Summary: Bulma is one of the Z-fighters and a confrontation with the Saiyans leaves her the unwanted focus of Vegeta's attention. As the underlying reason for this is revealed will Bulma ever warm up to the cold-blooded assassin?

Author's note: I've had this idea in my head for a while now and decided I'd put it on paper. Bulma is still human and won't be super powerful or anything. This is a take on the mating bond, so in my story Saiyans will be instantly drawn to their mate. The person they mate with does not have to accept them; it's their choice completely. Rated M for future sex, so if that isn't your cup of tea don't get invested in this story. This is my first Bulma/Vegeta fanfic so please review and tell me what you think!

Bulma flew through the air toward the other Z fighters she was tracking by their power levels. The lush green landscape was only a blur beneath her as her speed increased with her haste. The Saiyans could be there any minute and she couldn't afford to arrive late.

The Z fighters learned about the Saiyans, a powerful race of planet brokers, when Goku's brother Radditz landed on Earth last year. Radditz was very tall, with bulging muscles and shaggy black hair that went to his ankles. The most prominent feature he had was his fuzzy, brown tail, which differentiated the Saiyan race from Earthlings. He also had a malicious attitude, unlike his younger brother. Fortunately, he was defeated, though he took Goku with him in the process. They also learned that two more Saiyans had been listening to their whole interaction through Radditz's scouter, and were on their way to Earth to seek out the dragon balls. Those Saiyans were both significantly stronger than him so the Z fighters have spent the past year intensely training in preparation.

Bulma spotted the others huddled below and flew down. She could tell right away everyone has gotten noticeably stronger. Piccolo was definitely the strongest of all of them, his power level felt to be around 1,400 to 1,500. Gohan's was around 1,000 amazingly, considering a year ago he wasn't even training yet. Krillin was 1,200, same as herself, Yamcha was 1,100, Tien was 1,200 and Chiaotzu was 750. Bulma felt a little more confident considering she knew that wasn't anyone's full potential.

"Hey guys! How's it going? It seems like everyone has gotten a lot stronger, we stand a chance after all!" She said to everyone as she touched down to the ground.

"Hey Bulma! Yeah, everyone definitely has improved a lot. I guess we'll find out soon if it was enough…" Krillin said nervously.

"Come on Krillin, be more positive! Radditz only had a power level of 1,200 and most of us are at least that strong! How much more powerful can those other Saiyans be?" Bulma said confidently.

"Don't be too arrogant human. Even though we all are stronger, we don't know how strong these other two are. Considering we never faced anything like Radditz before until a year ago, I hate to think of what these other guys might be like." Piccolo stated.

Bulma silently agreed with him. Though she put on her façade of confidence she couldn't help but be tense. She had a bad feeling about this encounter. She hoped that she was wrong…

"Wow Bulma, you're stronger than me now!" Yamcha exclaimed.

"That's because you're lazy and probably didn't train as hard as me," she teased.

Yamcha and her broke up a year ago but still remain friends now. At first, she thought he was afraid of committing, but then she realized he was afraid of her. It seems she intimidated the poor guy with her quick temper and fiery spirit. She realized a guy who was afraid of women for most of his life should probably settle down with one who's a little more passive and docile.

Bulma looked up as she felt tremendous power levels entering the atmosphere. A chill ran down her spine as she sensed just how powerful these Saiyans were at a distance. They were in trouble unless Goku got here soon…

She had to stop her lip from trembling as she felt the two Saiyans approach. As they landed across from the Z fighters Bulma prayed for a miracle to save them. One Saiyan stood over 7 feet tall and his muscles were very prominent; he was even more muscled than Radditz. He had a baldhead, thin mustache and an evil grin on his face. She found him rather ugly, truth be told, and his power level was at least 4,000.

