't. If she did, she'd let it slip that it wasn't farm work causing the rift between Shadow and Amy having a relationship. It was an actual person that threatened lives including their own that was causing this rift. It was the fact that Shadow shut her out and treated her like a defenseless child.

"He's shutting me out. As if I can't stand up for myself. He won't let me partake in things anymore, even if I want to," she tried to skip around telling Sarah the truth, but it was thin ice.

Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Shadow would never say no to help on the farm...unless you don't do it right."

"Let's pretend it's not the farm work for a second, okay?" Amy suggested. "Let's pretend it's helping someone out. Hm? Like, for instance, hypothetically, we both have a mutual friend who needs help but won't admit it. So, I choose to help them because I want to. Shadow chooses to not help them, and not only does he choose to not help them, he decides that I can't either."

"So, he's controlling you?"


"Even though you're an adult?" Sarah continued to raise her eyebrow. She wasn't sure she was following Amy's story.


"And in between this all, how is he being dodgy?"


"You said Shadow was being difficult, and then posed the question of what I would do if Sonic was being dodgy. Dishonest. How is Shadow being dishonest?"

"I think he's actually helping the person behind my back and not letting me help."

"Well, is it the Wilson's? I mean, technically, you don't know them that much. Who else would you and Shadow have as a mutual friend out here if you haven't been here that long?"

"," Amy stumbled trying to find her words. She stared down at the drain in the sink. Sarah watched her every move, waiting for a response. "No. I mean, it could be Silver or Blaze. It's not important that you know who. What would you do if Sonic kicked you out of helping someone you wanted to help, told you he wasn't going to help, and then turned around behind your back and helped them?"

"That's what I don't get," Sarah shook her head. "Why would Shadow not let you help, but then help? Is it dangerous? Is it for your safety or something?"

"Let's say it is," Amy shrugged. "Hypothetically, of course."

"Of course," Sarah was getting suspicious that Amy was now being the dodgy one. She wasn't going to pry though. Sarah knew where her concerns lied and it wasn't with whatever the hell Amy and Shadow had going on. "Well, then, I'd confront him, maybe?"

"And if I have several times, and it doesn't make a difference?"

"Look, Amy," Sarah sat up on the counter and caught her gaze. "You and Shadow aren't in a relationship. You have a mere date with the guy at a birthday party tonight. You've known him for almost a month now - that doesn't mean you know every little thing about the guy or how he acts. Is he new to relationships? Yes. Does that mean there's a chance he won't be able to open up for awhile if you two start dating? Probably. The guy has trust issues as is. However, if he's being dodgy, maybe it's a sign that this relationship won't work out. I'm not trying to push you two together or apart. You ask for advice, this is what I'll say: decide for yourself if you think you can get him to openly trust you to make your own decisions. It sounds like he's just trying to parent you more than anything. Like he doesn't trust you to take care of yourself. Like Blaze was trying to do, and look how you reacted to her."

"But I can take care of myself!"

"And the fact that you had to come live with us - miles away from New York - is kind of a sign that you can't take care of yourself. Or at least you need help to get back on your feet. I'll tell you right now that if you stay, Amy, you're going to be dependent on Shadow for the rest of your life."

Amy's ears pinned back. The words stung. "So, you don't think I can take care of myself, either?"

"You can. You will. But do you really think that if you and Shadow started dating, and you stayed with him, you'd actually find a job out here in the middle of nowhere? You could take care of yourself mentally and physically, sure. But getting a job? Making your income? Where out here? There's nothing for miles, and you weren't interested in the cafe - which is gonna be shut down next year guaranteed."

Amy exhaled heavily, trying to control her sudden anger. "Why can't anyone see that I'm capable of things? Capable of taking care of myself? Capable of not depending on anyone?"

"Ha!" Sarah folded her arms. "Wake up, hon. You're depending on Shadow's income right now. On Sonic's income. On my income. You came here - almost uninvited. You called Sonic and welcomed yourself in, and you know it. Sonic pretty much planned on avoiding Shadow for awhile when you got here because Shadow wasn't happy with the idea - neither was I. Another roommate? Okay, fine by me. Oh, she doesn't make any income and she's welcomed herself in someone else's home? Let me just take the clothes off my back and give it to her! Not a single fucking thanks, anyway."

Amy avoided looking at her. The tears were building up, but she refused to look weak in front of another person. She wrapped her arms around her waist in comfort as she turned away. "I'm sorry."

Hearing Sarah sigh, Amy flinched when she was hugged from behind.

"It's okay. I'm sorry. I snapped a bit there." Sarah pressed her cheek against Amy's shoulder. "You're a wonderful person, Amy. I mean, I asked for you to be in my wedding because I don't know anyone else and you seemed like a new friend - you are. Your circumstances aren't mine to be concerned with whatsoever unless you choose so. If you don't trust Shadow, maybe you two shouldn't be together. He's got a lot to learn with relationships, and you have a lot to learn about yourself. But you choose what's best for you. You're still young. We all are."

Amy swallowed the lump in her throat. "Maybe I'll go back to New York then…"

"You do what's best for yourself, first, Amy. If that's what's best for you, then so be it."

Sarah let go of her and opened the bathroom door to step out. Before she could, Amy stopped her with a quick hug. Sarah was caught by surprise, but she could feel Amy practically trembling. "Amy?"

"Thank you. I'm sorry I intruded in everyone's lives, but it was nice to see everyone again. So nice. I swear, whatever happens, I'll repay you guys."

Sarah offered her a small smile. "Take your time, Amy. We're in no rush. You just focus on getting back on your feet, you hear?"

"Will do."

The rose hedgehog sniffed, and her eyes cleared up. The feeling of wanting to cry was gone, thankfully. She let Sarah go, and the latter left down the hall and towards the kitchen. Amy was left alone in the bathroom.

She stared at the mirror, slowly braiding her quills.

I don't understand Shadow's reasoning for not letting me help. I have a hunch that he is helping. A strong one. He's continuing to lie and say that he isn't, though. I'm not sure I can be in a relationship with someone I can't trust to let me do my own things. I'll confront him tonight about it.

But maybe it's not entirely important tonight.

I have to figure out what's best for my future. Putting Scourge and Rosy aside, I need to know what my own plans look like. Is it with Shadow or not? Should I go back to New York or start somewhere new - or stay here?

If I stay here, can I help Shadow learn to trust me? Learn to trust that I can take care of myself?

The braid was mediocre at best.

She was too busy staring at the reality in the mirror looking back at her. It was one of those moments that felt out of place - reminded her that she was a person on a planet that was living and breathing. A person that had to be taken care of. And she suddenly had a moment to herself that made her shoulders relax.

I have to make my own decision - choose what's best for me. I have to take care of myself first and foremost. I don't have to be with Shadow, but I do like him. I don't have to stay here, but it does feel like home.

But perhaps that's all in the moment - perhaps it's only because this is the first time in a long time that I haven't been afraid I won't have a roof over my head. Maybe I am becoming too dependent on him.

She was torn between wanting to stay by Shadow's side and become his equal, or moving away to figure out her life on her own. She had depended so much on so many people in the past that her first go at trying to live on her own crashed and burned. Amy wasn't sure what to decide or how to make that decision.

But she knew a way to find out.

I don't have to confront him tonight. I can just forget about Scourge and Rosy for tonight - for one measly night - and enjoy my time with Shadow. Who knows...maybe he'll open up with me more if I act like I've finally started to listen to him.

Despite not liking the idea of essentially being obedient to Shadow, Amy did like the thought of enjoying her date with him. She wanted to enjoy the date - she wanted it so badly. The rose hedgehog looked forward to any moment spent with Shadow now.

Just because we have a disagreement on this situation doesn't mean we can't enjoy our date and actually get to know one another.

With her choice in mind, she gave herself an encouraging nod and marched out of the bathroom.

She was going to enjoy the date and put Scourge at the back of her mind.

Silver didn't know much about the Wilson clan.

He only knew that they were successful farmers/ranchers in the middle of God knows where, and their barn screamed interior designing disaster.

They had cheap Christmas lights hung around the rafters and beams. A plastic table supported the punch bowl and the fruit salads that were delicious but weren't agreeing to his stomach. The dance floor was dirt, and their DJ was a laptop hooked up to a stereo with a middle-aged woman running it.

He didn't want to be stereotypical, but her choice in music was merely country.

"Can't this place choose something different for genre?" He wasn't sure where his girlfriend had meandered off to. Hell, he didn't know where his friends had ended up. The moment he found Tails, he had stuck to the fox like glue.

"You get used to it. I think they only know country exists," Tails remarked. He was busy looking at his phone, however.

Silver searched for the crowd for a familiar face. He still hadn't found Blaze. As much as he appreciated Tails' company, he wanted someone who would actually talk face to face for more than two minutes. It was the business side of him that itched to rip the phone out of the fox's hands. "So, the girlfriend couldn't make it?"

"She's not my girlfriend, and no."

"So, who you texting?"

"Uh...her. You know, she's just checking in and whatnot." Tails made haste as he finished a text and closed his phone, looking through the medium sized group of people in the large enough barn. "There's Blaze."

"Thank God," Silver mumbled under his breath as he caught sight of purple.

Fortunately, the hedgehog was gone just as quickly as Tails spotted Blaze. The Mobian rocked on his heels in place as he watched Silver disappear in the crowd, no doubt following Blaze now.

Tails glanced across the way to the barn doors where Frank and Jo were both talking. Sonic and Sarah stood by them, all conversing in what looked like a deep conversation. Shadow was MIA, but Tails imagined he was with Amy. Manic and Sunny had never left the dance floor the moment they arrived.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he was suddenly ripped out of reality again.

You'll have to let me know when you plan on coming to see me again.

A smile crept across his face as he responded to the text.

Hopefully this next weekend. I have time off, and Sonic will be busy.

Tails scanned the crowd as he leaned up against a wooden column. The stairs to the rafters were behind him. He could hear some kids playing upstairs in the straw. Shadow had his arm around Amy's waist as he was introducing her to more of the Wilson family, no doubt. The person looked familiar, but Tails couldn't put a name to the face.

One of the few Wilson kids to actually leave the state, I think. Either way, it's nice to see Amy and Shadow together like this.

A part of the scene felt right. Shadow seemed so comfortable with the pink hedgehog and vice versa. Despite Tails noticing the little moments of tension and hesitation between the two when they first arrived at the party, he figured all was going smoothly.

I'm sure it was just date jitters. Amy might still feel unsure about all of this, but she looks happy enough. Maybe a little out of her element here. Which is odd considering she's so energetic and a people person.

And the more the fox analyzed the situation, the more he realized that there was something off - at least with Amy. She wasn't smiling uncontrollably like she usually did. She wasn't chipper looking like she normally was. While it wasn't unusual for her to have her off days, he assumed that something was wrong.

The biggest red flag appeared when she tried to distance herself from Shadow all of a sudden.

