A/N: Be aware, this does have talk about rape BUT it does not happen.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or the characters.

Chapter One

She watched her village burn as she got carried away by a man with dark hair. She knew the day that her father had aligned himself with the sketchy tribe Phantom Lord. He had been so eager to believe the lies that those men would protect his 'precious little girl'.

That morning, Phantom Lord had come to 'collect their debt'. Her father was happy to dish out as much money as they wanted as their tribe was one of the richest around. Little did he know, they didn't want money. They had come for his precious daughter.

Lucy had been ripped from her tent kicking and screaming and shoved in the middle of the village for everyone to see. They had wanted everyone to watch as they forced his 'little girl' to become a woman.

Her clothes were ripped to shreds but all she could do was scream and whimper and she was pinned down by a man on each of her limbs.

The leader of the tribe, Jose, eyed her with interest. She had spat at him with utter disgust, shouting curse words at him. He had slapped her, until her lip began bleeding and proceeded to ready himself.

Lucy screamed once again, squeezing her eyes shut. But nothing happened. When she opened her eyes again, Jose was gone and his men when unpinning her and running after him. They were under attack.

Lucy had just been able to find a sheet to wrap around her body before she had been found.

Now here she was, thrown over the arm of a dark haired man walking to an unknown destination probably to only get raped when she got there. She didn't know if she had really escaped her fate.

She looked up at the man that carried her. He was at least more handsome than the deplorable man that had tried to have her before. He was shirtless with a silver cross hanging over his neck. He wore dark trousers that hung low on his hips and he seemed to be well built.

She realised after a while that she had not heard any of them speak. She had been so caught up in her own fear that she had not bothered to even look around at the others. She seemed to be in a small group of about five, including the man that held her.

First there was a beautiful red-head. She gave of the sense that she was unbelievably strong and wore armour to match that image.

Next there was a white-haired girl. Her hair was cut short, in a bob, and if Lucy had to guess, she would say that she was probably the weakest of all her friends. She seemed to have a kind soul though.

Then there was a man with long, black hair and bolts all over his body. Lucy recognised him as being a former member of Phantom Lord and was surprised at how well he seemed to be fitting in his new tribe after only a couple of months.

Last, but definitely not least, was the pink-haired boy in front of her. He fascinated Lucy. His wild hair was not only her favourite colour, but her favourite shade. She had many dresses back at her village that were the same beautiful colour. He was well built, like the rest. He gave off a huge aura of strength but also one of recklessness, like a child that had discovered an immense power. He wore a strange, scaly scarf around his neck, a black and gold vest and matching trousers.

Lucy couldn't keep her eyes off him as he walked ahead of her.

"Eugh" the man holding her complained "Can't you take her, Natsu? You're the one who saved her and insisted on bringing her back!" The pink-haired man, Natsu, turned back to look at him companion and rolled his eyes and then he looked at Lucy. He was still walking backwards, caught up in their stare. Neither of them could look away. She got lost in the intense stare of his dark eyes. This one was definitely better than Jose. He only looked away when the man carrying her called his name.

"Natsu!" the man snapped, Natsu didn't look too impressed.

"I see you're finally admitting I'm stronger than you Gray!" he jested.

"No way!" Gray shouted "This woman's just heavy!" this annoyed Lucy. A lot. Instead of staying quiet and trying to preserve herself, she decided to hit him. She smacked him in the chest, earning an annoyed growl from Gray and a loud laugh from Natsu. She smiled a little at that but did her best to hide it.

"You should have better manners when in comes to women" his red-haired companion said in a serious tone.

"Yes, Erza!" He said to her, compliantly. Lucy almost laughed at how afraid of her everyone seemed to be.

"Here" Natsu said, reaching for Lucy. Gray nodded and handed her over. Instead of slinging her over his shoulder as his friend had, Natsu carried her bridal style. Though she felt more comfortable, she couldn't help but think, with the way he was staring, that he had done it to get a better view of her body. The cloth she had tied to herself at the front was not particularly flattering so she felt a little more relaxed.

She looked up at him seeing if her fears were confirmed but he wasn't looking at her chest. He was looking intensely at her face again, capturing her eyes. He stared at her for a while before he gave her a huge grin which she couldn't help but return.

He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't seem to trust his words. After what seemed like an age of fighting with himself, he simply broke eye contact and looked forward, not uttering a single word.

The walked for about another half an hour before Lucy suddenly felt completely worn out. Her eyes started closing, and soon enough she had fallen asleep in the arms of her captor.

He watched her curiously as she fell asleep in his arms. He wasn't sure what to make of her really. He had felt that way since he had saved her.

Something had just snapped in him when he saw her about to get raped by that slimey man. She looked really scared and for some reason it had hurt his chest to see her expression. Before he knew it, he had ripped the man of her and beaten him until his was unconscious. Maybe a little more after that.

He looked over at her briefly, gulping loudly when he realised she was completely naked. That was an image that was going to haunt him in his dreams for a long time. He tore his eyes away and realised that he was needed to deal with the rest of the tribe.

After that she had been picked up by Gray, then handed over to him and that where she was now. Snug in his arms. He pulled her a little closer and was rewarded with a sigh. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. He was really glad that he could do that for her. He shook his head trying to cast away his silly thoughts and calm his racing heart.

"You could of just thrown her over your shoulder" Lisanna complained, pouting as she walked next to him.

Lisanna. Right. He had completely forgotten everyone else was there. He looked over at the silver-haired girl and frowned a little to himself. She was supposedly his future fiancee but everytime he thought about it he felt uncomfortable and his heart ached a little. He looked back at the girl he had in his arms quickly and his pulse soon sped up causing him to frown further.

"I think she's been through enough manhandling today" he sighed honestly. Lisanna didn't look too happy with the answer but she didn't question him.

They slowly approached their camp, hearing the cheers of those they had left behind for their safe return.

"What are you going to do with her?" Gray asked, nodded in the direction of the girl in his arms.

Natsu hadn't really thought about it when he told Gray to pick her up. They had left the rest of her tribe unharmed bar the scum that had been attacking them, but he had felt a strong need to keep her where he could protect her. He hummed as he looked at her then looked back at Gray.

"I guess she'll be staying with me" he said, Gray raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"Has our little Salamander finally grown up?" he chuckled. Natsu frowned and then blushed furiously as he understood the implications.

"Nothing like that! Just 'cause you're a perv don't mean I am!" he growled.

"Then what did you want her for?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know, I just kind of did it" he frowned and Gray laughed again.

"Have fun!" he said, waving as he left Natsu and the Blonde alone.

Natsu carried her over to his tent and quickly ducked inside. He managed to place her on his fur covers before he was attacked from behind.

"Natsuuuu!" Happy cried as he saw him. The blue exceed flew into his arms and held fast to him. He only let go when he felt a reassuring pat on his head.

"I'm okay, Happy" he smiled and Happy looked over at what he had just put down in their home.

"Who's she?" Happy flew down to inspect the blonde, poking her in the cheek. She, much to the relief of Natsu, didn't stir.

"Don't poke 'er, Haps!" he said, a little too desperate for his liking "She's gonna be staying with us from now on" he smiled and Happy flew up and landed on his shoulder, inspecting the blonde again.

"So she's a new friend?" Happy asked and Natsu nodded.

"Yeah, a special friend" he said accidentally out loud, not really sure of what he meant himself. He assumed it was probably because she was weird and he shrugged and went outside to join the others to get his wounds tended to.

He smiled to himself a little, unaware as to how much the sleeping blonde would change his life.

A/N I know its short but I just wanted a quick introduction to the characters and the world, ect. I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!