Chapter 56: Happy Birthday Sun

On a saturday morning, the girls, along with Discord and Screwball are getting ready for a very special day. Today it's Sun's birthday and are having a party this afternoon. Pinkie and Rarity are helping get the party decorations ready, along with the tables and the chairs. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are busy getting the party games. Fluttershy is helping Discord and Screwball with the food and refreshments. They are also not going to let Sun help since she's the birthday girl and she's also being with her cat. The girls also decide to bring their pets with them as well so they can play with Nina.

Pinkie happily cheers, "Oooh! I can't wait for your birthday party to start!"

"I can't wait either. That way we can get this whole party started!" Rarity says with excitement.

"I know. I'm excited to. I still can't believe that you and Rarity did a very good job with the decorations," Sun replies with a calm smile.

"Well, we both make a great team when it comes to decorating stuff for a party," Pinkie says while putting the streamers on the tree.

"Yes. I believe adding ribbons and sparkles are a perfect touch," Rarity adds while putting on sparkling ribbons.

Sun is very impressed that Rarity and Pinkie are able to put some decoration. Some of them is like her hair color and have suns on it. Sun looks down on the ground to see her wild cat, Nina playing with one of the sparkling ribbon on the ground.

Sun giggles a bit and says, "I think so too, but I think Nina has a better purpose for your sparkling ribbons."

Rarity and Pinkie looks to see Nina playing with one of the sparkling ribbons. She seems to be tossing it around and chewing on it. While some of the pest play with some of the decors as well. Tank is tortoise is the only one who is chewing the streamer and simply hiding himself in his shell.

"Looks like she seems to like it better as a toy than an accessory," Rarity says.

"Speaking of toys, where are the stuff for the party games?" Sun asks.

"I think Rainbow Dash and Applejack are getting them," Pinkie answers.

"Right here!" Rainbow calls out.

Sun, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie turns to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash carrying a lot of stuff for the party games. Applejack is even carrying a small tub and a bag full of apples. Applejack and Rainbow Dash put the games on one of the tables.

Applejack says, "Okay we got stuff for great party games. We got Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Bobbin for Apples, a deck of cards for card games, and some board games."

"You didn't forget the pinata," Pinkie asks.

"Don't worry, Got it right here," Rainbow Dash answers while holding the pinata.

Sun is kind of interesting to see the Pinata has a lot of cones on it. It looks like a spiky ball and full to streamers on the end of the spike.

"Sure is an interesting pinata, Pinkie," Sun says observing the pinata.

Pinkie happily says, "I know, with so many people we need a big pinata along with a lot of candy."

Just then Rainbow Dash remember something and decides to warn Sun about it before it's to.

Rainbow Dash says, "You might want to be careful. Fido always get carried away while playing the pinata."

"I think I remember the last party we went to," Sun says while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. I thought he was going to smack our heads with the bat!" Applejack exclaims,

"Oh, I don't even want to think about it," Fluttershy says looking nervous.

"That's good," Rainbow Dash replies.

"You made sure there's enough food, goodie bags, and seats for everyone?" Sun asks.

"I made sure," Pinkie answers happily.

Before Sun can answer, a familiar female voice happily yells, "That's good, because it's better to have more that nothing at a party!"

Sun and the others turn around to see someone else has arrived at the party. They are surprised to see Sun's aunt, Eris has arrived at the party and with a present box as well.

Sun happily says with a surprised expression, "Aunt Eris!"

Eris walks over to Sun and happily says, "Well, how's my oldest girl today?"

"I'm fine. I didn't know you were coming," Sun answers.

"I wouldn't miss it," Eris says with a smile.

She then turns to the girls and says, "So where do I put the present?"

Applejack points to table next to the games and says, "On that table over there."

"Thanks, AJ," Eris replies.

Eris heads off to the table so she can put Sun's present on the table. Meanwhile, the girls simply smiles that Eris is going to be here.

Rainbow Dash giggles and says, "You know what it means when Eris comes to town."

"Yeah. Later in the party she's going to go on her strong leadership act," Applejack replies with a grin on her face.

Sun looks at her friends with a confused look and asks, "Her what?"