His arm dropped from her waist, but he didn't seem bothered by it. He was too enthralled with the conversation he was having with the Wilson family member. Amy looked out of place all of a sudden - unwelcomed in the conversation that she wasn't partaking in any longer. She stood there awkwardly, swaying further away as she held one wrist with her hand, looking off to the side.

Hm. Nevermind - I take it back. I guess she isn't looking too happy. Maybe it's because Shadow's in his own conversation? I can understand the feeling of meeting all of the Wilson's - despite being a people person, the Wilson's are another level.

Another buzz of his phone had him forgetting the situation.

Awesome! I can't wait. I miss you.

Even if Amy wasn't feeling anything at the moment on her date, Tails felt his own butterflies in his stomach. He smiled again at his phone.

Miss you, too. Night, Cream.

It was a quick response from the opposite end.

Goodnight :) Have fun!

He put his phone back in his pocket as he made eye contact with Sonic. The two nodded from across the way. The next thing Tails knew, Sonic was escorting himself and Sarah over to where the fox stood.

Sighing, Tails continued to relax against the post. "Fun night so far?" he offered Sarah a smile.

She, as usual, barely returned it. They all knew she wasn't a people person, and parties more or less gave her a reason to hate people some more. "You know it."

"C'mon. It looked like a deep conversation you were having over there with Frank and Jo."

"Yeah," she rolled her eyes. "You know, just budget talk."

Sonic scoffed as he put an arm around her shoulders. "Should we find a seat?"

"What you two aren't dancing like your brother?" Tails jokingly pointed at Manic and Sunny, who were both still on the dance floor. "They haven't lost steam yet. I think it's a challenge for ya."

"Hell to the no," Sarah grumbled. "Parties? Okay. Food? Outstanding. Dancing? Fuck off."

Sonic gave him a small smirk. "Anyway, what were you up to? I saw Silver over here."

"Yeah, he found someone better - Blaze."

Sonic led the other two to the nearest wooden picnic table and sat down. The barn was large enough that it could fit several tables for all the people the Wilson's had to accommodate to. They all got comfortable at the table. "Sounds like Silver."

"I'm surprised they aren't married, honestly," Sarah noted. "Maybe they aren't into the idea."

"Maybe," Sonic shrugged. "So, you come alone tonight, Tails?"

"Yeah," the fox could feel the weight of the phone in his coat pocket. The last thing he needed was for Sonic to have noticed how focused he was earlier on his phone. It would spark questions that he didn't want to answer. "How are Shadow and Amy?"

"Good, all things considered," Sarah responded. "Seems like they're having a bit of a rough patch."

"Nothing that doesn't happen to most couples," Sonic offered a small smile to her. He glanced over at Tails. "Saw Rouge and Knuckles today."

"Right. How was that? I miss Knuckles, actually."

Sonic snorted at the last bit. "Never thought I'd be able to miss that knucklehead either, but it was good to see him. Rouge, too."

"The kids? What were they like?"

"They were kids," Sonic shrugged as Sarah softly grinned. "Happy-go-lucky little squirts in a big world." He glanced around the crowd. Seeing his brother still dancing with Sunny, he searched for Shadow and Amy or Blaze and Silver. He couldn't find either of the couples. "Where do you think they all went off to?"

"Can't tell in this place," Tails shook his head and leaned back. "I never knew the Wilson's knew so many people."

Sarah hunched over onto the table as if to get away from the crowd. "Tell me about it...Can we go home early?" she threw a pleading look at Sonic.

He smirked a little. "Maybe. We'll have to see what Sunny and Manic want to do since they came with us. But to me, it looks like they ain't slowing down anytime soon," he motioned to the dance floor as Sarah scowled.

"I could always drop them off," Tails offered, to which Sarah started vigorously nodding her head to.

The blue hedgehog suppressed a laugh at his significant other. "If they don't mind, Sarah. Chill."

"Why would they mind?" Sarah put her hands outward as if in confusion. "So long as they get a ride back, we're good, right? They're dancing their hearts out."

Sonic gave a quick look to stop talking about it. Sarah piped down, knowing full well that he didn't enjoy when she wanted to leave super early - it sucked the fun out of things. She knew he liked the parties the Wilson's put on, despite her not enjoying them as much. It was one of the biggest differences the couple shared: Sonic was outgoing and Sarah was certainly not.

Tails cleared his throat and nodded to the dance floor. "There's Silver and Blaze. Tucked away. Looks like they're at least having fun."

Sonic was still unsure about the couple after their conversation earlier. He had wanted to trust them like old friends, but he realized that people changed - they changed. Drastically. The retired hero sighed and stared at them. "Yeah."

Who knows how much fun they were actually having though. The two put up a facade that could fool anyone - or at least it fooled Sonic for a bit. He was beginning to think like a child, however - wanting everyone to get along and have it be like old times.

It just wasn't going to be that way, he realized.

Not ever.


Silver could feel how tense the feline was under his touch as they danced to the country music. It wasn't exactly waltz material, and frankly that was the only dance the two knew. So, they improvised by watching other couples dance more exuberantly.

"Look, Blaze, I think we should talk."

"Haven't we talked enough?" Blaze shut her eyes. "I'm tired of this talking, Silver. Of this whole situation. I can't tell if I'm letting Amy go because she's an adult and should do what she wants, or if I'm just tired of this situation and backing out. Quitting."

"You're not quitting," Silver tightened his hold on her hands as they awkwardly tried to match pace with everyone else. It was a quicker dance with more twirls than Blaze thought necessary. "We're just letting her go, and it's a good thing. We don't need to baby her. Hell, she's our age, Blaze."

"I know that...but she was so dependent on us. Or at least, that's what it felt like for a while. I just wish she would have told us," Blaze opened her eyes and leaned in closer to him. There was a desperate plea within her gaze. "Why didn't she tell us, Silver? That's the one thing I want to understand. She would just continue to say that she didn't want to burden us and that it feels nice to be with old friends, but is it?"

"It is."

She didn't want to hear that answer.

Silver cleared his throat. "Blaze, being around them again, it's...It's changed me. I feel...lightened. Like a weight off my shoulders."

"It's because you don't have 12, three-hour meetings in one week, Silver. Not because of this. Not because you're around Sonic again."

"Yes, it is, Blaze. Don't tell me the reason why I'm feeling like our old selves again - I know the reason," Silver gritted his teeth. "They've always felt a little like home, Blaze."

"Not to me."

He shook his head. "You never tried to meet them halfway. You always distanced yourself."

"That's not true -"

"If that weren't true, I wouldn't have started to date Amy after the two years. We would have hung out more, you and I. You would have gone on those girl lunches that Rouge dragged us boys to because no girls actually wanted to go with her. You would have been a part of the group."

Blaze knew what he was trying to do, and what he was going to ask. She started shaking her head as the inevitable came.

"I think we should stay for a little longer - past the whole Samwell situation."

The song came to an end finally. Blaze abruptly let go of Silver, and she gave him such a cold, empty stare that he wasn't sure if she was capable of actual emotion anymore.

"No. Silver, no. I'm not staying in a place where I don't feel welcomed."

"They do welcome you. How could you say that? Amy would welcome you back into her life easily, and you know it. It's how Amy is. She forgives, Blaze. The guys would, too. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything," Blaze put her arms across her stomach as she walked off the dance floor. Silver followed at her heels. He put his hand on her shoulder, waiting for an answer that she couldn't back out of.

"Blaze? Talk to me. Please."

"You really think Shadow would forgive me?"

"He already has to my knowledge. So has Sonic. We might have lost their trust a bit, what with our real intentions not being to come to the wedding. But that was kind of obvious the moment we showed up, like, two months in advance," he tried to laugh it off but to no prevail. "Look, they don't hate you. None of them do."

"I barely know Manic and Sunny. It's awkward with them."

"To be fair, none of us really know Manic and Sunny. Manic disappeared - even Sonic kind of didn't know his brother anymore."

"And Sarah," Blaze huffed a sigh. "She's intimidating."

Silver snorted as he couldn't believe her. "Sarah? That little hedgehog out there? Hon, I think she's more bark than bite."

"It's not the fact that we're kind of staying under her roof, too, when you think about it - it's the fact that Amy seemed so...friendly with her?"

Silver gave her a deadpanned expression. "Wow. You're a child, you know that, right?"

"What? Excuse you?" Blaze turned around with a hurt look. "What do you mean by that?"

He saved the urge to roll his eyes. "You're afraid that Amy is going to have other friends that aren'"

She was quiet.

The thought out loud made her sound silly and childish, and he was right. Blaze clasped her hands together and bit her lip. "Silver, I don't want to stay here longer than necessary."

Knowing he couldn't make her budge, he held her arms softly and kissed her cheek. "Okay."

It tore her apart a little to see the disappointment in his eyes. Blaze could see how much fun Silver actually had being back with Sonic and the others. But, she didn't know how to live like this. She never knew how - and she was afraid she couldn't learn to.

Despite how much Silver wanted to stay, Blaze didn't. The feline let her boyfriend drag her out onto the dance floor one more time for yet another song that wasn't built for waltz.

There wasn't as much tension anymore between them. No. The connection between them felt more limp now than before. She had just cut off a string between them, and she knew it. But she loved him.

Holding him close and tightly, Blaze made her legs move faster this time to keep up with the other couples. Silver did his best, too. She didn't hate the twirls as much. She only focused on Silver in that moment, and the different look in his eyes.

They weren't soft anymore.

Blaze bit her bottom lip. Perhaps for him, we could stay longer. Perhaps for him, I could just let things go. Start over. Sonic and the others aren't bad people, no. Shadow's questionable still. But he's not bad. Amy could be good for him and vice versa, but I want her to make that decision on her own.

She glanced over at the table where she had spied Tails, Sonic, and Sarah earlier. They were still there. Tails was chatting with Sonic. Sarah met Blaze's gaze and offered the feline a small smile before looking elsewhere.

Blaze burrowed her head into Silver's shoulder, closing her eyes. Silver was unsure of every move she was making - why she was dancing so much more vigorously and why she was holding onto him for dear life. Blaze looked over his shoulder at the happy crowd celebrating some old man's birthday. An old man that had changed much of Shadow and Sonic's lives.

Couldn't I just be happy for now? Happy for them? Silver's right. They could easily have been my friends, if I had just met them halfway. I never made attempts to make friends. I was there for the two years we lived near each other, but I was never a part of the group on my own accord. It's my fault, not theirs. And I've been blaming them for the past eight years.

She laid her cheek on his shoulder and slowed them down to his confusion. He wasn't going to ask, though. They only moved awkwardly back and forth like they were a part of a high school dance.

Amber eyes stared across the way at Amy and Shadow. Shadow was talking to yet another Wilson family member - a girl this time. Amy actually seemed enthralled with the conversation. She seemed to be happy - or at least somewhat content.

The cat shakily sighed.