The other one was much smaller in size. He looked to only be a few inches taller than her 5'4" frame. His muscles were more of an athlete's body and weren't big and bulging like his companion's. His hair was black and shot like a flame from his head, framing a distinct widow's peak. What bothered her most about him was how he radiated arrogance; from the way he was holding himself to the annoying smirk on his face. He was surprisingly the stronger of the two, though it made her stomach plummet as she realized how much…

"Krillin, we weren't lied to when we were told these two were stronger than Radditz. Do you feel how strong the smaller one is?" She whispered to him.

"Yeah… he has to be at least 16,000 degrees. This is really bad."

Vegeta took in the power levels of all the Earthlings and they were all insignificant. He was disappointed, he was hoping someone might have been able to give him some kind of fight. He may as well just leave them all to Nappa.

"Ugh Vegeta, these fighters are pathetic. None of them are even over 2,000!" Nappa complained.

"I know, but don't forget we came for the dragon balls, not them. Even though we won't get a good fight out of them at least we can get our wish." Vegeta reminded him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Oh well."

"Are you guys the best this planet has to offer? What a joke! You even have a woman and child with you! Are they here to clean your bodies off the ground when we're done with you?" Nappa mocked.

"Excuse me you overgrown monkey? Come closer and say that to me! You'll be tasting this 'woman's' fists," Bulma exclaimed angrily, her temper getting the better of her once again.

"Oh I'm soooo scared little girl. Now I may not go easy on you!" Nappa retorted.

"Shut the fuck up you ugly excuse of a man. It isn't best for your health to take it easy on me!"

Vegeta's head snapped in her direction as he finally took in the appearance of the only female fighter there. He found her absolutely beautiful. Her long hair was an aqua blue color and her eyes were the same shade. They seem to be almost electric as her anger with his companion grew. She had full lips and creamy skin that was slightly flushed from her irritation. She had on a form-fitting garb that emphasized her gorgeous body. He tried to shake himself out of his line of thought, but the more she verbally sparred with Nappa the more his attraction toward her grew. His tail unwound from his waist and started swaying back and forth behind him excitedly.

"How dare you talk to me that way you pathetic female! I'll make your death last the longest!" Nappa bellowed.

Bulma pantomimed being afraid of Nappa and then laughed at him.

"I'm so scared of a freak like you, why don't you go back to where you came from?" Bulma retorted.

"Those are big words from such a small woman," Vegeta put in.

"You should talk about being small jerk!" She shot back.

"Be careful with that tongue woman or you'll lose it."

"Like I told your friend, I'm not afraid of you stupid brutes," Bulma said.

"You should be woman, you're an insect in comparison. You're just as ugly as one," Vegeta insulted.

"What did you just call me you hairy ape? You're one to talk about looks and I happen to be the best-looking woman on this planet," Bulma spat.

"You're either deluded or your competition is non-existent, if you're really the best this planet has to offer."

"You ugly, stupid jerk! I don't give a fuck what you think!"

As Vegeta and Bulma hurled insults at each other they failed to notice the others' reactions to their exchange.

Yamcha noticed how the disgusting Saiyan's tail kept swishing through the air, as if he was excited. He could tell by the Saiyan's face he seemed to be enjoying his shouting match with Bulma. He didn't understand what the Saiyan's intentions were though, there's no way he could be interested in Bulma…could he?

The other Z fighters also noticed the Saiyan's body language and each had varying levels of confusion.

Nappa was the most perplexed of anyone. He could tell by his prince's tail he was excited by the woman. Vegeta's eyes also lit up as he yelled at the obnoxious human and unfortunately he could smell his arousal perfuming the air. This was a time Nappa cursed his developed sense of smell. He didn't understand what Vegeta could want with her. She wasn't a Saiyan and Vegeta wasn't one to take concubines or whores. Vegeta also never shows any outward interest toward anything, so how is he forgetting himself so easily? Unless… She couldn't be?