"You'll see," Pinkie says cheerfully.

"If you say so?" Sun questionably replies.

Sun kind of decides that later she will ask about her aunt's strange mode. Then again, her aunt is just like her dad, they both can be unpredictable sometimes. That also goes the same for her little sister.

Sometime later, everyone that Sun has invited have showed to the birthday party. Since everyone are here, it's time for the party to begin. During the party, they are playing games, having food, and doing other games. Flash and his band mates also play some music with their instruments and Trixie and her friends decide to do some magic tricks including Fuchsia's fortune telling cards.

After that, everyone are at the tables and Sun is the center of the table. They are ready to have some birthday cake and ice cream. Discord and Pinkie bring the birthday cake to Sun so she will be able to blow out the candles and make a wish. Then they sings the birthday song for Sun.

Pinkie happily cheers, "Alright Sun, make a wish and blow out the candles."

Sun blows out the candles and everyone clap happily for Sun to blow out the candles. After blowing out the candles, they cut the cake and pass out a slice of cake to the kids along with some ice cream.

After eating cake and ice cream, it's time for Sun to open her presents. Sun opens them and ends up with some new clothes, jewelry, perfume and other stuff. Screwball ends up giving Sun a chocolate fountain. Eris gives Sun a pillow that shapes like a cat.

Just then, her dad hands Sun and envelope and says, "Okay Sunny, this is your very last present.?"

"What is it?" Sun asks.

"Open up and see," Discord says while handing the big envelope to Sun.

Sun takes the present from her dad and opens it very carefully. When Sun opens it and takes the papers out, she can see one of them is some kind of certificate and the other one is a letter. Sun is kind of curious about the letter and wonder what it says.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asks.

"It's some kind of certificate and a letter from the Tiger of the Animal preserve," Sun answers while looking at the letter.

"What's it say?" Pinkie asks.

Sun starts to read the letter and says, "The letter says, '

Dear Sun,

Your father had informed me that Nina the iriomote wild cat you've meet found her way back to you. You must already know what happened at the preserve with the terrible storm and know what has become of Nina's family. After some time of talking with your dad along with your principal and vice principal, we have decided to leave nina the iriomote wild cat to permanently live with you.

The certificate that is packed with the letter is a legal form that you are now the official owner of this iriomote cat. We hope you two will have a wonderful life together and make sure she has everything she needs. I would be visiting one in a while to see how you two are getting along. I would also like to receive some letter about your time with the wild cat. Hope to hear from you soon and good luck having your life together with your new pet cat


Tiger and the preserve employees'"

After reading the letter to her friends, Sun is kind of surprised about what the letter is saying. By permission from her dad, principals, and the preserve employees, Nina the iriomote wild cat is going to stay with her. In other words, Sun has official ownership of Nina now.

Pinkie happily cheers, "Wow! That means Nina gets to stay with you, now!"

"In other words, Nina belongs to you now," Rarity says with a smile.

Sun looks at her cat who is looking at her from the floor. The cat simply mows at her.

Sun picks up her cat and says with a smile, "Hear that Nina, we're going to be together."

Nina simply mows in reply.

Sun hugs her cat and says, "Oh Nina."

The wild cat meows in reply, again. The girls are happy that Sun and Nina are going to be together now. Sun feels happy that she gets to keep her little cat and she can't wait for them to spend their time together.

Later in the evening, everyone are still having a wonderful time at the party, but some are simply sitting on the table talking among friends. Sun is really enjoying her party and glad that her friends are able to come and help set up the party for them. Sun is also holding her cat while sitting next to her sister and dad.

Screwball says as she eats her cupcake, "That sure was a great party."

"Yeah. I'm having a great time with all of my friends," Sun says with a smile while patting Nina's head.

"Well, why don't you continue talking to your friends while Screwball and I start cleaning up," Discord replies while starts to collect some of the plates.

But then Eris takes the plates from her brother and says, "The host shouldn't have to clean up."

Then Eris loudly says, "Alright everybody, it's time for all of us to clean up the yard!"

With that, Eris starts to give the kids orders on what they should clean what or what should they put away. Sun is starting to understand what her friends mean by strong leadership. She seems to be good on telling everyone what to do and give people instructions.