Am I making a mistake?


He didn't like dances, but he knew he wasn't the only one.

Walking up to the barn doors, the snake adjusted his shirt. He was dressed for the occasion. Thankfully, the Wilson family knew a lot of people. Unfortunately, they didn't know a damn thing about Jasper Williams.

"Hi, welcome," one of the humans smiled at the snake. "I'm Trevor. Thank you for coming on such short notice - we changed the date so quickly on people."

The brown snake made a small attempt to grin, showing a fang or two. He didn't care. He knew his blue eyes were enough to send more people shivers - definitely humans. A lot of them didn't like snake Mobians as much as real snakes. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"So, how do you know Frank?"

"I know Jo," the snake corrected smoothly. The human seemed intrigued.

"Jo? Really? Frank's more of the Mobian friendly type - no offense. Jo doesn't get out much, though, that's why."

"That's exactly why I know Jo. He sold my friend a cabin that your family owns in the mountains. He couldn't say no to the view. Jo needed help with some cattle in the upper Montana area, so I obliged. I was free that week," he coolly shrugged.

"You do cows?"

The snake was bored to death already. If he could teleport out of the situation and into the barn, he would, but the human would be startled. It disappointed him that he couldn't do humans the favor he did to Mobians. "No. He graciously taught me though."

The human narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Jo doesn't just teach newcomers like that, though. Must have been some deal with the cabin, then, huh?"

"Indeed, it was. Jo's an excellent man, might I add," the snake patted the human's shoulder and walked past him before another word could be entered into the conversation.

Trevor looked confused as the snake walked past, but he wasn't going to ask any further questions. The Wilson's knew a lot of people, and some of those people not every Wilson knew. Trevor just accepted it, shrugged his shoulders, and went to find another person to talk to.

Jasper walked into the barn and rolled his eyes. "What an idiot." It was all a terrible lie, and how the human bought it, he hadn't the faintest clue. Well, most of it was a lie.

Jo did sell us that cabin, though, the poor bastard. He has no idea that it's riddled with dead bodies in the backyard now. But, then again, no one needs to know that little detail.

He reached his hand to his back and pulled a canister from his pants. The human didn't even check - and Jasper had figured that the Wilson's didn't take to alcohol considering their religion was so strict. Jasper prided himself on his research.

Of course, he felt like an idiot from earlier not just looking it up himself that the stupid pink hedgehog at taken his little sister from him.

He gripped the canister tightly before taking a deep inhale and exhale to calm down. Walking over the vacated punch bowl, he glanced around.

Better be quick.

Pouring the canister of alcohol was probably the dumbest thing he could have been doing. This was what he was spending his night on: crashing a birthday party for an old man to put alcohol in the punch bowl. Classic.

Of course, that wasn't actually Samwell's bit of the plan.

No, no. I mean, Sonic might not be the top of my list anymore, but I figure having a bit of fun with his now pregnant mate might still jazz things up a bit. Now remember, Sarah, consult your doctor if you're pregnant before consuming alcohol.

He put the canister back, tucked underneath his shirt as if he were hiding a gun. But no, it was simply an empty canister. Pouring a cup for himself, he took to drinking it. Then to chugging it. Then to having seconds.

Now, to scan for the first conquest.

He was chugging his third when he finally spotted pink - and oh, how pretty she was.

He almost felt bad for wanting to kill her - after doing other things with her, of course. Jasper smirked to himself. Perhaps I shouldn't kill her. She'd be a cute little toy to have for when all of this is over. Besides, it's been a while since I've been in a warm bed with a warm body next to me.

The snake didn't plan on going over just yet. Amy was dancing with the black hedgehog - looking somewhat happy. Jasper figured that would change once he entered the picture. He poured his fourth cup of spiked punch as other people joined in and didn't notice a damn thing.

These people are oblivious as fuck. Which will make this so much sweeter to see people hammered. After all, I don't buy the expensive, good shit for nothing.

Now, for my act. I can't decide if I should go with the charming out-of-town friend to the Wilson's or the creep that puts his hands a little too low. Decisions, decisions. Oh, all of them so tough to make.

He took his time on his fourth cup.


Shadow was actually happy.

He wasn't sure if he had ever felt this kind of joy. But for once, Amy wasn't trying to talk about Scourge. They were talking only about good things, most particularly things about each other. He was glad she had taken his words to heart and actually went through with it. And yet, he could tell that she wasn't all there during the conversations.

"Your favorite color?" Amy asked, her right hand combing through the back of his quills. He had pulled them closer together on purpose, and she was trying to loosen up a bit. Despite everything eating away at her, Amy had tried her best - she really had.

Shadow had made an effort to introduce her to almost every Wilson family member, and she couldn't recall half of their names.

That and every time he wanted to continue chatting it up with them, I had no idea what they were talking about by the middle of the conversation. I felt so out of it and excluded. But, I know he was just genuinely excited to introduce so many people who helped him. I mean, the Wilson's are like his family. I just figured it was Frank, Jo, Eleanor, and Elisa, but man - he really knows every single one of them, I swear.

While Amy was lost in thought, Shadow saw this. Her futile attempts at making conversation were beginning to become apparent. He had thought she was doing so on purpose - trying to know the little things about him. But they got more and more...cliche? Cheesy? He hadn't the faintest clue, but what did his favorite color have to do with anything? Besides...

"You asked that already, Amy."

"I did? Oh, right. It was orange."

"It was green, actually," Shadow gritted his teeth. He sighed and looked over her head, figuring it didn't matter to look at her if she didn't make eye contact anyway. His happiness had now begun to fade rapidly. "Amy?"


"Are you bored of this?" He began to pull away to stare down at her anyway. He didn't care if she wasn't meeting his gaze, he wanted to see her reaction. It would help him diagnose the situation. "Should we stop now?"

"What? The dance?" Amy sounded hopeful, which she didn't intend. She almost winced at the happier tone come out of her.

Shadow frowned slightly. "I thought you were going to at least try tonight."

"I am - I tried, Shadow, I really did!" Amy started but was cut off shortly by something rather unexpected.

Shadow was laughing.

His smile was small, but it was there. He chuckled as he pulled her back into him. She molded against his body perfectly - which caused her to melt a little more.

"What's so funny?" she almost laughed herself. "I honestly tried, Shadow, I did. But all the Wilson's was a lot to handle and then I didn't know what to do with myself. It got boring."

"You never cease to amaze me, Rose," Shadow smirked at her. "Granted, this means that only one thing is still on your mind."

"Not really...In fact, a few other things are on my mind. They don't pertain to you-know-who," Amy pleaded. "Can we at least talk about them?"

Shadow was confused. "About?"


He perked up at the chance. "I thought that's what you were trying to do with your silly questions."

"Not really," Amy shrugged. The dance continued. "I didn't know how to start this conversation with you, Shadow. But I figure we need to talk about things."

He wasn't sure where she was headed, but by her tone, it didn't sound like a place good. "Alright," he hesitantly replied. "Shoot."

"I...I did a lot of thinking, Shadow. I...I want what's best for me," Amy started shakily, avoiding eye contact still. "I can't help but wonder about the obstacles we'd face as a couple."

"What is this an interview for how dateable I am?" Shadow scoffed. "If you don't like this place, then leave, Amy. I'm not forcing you to stay."

"See? That's the issue, Shadow. You're shutting me out."

He was taken aback. "I'm-I'm not shutting you out. I'm just stating - "

"Shadow," she gave him a stern look now. The pair was barely dancing, but couples moved around them and didn't dare to intervene. "You've never been in a relationship. What do you think a relationship is?"

He found himself struggling for words. "I...I don't know, Amy. Us? Together? Possibly...romantically?" He winced at every choice of words merely because they sounded so foreign all of a sudden. He felt weird saying them.

"And what does that entail, Shadow?" She wanted to hear the words he used to describe their potential relationship. She feared it was going to lead to a more...instinctive choice of words than what was naturally said.

"I…" Shadow didn't want to choose any words, though. He didn't like them. They swam around in his head. He began to realize certain things. "Amy."


Red eyes met green, and for a long time, their world stood still. She waited for him to say anything that would help her make a decision. This wasn't just about her - it was about them both.

"Amy, I think it's no secret how I feel about you."

The words made her heart flutter. She wasn't sure if she wanted it to, though. She was still being tugged back and forth between staying and leaving. But her heart told her to stay. He just needed to be taught to trust again.

"That wasn't the question, Shadow - "

"I've harbored feelings for you, and I'm not 100% sure I know how to treat those feelings. You're right. I've never been in a relationship before, but I am willing to work on it. For you."

Amy felt them getting closer. His hands wrapped around her waist so softly and naturally. She put her hand on his chest to keep them both still separated. She still had to figure things out. She couldn't fall down this hole if she knew she couldn't get back out of it again.

"Then why won't you trust me enough?"

Shadow narrowed his eyebrows for a split second - not sure what she was talking about. Then his expression relaxed, but was stern. It clicked and he knew where this conversation was leading. He had to derail it. Immediately.

"Just tell her the truth, Shadow."

"Tell Amy the truth."

Even if the others wanted Amy to know the truth, Shadow wasn't sure if now was the right time. Or if there was ever going to be a right time. She knew. She knew he was lying straight to her face, and it pained him to see it.

And then it hit him.

No matter how much he tried to keep her safe, lying to her was only going to cause a trust issue between them. She's never going to trust you if you keep this up. That's what she's going on about. She wants a relationship - which is built on trust. She's never going to care if you try to protect her from this.

He had stepped in it now. And yet while his brain cheered him on to do the right thing, his mouth spoke faster.

"Amy, what are you going on about?"

She pushed him away suddenly, practically punching his chest. "You know what I'm talking about!" she hissed quietly so as not to attract attention. "Shadow, if we can't trust each other, then there is no us. That's my final decision. Why can't you trust me enough to help? Are you trying to protect me or something?"

"Yes," Shadow really didn't think this was the right time, so he did his best trying to calm her down. However, it seemed reaching out for her wasn't the best option. She swatted his hands away. "Yes, Amy. Okay? I'm just trying to protect you. Can we talk about this later, though?"

"Who did you tell?"

"What?" Shadow continued to act dumb, and even he didn't know why he was pretending.

"Who did you tell besides Sonic," she gripped the collar of his shirt suddenly. "I'm not an idiot, Shadow. I'm not a defenseless child. You won't let me help - I'm going to get in the way on purpose. And you can't stop me."

"Amy, stop this, you're going to cause a scene," Shadow whispered, actually begging for her to shut up about it. "We can talk about this later."


"No one. Just Sonic, I swear," Shadow lied straight through his teeth. He made direct eye contact with Amy though and never blinked. "Not a soul. I don't know if Sonic's told anyone, but trust me, Amy."

She scoffed at the word. She was angry. He could tell she was going to be fuming for awhile. "You shouldn't use that word if you don't know what it means, Shadow."