Vegeta couldn't control his growing arousal over this blue Earthling woman. He knew the Earthlings could sense power levels, so he knew she could feel how powerful he was. He realized they all had the ability to mask their energy as well so they could be stronger than his scouter registered. Though, he doubted they were THAT much stronger. Still this woman stood up to him, knowing his power, with no fear whatsoever. It was strangely exhilarating and she somehow became even more attractive as the spark in her eyes built. He didn't understand it since he's never been this interested in a woman before. If anyone, female or male, disrespected him as she's currently doing, he would have killed them on the spot. Yet, he doesn't even have an inkling of desire to harm the creature currently spitting fire at him. How odd.

As she was about to shout another insult at him one of the humans grabbed her arm to get her attention. He noticed it was the one with the scar on his face, who was by no means the most powerful in the group. Vegeta felt angry as the human touched the woman, until she knocked the human off his feet in her irritation.

"I'm not going to calm down Yamcha, he insulted me! I don't care if he's powerful or not, he's not getting away with it!" Bulma retorted.

"What a pathetic warrior, letting yourself get tossed around by a female," Vegeta said.

"No one asked you, whatever your name is, so shut up!" Bulma replied.

"I'm Prince Vegeta, of all Saiyans."

"That's nice for you, my name is Bulma, so maybe you'll stop calling me woman now!"

"Now why would I do that? Woman seems to be all you deserve," Vegeta replied in amusement.

"You just wait until Goku gets here and then that ugly smirk will be wiped off your face!"

"Oh? Who's Goku?" Vegeta asked.

"I believe you guys call him Kakarot."

"Kakarot? He couldn't even beat Radditz by himself, how do you expect him to beat Nappa or myself?" Vegeta questioned, a little confused at her faith in a third-class Saiyan.

"He's been training for the past year and he's much stronger than any of us. He'll give you guys the fight you seem to be looking for." Bulma explained.

"Hmm, very well, you've caught my interest. We'll wait for your Goku for three hours and if he's not here by then the fight will begin regardless."

"Vegeta, why? Why can't we just kill these humans now?" Nappa whined.

"Stop complaining Nappa, you know it won't be much of a fight with these pathetic fighters. Maybe Kakarot will make it interesting."

"Whatever you say, you're the boss." Nappa replied.

"Why would you wait?" Bulma asked him.

"Because a fight against your group as it stands is pointless. If Kakarot is as powerful as you believe I may even fight, instead of just letting Nappa have all the fun," Vegeta clarified.

"You're so arrogant, I can't wait to take you down a peg or two."

"Oh, I can't wait for that, you're so intimidating. You may be able to scare those companions you call warriors but you don't have the same effect on me. Your words are only that, words. In fact, those men are probably just afraid of how ugly you are, than of your actual fighting ability."

Bulma's eye twitched and she shot forward.

She just reacted to Vegeta's final attempted insult at her looks. She could tell he was trying to get reactions out of her by insulting her. For what reason, she had no idea…

However, she couldn't stand his mocking and lack of respect for her any longer. She felt her fist's impact with the side of his face as she jolted to a stop. This is why her impulsiveness and temper get her in trouble. She looked at her hand still making contact with his face and noticed that he didn't even move an inch. He didn't attempt to block her strike and he also didn't even seem to be affected by it, much to her dismay. She wasn't powered up and it definitely wasn't the best she could do, but it was still discouraging that it didn't have any impact whatsoever.

She jumped back defensively, waiting for his attack that she assumed would come for her assault but he did nothing. He moved his hand to his slightly reddened cheek, the only sign that she even hit him, and if anything his amusement seemed to increase.

"That wasn't very nice little one," Vegeta chided softly.

Bulma cocked her head in confusion. That wasn't the reaction she expected at all. Whether it hurt him or not, the fact that she had the nerve to strike him should have ended her life, or at least got her an ass beating.

"You deserved it vegetable head," Bulma said. Even in her confusion and wariness she still couldn't hold her tongue.

"You know you're so weak I barely even felt your attack."

