Chapter 19:

The others finished disposing of the automatons just in time to see Sebastian run through a door on the opposite side of the room. They all rushed after Sebastian. They made it to the next room just in time to watch Sebastian leap through a portal.

The shadowhunters from the future turned to the shadowhunters from the past. "This is where we part ways," Jace said.

The group from the future ran to the portal and jumped, just barely making it through before it closed.

They landed in a tangled heap of flailing arms and legs. "Ow," someone yelled.

Clary couldn't tell who. They eventually untangled themselves from each other. They looked around to see where they were. They were in the same ally they had chased Sebastian down when they ended up in the past.

"Does this mean we're back in our own time?" Simon asked.

"I think so," Magnus replied.

"Where's Sebastian?" Clary asked, looking around.

That was when they saw, scrawled across the side of one of the buildings lining the ally, a message from Sebastian.

"I hope you enjoyed your little adventure," it said.

"I guess he isn't here, conveniently passed out and ready for us to kill him or take him to the clave," Jace said, a little disappointedly as they made their way out of the ally and back to the New York Institute.

"Where did they go?" Jem asked when the other shadowhunters disappeared.

"Don't know," Will replied. "But we should probably get back to the Institute before anybody notices we're missing."

"If I get in trouble for being gone I'm blaming it all on you two," Gabriel said.

"Sure thing, Lightworm," Will said, grinning.

Gabriel just growled something inarticulate. Will snorted. They made their way back to the London Institute.

"Where have you guys been?" Charlotte shouted as soon as they got through the door.

"Will thought it would be a good idea to follow the visiting shadowhunters when they went to find Sebastian," Jem said calmly.

"Will, next time you decide to go traipsing off to follow somebody please tell me," Charlotte said.

Will shrugged, "OK. Next time I decide to follow somebody I'll be sure to tell you. Unless of course you're the person I'm following in which case it would kind of pointless."

Charlotte just looked at Will, shook her head and sighed. "We have other more important things to worry about than the visiting shadowhunters," Charlotte said. "We might have a lead on Mortmain."

The End