Just like that, the song was over, and Amy was gone.

Shadow straightened up and watched her head towards Sarah. He sighed as Sonic gave him a look of 'what just happened?' before twisting on his heel and heading off the dance floor. Out of the corner of his eye, Shadow spied Frank and Eleanor by the table with the refreshments. He made a bee-line to them with Sonic hot on his heels.

Eleanor was putting more food on the table as Frank helped. Shadow calmly approached, clearing his throat to announce his presence. Sonic was suddenly beside him, wrapping his arm around Shadow's shoulders.

"Hey, guys," Sonic greeted happily, showing a fake smile.

Frank and Eleanor didn't have a clue, though. Eleanor gave her usual warm grin back. "Hey, enjoying the party?"


"So, what brings you over here? Don't you have a date to tend to?" Frank laughed a little as Eleanor nudged his side with her elbow.

"Shadow was just coming over for a bit of the punch. As was I - Sarah's a little parched."

The ebony male was trying so hard to not roll his eyes. He had merely come over to Frank and Eleanor for familiarity. What else was he going to do? Go over by the table where Amy and the rest of his friends were when she was so clearly upset with him?

Hell no.

He needed to clear his head. Frank was one of those people that could help, but then again Sonic would definitely be better help in this circumstance. So, Shadow let Sonic clear Frank and Eleanor out of the area.

Which wasn't a hard thing to do, apparently.

Eleanor smiled at Sonic. "Congrats by the way. Frank told me."

Frank offered an apologetic smile. Sonic waved him off. "No biggie. I figured. What Frank knows, Eleanor knows, right?"

"Right," Frank nodded to Sonic. "Exactly. Happy wife, happy life. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to grab the remaining potato salad."

"And I made have more punch, but please, help yourselves," Eleanor motioned to the table.

Sonic sighed as they left. He gripped Shadow's shoulder, facing him now. "What the hell was that?"

"What the hell was what?"

"That? With Amy? Dude, she looked like she was going to murder you at the last minute - I thought you told her the truth!" Sonic hissed with narrowed eyes.

"Well, I didn't. I mean...I don't have a point to anymore. She knows. She knows I know that we both know I'm lying to her - and for the sake of protecting her. She didn't give a fuck about that part, by the way."

"Oh, really? The most selfless being on the planet doesn't care that you're trying to protect her over letting her help others - well, who would have thought?"

"I don't need the sarcasm right now. This date is officially the worst. And that's saying something. Remember the girl the Wilson's put me with last fall? Complete disaster."

"Shadow, stop trying to change the subject," Sonic glared. His grip tightened so much that Shadow began to clench his jaw. "You hurt Amy, I hurt you. That's how this works. What the hell happened? Why did that just happen?"

"Because I didn't tell her the truth earlier. I didn't even try to let her in on the plans, Sonic. I just asked that she treat this date like any other date and not bring up Scourge or Rosy. That's all we talked about, and she agreed. Hesitantly, but she did. It didn't last long, and I should've figured it wouldn't," Shadow groaned as he turned away and gripped his head.

"Excuse me," a snake nudged past the two to get to the punch bowl. More like stumbled.

Sonic gave the snake a rather rude look for practically going between the two on purpose when he could have walked around. "Our apologies."

The snake grabbed two cups of the punch and walked away - or stumbled.

Sonic didn't care to watch him as he left. Instead he kept his gaze on Shadow. "So, then what? She call you out on it?"

"Yes. She brought to my attention that I'd never been in a relationship before. And that this whole trust issue wasn't helping."

Sonic was now slow-clapping for the Ultimate Life Form but there was a deadpan expression on his face. "Wow. You really outdid yourself this time, Shadow. You actually thought that you could somehow learn to make this relationship work if you were lying to her? Look at Frank and Eleanor, Shadow. Not a minute ago, I already knew Eleanor knew Sarah was pregnant because Frank told her. Frank tells her everything. Just like I tell Sarah almost everything - we're not at that old couple stage yet. We're partners in a relationship - we're a team. Shadow, that's how you got to think of yourself and Amy, if you want this thing to work!"

"Well, I didn't think that far, apparently. I didn't even know how to describe what a relationship was to her…"

"Great." Sonic scoffed and turned around, as if to leave, but he stopped short to give Shadow one last thing to think about. "You know what, maybe she's right. Maybe she did the right thing testing you just now. Maybe you're not ready for a relationship, Shadow. Trust issues aside, you don't know how to act with others. Just as friends, Shadow, you have a funny way of showing you care. Hiding information from me about Sarah's safety right now? Don't think I'm over it - we just have bigger fish to fry right now. I couldn't imagine what it would be like with Amy if you two were actually together - you would put that girl through hell!" He snapped angrily. Huffing and puffing, Sonic growled under his breath. He was upset with himself for losing his cool and upset with Shadow for being a complete and utter idiot. "I was wrong to think you two should be together. I was thinking about not wanting to leave you alone on that stupid farm, Shadow. But I forgot one thing."

The dark hedgehog glared at his friend. Sonic returned it.

"And what's that, Sonic?"

Sonic scoffed lightly with what seemed to be a small smile of giving up. "You like being alone. And that's all you'll ever be at this rate. If you don't tell her the truth. If you don't apologize and move on, Shadow, you will never change from this."

"Why...Why do I have to settle down to prove to everyone that I'm happy?" Shadow snarled.

At this point, it just looked like the two were fighting over the food. No one dared to really bother them, either. The majority of the guests were humans, and so they still avoided any Mobians in general. The Wilson family members occasionally glanced their way to make sure a fight didn't break out, but that was all.

"Are you? It's as simple as that, Shadow. Are you happy?"

"I was. A month ago. Before she showed up, Sonic. I was content with what life had for me. I was willing to live on that so-called stupid farm and continue to live in my own little world where I could provide for myself. Where the only company I needed was that of my animals. At least they never talked back or asked about trust issues - they trusted that I'd be there every morning and night to feed them and that was enough for them."

Sonic stepped back as Shadow straightened up. He observed the latter's behavior - and dare he say, it almost appeared as if Shadow were having a meltdown. If Shadow could ever actually show that much emotion at once, that is. Which, it was slowly appearing was capable.

"And then she just appeared. And I don't even know where the time went. I couldn't tell you the first time I felt something romantic with her. But it happened. Again, and again," he barely spoke out loud now. It was struggled whispers, and Sonic was almost horrified to see what was happening.

Amy hadn't just wrapped him around her finger.

She hadn't just made him crumble on his knees.

Amy Rose had broken Shadow the Hedgehog.

She had made him feel like a normal being - one that could show emotions and not be afraid to be vulnerable. Except, Shadow was afraid. He was very afraid. Sonic could see it all in his actions, his words, and his eyes.

"And now I'm not happy. Because of all this shit that's happened. The thought of losing her to Samwell - her getting hurt physically. The thought of losing her because of myself - her moving back to New York because I hurt her - fuck, Sonic, you have no idea how much I didn't want to hurt her. The thought of her anywhere else but on that stupid farm kills me. I want her with me, Sonic. I've never felt so selfish before, and I've been very selfish in the past. I did things that could help me only. And protecting her is another selfish fucking thing that I will do over and over because that's who I am. I'm selfish," Shadow admitted as he lifted his hands slightly in defeat. "I can't keep doing this."

Sonic reached towards him and held his arm. "Just tell her that then. Tell her the truth - as much as she doesn't already know, at least. And then tell her how you feel. Things might not work out anymore between you two, but at least there's still room to grow from this."

Shadow shook his head slowly. "I never thought I could make things worse the longer this went on, Sonic, but I'm afraid I just did. By telling her that I only told you about Scourge. She knows how I feel about her - she knows I have feelings for her. She didn't care about that, Sonic. She glanced straight through it because she's still so obsessed with helping them."

The blue hero didn't know exactly how to respond. If what Shadow was saying was true, then Amy would be even more furious than she already was to find out that almost everyone in the group knew besides Sunny and Sarah. Amy would come after Shadow. Hell, Sonic was afraid Amy might just kill Shadow. If Amy clung onto trusting people so much, this was only going to make things so much worse than he had anticipated.

Staring helplessly at Shadow, Sonic shrugged. "You're screwed, Shadow. You should've told her the truth when we got back from seeing Rouge and Knuckles. You should've let her in sooner because I don't know if she'll give you another chance. It sounds like she gave you plenty of times to tell her, too."

Shadow crumbled against the table. He was lightheaded all of a sudden. "What am I going to do if I lose her, Sonic?"

"Go back to working on the farm as usual, I guess. You'll get over her if things go south and everyone leaves," Sonic shrugged again. "Not much else I can offer you, Shadow. Not anymore. I tried, but...Amy's deciding on her own now, which is good. How much can you persuade her? How much can you prove yourself to her? I don't have any idea. I think I've learned a lot more about you in these past few minutes than I have in four years living with you."

He scoffed. "Why do you think that is?"

Sonic's gaze was soft, and Shadow wasn't sure why. He figured that Sonic should still be mad with him, too. Hell, the whole world should be. It was what Shadow was used to. Why was there such a softness in those eyes, though?

"Because she made you vulnerable, Shadow. So long as she's here. It's what happens in a relationship where you love each other. Sarah's my vulnerability now - and the baby."

"I thought you weren't getting your hopes up just yet. I'm surprised you told Frank."

"She told Frank, really. I wasn't going to tell her not to. Frank's like the father she needs. And I'm not getting my hopes up," Sonic scratched the back of his head. "But it's better than pretending it's not happening. With everything else going on right now, it's just another thing to add to the pile. It makes me terrified, if I'm being honest. But one thing at a time. Right now, that's letting Amy in, Shadow. Letting her into this situation to help. Letting her in to all issues, too. Whatever it is. Maybe she still wants to be in a relationship with you, who knows. Maybe it's hurting her right now, too. But by tomorrow morning, I'm letting her know if you don't do it tonight."

Shadow didn't have much else to say, and neither did Sonic. The two stood there side by side, not looking at one another. Sonic observed the crowd, and Shadow stared at the food.

It was as quiet and simple as that.


Amy had calmed down a little after a few minutes.

Sarah didn't say anything to her. Tails got the hint and walked off, asking some random girl to dance. Amy breathed calmly in and then out through her mouth. She sunk back in her chair, waiting for Sarah to speak.

"Tough date?"

"He's on my last nerve. I don't know what I'm doing anymore," she grabbed her head as if it hurt. "I mean, he at least told me the truth now. Which I'm glad for," she sighed heavily. "That bit is a relief. It's just - he doesn't understand how to work together. How to trust one another and it's infuriating."

"Well, he would need some practice with that."

"I'm not here to save him."

