Saturday rolled around and Bulma found herself not wanting to get out of bed, at all, even the thought of moving around made her want to throw up. She had wanted to go with Turles on the boat with Trunks, but thought better of it for Vegeta's sake. She didn't think he would appreciate their son around somebody she was somewhat romantically interested in. Trunks had asked her to go the town festival with Vegeta today, who was she to tell her kid no? If it made him happy she would, however she didn't like the idea of being that close to Vegeta for to long, as feelings would start to come up. She knew she was a 33 year old woman, and needed to be mature about it. It wasn't that she couldn't stand to be around him, quite the opposite actually, its just things seem to always when they around each other for very long.
Trunks knew what he was doing. He was very aware that his parents still loved each other, and that his mother was just way to stubborn to admit it. He didn't give a shit about this stupid festival, he just needed an excuse to get his parents in the same vicinity for awhile. This was perfect, if all worked according to plan he would get them together soon.
"Hey, mom! Im walking over to dads to tell him to hurry up!"
"Okay kid! Im getting in the shower."
'Alright we will be back over here soon."
"Do you really want us to ride together?" Bulma groaned.
"Duh mom, why wouldn't we, we are all going to the same place anyways."
"I guess…." With that Trunks ran down the road to his dads new house.
He walked up the driveway and into the house, it wasn't as warm and inviting as his moms but what could you expect from a mans house.
"Dad! Im here!" He said while walking up to the fridge to raid it, as boys tend to do.
Vegeta walked into the kitchen freshly showered and ready in a black button up and dark wash jeans, putting on his rolex.
"Brat, did your mother not feed you this morning?" He said chuckling.
Trunks swallowed his food before answering, knowing how much his dad hated when people talk with their mouths full.
"Mother isn't feeling the best, she has been sick for the past few days."
"Is she still okay to go today?"
"She said she would be fine."
"Alright lets go get your mom, ill drive you back down there, hurry up!" Vegeta said, a little concerned for Bulma.
When they got there, Vegeta walked in smelling that wonderful vanilla smell of Bulma surround all around him. He walked up the stairs to her room to see if she was almost ready. He heard her humming beautifully from outside the door. He gave the door a light knock, she stopped humming, "Come in!" she sung, and continued humming. She looked up from the bathroom sink into the mirror, seeing Vegeta in the reflection. She smiled at him, "Oh hey Vegeta, I'm almost ready just finishing up my make-up." He grunted in response, watching her put on her lipstick.
"The boy said you were feeling ill?"
"Yeah, I have not feeling the best, but you know its becoming winter its probably just the bouts of the flu or something, Im feeling better after the hot shower." She said, turning around to face Vegeta. Kami, he smelt so good to her, and she knew he wasn't wearing cologne, that was his natural scent and it was amazing. She let out a little shiver, causing Vegeta to smirk, he knew that shiver from her.
They got into the car and were on their way to the festival. Bulma was looking out the passengers window just listening to the music, humming to the words of the song. Vegeta was looking at this beautiful woman beside him and longed for them to be a real family.
"Hey, could you pull into the drive-thru to get me a sprite? It'll help soothe my stomach" He nodded his head while pulling in to order.
They pulled up to the festival and started walking up to the food trucks, when the smell of funnel cakes hit her making her put a hand up to her mouth, holding back the urge to vomit. She ran to a remote spot by the car and empty the contents of her stomach. Vegeta and Trunks walked up to her in a hurry.
"Mom! Are you okay?" Trunks said worried.
"Yeah kid, Ill be alright, maybe it wasn't a good idea to come. Vegeta, do you mind taking me back home?" He looked at her with worry. "Yeah, come on." He said opening the door for her.
"Hey could you stop by the drugstore so I can get some medicine?"
He grunted, he didn't want to stop, he wanted to get her home so she could rest, but obliged and stopped. Bulma got out to run into the store by herself, while she was walking down the aisle she noticed she was walking down the pad/tampon section. It hit her, hard. She hadn't had her period in a while.
"Kami!" She cursed, it all made sense now, this could not happen. She hoped she wrong. she bought the medicine just in case but also a pregnancy test. She put the test in her purse after she bought it, to hide it from Vegeta. When she got in the car Vegeta could tell she was aggravated.
"You, okay?" He asked her.
"I'm fine. Kami! Just drive." She snapped. He growled at her, something happened to her in there and he was going to figure out what it was.
They got back to her house and she slammed the car door and practically ran inside, leaving Trunks and Vegeta to look at each other.
"I think it would be best if you went over to my house for tonight, Im going to go up and see if your mother is okay." Vegeta said to his son.
"Okay dad." Trunks said walking out and up to his dads house.
Bulma ran into her bathroom and ripped open the box, looking at that stick in fear. The last time she did this was 10 years ago. She was scared, she didn't want to do this again. Her hands were shaking, as she pulled it out of its wrapper. "Let's get this over with." She huffed out to herself. She sat there with the stick in her hand for what felt an eternity. She looked down at the stick and saw the two pink lines she was dreading.
Vegeta walked into her bedroom to see what the hell was wrong with her. He heard her crying in her bathroom, and walked to the door opening it. He saw her sitting on the edge of the tub, one hand in her head and the other one holding something. He looked closer and tilted his head to the side, squinting to see what it was. She looked up and saw him looking at her with confusion. She huffed and looked at him, with tears in her eyes. She stood up and handed him the test. He grabbed and looked at it.
He looked at her then back down to the test and back up again. "You're pregnant."
"Yeah." She said. He dropped the test and grabbed her pulling her into a hug, putting his hands in her hair. She was weeping into his chest. "I'm scared, Vegeta."
"Don't be, I'll be here this time, through everything."
He pulled her back to look at her and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. He leaned down to kiss her, hard and long. He dropped to his knees to lift up her shirt and kiss her stomach.
"I love you onna." He said seriously.
"I know." She whispered. "I just..just need time. You hurt me so bad before, this isn't something that can just be fixed overnight you know.
He nodded his head in response. He couldn't help the smile on his face, he was getting a second chance to do this right, and damnit he wouldn't fuck this up this time, even if it killed him.