The New Leader of the Pride
A Harry Potter Fanfiction
by Drauchenfyre
AUTHOR'S NOTE (DATE: 9 SEP 2015): To my readers—I am sorry. I am sorry that I took this story down because I was dissatisfied with it. I am sorry I ignored you, my readers, and took away a story many of you complained was "too good to remove" (you know who you are). Time crunches and the responsibility of school are still making it difficult for me to make progress in this story, either rewriting or moving forward.
So, here's what I'm going to do: the twelve existing chapters are hereby reposted. I will endeavor to advance the story from here (with rewrites put off until I have a solid reason). If anybody wishes to contribute ideas on how I can move forward, post a review and I will credit any ideas that I use. I already know my endgame—getting there is the problem. Without giving away too much (I hope), Samuel Glyphs is maneuvering Harry into grabbing the Triwizard Cup and being sent to the graveyard to resurrect Riddle. Samuel's reasons, however, are far more benign than either Albus's or Riddle's, and are geared towards Harry having a version of "happily ever after" with the girl of his dreams (HHr, people!)
That being said, here's "The New Leader of the Pride."
Chapter One: This is the Warning...
Summary: Just before the new school year begins, Severus Snape has the "new rules" laid out for him by the new Head of Gryffindor...
AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This chapter is written from the perspective of Severus Tobias Snape, and thus reflects the views and opinions of a childish, petty, bigoted greaseball with delusions of humanity, not the author.
24 August 1994
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
0934 GMT
Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, gave one final glare at the man seated across from her. "Are you certain you can handle this?"
"Oh yes," replied the man. "It's time to shake things up a bit around here. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a quick chat before the staff meeting."
Minerva rolled her eyes, "What are you planning to do to him?"
"Not much," smirked the decidedly un-British voice, "But I find that, if you're forceful enough when you give the first warning, most people don't need a second. Of course, he might just be stubborn or stupid enough to require more... detailed... instructions." With that, the man spun and strode out the door, leaving Minerva pinching her nose. This was going to be one of those years.
Severus Snape was in a mood. You might question when he wasn't in a mood, but this was a particularly bad one. The Potter Spawn was returning for his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The previous year had ended with Potter and his Mudblood robbing Severus of his righteous revenge against that criminal Black, and the Order of Merlin he would have received for it. Then, the old goat fondler had changed the grades from the well-earned T's to A's, undermining his authority. Like the spawn of James Potter could possibly be worth anything! Sweeping through the halls with his billowing cape action on full, he headed for the teacher's lounge on the third floor, where a faculty meeting had been called on short notice. All of a sudden, a blinding pain struck the left side of Severus's face and he lost consciousness before he even realized he was under attack.
Severus Snape regained consciousness upside down, cocooned in rope, stripped naked, and suspended over a pit of scorpions. He knew exactly who had done this. Only one person with access to the castle was this melodramatic, and prone to tormenting him for no reason (well, only one since he'd successfully gotten that mongrel werewolf thrown out like he deserved).
"Morning, Greaseball!"
As always, Samuel Jason Glyphs, Professor of Ancient Runes, was far too cheerful for this early hour. The only son of Aberforth Dumbledore's illegitimate daughter, he was the Headmaster's great-nephew, a title that seemed absurd to apply to a man in his seventies. Turning to the annoying, American voice, Severus saw the smirking man leaning casually against the wall, the other end of the rope holding Severus held in his left hand.
"What brought this on, Glyphs?"
"Oh, not much, Greasy, just thought we could have a little chat."
"Will youstop calling me that, you insufferable twit!"
"I'll stop calling you that when you demonstrate that you can operate a shower... and actually start using it."
Severus fumed. Glyphs had always had that insolent attitude he found all too common amongst those damned colonials. The fact that he was the Headmaster's great-nephew, a well-respected expert in his field, and had been on staff longer than anyone except Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall and Binns, had left the mischief maker with an arrogance that Snape found all too similar to one James Potter. Combine that with the fact that Glyphs was Esper-Blind- a rare magical gift which made him immune to all forms of mind magic, both malicious and benign- and Snape couldn't even Legilimens his way out of this mess.
"What is it you want!"
"As I said, I wanted to have a little chat with you. See, Minnie has decided that a full-time teaching schedule, being Deputy Headmistress and being Head of Gryffindor has become too much anymore. She says she's getting too old- HA! I know girls twenty years her junior who wish they were half as smokin' hot as Miss Kitty! Anyway, she decided to step down as Head of Gryffindor and named me as her successor."
Severus had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Samuel Glyphs as Head of Gryffindor- he would be safer with Black. This could end badly...
"Now, see, Captain Exxon, now that I'm Leader of the Pride, things are gonna change around here. You got away with a lotta crap because Min had to be objective as Deputy Headmistress - something that actually prevented her from being an effective Head of House. They really shouldn't let someone hold both positions, too many conflicts. Anyhoo, this is your official notice, Syphilis. Unlike Min, I'm gonna be watching the Punishments Book. Anytime you take points off my Gryffies for a made-up reason, I'm gonna take points off your Snakes for the exact same reason. Since you seem so fond of giving detention to Mr. Potter for whatever flimsy excuse you manage to concoct on the spot, I'm gonna start reciprocating against Mr. Malfoy. Hagrid could always use help cleaning up after his beasties- who knows, if the blond ponce does a good enough job, at some point we might even give him a shovel!"
Severus seethed. "You can't do this, Glyphs!"
Samuel's smile took on an evil smirk. "Oh, but I can, Snotbeak. You've been abusing your power over my cubs since the day you started here at Hogwarts. That stops now. I'm gonna make you behave in a professional manner even if I have to fight dirty and stoop to your level to do it. Oh, and make sure Bad Faith and his Junior Trolls know that there will be consequences to crossing the Great Hall to taunt my Lions. The Weasley Twins will be granted permission- by me- to prank the living shit out of the little snot if he's spotted west of the Ravenclaws in the Great Hall. Trust me- it won't be pleasant."
Glyphs lashed out his free hand, grabbed the front of Severus's ropes, and pulled him towards himself until they were looking each other in the eye. The smirk was now positively evil. "This is the warning, Severus." Severus knew he was in trouble. With Samuel Glyphs, referring to anyone by their correct given name was a sign that things were about to get bloody. "There's a new leader of the pride, and a new sheriff in town. Teach those Snakes of yours to behave like the civilized beings they pretend to be, or I'm gonna start making me some snakeskin boots."
With that, Glyphs laughed maniacally- and released both ends of the rope.
Severus plunged into the scorpion pit below his head, screaming. Upon landing, he continued to scream for almost a minute before he realized that the scorpions hadn't touched him. Cracking an eyelid, he saw the 'scorpions' crawling through solid objects.
An illusion! Another of that Yank bastard's illusions!
Looking up, Severus saw that Glyphs wasn't at the edge of the pit. Working his way out of the ropes (and hoping Glyphs had left his clothes nearby- with him you could never tell), Severus contemplated what he'd learned. Glyphs seemed bound and determined to destroy him as a Head of House, and that frightened him. While James Potter and his gang of miscreants had harassed him for years, there were still lines they had never crossed. Glyphs, however, was just crazy. Like, Bellatrix LeStrange crazy. He was more than willing to be dangerous if he felt a need to be. It was time to warn his Snakes, and one Snake in particular, that they would need to tread lightly.
A/N: Well, I've started making progress on the rewrite. Hope you enjoy my refined, expanded version of "The New Leader of the Pride!"