:: comm link


{} twin bond

~::~ creator/creation bond (parent/child)


Sire- dad, father

Carrier- mom, mother

recharge- sleep

units of time I use:

astrosecond- 1/4 of a second

klik- minute

joor- 3 hours

groon- 3 months

cycle- day

deca-cycle- 10 days

meta-cycle- 20 days

stellar cycle- 1 earth year

vorn- 83

A/N: enjoy. Couldn't wait as this kept playing in my head. Next chapter will be out as soon as I can. I also edited and fixed a line in the chapter, 7 years ago. She was 8 than. Needed her to be a little younger than Sam by two years. But she's still the same grade as him due to her cybertronian brain...lol.

I watched the island get smaller and smaller as we flew away; hoping that they got my message. I kept my optics open while we flew to the enemy's base, wondering why this war was started in the first place and to keep my mind off the fact that my spark was hurting the further we went. After a joor of flying, we finally arrived at the Decepticon base. I was set down and before I could even make a run for it, my wrist was grabbed by the Con. "I'm not about to let you out of my sight, Femme. You could easily hide in small places considering how small you are." Acid Storm said as he pulled me behind him to the main room on the base and sitting there, on a throne, sat Megatron. He tossed me before him and I landed on the floor, doing my best to keep from crying out as my spark hurt so bad. "Lord Megatron, I found her on the outskirts of the Autobot base. She may be the only Femme left." Acid Storm told him. "I see that, but she is too small of a Femme compared to others." Megatron replied.

I sat up carefully and looked him in the eye and before I could say something, I was surrounded by Starscream and his trine, facing their weapons at their comrades. "What is the meaning of this, Starscream?" Megatron asked. "We will not let you or anybot else mess with this Femmeling. She needs to be returned to her creators before it's too late." Starscream said. I gasp and clutch at my chest as I bend some to try to relieve some pain. "What's wrong, young femme?" One of the other Seekers ask me. "M-my spark...it hurts." I quietly say. "Starscream, we need to get her back before she worsens." "Very well, grab her and Skywarp will warp us out, Thundercracker." Starscream said. "You will go nowwhere with the femmeling, Starscream!" Megatron says. Starscream looks at his trine than looks at Megatron before saying, "Yes, we will be. Our Seeker code comes before anything else. My trine and I will also be defecting to go neutral or join the Autobots. You have lead us to ruin. We have no home anymore, Megatron. You have strayed far from what our original goal. We will have no more of it." With that, he rakes his sharp clawlike servos through his symbol than through Thundercracker and Skywarp. "Let's get the Femmeling back to her creators before she worsens." He said as he picked me up and grabbed hold of his trinemate's wing while the third seeker did the same and in a klik we were back on the sandy beach.

"Please, can you put me down?" I ask looking up at Starscream. "Very well, but if you fall, I will carry you to your base." he said. "but you don't know where my base is." I reply as he sets me and I was able to stay upright for a few kliks but as soon as I lifted my pede, I started to fall forward but Starscream caught me before I met the sand. "guess its carrying you, little one" He says with a slight chuckle. "I may not know where, but you can tell me how to get there from here." I sigh, "very well. My base is fifteen kliks from here. Can't miss it, what with all the small and big buildings everywhere." "Who are your creators, little one" Starscream asks me as the four us headed to my base. "Ratchet and Ironhide apparently." I mutter. "Why apparently?" "Because according to my medical file, my Sire is actually my Carrier and Ironhide is my Sire as Firestar couldn't spark after being wounded in a battle." I crossed my arms and went silent. "It's not unheard of, little one. I know how you feel. My Sire couldn't spark, so he asked his twin brother to spark his mate. I learned that what matters most is that your creators love you." Starscream said as we got closer to my base.

"I know Sire...Carrier does, don't know about my Sire." I say. "How old are you and what is your designation" Starscream asks. "Starella is my real name, but I also go by Heather Witwicky. And I'm the equivalent to 15 years old in human terms." I told him. "Still a Femmeling...a young one at that...no wonder your spark is hurting." Skywarp says out of the blue. "I see some Autobots coming our way, 'scream." Thundercracker says. As we get closer to the base, I see Optimus walking towards us with my creators in tow and Prowl alongside them. I start to jump out of Starscream's arms, but he repositioned me and I huff and cross my arms. "I will only set you down when we are near your creators, Starella." Starscream told me. I sigh and huff at that. "Starscream, I see you brought back Starella without any harm." Optimus says as we all face each other.

"Unlike some of my kin, My trine and I are but a few who still have our Coding. We are also defecting. Ratchet, I believe she is yours." Starscream says as he walks towards my Carrier. I try a puppy dog face at him. "That is not going to work with me, youngling. Hand over that datapad also too." He says as I'm put into his arms. "Is it true?" I ask as I hand it over." Ratchet sighs, "yes, it is." "Alright. Starscream and his trine are pretty cool." I say. "Why are you defecting?" I hear Optimus ask them. "Because after the last Youngling Center was bombed, we knew we had to get away and in order to do that, we needed to wait until the right moment to do so. We can be neutral or allow us to join your side. We want nothing more to do with Megatron. He has lost sight of the original plan...now he's just...focused on raging an untimeless war. Our home is gone and there is so few of us now." Starscream tells him.

"Why is there a war anyway? what caused it?" I ask curiously. "That is a story for another time, Starella." Optimus told me. I look at the others and I see Starscream wink at me, so I made a mental note to myself to find him later and get the story. "We'll head back to base, but first Ratchet will offline all your weapons until we've discussed your situation." Optimus told them. "I can stand, Sir...Carrier...I'm not a sparkling." I say as Ironhide takes me from Ratchet's arms. "From my readings on your spark, you need to remain with one of us until your spark is strong enough to be away from us." Carrier replies as he heads to the three Seekers to offline their weapons and I simply huff and pout. ~:I'll tell you a story or two about your Carrier and Firestar.:~ Sire sends me ~:what about you or Cybertron?:~ I reply back. ~: we'll see, my star.:~ Sire replies. I huff and look over to see Prowl typing away on a datapad all the while scowling and I start giggling as I came up with an awesome prank. "What are you giggling about, my star?" Sire asks me. "If I tell you, it won't be a surprise than." I say. "Just don't prank me, Starella." He says. "I won't. You'll see who it is after Carrier says I'm free to go. " I reply. "All their weapons are offlined along with their comms and navigational system." Carrier tells Optimus. " Very well. We'll head back to the base where they'll be under constant surveillance until further notice." Optimus said and we all walk back the to base.

A/N: quite a long chapter this one is. Enjoy. would love feedback from my readers. Expect another update within a months time from now if not sooner. til than, Moonstar out.