"Well that's it for this episode of Cry of Fear! I'll see you in the next episode Bye Bye! Oh and don't forget I'll be gone for a few days because I'll be going to GameCon! Hopefully I get to see some of you guys there! Thanks for watching Bye Bye!" I shut off the web cam and started editing the video before I pack a few things for the Convention tomorrow.

I was so excited to go to my first gaming convention, I'm glad to be going with my 2 best buddies as well Wade and Bob. As I pack a few clothes I stop and think, "I'm missing something hmmm" I snapped my fingers finally remembering I had to grab my prescription pills for my bad headaches.

For awhile now I've been getting headaches that would blurr my vision and cause me to black out and once I came to I would find my room torn apart. So now I have to take these pills once a day to help keep the headaches and blackouts at bay. I like that they help me but a part of me despises that I take them. (Buzz Buzz) I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone to answer it.


"Hey Mark, are you all ready for tomorrow?"

"Hey Wade and yeah, I'm all packed up"

"Awesome! Bob and I will be over and 9am to pick you up"

"Cool, I'll be ready. Thanks again for taking me with you guys to GameCon"

"Hahaha it's no problem I'm looking forward to all of us having fun"

"Haha me too. I'll see you tomorrow"

"K see you tomorrow"

I hang up the phone and set it on the charger for tomorrow. I stretch and yawn as I crawl into bed with a smile on my face. Tomorrow is gonna be an awesome day!