Bulma glared at him in response. She felt a tap on her should and she looked to see Krillin this time, looking at her and Vegeta with concern.

"Hey Bulma, if the fight is on pause why don't you come over there with us until Goku gets here. Save your anger for the battlefield okay?" Krillin placated.

"I guess you're right, I'm just wasting my breath with this idiot."

Krillin smiled and grabbed Bulma's hand but dropped it when he heard a growl. He looked at Vegeta who seemed to be looking at him with open hostility. Why him? Bulma was insulting him the past 10 minutes and he didn't seem to care…

He reached for Bulma's hand again and he saw Vegeta's aura intensify around him. Krillin knew he wasn't the most observant person but it definitely seemed like Vegeta didn't want anyone touching Bulma.

"What the hell are you growling for you animal? We're going over there!" Bulma exclaimed angrily.

Vegeta didn't say anything and turned his back, walking over toward the big bald guy.

"That was weird…" Krillin muttered to himself.

"I'll say, do you think that guy just thinks he's too good to even touch us? I was definitely expecting a retaliation for hitting him." Bulma asked.

"I don't think so Bulma," was all Krillin managed to say. He didn't think she'd believe it if he voiced his thoughts. The Saiyan's strange behavior seemed to be entirely about her specifically.

"Vegeta, what are your intentions toward that human female? Why didn't you kill her when she insulted you and dared to strike you?" Nappa questioned Vegeta lowly.

"It's not your concern Nappa, I do as I please."

"I may be out of line for saying this but do you think she could be your mate?"

Vegeta paused at the question. Could she? He didn't think it was possible for a Saiyan to mate with another race… But then again, Kakarot bred with a human female and produced a half-Saiyan offspring.

"Of course not, don't be ridiculous Nappa."

"But Vegeta, I've never seen you be so interested in a woman before. Are you sure there isn't more to it?" Nappa tried again. This wasn't a conversation he really wanted to have with his superior but Vegeta's behavior was throwing him off. If the woman was his mate Nappa knew he couldn't touch her in battle.

Vegeta thought to himself, perhaps Nappa was right. After all, Vegeta has never been this interested in a woman and he only just met her. Even now his attention was still focused on her and he still remembers the anger that swelled in him when her male friends touched her. Was one of them her mate? If so, he would kill them.

"Perhaps Nappa," Vegeta finally responded

"So, in the battle?"

"You are not to touch her Nappa or your life is forfeit," Vegeta responded.


"I hope Goku gets here soon, otherwise we're toast against these guys. My hit didn't affect that jerk at all!" Bulma said.

"I don't like that guy, he was acting creepy toward you Bulma!" Yamcha put in.

"What do you mean? He just insulted me like the asshole he is."

"Yeah, but he didn't even try to attack you and he looked as if he was enjoying your argument with him! It was weird Bulma!" Yamcha explained.

"Yamcha come on, the argument was probably just another fight to him. Those Saiyans are just a bunch of freaks that's all." She reasoned.

"He seemed to have some weird interest in you though!"

"Don't be ridiculous, he called me ugly repeatedly," Bulma reminded him.

"The Saiyan is attracted to you girl, stop deluding yourself," Piccolo stated.

Bulma whirled around and stared at him open mouthed.

"How do you know that?" She asked. There was no way that disrespectful asshole was attracted to her in the least.

"It was obvious." Piccolo didn't elaborate. He didn't feel the need to explain to these humans what should be apparent. The Saiyan's arousal was poignant and it was all he could do to keep from vomiting at the stench.

Bulma rolled her eyes at them. They were wrong, there's no way. They were just being typical guys, minus Piccolo, and reading into things that weren't there. Yes, the Saiyan's behavior toward her was weird, but she honestly thought he was playing with her before he killed her.

"Guys, as fascinating as this conversation is, let's focus on not getting killed by these guys instead?" Bulma finally put in, diverting everyone's attention back to what's important.