Sun starts to giggle and says, "I can see what the girls mean by strong leadership."

"Yep," Discord answers with a smile.

"That's our Aunt Eris," Screwball adds happily.

For the past hour, the yard is nice and clean and some of the food has been put away in the kitchen. After saying goodbye to her friends and her other guests, Sun's birthday party is officially over and Sun is very tired from all the fun from the party. Right now, it's about 8 p.m and Sun, Screwball, and Discord are lying down in the living room feeling tired from the party.

I'm sure am tired," Sun says while sitting on the couch.

"Me too, having a party can wear you out," Screwball adds.

Sun yawns and says, "I think I'm going to go to bed early. I'm feeling very tired."

"Okay sis," Screwball says with a yawn.

Sun gets up from the couch and starts to head upstairs to her room.

"Night," Screwball says while feeling tired..

"Goodnight," Sun replies with drowsy eyes.

She then turns to her dad who is lying on the sofa and says, "Good night dad."

"Good night Sun," Discord replies feeling tired.

She then turns to her cat and says, "Come on, Nina. It's time for bed."

Suns tarts to make her way upstairs to her room while her wild cat follows her to the room. After getting dressed into her pajamas and brushing her teeth, Sun and nina gone into the room and starts to lie on the bed getting ready to get some sleep for the night. After tucking herself into bed and Nina sleeping next to her on one of the pillows Sun feels very tired and ready to get a long deserved sleep.

Sun smiles at Nina who is already sleeping and says, "Good night, Nina. I'll see you in the morning."

Sun pats her cat on the head and then falls right to sleep. Sun feels like she have a wonderful birthday party today and can't wait for what else will come up for her time with her friend and family. Sun is now in a very deep sleep after being drained from the party and will end up with other kind of fun later on. Either way, she will have fun with her friends, family, and her new cat that is going to be with her, for a long time.

Back in Equestria of Canterlot Castle late in the night, Princess Celestia is on the balcony of her royal chamber looking at the stars in the night sky. Ever since, the conversation with Twilight and the others, she's been deep in thought of what has become of her old student. This time, Princess Celestia has an idea on what happened to Sunset Shimmer, but with her being there and her having amnesia, bring Sunset back will be difficult for her and Sunset.

Just then a familiar voice asks in concern, "Sister, are you feeling alright?"

Celestia turns around to see her sister walking towards her. She figures that Luna must have finished with her nightly duties for the time being.

Celestia simply smiles and says, "Yes. I'm fine."

Luna looks at her sister with a suspicious look and says, "You don't seem fine."

"In fact, you haven't been fine since our last meeting with Twilight and her friends," Luna adds firmly.

Celestia sighs sadly and says, "I suppose you are right."

"What is it that got you feeling down?" Luna asks in concern.

"Well, remember when Twilight and the others brought up about a magic mirror Sun has mentioned in her entry," Celestia replies.

Luna nods her head and answers, "Yes."

Celestia looks at her sister with a worried look and explains, "Luna, what I'm about to tell you is very important and must not be said to Twilight and the girls until otherwise."

"I promise. What is it?" Luna answers.

"I'm starting to believe that Sun really is Sunset Shimmer and…" Celestia explains.

She then looks at the night sky and sadly says, "I believe I know what really happened to her and where she is right now."

"You do?" Luna asks with a shock.

"Yes," Celestia answers.

Luna is kind of shock that her sister may have an idea what happened to Sunset Shimmer and where she is right now. But something is starting to bother her and wants to know about it.

"Why hadn't you said anything to Twilight and the others?" Luna asks.

"The reason for me being so secretive is because… I'm not entirely sure if my suspicions are correct or not," Celestia explains.

"What do you mean?" Luna asks with a confused look.

Celestia face back to Luna and says, "Do you remember the Crystal Mirror that used to be in the throne room before we sent it to the crystal empire? The one that is actually a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens for three days every thirty moons,"

"Yes?" Luna questionably replies.

Celestia sighs a bit and explains, "I remember showing it to Sunset a year after she became my student and became interested in the mirror. She learned about the mirror being a gateway and sometime would like to learn about that other world."

