Chapter 3 A New Friendship
I do not own the rights to Naruto of the legend of Zelda
As the day continued the sprite watched the children learn about history, math skills and ninjustu theory for the entire early morning to noon. While many of the students could at least answer one of the teachers question right, the future herald did not answer a single question right. Though the spirit could tell that he knew the answer's to a few of them, he chose to answer wrong.
During lunch the spirit began to contemplate on what he had learned about the new time.'...Their ancestors kill an entire platoon of highly trained sheikah men and women myself included, were killed by these children, a people who trained in the art of war on battlefields since they were child, now their children learn how to fight in class with books. They have no idea of what a true warrior life is like.'
The spirit remembered the clans, the time when he was alive he remembered how each clan would fight each other in their endless war, the Himika (1) their fiery personality which matched their Blaze release would burn down their enemies to a crisp, the wild Inuzuka with their wolf ways and loyal dog partners, and the most important of all the Uzumaki. They were not just only clan to fully convert to Tridea (2), the worship of the Golden Goddesses, but to be willing allies to The Kingdom of Hyrule.
The Uzumaki were a kind and caring, but were also extremely strong and courageous. Though they did always have a short temper and many of a time rushed into enemy lines only with a few seals and a sword. It saddens the spirit to see the Uzumaki clan forget from since death, leaving a single child who has no idea of his family and their long and proud history.
The young herald though not learned much do to the sea of hate, and ignorance that had corrupted many of the teachers and other standing members of the village, was not a completely mindless fool.
'Though his current level intelligence is less then desired.' Thought the spirit as he watch's the young herald make his way to the pink hired redead.
Naruto's point of view
'I'm sure that Sukura-Chan will love this' thought Naruto with sapphire incrusted triangle in hand. Sakura was eating her lunch with several other girls talking and gigging mostly talking about the Teme.
Waking to Sakura I gave Sakura a big smile saying hi to her only for her to give me a sneer. "What do want baka? Come to ask me for a date"
My smile nearly fell down for a second but I kept it up and showed what was in my hand. "I found this and thought you would like it Sakura-Chan."
Sakura looked surprised and gave me a smile that remind me of cat getting a fish. She quickly snatched the jewel out of my hand and began to inspect it.
"Wow baka you did something right for a change, it is really nice thankyou, now go away bef...What!
Wondering what was wrong I look at the jewel to see it had changed greatly. The once beautiful sapphire had turned into a dull ink blue. The gold had turned a dirty brown and it had an aura of sickness to it.
'How is this possible it was fine until Sakura touched it' not understanding what was going on as Sakura got up, with a dark aura surrounding her, and stumped toward me with her fist raised.
Hinata point of view
I watched as Sakura and the other girls insult Naruto, leaving a sad looking Naruto by himself sitting on the ground staring at the jewel in front of him.
'I want to help him but what if I say something to make it worse ,or something to make him made, or something to make me look we... NO!' tightening the grip of her hands. Hinata decide if that she was able to talk to Naruto in the morning that she could talk to him now.
Making her way to Naruto, Hinata breathing became more quick as well she quickened the playing of here fingers. Naruto seamed to notice and turned his head towards her making stop and stare in the once sky blue eyes, now his eyes were an ocean of sadness.
"Are you here to make fun of me too?" Naruto said in a defeated sounding voice, completely contrasting to normally happy voice.
Hinata frowned, sadden by the current emotional state of crush. She shoke her head and looked to the ground pointing her fingers together unable to look her crush in the eyes any longer.
"I w-w-was w-won-dering if-f y-you w-we o-o-kay. I-t is-sn't r-right w-what S-sakura-san s-said to y-you. Y-y-ou a-are a g-good p-person Na-ruto-kun" taking in a hushed voice, having a dark pink blush on her face.
Naruto eyes widened and his mouth open wide in both surprise and shock. To Hinata own surprise Naruto had devolved a slight blush of his own.
"Y-ou are worried" Naruto voice filled dissablith
Unable to speak Hinata simply nod her head and watch as Naruto gave her a simile, on of his true smile's. "Thank you that's one of the most kindness thing do for me.