"No one said you had to," Sarah scoffed. "But if you like the guy so damn much, which you clearly do, then why don't you fucking help him understand how a relationship works? Why are you so suddenly adamant on leaving if he can't tell the truth? Hello - it's Shadow the Hedgehog you're talking about, Amy. The guy is the walking definition of trust issues. We have no idea about half the shit he went through and you have the audacity to sit there and say he isn't worth your time if he can't learn things himself? You were the one that decided to agree on this date - why are you bailing on him like this?"

"Why do you suddenly care? Hm? You didn't care if we were together or not. I don't have to baby him. He trusts Sonic right now. I know that. He, however, won't trust me because he's trying to protect me," Amy laughed by the end of the sentence. She couldn't believe what Sarah was trying to tell her or what Shadow was doing. She had no idea what was going on in that thick skull of his, and she didn't care anymore.

"First off, he's my friend. I know him more than I know you. Granted, our little heart-to-heart moment earlier was great and all, but that still doesn't mean I don't like him better than you. Secondly, what the fuck is he trying to protect you from? Why all the secrecy to start with? Is there something I'm missing?"

Amy had no time to respond because a cough brought their attention to the Mobian standing in front of them. He was a snake - brown and tall. Slender but muscular. Dressed in a neat, dark navy shirt with jeans that looked the country part. He cleared his throat and smile at them, setting down two glasses of punch. "Ladies. If you wouldn't mind?"

"Um...Sorry, who?" Sarah was beyond confused.

"Apologies," he bowed his head slightly. "I'm Jasper. You two are?"

"Well, I'm Sarah. And most people know that's Amy Rose," the lime green hedgehog flatly pointed at Amy who glared a little. "Most people, that is."

"Ah, I knew I recognized you," Jasper motioned to Amy. "You never quite forget a lovely face such as yours, Miss Rose."

"Thank you…" Amy was a little hesitant to respond. Something was off about this snake. His posture was too straight, his eyes were too cold, and his breath smelled of alcohol for some reason. She didn't remember Frank serving any, or she probably would have drowned herself in some by now.

Jasper turned his body to face the both of them before extending a hand to neither of them in particular. "May I have this dance, if you aren't busy?"

Sarah glanced at the snake's hand and then shifted her gaze to Amy before looking back up to Jasper. "W-Which one?" she awkwardly pointed at Amy still.

"Well," he offered a charming smile that suddenly made Amy feel a bit more at ease. He extended his hand out to her. "I suppose the both of you ladies look like you need a good dance. Might I come back later to ask you for one?" he glanced at Sarah as Amy took his hand.

Sarah wasn't sure what to think about him. Normally, she'd feel creeped out. But he was so warm and welcoming even if with those icy, blue eyes. To Amy, however, those eyes rivaled that of Scourge's. In fact, she felt like they were worse than Scourge's.

She stood from her seat as Sarah nodded in response to his question.

"Excellent. Miss Rose," he turned his full attention to Amy now as he led her to the dance floor. "Shall we?"

The pink hedgehog followed without hesitation - blindly following the stranger. It just a dance after all. Nothing too serious, she figured. She wasn't going to be bothered by someone's eye color, she decided - mentally rolling her eyes at herself.

Tone down your judgement, Amy. Jeez. Relax, calm down. Let this dance ease your mind of Shadow's stupidity.

Sarah watched them go before landing her eyes on the glasses of punch. She took one and shrugged, figuring they had been for her and Amy anyway. She took a sip, and then another. Never once thinking there might be something wrong with it.


"So, Jasper, is it?"


"How'd you come by this place and the Wilson's?" Amy made small talk as they danced. It was a slow, country song.

Jasper pulled her rather close with his hands around her waist, one hand pressing against her lower back. She ignored it, however, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They merely chose to sway back and forth.

"A friend of mine bought a cabin from Jo. I helped Jo out with some cattle up north."

"North? I didn't realize Jo went out of state."

"Just one over. Doesn't matter," Jasper cleared his throat. "Now, Miss Rose, tell me something about you."

She scoffed a little. "Well, what could I possibly tell that people don't already know?"

The snake hummed with a glint of something in his eyes. It made her bite her bottom lip. "How did you come by this place and the Wilson's? Hm?"

Amy offered a small laugh as her own words were thrown back at her. "I suppose people won't know that about me, will they? I...I lost my job New York." She had no idea why she was telling a complete stranger this.

But despite his eyes and the original wariness she had of him, she could only see softness in his gaze. He was intently listening to her, and she had barely spoken. And it felt nice to be listened to for once.

"That's a shame. What did you do in New York?"

"I-I worked for a magazine company. Editors, really. I helped. Boring stuff, really. You? What do you do that lands you out here?"

"Well, I don't live out here, per se. I just know Jo. Apparently, I got on his good side enough that he invited me here," Jasper lied as usual, but his act was so good that Amy didn't question it. There were a few other Mobians about, but not really. She didn't see anything wrong with him anymore, though. She figured she had judged him too soon.

"I live in town, though. I'm a simple project engineer."

"Simple?" Amy laughed lightly. "Sounds like a tough gig. Anything with project and engineer is probably way over my head."

"Managing things and people, really. Helping the process. At least, that's my title in the office. I probably do a bit more work than a project engineer would typically do," he thought about the night before in particular when he had his hands around a man's throat.

Yes, that would definitely not fall under the scope of work for a project engineer.

But he went with it.

"And you knew about cattle enough to help Jo?" she narrowed her eyebrows in wonder.

"My parents. When we came here, they could really only help on farms. You know how it was the first while when Mobians had to get their rights and whatnot. We made a lot of progress in that department for only - what, ten years now?"

Amy thought about it. "Yes, I suppose it was a grand feat. Sonic definitely helped, though."

Jasper ground his teeth at the name. "Hn, yeah, he probably did. I heard he's around here?"

"You just met his fiancée, actually," Amy motioned with her head back towards Sarah, who seemed to be keeping herself company with the punch.

"Ah. Lovely ladies here, might I add."

She found herself giggling at his words. In fact, she had to stop herself short as she realized what was happening.

He was alluring.

Wait. I've felt this feeling before.

With Samwell.

With Shadow.

Seeing her focused look, Jasper frowned. "Did I upset you, Miss Rose?" he got closer.

Amy had blanked out, thinking about the feeling. It had lasted no longer than two seconds, but she knew it from there.

What am I? Just a magnet for guys trying to hit on me? Make me theirs?

There had been something animalistic with Samwell's approach in the store when they first met, and something instinctive about Shadow's behavior, as well. For a few seconds, there had been something animalistic about Jasper, too.

I am not landing in that office in New York with that damn bastard as we almost ripped each other's clothes off. I'm not landing in another similar situation, damn it! Amy, snap out it!

She did. Successfully. But Jasper was still very close to her.

Suddenly, a little warning went off in her head. Like a voice, it whispered.


"Uh, I'm sorry," she tugged away or tried to.

Jasper suddenly gripped her arm. "Wait, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Really. It's for your own safety, please." She scanned the dancefloor and the crowd around Sarah. She didn't see him. But she suddenly felt his burning gaze on her. Amy just knew he was watching and fuming.


"I have a…My," Amy winced at the choice of words flashing through her brain.

Shadow wasn't a boyfriend. He was merely a date. But she knew that he had feelings for her now - she had suspected it and was right. No mistake, her heart still fluttered when he admitted it during their moment earlier. She had just been more focused on the Samwell situation. That didn't change the fact that she also knew that Shadow would no doubt act as he did when Samwell tried to come onto her. Or even worse.

"Amy, stay. Really. The song is almost over," Jasper's voice suddenly became ten times gentler. It caused her to halt and stare at him with wide, frightened eyes. She didn't want Shadow to come out of nowhere and clock the guy.

"Please, Amy."

"Alright. Alright," she reassured him and herself by glancing around once more. No Shadow in sight as far as she could tell, but she wasn't able to look very hard.

Jasper pulled her back into his embrace and they swayed a bit more to the song. He tried to calm her frazzled nerves down.

"You frightened of someone?"

"Yes…I'm scared he'll see me like this and get jealous. He's caused a scene before. I wouldn't be surprised if he did so again."

"Well, do you see him around?"

This time, she got a good look. Shadow wasn't around. Even when she had briefly seen him go to the food table where Sonic had followed him - there was no one but a few humans chatting over punch and cookies. He had vanished into thin air.

She sighed, and her shoulders relaxed. "No."

"Well, good. Now, let's focus on something else."

"Like what?"

Jasper chuckled. "You. Let's focus on you before your stubborn boyfriend comes back, hm?"

"He's not my boyfriend."

The snake raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"We're not together," Amy stuttered. "He's just...more instinctive around me. We're almost - we were almost a thing." She figured she had blown her chance with Shadow the moment she had first told him about Scourge and Rosy. It all went downhill from there, and even if they did move on from the situation, she wasn't sure what she wanted anymore.

"Do you wish to talk about it?"

Amy was becoming more confused by the snake's behavior. "You know, most guys wouldn't want me to talk about my feelings. They'd just want me to go home with them at the end of the night."

"Ouch," Jasper smirked. "Well, I certainly won't take advantage of you like that. You seemed upset is all. A good friend of mine is a psychologist for children. However, her schooling has rubbed off on her in all situations now. She can tell when I'm upset even if the only thing is that I missed a deadline or something. I guess it's rubbed off on me."

Amy stopped as the song finished. A few seconds later, another started. It was just another slow, country song as Elisa seemed to like to play as she finally got to dance with her fiancé. Amy bit her lip again and pulled herself closer to the snake, who seemed surprised.

"Another dance?"

The smirk toyed with her. Made her knees wobble almost. Or perhaps it was because she was looking at his lips, and the alluring look in his eyes was still there.

God, we're both so desperate right now. And right now, Shadow isn't here to tell me what I can and can't do.

And it feels good.

"I hope Sarah won't be upset," his smirk turned into a grin as they went back to dancing, even closer. "Now, tell me about this almost-boyfriend."

"Oh, he's such a charmer," she sarcastically started. "It's just trust issues, really."

"Well, you can't build a relationship without trust," Jasper shook his head. "My last girlfriend was terrible at it. Turned out she was cheating on me."

"Oh. I'm so sorry," Amy grimaced.

"She got what she deserved," Jasper thought of the memory. The girlfriend had been real - that part was true. She had cheated, that was also true. And she had gotten what she deserved. It might have been the most honest thing Jasper had said all night. "Got cheated on herself."

Well, that bit's the lie, nevermind. I really can't make out one sentence without lying, can't I? He smirked again as Amy put her hand to his chest in sympathy. But this mouth is a smooth talker. Or this idiotic bitch is this desperate. I'm assuming both, though, since there seems to be trouble in paradise with her.

"Anyway," he shifted the subject back to her. "I think you made the right choice. If you can't trust em? Fuck 'em. Not literally, of course. That would defeat the purpose of weeding them out, really."

Amy giggled like a schoolgirl yet again, and this time she didn't stop herself. "Well, I guess I'll have to keep that in mind."