"There's no way we have a chance. I'm not even sure we could take on the big

guy, even if we all teamed up against him. And if Vegeta fights, forget it…" Krillin stated.

"Krillin is right, unfortunately, our only hope is that Goku shows up in time before we all get killed. At best we can delay and maybe do some damage to help Goku out." Bulma said.

"Agreed, and I have a plan to do just that. All we have to do is grab the big guy's tail. Female, since Vegeta seems to be…unwilling to fight you maybe you can distract him so he can't warn his comrade in time. Then Krillin will sneak behind the big one and grab his tail. Everyone else can take energy shots at him while he's immobilized, to do as much damage as possible."

"I don't think Vegeta will be unwilling to fight me, thank you very much. But whatever, I'll do my best." Bulma said.

"Count us in!" Everyone else chimed in.

"Alright, we only get one shot at this so let's make it count."

Vegeta's scouter went off three hours later and he smirked to himself. Looks like Kakarot wouldn't show up after all. Slightly disappointing, but Vegeta may have found a different kind of entertainment.

"It seems your beloved Kakarot decided not to show, so that means you all better say your last words before you die," Nappa yelled at them.

Vegeta saw all the Z-fighters position themselves and he chuckled. It looks like they have some kind of plan. Too bad it wouldn't help them.

"Get ready and go!" Piccolo yelled.

Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Gohan and Chiaotzu went at Nappa at once to catch him off guard. As soon as the opportunity presented itself Krillin would sneak behind him and grab his tail. Bulma hung back until she saw Krillin make his move and then went for Vegeta.

Vegeta saw the blue haired woman fly toward him and smirked. Well, this could prove amusing.

Bulma stopped in front of Vegeta who looked like he couldn't be bothered.

"I hope you have a plan woman because otherwise you may just be completely insane to try and take me on by yourself." Vegeta said to her as a greeting.

"Shut up and fight me you stupid monkey!" Bulma yelled bravely, though she certainly wasn't feeling it. What was Piccolo thinking, there's no way she's going to last in a fight with Vegeta when he actually got serious. He's not just going to let her beat him up!

"Come at me then little one, I hope your attack before wasn't your best."

Bulma snarled and began powering up. She blasted him with her most powerful ki attacks. As the smoke dust cleared he was still standing completely unscathed. She lunged at him and began throwing punches and kicks in every direction at him. To her frustration it was like she was hitting the air! He wasn't even blocking, just moving every time she threw a hit. He was so fast she couldn't keep up with him. She was starting to tire and so she somersaulted backward. She had to come up with something else. He stood there with his arms crossed and that insufferable smirk still plastered on his stupid face. Brute strength and energy attacks wouldn't work. He was also much quicker than her too. What the hell was she supposed to do?!

"You're such a weakling, that was honestly your best? Pathetic." Vegeta taunted.

She growled and dove at him again in anger. She moved to hit him in the face but he caught her wrist as it sailed toward him. She tried to pull back but his grip was solid. She never felt someone so strong in her life, not even Goku. He wasn't gripping hard enough to hurt her, but her hand was definitely immobilized.

She moved her foot to kick him in the balls and felt herself make contact. However, his grip didn't loosen and despite the slight grimace that showed on his face, it didn't seem to hurt too much. What was this guy made of? Most men would be on the ground after a hit to the balls.

"That was naughty, I should punish you for that. It was slightly uncomfortable."

Bulma felt her back hit the ground as Vegeta pinned her down. He had her wrists in one hand above her head and he had his weight on her as he straddled her.

"Luckily for me, you're not strong enough to do any damage. Nice try though woman."

"Stop mocking me you asshole!" Bulma was so fed up she was ready to cry. He humiliated her and made her feel weak and useless. Nothing she did even affected him and he only seemed to find amusement at her attacks.

Vegeta only laughed at her but made no move to get off her or even attack her finally. Bulma jumped as she felt something flickering on her thigh. She looked down and saw his disgusting tail almost caressing her leg. What the hell? Why was he doing that? Or was his tail doing that on his own? He didn't seem to notice it.