'OH Kami he's happy because of me. Oh this is.'
Hinata thoughts were stopped by the sound of Naruto stomach
"Hehe I guess I'm a little hungry" Hinata could feel a seat drop roll down her head.
Naruto back to his normal fake smile and scratch the back of his head embarrassed. He stood up was about to walk away before he noticed something on the ground, it was the jewel that Naruto tried to give to Sakura. He picked it and it began to glow and the once ugly jewel became a beautiful sapphire.
Naruto look to me and I began to play with my finger again. He waked up to me and gave the jewel to me.
"I think it you should have it. Let it be a symbol of our friendship" pulling a emerald version of the jewel out of his pocket. He gave me another smile before walking away.
Hinata took a look at the beautiful jewel in her hands before everything went to black.
Naruto view
Naruto was waiting for his cup of ramen to be ready, thinking about what had happened recently.
'Is Hinata really my friend, or is she trying to play a prank on me like that one time.' Naruto shuddered at the thought, remembering waiting for an entire day for his 'friend' to show up so they could play only to lean it was a cruel joke.
Naruto thought for a moment before shaking his head 'Hinata seams too nice for this to be a prank, much nicer than Sakura-Ch...No. Just Sakura, she's like the them with their whispers and stares.' Bitter how Sakura called him a demon. He knew that he didn't hate Sakura or any one else in the village, it just prove them right if stated to act like the teme.
Naruto remembered when Sakura was younger she was once bullied by others because of forehead, but now it seams she is the bully going after her best friend and other, him self included. He still wants to prove to Sakura, to prove all that he could become the Hokage, then they would respect him...right? He also remembered what the skeleton voice had told him.
'Was that true, gaining respect though...' His thought was interrupted by a heavenly smell.
'Oh ramen ready' smelling the gift from the gods ready to eat. "Thanks for the meal" He said with glee and began to eat forgetting his troubles.
20 minutes after lunch
"Alright class separate into groups of boys and girls and I and the other teacher will begin going over taijutsu stance before you spar." Iruka-sensei
I and the other boys got went to one side of the field and the girls went to other side, many of them complaining about fighting and getting dirty in front of 'their' Sasuke-kun. Naruto noticed that Hinata was happily looking the jewel that he had have her before putting away and began to stretch. "Hey baka looking at Sakura again?" said someone smugly behind me.
I turn to see Kiba behind me, a smug his feral teeth showing. We were some what friends when we were younger. The two of us play pranks on people and hanged out when we skipped out of class but that changed when more of his 'Alfa instincts' came around trying show who the Alfa male of the class. Even though he is one of the strongest in taijutsu in class, being just under the teme but just barely being above me in school work.
"Hey kibble where is your master? did he get flees from you?" With a foxy grin
To both my surprise and amusement, he looked shocked at what I had said. "Wait, how did you find...I mean don't call me kibble baka, I'm an Alfa I deserve respect."
I started to stretch not paining attention to Kiba and just got gave up and started to stretch.
Daikoku-sensei came up to when I finished my stretches and started to show me some stances.
"No Naruto your legs have to be crossed like this, their you go now move your back leg little more to the back. Good. Now have your arms closer to your side so you can defend your self from attacks. Prefect now I have to go help the others Naruto, try to win this time." Daikoku-sensei explained with a fake smile and hate in his eyes.
'This doesn't feel right' He thought as he tried the stance out, barley balanced and had stiff movement.
"Your right it isn't right. Let me explain a true stance you can use as an award for finding a true holder of wisdom." said the skeleton voice.
Naruto stiffened hearing the skeleton voice after so long not hearing from it. He remembered that the skeleton would help teach him if he found a holder of wisdom.
'Oh yeah I kind of forget that it was used for, but if you can help me then go ahead' some what embarrassed.
"All right first you need to..."
30 minutes later in side the medallion
Naruto and the other boys had been watching the girls 'fight' for the last 20 minutes. For the first 1 minute of the fight the girls were throwing pretty weak punches, and had degraded to a slap fight.