Ugh, what is wrong with you, Amy? Don't laugh like that, you'll put him off! He's attractive, and came just at the right time. Hell, maybe this is the guy you want.

Amy began to think nonsensical thoughts. Thoughts such as that maybe it was all for the purpose of meeting this guy. Everything. Getting fired, bombarding on Sonic and Shadow's life, almost becoming something with Shadow but deciding for herself not to - all to meet him.

Maybe it's fate. Can't I have something nice happen to me just once? And can't this be the one time it happens?

Unfortunately for Miss Rose, anything nice happening to her wasn't on the menu for the night. She managed to bump into someone as they danced. More like someone bumped into her considering that they hadn't moved much in their dance.

"Oh, sorry, Amy!" Sunny whispered as she and Manic circled around.

Amy watched the peculiar couple dance. They seemed to be lively and still full of energy. Completely in love with one another.

"Friends of yours?"


Jasper didn't touch anymore on the subject as Amy eyed the couple enviously. "Are you alright, Amy?"

"Just fine," she shook her head and focused on the snake again. "What were we talking about?"

"Your not-boyfriend."

"Right. Doesn't matter anymore. He was to relationships, and I didn't want him," Amy paused as she thought about the words.

She had used "save" with Sarah. It made her sound less rude. Now, that's all Amy could see from the sentence - was how rude she was being towards Shadow.

Was any of this either of their faults? Shadow was just trying to protect Amy from Samwell, no doubt. She knew that now. He had no idea how a relationship worked because he had never been in one, but at least he was still trying.

What did I do? Not try. I quit trying on him while he was happy tonight. Introducing me to the Wilson's - people that literally saved him. I couldn't do that. He's learning to be normal, which is entirely new territory for him.

Why did I have to sound like that in the moment, though? So rude? Amy, what were you thinking? He has good intentions, just like I do. We're just trying to protect different people. Well...No. Shadow wouldn't join in if he didn't feel sorry for Scourge at the least. He's probably wanting to help Rosy and her child. Protect me from Samwell. Protect us all from Samwell.

Amy opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

I just gave up on him entirely. I ruined tonight. Oh, God, I'm a horrible person. How many times have I made him feel rejected tonight? I don't know, I didn't catch those moments. I was so angry.

And now? I know the truth. He's working with Sonic. Trying to protect me. I get it all now. It's fine. We'll learn through this. We could still try.



She was sucked back into reality, realizing that she was still entangled with Jasper, who looked either confused, worried, or annoyed with her. She couldn't tell. He was playing her like a fiddle, she could sense it now.

"Um...I have to go."

"No, stop it," Jasper pleaded yet again, holding onto her arm this time before she could even try to pull away. "We can talk about something else if it's upset you too much."

"Really - this was a mistake. I shouldn't be confiding in a stranger."

"We don't have to be strangers."

She stopped trying to pull against his hold and stared at him.

Is he playing me for a fool? I can't tell anymore. Which probably means he is, and that I am indeed a fool. But he's charming - in an odd way.

The rose hedgehog faltered long enough for Jasper to make his move. He came in close and his lips planted onto hers. Amy felt a sense of shock wave through her as he kissed her.

But it was short.

"Get the fuck off of her."

And just like that, Amy wasn't sure if Jasper would survive the night. Standing before her was a very pissed off Shadow. His eyes ablaze, he grabbed Jasper by the collar and lifted the snake off the ground.

To say that he was impressed would be an understatement. Jasper didn't think that Shadow was going to actually do anything. Looks like I've struck a nerve - and a big one at that. Let's strike it a little more, shall we?

Jasper smirked. "Shouldn't let your little mate dance with strangers, hm?"

Shadow let out an unearthly growl as he flung Jasper to the floor. The snake hit the wooden floorboards with a hard thud, and he had to take a moment to get his balance. But by the time he did, he was spun around and clocked in the jaw.

Fuck this guy. Samwell never said he had a fucking temper as bad as the echidna. Jasper wasn't sure what his next move was. Typically, he was calm and cool - making sure to enjoy his time. But this was different. He was in the enemy's territory and the enemy was staring him down.

Well, kicking him down.

"Shadow, stop!" Jasper wasn't sure who was speaking at this point, all the voices rumbled together in his knocked around brain. Shadow had grabbed him and slugged his knees into Jasper's gut, knocking the snake back to the ground. And since that wasn't enough, Shadow was now on top of him and throwing punches left and right.

Jasper could only put his hands up in defense as he realized just how much shit he stepped in. It seems Amy was very much off limits. And my comment didn't make matters better. Oh, Jasper, you fool.

"Shadow!" Sonic yelled at the ebony hedgehog, glancing around at the scene. The Wilson family members were staring in horror, as were most of the guests. Shadow was wailing on this poor stranger who could barely put his own hands up in self-defense.

Sonic checked on Amy. "You okay?" he reached out to her but she was staring at Shadow and Jasper. "Ames?"

"I-I'm okay, but he - "

"Good," was all Sonic said before he decided to enter the fray. Silver and Tails stood back, not sure what to do and following Sonic's lead. Manic and Sunny were stopped on the dancefloor upon realizing the commotion had been set off by Shadow.

"Knock it off!" Sonic grabbed Shadow by the back of his shirt and flung him off the snake.

Jasper barely managed to get to his feet, huffing and hissing as he went. He almost attacked Shadow. Sonic glared at the stranger. "GET OUT OF HERE!"

The blue hero didn't threaten him, but Jasper was grabbed by another person this time. Frank grabbed the snake by the arms, "Get out of here, son. Just go." The old man spoke with such roughness that Jasper got the hint. Plus the glaring eyes from the other guests.

The snake growled under his breath, wanting to go back and deal with Shadow. But instead, he trudged out of the barn silently, knowing the only thing he'd get to deal with now was a black eye and Samwell.

"Shadow, what the hell are you thinking?" Sonic hissed lowly. It didn't matter - everyone was staring anyway.

"You should have let him," Shadow responded with more growl to his words than actual voice.

"Enough," Sonic spoke slowly and clearly, glowering at his friend. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

Suddenly, it was as if the world shifted. Sonic watched as Shadow's eyes seemed to change - darker and more menacing. His quills ruffled out and shook a little. A growl rumbled through his throat. And then, it wasn't Jasper on the floor. It was Sonic.

"Oh, no," Sarah stood quickly and almost interfered until Blaze stopped her. "What are you crazy?! They'll kill each other!"

"The last person to get in the middle of them needs to be you," Blaze almost seemed to plead with her. "You're in no condition - and what? You think you can stop them? They're going feral. Or at least Shadow is!"

"Exactly why we need to stop them before it gets worse!"

Amy flinched when she heard Sonic be flipped onto the ground like a hay bale. Unlike Jasper though, Sonic was quicker. He got up on his feet before Shadow could try to barrel down on him with his fists. He shot towards Shadow and tried to tackle him like a football player.

Shadow remained standing as Sonic threw some punches to his side. The former gripped Sonic's quills and pulled upwards roughly, causing Sonic to yelp in pain. Amy let out a little whimper at each punch thrown to one another. Sonic somehow managed to lift Shadow off his feet for a few seconds, causing Shadow to topple over Sonic. Shadow pulled Sonic down with him, twisting Sonic's quills in the process.

Sonic yelled out in more pain, but Shadow let go and stood up. The blue hedgehog was quick to his feet and the two were at one another again.

Amy stared back and forth between the two. Silver was ready to jump in with his telekinesis. The onlookers were mortified.

I can't stand Shadow right now, but look at him! I did this! He lost it because of me!

Shadow was completely out of control. He had no idea what he was doing, and that much was clear to her. The Wilson family were none the wiser, and weren't truly sure what caused Shadow to snap, but they never knew him as aggressive. Still, the look of sheer disappointment on Frank's face was enough to fill Amy's gut with guilt.

I did this. I did this. I did this.

She bucked up, setting her feelings aside for the moment.

I can't let matters get worse. Shadow is so out of control right now, he's beating up Sonic! Sonic can't keep this up. Silver should have stepped in when Shadow first tossed Sonic over like a sack of potatoes. Besides, even if he does step in, that won't calm Shadow down. Shadow's not normal right now - his instincts got the better of him when that revolting snake kissed me.

Swallowing her fear, Amy rushed forward towards the two.

"Amy, don't!" Blaze screeched, her voice cracking as she looked on in terror and fear. Her best friend was hurtling herself towards two fighting people - one not being in his right mind.

She, of course, didn't listen.

"Stop it!" Amy pushed herself between the two, shoving Sonic backwards and facing Shadow.

"Amy, get out of the way," Sonic snarled.

"No, Sonic. This isn't right! Look at him - he's not in control," Amy pleaded. She turned her attention to Shadow, who got closer in hopes to slip past her towards Sonic. However, Amy foiled his plan of attack by grabbing him by the collar and yanking him to look at her.

Her hands went to the side of his face - his reaching to tightly grab hold of her wrists. Suddenly, her eyes became very soft and her tone practically pure, as if she had dropped all dislike she had towards him. "Hey, hey, look at me, Shadow. Focus on me. Just me. Okay? I'm right here. With you."

His rapid breathing slowed as his dilated eyes became normal. His quills rustled down as his grip on her wrists loosened. He closed his eyes as she placed their foreheads against each other.

"I'm right here. No one else. Just me. Okay? Focus on me."

Sonic straightened up and snorted angrily at Shadow. He didn't mind that Amy stepped in, but Shadow shouldn't have lost his temper in the first place. It wasn't like the secluded hedgehog. But in that moment, Sonic watched as Shadow crumbled into Amy's hold, and his face relaxed.

Shadow knew Amy probably wanted nothing to do with him at the moment - her hold on him as he fell into her arms was anything but welcoming, but Shadow didn't know what else to do. He opened his eyes and peered out at the looming audience. To his despair, he could only see Frank and Eloise staring at him with disappointment in their eyes. Eloise refused to make eye contact, and Frank appeared to be on the verge of asking Shadow to leave.

The dark hedgehog had never felt so taunted in his life. And just like that, he was brought back to that night with Amy in the restaurant. Where he felt as if every being there were sneering or staring at him in disgust.

Everyone is staring at me...staring at me like I'm a monster. Like they've never seen a Mobian before. Like they don't know who I am. Or what I am.

To Amy's surprise, she felt him tremble against her. He cowered all of a sudden, burrowing his head into her shoulder like a child that wanted to hide from the world. It was the most ridiculous thing the grown hedgehog could have done. The people watched as their looks of horror turned to disdain. Some shrunk back into their own conversations while others scowled. Eloise walked away with Elisa joining her, not saying a word. Frank stood in his spot, observing the Mobians, but giving Sonic a look.

"I think it's time to go," Sonic spoke quietly. He went to Sarah's side, and nodded to Tails. "Looks like you won't need to take anyone home for us."

