A/N: what? I'm writing a new book while still unfinished with others?! How dare I! Oh well, I've had this idea for a while so I figured why not. I don't know if I'll make this one long or short yet. But we'll find out together. So on with the story! ~

Music could barely be heard from the nearly soundproof studio. A teen, roughly 19 years old stood in the recording booth, headphones on and ready. He listened to the instrumentals he'd gotten so accustomed to, waiting for the next verse to play. And just a moment later he took a breath and sang. His voice flowing out of him with such passion and emotion that his recording director was in awe as he'd been so many times before.

The teen's eyes were closed, his slightly tanned arms raised as he poured pure emotions into the mic before him. As the song came to a close, he opened his eyes, dragging out the last note before cutting it off and waiting for the signal that recording had stopped.

"I swear it's like you're always getting better, good job." the director spoke through a speaker in the booth as the room was completely sound proof. "You can go for today."

"Alright," The teen exited the room with a light smile. "I'll see you next week then."

"Good job, Night-kun!" A female with long caramel hair cheered. "That was beautiful as always."

"Thank you Karin." Night replied softly. He accepted the drink she'd brought him with a smile before she started talking about his schedule for the next week.

"So, next Thursday there's plans with the Fiore radio station and Saturday another recording session." Karin listed, "Wow, Night-kun's free for a whole week! Lucky."

Night chuckled. It was a rarity nowadays but things have been calm enough lately that he could focus on his career without worry. "Yay." He cheered to himself. "Maybe I'll go on a vacation then."

"Be careful whatever Night-kun does." Karin warned, "I don't want to find out Night-kun injured himself. Okay?"

"Yeah, I know." He chuckled. "I won't."

She narrowed her eyes sceptically but let the passive reply slide. "Oh, that's right."

"What?" The teen said, draining the last of his drink. "Did you forget something?"

"Yeah, Sorcerer's Weekly called again." Karin sighed, "They want to meet Night-kun for a modeling shoot and interview."

"Please remind them that I don't want pictures taken. I don't mind the interview though." Night sighed. That magazine was persistent and he didn't really care for the photographers that much. "You know how to take care of them, I'm counting on you."

"Leave it to me Night-kun." Karin said with a playful salute.

"Alright." Night smiled in return then waved to his director and manager a good bye and left the room. "See you next week!"

As he passed a mirror in the hall, he stopped for a moment. Night walked up to his reflection with a small smile. He would hide his career as a singer for as long as he could from those around him. After all, he was betraying them with a false front. If they found out what he was really like...he didn't even want to think about it.

Night raised a hand to the mirror, touching it lightly. If he was ever found out, he might have to say goodbye to one of his lives. But he wouldn't be able to bear it. Not at this point.

He lingered for but a moment longer before pushing his fingers through his spiky pink hair and walking on.

_-The Next Morning-_


The pinkette sat writing the lyrics of his next song in a small notebook. He was wrapped up in the task. Not paying any attention to the fight around him or the fact that a certain blond had sat across for him, trying to get his attention.


Looking up, he finally noticed Lucy, the guild's resident celestial mage, right in front of him. "Oh, hey Luce." He quickly hid his notebook in a pocket inside his jacket, continuing, "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wondering what you are focusing so intently on." She said pointing to the notebook he'd just hidden. "This is one of the first times I haven't seen you join in on the daily brawls."

The pinkette shrugged, "I'm making a list of groceries. Erza lectured me about my house and eating habits last night." Just a little white lie but it was half true. Erza had helped him clean his house properly the night before after he'd asked. Ever since he'd gotten his career in music, he became more conscious of his health and keeping appearances. Happy had been shocked to say the least when he came home to see the house spotless and clean.

"Yeah, Erza was talking about it this morning." Lucy grinned, "That's good."

"No kidding, I never knew the joy in finding what I was looking for right away." Natsu joked. Lucy laughed, making the pinkette smile. "It's kind of refreshing so, I think I'm gonna keep it clean."

"Good to hear that." A new voice added. Natsu glanced to his side to find Erza sitting down beside him with her daily strawberry cake. "No more mystery pests popping out of your fridge."

The dragonslayer chuckled. The conversation drifted off of him and into the idea of taking a job until Natsu heard a familiar tune hit his ears. Gray had just entered the hall, humming the pinkette's newest single, just released yesterday. He was always surprised how fast that the songs he'd made spread, but this just made it take a new turn.

