Be advised, I claim no right to ideas/characters/ ect contained herein. I do not claim responsibility for Hetalia, or any affiliated licensed ideas.
Thank you for your reviews!
Not meant to cause offense in any way, shape, or form. :)
Updating Last Cry next, and then someone wanted AustriaxFem!America...
O.o By golly, that just might happen.
In a scenic little café, not too far from America's house, there was quite the picture of domestic bliss. If one could imagine a more perfect-
Alright, that was totally a lie. It was in fact, the picture of the definition of 'awkward'. Why? Well, mostly it involved one blonde haired Female glaring huge daggers at a rather relaxed looking male nation. A male nation, that might have been just a touch too pleased with himself at the moment.
"Do you recommend the French toast?" Poland said, by way of conversation. The smug look upon his features managed to rub the Star-Spangled nation the wrong way. Her hands tightened around the menu once more. Knuckles going white in the effort it took not to throat-punch someone. Preferably Poland.
"I recommend that you tell me what the hell has gotten into you," she hissed back, with the barest hints of politeness still clung to her words, "and it had better be good."
Poland blinked, his gaze momentarily torn from his menu as an indulgent smirk painted his features.
She stared at him balefully.
"Nothing?" America questioned, growing more annoyed. "Nothing at all? You just decided to break into my home-"
"I had a key," Poland reminded her, nearly cheerfully. He hummed a bit in his throat as he set the menu down for a sip of coffee, America glanced at hers quickly. Her expression was reminiscent of someone near a deranged lunatic. Which, in her opinion, she might as well be.
The female nation glowered a bit at that, not so welcomed, reminder. She was still going to have to have a talk with Dear Canada. The things she was going to do to him were going to make him cry out 'Oh Maple!' well into his nightmares.
"Be that as it may," America continued, just shy of gritting her teeth, "you came into my home. Unannounced."
Poland paused a moment, then nodded at that assessment. However, he did not seem the least bit phased by her anger. He shrugged unapologetically.
"And, then forcibly dragged me-"
"I gave you time to change."
Blue eyes narrowed at him in blatant warning.
"To this farce of a date-"
"Oh I assure you," Poland said charmingly, "this really is a date."
The star-spangled nation stopped short at that. Pink diffused on her cheeks, the tell-tale sign of her embarrassment at his blunt honestly. Her eyes widened slightly, before narrowing.
"Stop interrupting me," She said quietly, "... please."
Poland smirked at that, highly amused at the way things were going. America certainly wasn't as boring as he had previously thought. The way her emotions were displayed so easily, was highly entertaining and a touch... cute. He could see now, what Lithuania saw in her all those years ago. His gaze wandered over the way she was dressed. It wasn't exactly date attire, but then again, he had to give credit to the woman that had manage to barge out of her bedroom fully dressed with mascara on.
In only two minutes and forty-five seconds.
America glanced away from him, the blush on her cheeks deepened.
"Stop that."
"Stop what?" Poland asked casually.
"Staring at me."
Poland grinned, teeth flashing in the morning light.
"Maybe I just like what I see."
Startled blue eyes landed on him, and then a mask of aloof politeness took its place.
"Alright, I get it now." America said in a tone that was slightly worn and tired. "What do you want?"
He nearly snorted at the absurd question. He wanted to get to know her. However, he did recognize that she had now shifted her mind away from the possibility of his courtship, and onto affairs of a political nature. Yet, at the same time he was a bit sad that she automatically thought that way. No matter what Lithuania said, not everything he did had to have some complicated end-goal.
Poland tilted his head to the side, watching her in silence for a moment. She really was pretty, when he truly looked at her. But, it was more than that. America had made an effort to get to know him. He liked that. Quite a bit actually.
America raised a brow at that. Her teasing and care-free nature from past times together was no where to be found.
"I find that-"
"I think I will have the pancakes." Poland said quickly as he picked up his menu again, diverting the subject momentarily. "Perhaps the... eight count?"
He blinked at her over the top of his menu. Slightly surprised and a bit amused.
"Your people really need eight pancakes as a serving?"
America glared at him. Her posture turned stiff, and he was aware that this was one of her 'boundaries'. Talking poorly of America's people did tend to upset the female nation. Quite a bit.
"It says breakfast for two, which would be four each."
"Many people take the extra food home."
"Hm. Interesting. France-"
She sighed heavily at the mention of the European nation as she placed two fingers on her temple, rubbing gently. Hm. It seemed the long standing love-dislike relationship between the two nations was still going strong. Poland could tell he was losing her interest here. She was looking out the window, with a blank expression.
Well, that certainly was not going to work for Poland. He had a pretty woman with him, and here he was with all this charm to spare. It was time to change tactics.
"Breakfast for two," he said, backtracking to what she had previously said.
"Hm?" America made the question-like noise. Her blue gaze locked with his and Poland had a stroke of inspiration.
"Share with me."
"No, thank you."
Poland smiled at that. The male nation was slightly amused that America wasn't chewing him a proverbial 'new one' at the moment. Then again, he could see the small children seated with their family, not far from them. America was very particular about children. She honestly didn't like saying swear words in front of them. He would press his advantage then.
He leaned closer, coming half way over the table, the Star-spangled nation watched him.
"Come now," Poland coaxed. "Surely you wouldn't deny me the pleasure of sharing a meal."