"Keep your disgusting tail off me you creep!" Bulma yelled at him.

She thought that might make him realize what his tail was doing but if anything that made his smirk broaden. The look he was giving her…she didn't know how to describe it but she didn't like it.

She felt his tail wrap around her thigh and as she made to get it off her she noticed her friends were in big trouble. She has no idea how she managed to do it, but somehow she slipped her body out from under Vegeta and broke away. She then sped toward her friends who were currently getting beaten badly by Nappa.

She aimed a well-placed kick to his head and to her smugness he actually flew back a few feet away from her friends. Finally! At least he wasn't immune to her attacks too. When he came flying back like a barracuda, ready to attack the person that hit him, he looked at her and stopped.

"Get out of here female, you're not worth fighting."

Bulma looked at him confused. Was this a Saiyan thing? Is that why Vegeta wouldn't fight her either? Maybe they just didn't fight women for some reason. Who would've thought they had any scruples about their opponents.

"Aww you're afraid to fight a little girl?" Bulma goaded him.

She went after him again but he moved around her and completely avoided her attack, while making no offensive move. These Saiyans were weird. This is a life or death battle; you can't choose not to fight someone because they're a woman.

"Look, I don't know why you guys don't like fighting women but I'm your opponent and you're going to have to fight me too. You were planning on blowing up the planet anyway, and there's plenty of women here!" Bulma exclaimed.

"I've killed many women before, both on and off the battlefield." Nappa said.

"Then why won't you fight me?" Bulma questioned exasperatedly.

He didn't respond to her but instead looked uncomfortably at Vegeta, who was watching from the sidelines.

She was over whatever reservations these Saiyans had. If they weren't going to attack her all the better! She went after Nappa again and he dodged her but she kept after him. He went for Krillin but as he landed a blow she bashed his back with her elbow. The impact sent a shudder up her entire arm as it stung from the collision but it didn't seem to do more than annoy him a little.

"Vegeta, how do you expect me to battle them with her?" Nappa yelled.

"Fine, fine, I'll take care of it Nappa."

One minute Vegeta was 100 feet away and the next her arms were behind her back as he held her to him.

"Get off me you idiot! Let me fight!" Bulma shouted angrily.

"You have no chance against Nappa woman."

"What the fuck does that matter to you? Let me go!"

"No," Vegeta replied.

"Bulma! Let her go scum! Get your disgusting paws off her!" Yamcha shouted.

"Yamcha it's okay, I can handle this jerk," she said, trying to calm him down.

"I know what he wants from you and I won't let him have it Bulma!"

She felt Yamcha reach for her but before he could make contact she felt Vegeta remove his hold on her and then saw his fist hitting Yamcha's head. She screamed in horror as Yamcha fell to the ground and smashed onto the rocks. She rushed down to him and saw his body was lifeless. She felt for a pulse but it was nonexistent. Vegeta killed him with one hit.

Yamcha's eyes were open but scarily empty, as they stared ahead of him unseeing. She sat with his body for what felt like hours but really was only 10 minutes.

"Why did you kill him you piece of shit? I thought you were too good to even waste your time on us?!" Bulma yelled at him.

"His presence here was pointless, he wouldn't have contributed anything to your efforts," Vegeta retorted.

Before Bulma could remark she felt a strong energy approaching, it was Goku!

"Goku, oh thank god!" She exclaimed to herself.

Vegeta turned to look in the direction she was looking as Goku approached them. She noticed Tien and Chiaotzu lying unmoving on the ground as well. It looks like Nappa took them out. Piccolo also looked to be down for the count… It was over for that many of them so fast…

When Goku stopped a few feet in front of her she jumped on him in her excitement.

"Whoa, where's the fire!"

"Oh Goku, I'm so glad you got here now! I wish you would have gotten here earlier but it can't be helped."