Luna tries to figure out what is Celestia bring the crystal mirror up. Just then she remembers that the mirror used to be in the throne room before they sent it to the Crystal Empire. What is more shocking, is that the mirror is there the day Sunset was trapped in the fire. Luna is starting to understand what really happened to Sunset and knows why nopony has found her body.

"Are you saying that Sunset is in that other world," Luna shockley asks.

"That what I suspect happened," Celestia answers.

"That does make sense if you think about. Sun or should I really say Sunset, must have fallen into the crystal mirror into the other world the day of the fire," Luna replies.

Just then Celestia sighs sadly and starts to shed a bit of tears as she says, "If I know about this a long time ago, I would have done something to bring Sunset back to Equestria. Hoping to bring her back to her family and home."

"Obviously, we are unable to do that until Sun fully regain her memories and the portal opens again," Luna replies with a concern look.

Then Luna says, "So it's very safe to assume that the girl Sun really is Sunset Shimmer. That makes it more proof that she's been alive in this other world the whole time."

"Yes. I'm afraid so," Celestia answers.

Just then Celestia is starting to shed more tears. She feels helpless at this point. To her, if she has found out what really happened to Sunset, then she will be able to help her and bring her back home. Luna can see that her sister is feeling upset and worried about Sunset without her memories of Equestria. She knows she needs to help her sister and try to help her come up with a plans to help Sunset.

Luna hugs her sister and calmly says, "Sister, if Sun really is Sunset Shimmer and fallen into this other world, then we must find a way to make sure of it,"

"I know, but… I don't want to do anything that might worsen her condition or probably become scared of seeing another me in the world she calls home," Celestia says as she worries for Sunset living in the other world.

"Guess we'll have to wait and see," Luna replies.

Celestia nods her head and says, "Yes, my sister. We'll have to see what happens and maybe someday Sunset will come back to us."

At that moment, Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna continues to watch the night sky. Now that they have an idea who Sun is and where she is at, they need to find a way to help her with her amnesia. But they both remember that Sunset or Sun has regain her memories on her own and has been messaging them with the journal. They'll just have to wait and see what else Sun will remember from her past and hope that one day, Sun will remember who she used to be and come back home.

Meanwhile, in the city of Canterlot, Sun is sleeping in her room. She's been very tired ever since her birthday party and decide to sleep early. Even so, Sun is glad to have a wonderful birthday party with her friends and family.

As Sun sleeps, she is starting to dream about her and the pony that looks like her principal. In the dream, the pony that looks like Sun has a terrible fever, but still wants to continue her studies.

Just then Sun hears Celestia's voice saying, "Sunset, Sunset…"

Just then, the young filly and the alicorn mare are laying on the bed of the princess' chamber. The princess puts a blanket on the young filly so she is able to rest while the guards leave to bring her parents to the palace.

Then Celestia calmly says, "You got a terrible fever. You don't need to push yourself so hard to learn about magic. I know that I will always be proud of you on what you can do and will you will use with the magic to help others…"

Then the mare nuzzles the young filly's head and says, "Just be yourself, you'll be fine."

After the vision has disappeared, Sun slowly opens her eyes and slowly sits on her bed. Sun's dream feels very really, like it happened to her along time ago. However, there is something that Sun discovers that is very important.

"That dream… it's seems that it really happened," Sun says in her thoughts.

Sun then looks at her book that she writes to her friend, and her necklace that is sitting on the desk. She picks up her necklace and looks to see that she starts to remember more of her past, but there is one part of her memory that is very surprising to her.

Sun questionably says in her thoughts as she looks at her necklace, "Sunset… Sunset… is that my name?"

Sun holds her necklace to her chest and starts to feel that the name Sunset was part of her real name. She then starts to feel that all of her dreams are her actual memories. She then has one question in her though and that she is still trying to remember, why are all her dreams involves her being a pony and why does she know the alicorn princess so well.

Little does Sun knows that someday she will find out who she used to be and find out about her past. Also she will end up meeting a special friend and a mission that will change her life and make some tough decisions. And will end up seeing someone that means a lot to her.

Until the New Journey