Actually, Poland was slightly concerned she might spit in his face at the moment. America stared at him quietly. It was clear that she was assessing his words. Weighing them for the truth versus some deception, which was highly understandable given that they were nations. However, after two solid minutes of quite, something flickered in the depths of her gaze, before she slowly nodded.
"Fine. We can split pancakes."
He smiled broadly at that.
"Now, would you sit back down?"
Somewhere between the first cup of coffee, and the scent of powered sugar lingering on sweet egg-battered bread, America laughs at a joke he makes about Estonia. She bites her lip in a way that he finds oddly adorable, as she tries to stifle said laughter because she doesn't like to talk about her allies in anyway that could be misconstrued. As so often happened when she was involved.
But, when he saw her smile slightly, looking away from him for a moment before their eyes meet again, he realized that maybe the reason she didn't just clobber him this morning was due to the fact he held her interest too.
Which Poland also like the idea of.
For a few minutes, they were simply happy to chat about the meetings. Their friends and close allies. Though not the same in many respects, their core interests were rather similar. America seemed to possess an air of charisma in her earnest pleasure found in a good conversation. Perhaps, in his hesitance to be too close to her in the past, due in part to not truly knowing her, he had deprived himself of moments like these.
When she looked at him as if he mattered. Well, of course he mattered. He was Poland. Integral to Europe as a whole, and steeped in rich culture. Yet it was the thought that he mattered to her, that made him feel...
Like he could take on Russia again and not feel a thing.
It was a simple, but somehow grand feeling. To be teetering on the enticing moments of courtship and the beginnings of deep affection. Something he basked in. For a while.
However, when the time came to leave, and the check was delivered...
America tried to pay.
Normally, he was fine with that. After all, he was a frugal country and finances were a personal thing. Yes, normally Poland did not mind in the slightest. However, that was before he had so graciously invited her out on a date. Granted it was breakfast, but it was still very much a romantic occasion and that meant that he would pay for the meal. Or at least half of it. As paying for half was a sign of equality.
As a gentleman, he'd even held the door open for her and pulled out her chair, Poland was uncertain if he should comment on the slight America had given him.
Did she not see him as an equal?
Was she not planning on seeing him again?
The second question bothered Poland more than the first. He knew that there was a chance America did not understand what she had done, yet still he would expect some sort of apology. Or at very least, an explanation.
The Star-spangled nation did not seem to think that offering to pay was an error.
Her expression morphed into confusion as he frowned at her slightly.
America had no idea what the hell just happened.
One moment things were fine, and she was actually having a really great time...
And, the next Poland was glowering at her, as he had before he'd gone and 'let' himself into her home. Though, she had to admit, even despite the strangeness at the end, Poland had impeccable manners... aside from the whole auspicious start.
He'd held the door, pulled out her chair, and he had spoken to her very -well mostly gently.
America ran a hand through her hair, trying to figure out her own thoughts. She wasn't even entirely sure what all this was about. One moment he showed up, practically demanding a date-
Which had been a nice date-
But then he got rather quiet and moody toward the end. Though he had driven her home and bid her a good rest of the day. He'd even gotten out of the car to open her door. America had never felt quite so...
Flattered before. Lady-like, actually. Poland had been extremely different from his in-meeting self. He'd been charming and sweet, and -
Now it was over.
The Star-spangled nation exhaled loudly, not quite sure what she felt or what to do next. Yet, the better side of caution warned her that it was likely some unusual behavior that Lithuania had warned her about before. In fact, poor Lithuania had quite the stories to tell about Poland. America could see where a few of them were probably tamed down for her benefit.
It had been fun, though, she conceded. To have a few minutes with that aspect of Poland.
After making sure to arm the alarm, and to change the locks -after leaving Canada a scathing message about how her house key was for emergencies only (so someone better be dying next time)-, she headed off to the bathroom for a nice long shower. She hoped the warmth and the steam would help her sort out her thoughts, and the conflicting feelings that were swirling around in her head at the moment.
She's chatting with Romania and Lithuania, laughing behind her hand about the latest news from each country, and a few stories from her own. The sudden buzzing from her pocket caused her to look down.
"Excuse me," she said with a slight chuckle, and nodded to the pair.
Romania grinned at her, and Lithuania made a motion for her to answer the phone.
She pulled her phone out, and slide her finger across the screen. It was a message from Poland. Her eyebrows rose of their own accord, and she blinked. It was a picture. Mildly curious, she tapped on the message icon. It took only a few seconds for a dress to appear.
Oh lord, his newest apparel it would seem. She huffed a bit under her breath and grinned, happy that they were back on 'normal' terms for them. She glanced at Romania, before replying quickly.
'Nice! I'm sure it will look great. :)'
She put the phone away, and turned toward Lithuania.
"Sorry, you were saying?"
He blinked at how quickly she replied. A slight feeling of smugness overcame him. America really did pay attention to him.
Poland pulled the dress from the rack once more, it was blue and would compliment her eyes perfectly. Later, he would stop and get her some flowers, before they met again. Also, he'd call her tonight. It was best not to keep a lady waiting.
Yes. She would look stunning in this.
Poland took the gown to the cashier and paid for it. He nearly tapped his foot impatiently, but decided against it. It was not her fault he was so keen on seeing America again as soon as possible. Then they could smooth over their little disagreement and unpleasantness from before. He knew she must have been upset, because she did not call him yesterday, or the day before.
Since they were dating now, he was going to take excellent care of the Star-spangled nation. And, according to America, England would be all the happier for his presence with her.