"I tried to get here as quickly as I could Bulma, I'm sorry," Goku apologized.

Bulma smiled at him and then realized how powerful he had become. He felt even stronger than Nappa! Not at Vegeta's level, but still! Maybe with him they could beat Vegeta if they worked together!

"Hey, you got a lot stronger since I last saw you!"

"So have you Goku, I'll never understand your radical power increases!"

"What's that guy's problem, it looks like he wants to kill me!"

Bulma turned and saw Vegeta glaring menacingly at her friend. His whole body seemed to be shaking and his energy was pulsing. As he started powering up Bulma had to do her best to remain stationary from the sheer force of it. She got off Goku and glared at the stupid jerk. Geez, what the heck was his problem?!

"Goku, I'm glad to see you buddy," Krillin greeted, limping over to them. He looked nervously at Vegeta who looked to be quelling his anger. She had no idea what he was even getting mad over.

"Looks like that idiot is scared of you Goku," Bulma said smugly.

"Why would he be, he can't sense power levels can he? Besides, from what I feel he's much stronger than I am."

"Don't say that Goku, you haven't even started yet! Anyway, you aren't going to fight him alone, we'll all be there with you. Or, at least what's left of us will…"

"Who killed the others?" Goku asked solemnly.

"The big guy, Nappa. He took out Chiaotzu pretty quickly and when Tien went to avenge him he killed him too. Piccolo protected Gohan from a blast and got killed as well," Krillin explained dejectedly.

"What about the smaller guy?"

"Vegeta hasn't fought yet, though there's something you may need to know." Krillin said. He looked at her with a little hesitation before continuing. "I think he has some kind of fascination with Bulma. I'm almost positive he was powering up just now because you were touching her. He did the same thing when I grabbed her hand. He also hasn't even attempted to hurt her yet, even though she's already tried attacking him."

"Krillin, stop with your conspiracy theories! He doesn't have any kind of interest in me!" Bulma exclaimed exasperatedly. What was wrong with her friends?

"Did Nappa kill Yamcha too?" Goku asked.

"No, that was Vegeta. Yamcha was trying to protect me from him and Vegeta killed him with one punch, poor guy." Bulma explained dejectedly.

"Enough with your jabbering, let's go Kakarot! You and me, I can't wait to see what you've got!" Nappa yelled, squaring up against Goku.

"Okay guys, stay out of this one alright? This is my fight."

They all nodded in agreement. If Goku wanted to fight Nappa on his own they wouldn't argue. He seemed to be strong enough anyway.

"Figures the ugly woman would choose a pathetic third-class Saiyan as her mate," Vegeta insulted from right behind her. How did he get so close without her noticing?

"Would you shut up, he's not my whatever you call it, so get over yourself."

"At least you're not quite so pathetic," Vegeta taunted.

"He's a big step above yourself," Bulma retorted.

"I'd be a far more impressive mate than Kakarot. You'd be lucky to have me."

She noticed Vegeta's face darken as he said that and she felt herself go on edge.

"Thank god you don't want me then," Bulma said, testing her friends' preposterous theory.

Vegeta merely smirked and his tail lashed behind him. That wasn't the response she was hoping for. She realized how close she was to Vegeta, since she walked closer toward him in her anger. She started backing up a little and Vegeta's smirk turned into a grin. His tail moved from behind him and nearly grazed her leg again. Her eyes widened in horror.

"My friends are wrong, you can't have any kind of…interest in me right?" Bulma finally questioned.

"Whatever do you mean," Vegeta said, almost innocently, though his face lit up with wickedness.

Bulma reached her breaking point, she really did. There's no way this psychotic, blood thirsty Saiyan was attracted to her! This can't be happening! She turned on her heel and spun to get away from him. She got about two feet before he was right in front of her, blocking her escape.

"Where are you going little one?"

Remember to review and tell me what you think! The more reviews I get the quicker I update ;)