"Gray!." Natsu called, getting the mage's attention. "That's Night's new single right?"

"Yeah, just fresh from the works yesterday." The raven said, as he reached their table. "This may be one of his best songs."

"Oh? You listen to Night?!" Lucy questioned. "He's that mystery singer that you can never find a picture of?"

"Yep, he must have some disfigurement or a really badass scar." Gray said, sitting beside Lucy.

"Or he's really clever." Erza grinned.

"How so?" Lucy asked.

"It's pretty obvious." Natsu piped in, "He won't get caught in a sea of fangirls if he goes out in public." That was one of the minor reasons he'd never reveal himself.

"That's impressive flame-brain." Gray teased, "Did you come up with that yourself?"

"I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid ice princess." Natsu shot back.

Erza sighed, "Either way, I think he has a really gorgeous voice."

"He sings with a passion you don't get from most of the other singers that high in the list." Lucy smiled, pulling out her phone and searching through it. She set it in the center of the table and a song started. Night's new song.

Natsu leaned back slightly, closing his eyes to listen with pride as his friends singing his song (albeit off pitch). It was nice to know they enjoyed his music. Even with its darker tones. As the song drew to a close, he fought with himself not to join the others in singing it. Especially when that would go against all the hard work he'd put into keeping his life as 'Night' a secret.

Lucy was crying and Erza was staring at her cake. Even Gray looked emotional. The guild hall was mostly silent, only those who hadn't noticed the music playing were still in their own worlds. "I wonder what this Night person has experienced to sing songs this sad."

"That's something only he knows." Natsu sighed, getting a strange look from Gray. "What?"

"Nothing, you just seem to know the guy by how you talk about him." The raven said flatly.

"Nah, I'm just going by his music." Natsu silently scolded himself for letting his front slip a little bit. "Maybe he'll give his reasons in Sorcerer's Weekly."

"Eh? How do you figure?" Erza asked, setting her fork down on her now cleared plate.

"Don't you listen to the radio," Lucy said, saving Natsu from answering, "He's giving an interview next week that's will hit front page."

"It is his first printed interview." Gray sighed, "Lucky bastards."

"I'd give all the money I got from my last job to meet him." Lucy started another song, one of the very first songs the pinkette had ever recorded. It had been a while since he'd hear it. It took Natsu getting up and walking over to the bar to keep himself from singing aloud this time.

"What's up Natsu?" Mira greeted. "Wanna help me for a little while?"

"With what?" Please say anything that involves the library. He silently pleaded in his mind. There at least, he could hum to himself and no one would care.

"Can you help me put some records away in the library?" Yes!

"I don't mind, beats sitting around doing nothing. Where are they?" Natsu said, standing.

"In Master's office. They're in a box with last year's picture book on top." Mira explained, "I'll be there in a moment."

"Don't worry about it," The pinkette grinned widely. "I got it."

"If you insist then..." Mira was stumped but let him go by himself. Natsu just hoped he hadn't looked as if he was desperate. Though he didn't mind, anything he could do to let him sing outside of recording or the times he was home alone was heaven sent. It was the only time he felt like himself.

Natsu opened the door to the library, box in hand and listened for anyone else being there besides him. He let out a sigh of relief when he confirmed he was alone. "Ah, might as well get started."

Natsu started putting the records away, humming one of his songs. Before he knew it, he was finished with the work he'd been given. He frowned and turned his attention to the various piles of books left out and shrugged. He leaned against one of the tables and started to sing.

This one was his favorite so far. Each word filled with emotions he had to hide. Things he would never tell the others. Thoughts and memories he'd hold in forever. Music was his only escape from hiding. A breath of fresh air underwater. But this made his fear of being discovered that much more terrifying. His true feelings are things that were not 'Natsu Dragneel' but rather of the darkness that rivaled even the dark mage Zeref's magic.

But even so, he couldn't help himself. He loved to sing as much as he loved his magic. No perhaps more than that. Especially since his next string of songs are going into his first album. Natsu was excited and getting so impatient in waiting for that recording session. It would be long and he could sing for longer. Just the thought lightened his mood substantially.

Natsu jumped and stopped singing as he heard the sound of books dropping to his right, towards the library's back room. He could feel his chest tighten as he stared into sapphire eyes, fear pulling him down.


~To Be Continued~

What? A cliffhanger? Who caught him singing? Will they tell the rest of the guild? I'll get the next chapter out soon for you guys!~