"What, you haven't missed your friendly neighborhood dream demon?"

"We're just one month away from our 13th birthday!"

Ten chosen on the wheel...

"This is much bigger than the both of you! Think of what you could accomplish! For the world!"

"You were the one person I could count on, and now you're leaving me too!?"

"I don't want to end up a link in the world's worst chain..."

Brought together they break the seal...

"Tell me...what do you think of the possibility of infinite worlds?"

"Whatever you dealing with, you better spill all of it!"

But only at a terrible cost...

"I've seen some amazing things, but nothing as amazing as you and your sister."


"This opens up so many new possibilities."

"It's your move, Fordsie...what are you gonna do?"


"Who are you?"

"...and why do you look so much like me?"

For once they do all is lost...

22-1-26 26-21-13-11-26-14-11-24 7 9-21-1-22-18-11 21-12 26-24-15-7-20-13-18-11-25 7-20-10 3-14-7-26 10-21 5-21-1 13-11-26?

Dszg? Blf gslftsg gsrh dzh ulitlggvm zylfg?