"Looks like it," Tails didn't look at Sonic. He was busy looking at Shadow - never had the young fox seen the ex-soldier look so defeated. Yet there he was - pathetically hiding against Amy's small form like a toddler who knew they had done something bad.

Shadow wasn't sure what to do. He didn't even know how to react. He wasn't sure what had just happened, either. One minute, he was watching Amy dance with the snake and looking happier with him than she had earlier with Shadow. Then the next, the snake had his mouth on hers, and it was like he blacked out.

He vaguely recalled punching the snake, but only because his own fists began to throb. His knuckles stung - they had cracked and started to bleed.

Amy clasped his shoulders and tried to look at him, but he backed up and out of her grasp. "Shadow?" she stared at him with worry.

There was something off in his eyes.

He didn't look murderous or angry anymore. He looked terrified.

"Amy, let's go," Sonic met Frank's eye contact. "We gotta go -"

A bright flash of light illuminated the room.

Amy jumped, caught herself in mid-yelp, as the light suddenly engulfed around her. Covering her eyes at the last moment, it was gone as soon as it happened. She blinked away the dancing white dots in her vision as she stared at the empty space in front of her.

"Where'd...where'd he go?" Sarah whispered to Sonic, but Sonic was already reaching out to grab Amy.

"He Chaos Controlled?" Silver huffed in confusion. "He can just do that without an emerald now? Or saying the words?"

Sonic grabbed Amy by her arm and brought her back towards him and Sarah. He ushered to the two girls out along with the others following them. "Mortal or not now, he's still powerful. I guess he was nervous enough...He'll come back."

"But where'd he go?" Amy tried to fight against Sonic's hold and return to the spot she was in - as if Shadow would just come back.

"I don't know, Amy." Sonic spoke as if he were trying to herd a bunch of toddlers outside. Exasperatedly, he took Amy past Frank. "He'll come back though."

The look in Frank's eyes almost made Sonic wonder if the human wanted Shadow to come back.

"How are you so sure? He disappeared to Canada for two years - "

"Amy, he has animals to feed. He's not about to just leave them. He'll be back by morning, guaranteed. Now let's go," Sonic was firm but it was apparent that he didn't want to remain in the barn any longer.

Not with Frank looking at him like that.

Silver walked up behind Sonic and looked from the male to Amy. "Let's go, Amy. Sonic's right. Shadow will come back. He's not gonna give up on this whole thing now."

Green eyes met warm amber. Amy's eye twitched a little as Sonic took her out of the barn finally and into the cool air. She twisted around and started walking ahead of the others, alongside Sarah. There was something weird about Silver's look.

He didn't tell anyone, my ass. His words meant something different. He wasn't talking about the farm.

Sonic tugged at Sarah's arm. "Can you drive Shadow's truck back?"

"You want me to drive stick?" Sarah cleared her throat. "Fine…"

As she turned around, Sonic narrowed his brow and pulled her back into him. "Ow! What?" she whispered in a hiss as Blaze and Silver walked past them with Sunny and Manic. Tails coughed and stopped awkwardly to look at the two.

"Everything okay?" Tails noticed Sonic's dark look. Shadow could sure shove the man over the edge, but he was purposefully giving Sarah a mean look now. Tails wasn't afraid to intervene. "The snake kissed her, too?"

Sonic sniffed at her face before getting down to her muzzle. Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Were you drinking alcohol?" he asked in a confused manner.

"The Wilson's don't serve - "

"Your breath."

"Hm…" Sarah closed her eyes to think. "Uhhh, nope. Not that I recall. I mean, unless someone spiked the punch," she snorted.

Amy turned around at the words. "The snake...Jasper. He smelled like alcohol, too."

"Someone spiked the punch?" Sonic scoffed. "He's the same snake that practically stumbled over Shadow and I earlier. Makes sense that he was drunk. How much did you drink?"

"Just two little cups," Sarah put her index finger to her thumb to indicate a small amount before widening the gap a little. "Medium sized cups."

"Great," Sonic groaned. "Well, it's good you handle alcohol better than some," he flashed Amy a humorous glance. "It won't...hurt the baby?" he shifted closer to Sarah.

"I doubt two cups of mostly terrible punch will do anything, and we don't know if it was spiked - we're just spitballing here based on your sense of smell," Sarah assured her mate. She kissed his cheek. "Can we go home now, though? Maybe Shadow's sulking under his covers."

Sonic hummed, carefully eyeing her. "Maybe."

Sarah let go as Tails walked around them, nodding goodbye at them. "Tails," Sonic called after him. "You coming tomorrow?"

Tails scoffed as if he were offended. He turned on his heels, walking backwards to his car. "How many times do I have to tell you? Of course, I'm going. Goodnight," he made do with a small wave before getting in his car.

Sonic fished his keys out of his pocket before nodding to Sarah and Amy. "You going with her, Ames?"


With that, Sonic walked towards his truck that was parked a few vehicles down from Shadow's. Silver and Blaze waited along with Sunny and Manic. Sarah wrapped her arm around Amy's shoulder and the two girls walked towards Shadow's truck.

"Soooo, you were getting busy?"

"I'm worried about Shadow. I'm angry with him. But worried," Amy shook her head. She headed to the passenger side of the truck and got in. Sarah got in the driver's side and took the keys out from under the floor mat. It didn't matter to Shadow to not lock his doors in a place where no one else did - plus everyone had a nicer truck than him anyway. "Why'd he just disappear like that? He can't coward out of this."

"I think it got to him - everyone that's ever loved him like family just staring at him like they didn't know he was - that sort of thing gets to a man like Shadow," Sarah started the truck and sighed. "Amy, relax. Whatever you two got going on right now, just...breathe before you go beating him to a pulp, would you? He's got his reasons for doing things his way. Albeit those reasons don't line up with yours and make you angry, it doesn't mean you two have to keep butting heads like this. You are two different people that need to learn to live with one another while you get back on your own feet."

"You think he'll come back by tomorrow morning?"

"Sonic's right - he has animals to feed. Plus, he wouldn't miss the funeral. He wouldn't do that to Sonic or Aleena. And while it's clear to me that everyone is at war with each other right now for some reason, it would still hurt Sonic if Shadow weren't there at the funeral."

Amy leaned back in the seat, swallowing the lump in her throat as tears dared to form. "You're right...he'll show up."

"Let's go home," Sarah spoke softly, figuring that all Amy needed at this point was some time to sleep on the issues she was clearly having.

"You're good to drive?"

"I'm fine. I couldn't even taste it," Sarah grumbled in a little disappointment herself. "Spiking punch? What a high schooler move to do. Hope the person who did it was proud."

Amy had nothing else to do but look out the window and think. Something she felt like she was doing too much.

I thought I needed to take a step back and find myself, but I feel like being in my own thoughts and getting to know myself isn't me. Isn't how I would do things, and everyone does this differently. I can't just keep holding everything back.

I've never been more confused. And worried for Shadow. I don't know what's going on in his head right now, but Sarah's right. He just saw people he sees as family, not even look him in the eyes. Frank was the only one...and even he didn't seem to recognize Shadow.

I just hope he's okay - wherever he went. And that he didn't go too far.

The bed covers weren't as comfy - or maybe it was the whole bed. Or maybe it was the fact that there wasn't a warm body sleeping next to her.

Despite being upset earlier with Shadow, Amy didn't like not knowing where he was or if he was okay.

I care about him. I care about his well-being. This is enough proof of that. It's eating me up not knowing where he went. Not knowing if he's okay.

What if he snapped and went to go find Samwell or Scourge? What if he's not coming back?

Worries kept filing through one by one, overwhelming the pink hedgehog to the point that she couldn't sleep. It was a little past midnight. She curled herself further into the sheets, hoping to hear the front door open.

It never did.

She had left the bedroom door open a little, in hopes that it wouldn't completely scare off Shadow should he show up. The only thing it didn't scare off though was Butch. The dog shoved his nose between the cracked door and let himself inside the room. With his tail lifted and lightly wagging, he hopped onto the bed and sniffed at Amy's face.

It was peculiar to him - his Master wasn't in the bed and it was late. The only one in the bed was the small hedgehog. He was happy enough to see someone at least in the bed. He prodded at Amy with his nose, wanting to curl up beside her.

She almost let him. Instead, Amy heaved a sigh and sat up straight. Deciding that she wasn't going to get any sleep, she got out of bed.

Not sure what I can do...I don't know where Shadow is. I can't go downstairs - Manic and Sunny fell asleep down there watching a movie. I'll have to be quiet going past Silver and Blaze. But I think I'm hungry?

Amy sauntered to the hallway with Butch following her, confused that she was getting out of the bed when he was getting in. He didn't think it was quite fair. Amy was surprised to see Sonic and Sarah's door open as well, but Shia was laying on the bed near Sarah. Amy watched the two sleeping hedgehogs - Sonic was faced away and on his stomach while Sarah was curled up towards the door. Shia stared at her then looked at Butch.

It took her a little longer than it should have to see the puppies all strewn about on the floor, sleeping. Most of them were in the bedroom with their mother, but a few were curled up in the living room with Silver. Amy smiled at the scene as she tiptoed past them - Butch still on her heels. Shia came around the corner and curiously followed the female as well.

Getting to the kitchen, Amy opened the fridge in hopes that something entertaining would be there. But she wasn't hungry or thirsty, she figured. Closing the fridge, she found herself walking to the garage door and finding it unlocked still.

Sonic probably left it unlocked for Shadow. Although, I'm sure they have a key somewhere outside.

Amy pursed her lips in thought before tugging on some boots. Butch wagged his tail faster as he realized they were going outside.

"I guess I'll take you with me," she whispered to the dogs as she put on a coat. "Wouldn't be a bad idea to let you out a bit more often, anyway."

Going through the garage and out the side door, they were quickly in the cool air. It was oddly not as cold as she thought it would be, considering it was lightly snowing. Staring up at the night sky, she couldn't see much of anything but the fluffy flakes ever so slowly falling.

Butch was quickly head down, nose to the ground - on a trail. Shia was sniffing at Amy's feet before she picked up her own pace and followed Butch.

They became unaware of Amy's existence and soon were going further into the field, towards the old barn.

Amy sighed and looked at the new, in-construction barn. It was a work in progress but it was coming together. She could see the picture Shadow probably had in mind for it.

It'd be nice for him to have a barn so close, anyway. The cows could be near versus half a mile away where people could probably just steal them. Unless people don't...rustle cows anymore? Amy thought to herself as she subconsciously followed Butch and Shia into the field, figuring they were following a raccoon or skunk trail. I guess that's why brands help in deterring cattle rustling.

With a faint smile, her strides became little bounces as she skipped through the soft snow. It was like powder at her feet. She kicked it easily up into the air and watched it settle back down again. It'd melt by that afternoon anyway.

Right...It's Sunday. Aleena's funeral. Amy had almost forgotten it with everything else going on. Despite Sarah having mentioned it at the dance.

Amy felt a little disappointed in herself - forgetting Aleena's funeral. And for what? A few arguments with Shadow about Scourge and Rosy. All because Samwell is a threat to us and them...And now because my own friend is lying to me.

"C'mon, let's go back in," Amy turned to the garage - where the outside light shined brightly at her. She motioned towards it and whistled for the dogs. But neither were responsive. "Butch! Shia! C'mon!"


They were still frolicking through the field, following scents. Amy sighed, but figured they were just too happy in this blissful moment to care about her. With a groan, Amy trudged after them through the field - the barn in sight still despite the snow. The barn had a flood light on the back that shined brighter than the garage light.

They seemed to be heading towards it as the dogs found their way onto the road Shadow would take. Amy followed quickly behind, not wanting to walk half a mile though. "Guys, c'mon!" she whined, dragging her feet. "I don't wanna do this - I'm never letting you out again, nope, nope, nope."

Delirium was probably setting in for her by now considering she didn't know how much sleep she had had the night before. Plus with everything going on, her head felt heavier than usual.

"I mean what is so entertaining that you want to just - "

Suddenly, Butch stopped and held his head up, staring at the barn. Then he was on a full sprint towards the structure. And there wasn't a thing that Amy could do to stop him. Shia wasn't following him, however. She stopped and stared back at Amy, as if waiting for her to catch up.

All Amy could think was that she'd have to tell Shadow that she lost Butch. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Butch was the favorite child.

"No - WAIT!" Amy went into a run with Shia pouncing at her feet before taking after Butch playfully. It was cool, and the dogs were ready to run. Butch was focused. Amy was none of the above and out of shape. "BUTCH!"

What the hell am I going to tell Shadow if I lose him?! "Oh, hey, I know you're acting a little bit like an asshole right now, and my attitude isn't helping the situation, and we aren't seeing eye to eye, but hear me out: I lost your dog." Yeah, that'll go over smoothly!


"You didn't like Butch, right? It was Shia you liked better? No? Oh, well, then I have some news."

Shit, shit, shit!

Amy was panting as Butch was lost to her line of sight now. Shia was still keeping pace with Amy, though, which was at least a good thing.

I'm sure he cares about both of them deep down, but I'm also sure that Shia would find her way back to her puppies, do or die. Butch has probably already forgotten they exist.

"Oh, why me?" she huffed. "I just wanted a little fresh air, not to go on a run!"

With determination that can only be found that early in the morning, Amy sucked it up and ran to the barn. She huffed and puffed all the way there, but by God she did it.

She still couldn't see Butch.

Where the hell did he go? He's gotta be around here somewhere.

Shia seemed to squeeze her muzzle between the barn doors, trying to push them open in excitement. Amy let her in, deciding to check the interior first.

"Nope...nothing but cows." The bovine stared at the intruder, some seeming to munch on their bedding of straw or extra hay they found. Amy bit her bottom lip before wandering back outside. This time, Shia took the lead and trotted around the side of the barn.

"No, come back!" Amy whispered in a hiss. She followed the dog closely until they were on the back side of the barn. Stopping in her tracks, she was relieved to see both Butch and Shadow.

The dog was wagging his tail, staring lovingly at his Master who paid no attention to him. Shadow sat on a straw bale, half covered in snow still as Butch stood atop it - waiting for love. The ebony hedgehog never moved, however.

Amy caught her breath as Shia dove into the snow near her feet, smelling mice. The rose Mobian sauntered over to Shadow rather slowly. Once she got to the straw bale, she debated on several moves. Deciding on one, she took a spot next to him on his right. Butch remained on his left, sitting patiently now as he had found his Master.

Shadow raised his hand to pat the dog's head, and Butch's wish was fulfilled. He got the few pats before hopping off the bale and diving into the snow with Shia. The two now enjoying the night.

"You can come back now." Her voice was quiet.

"Can I?"

Snow continued to fall as the crack in his voice made her wince. He'd been suffering out here by himself for hours. And it hurt her knowing she hadn't gone looking for him.

"Don't be silly, Shadow. It was an accident - "

"It shouldn't have happened, Amy." Shadow shook his head in anger at himself. "I shouldn't be like this, but with you around, I'm afraid I'll…" His breathing became irregular as terrible thoughts filled his head.

"Afraid you'll what? Hurt me?" Amy leaned forward, trying to catch his gaze with no prevail. "You already have." She hated to say it, but it was true. "Emotionally more so than physically, but you have, Shadow."

Shadow tilted his head away from her as if it were too heavy. Or as if he'd been stung a few more times that night with the thought of hurting her. The one thing he had been trying to prevent - her getting hurt - was the one thing he managed to do. Everything else had been a failure.

"You're spinning a web, Shadow. For the both of us...for everyone. When are you going to realize that? That telling me the truth is going to get us further in this situation than trying to lie and protect me? You can protect me and tell me the truth at the same time, you know. I'd be less stubborn in knowing you're on my side."

The calmness coming from her scared the both of them. But the sheer fact of the matter was that Amy was tired. She was tired of trying to have this conversation and have it be shut down. She was tired of arguing with him. She was tired of listening to him spout lies.

A small nod came from him. And red eyes locked onto green. "If you know I'm lying, then you know the truth already."

"I want to hear it from you. I want you to fess up to it," she folded her arms as she spoke, sitting straight and waiting.

They never looked away from one another. "I…" he shook his head as he tried to find the words, "I told Sonic, and Sonic told Silver. And we're all on board. And we're all now pitted against Samwell." He leaned closer to Amy as he spoke. "And the way he looked at you...the first time you met him…"

"In the store?"

"In the store, Amy. He's...insane," Shadow swallowed the lump in his throat. "I was afraid he'd try to do something to you. Not necessarily Rosy or Scourge or their daughter. And the spy thing. Everything, Amy, is just piling up into one moment, and we all know it. We can both sense it."

"I know. He has us all in one place," Amy noted. "Whatever his motive is."

Shadow nodded before slowly leaning back and away from her. They sat in silence and falling snow for about another five minutes. It was a long moment between them, but it was enough to make Amy want to break it.

"Shadow...Tonight. What happened - I just want you to know that the Wilson's will come around. Frank will come around."

"Did you see the way he looked at me? Like he didn't know who I was, but he didn't like whatever he was seeing," Shadow spoke in disgust.

"I'm sure he didn't," Amy said as-matter-of-factly.

Standing from the bale, Shadow stood in front of her, his hands resting on either side of her. Amy hitched a breath - trying to think. But it was moments like these that she realized required no thinking.


"I can't keep doing this, Amy. You showed up and now I can't function properly. It's not your fault. I just don't…" he shut his eyes tightly as he bent his head down. "I just can't keep doing this. Arguing and falling back into place to argue again. It's tiresome, and if this is what a relationship between us would be like - then perhaps it's best if we go our separate ways."

Shadow gazed up at her to see her reaction. He hadn't wanted to say those things, but he had been left alone for a while to think now, and it was one of the only things he could think of. "You deserve better than me. You deserve someone who won't cause you this fucking headache of a mess."

Amy's stomach dropped with his suggestion.

I...I don't wanna go.

She started to shake her head. "No, I - "

"Yes, you should go. With Blaze and Silver."

"No, Shadow - "

He held his hand up to stop her from talking, but she only grabbed it and shoved it back down, pointing at him with her other hand. "No. You can't do this," she tried to speak clearly but she knew the tears were forming. "This place is like home to me, Shadow."

He didn't want to hear those words come from her mouth. He didn't. It only made this moment harder.

"Amy, you can find a new home - "

"No. I want this home." Amy was making her stand as she came to the realization that she didn't want to go anywhere. Not without him. They were messed up, true, but those issues could be resolved. She didn't want to back down anymore or give up - she wanted Shadow. "I want you."

The dark hedgehog wasn't really sure what was happening. It was as if it were in slow motion. But he watched nonetheless as Amy slowly pulled herself up to him, snaked her arms around his neck. They stared at each other.

And then her lips were against his.

And everything felt right. Shadow closed his eyes and found his grasp going to her waist, pulling her tighter against him. She invitingly wrapped her legs around his waist.

They drifted apart with all the time in the world, resting their foreheads against each other. Amy bit the bottom of her lip, trying to savor the kiss as much as possible. She had never known it would have felt like that.

God, it felt so right. She almost cried. The emotions running through her were too much to bear.

"Now why would you go and do something like that?" he quietly asked in a teasing manner, their noses touching.

"Promise me that after this Samwell thing is dealt with, we can focus on figuring us out? Together. I'm not leaving this behind without a fight. Something about it, I can't leave behind," Amy shook her head against his. "Promise me."

The desperation in her eyes tugged at his heart. He realized he wasn't walking away from her. Not ever again.

Amy purred as he nuzzled under her chin. "I promise," he murmured.


They pulled away, awkwardly staring at one another. Had that just happened? Amy blushed and looked away.

It did. It really did. I just kissed Shadow of all people, and I want to do it again.

She tugged at her quill. "So...Now what?"

"You're my home."

He spoke so suddenly that it caught her off guard. "What?"

"You." Shadow motioned to her with a nod. He grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers. "You're my home."

Amy stared in disbelief at the openness he was giving. She imagined it was a big step for him to take. But he lept without fear.

Stealing a kiss from her, Shadow rested against her and the bale now. When he pulled away, the two were quiet until Amy couldn't help but let out a laugh. He cocked his head to the side. "What's so funny?"

"Us," Amy roughly put her free hand through his quills. It was a motion that almost sent him into overdrive, and she saw it. Oh, now she was toying with him.

He growled a little. "You might want to be careful there. We don't want to regret anything."

She butted her head against his. "We were arguing not a few hours ago. Having one of the worst dates of our lives. And now this. We are dysfunctional, aren't we?"

"Dysfunctional is putting it strongly, but we're up there," Shadow agreed with a smirk.

"Does this mean we have to pretend to hate each other in front of the others?" Amy scratched through his quills gently.

"Only a little."

"We don't want them asking questions. Considering you never came back to the house."

"We can leave them guessing. Hell, if we're dysfunctional as you say, we'll leave ourselves guessing."

They pulled away one last time. Shadow helped her off the bale. "We should head back. There's more to tell you - fill you in on."

"I'd like that," she said with a soft smile as she willingly grabbed his hand. "I'm still upset with you a little. Not as upset as Sonic is with you, I'm sure, but you get what I mean."

Shadow sighed and they headed to the front of the barn, starting the half mile back to the house. The dogs stopped to notice the hedgehogs moving and followed them. "I figured as much. I don't blame you. Just promise me something?"


"You won't be more upset with me when I tell you some things." He was thinking Flame in particular, as that hadn't gone over well with Sonic.

"I'll try my best."

He figured it was the most of a promise he'd get from her. So the two hedgehogs walked back to the house with the dogs on their heels and the falling snow covering their tracks.

It was a night that would remain between them.