'This is sad if Queen Zelda or Queen Midna had seen these little girls fight...' the spirit shuttered at the thought not wanting to think what either royalty would to them remembering how both Queens had helped the training of the soldiers of both their Kingdoms by shooting magic at them(3).
It sadden the spirit remembering how he had failed his Kingdom, angered him how they were betrayed, and nearly destroyed him to here that no seams to speak or know about his Kingdom.
'I will make it right, with the possibility of two new heralds in the this land, it will bring a new peace to land.' thought the spirit with hope of better days '
"Yah I won" shouted one the girls who apparently won the 'fight'. The teacher with the scare nose sighed and looked on a list of names.
"Alright nice job Rika better next time Masami, Next is Hyuuga Hinata and Haruno Sakura, your up girls."
The spirit could feel the fear coming off the possible herald of Nayru, she seamed to look down to the ground and began to paly with her fingers as she made her way up to the sparing area. It seam the young herald could feel this to and cheered on the timid girl.
"Come Hinata-Chan kick her ass" cried out the young herald much to the other surprise. The spirit could feel an increase of anger coming from the feral child.
The pink haired redead look to the young herald with a smug look. "Yah, right. Look Hinata is just a mosey girl who would never hurt any one. Stop trying to make jealous baka by supporting another girl." the girls voice filled with confidence.
Though the possible herald took the cheer with great pride and got into a fight pose her eyes filled with a new fire of hope from. The pink haired rolled her eyes and did not even bother getting into a fighting pose. The teacher shook his head and told the to begin. With a running start the pinked haired redead rush towards to the possible herald with her fist raised to strike.
'Smack' Sound of a slap cold heard, not of a bitch slap but of a pam strike to the pink haired stomach. The pink haired eyes rolled behind her head before fell to the ground.
"winner Hinata" said a surprised teacher. A silences cover as Hinata waked to the group of children until the young herald gave the possible herald a hug.
"Hey great job Hinata! You took her out with only one hit!." He yell happily as he gave a big hug. Not realising the effect as the girl went scarlet red and pass out. The sudden limpness of the girl made Naruto panic. "AH, sensei help, I think Hinata has a fever again!"
These caused everyone including to sweat drop to his oblivious. The spirit felt another increase of anger from the feral child, as well, with some concern, a small amount of lust. A sigh from the teacher telling the herald that he would fine that she would be fine. With his troubles worried the young herald set her down to a tree and sat besides her. A few minutes latter the possible herald woke up and began to play with her fingers and had a small blush.
The two watch the boys fighting, a lot of them were only ok, but ones with dark souled child and the feral boy were brutal for their age, with no regards with honor between the two. He could feel that the possible herald was not impressed by the two boys displays like the other girls.
"Alright last fight for the day Uzumaki Naruto vs Daiki Eito" the teacher said. A fat looking boy looked happy apparently thinking he had a easy fight. 'Not this time it won't' the spirit thought happily.
The young herald was about to make his until he felt a tug on his jacket to it was the possible herald blushing and poking. "G-good l-luck N-naruto-kun." she said shyly. The young have her smile and thanks before making his way the spearing area. The of them made it to the spearing area and got into their fighting pose. The fat boy looked confused at the herald stance.
"Hey Naruto, your doing the academy stance wrong." fat boy said with amusement.
"Well it not the academy taijutsu I'm learning a different taijutsu called Baguazhang(4)."
Both boys began to walk towards each other but the young herald was walking if on a circle moving his hands in circle motions as well. The fat boy went for a stick only to miss for herald to easily move around him to get in several quick strikes to his back. The fat boy tried to elbow him only to miss again, letting the young herald to get a few more strikes to his side. These stick to his side to bend over only for the young herald to rush to his front to hold his head down with his fist raised. "Yield" the young herald said with simple put with a bite of steel in his tone.
The fat boy yield with a sad tone in his voice. With that the young herald let go of him was about to cheer when he saw the sad face of the boy. He held out to the fat boy told him good fight, the boy looked at before giving shake of his own having a small smile one his face. "Winner Naruto" the teacher said with a smile on his face. As the young herald made it back to the group he was suddenly hug by the possible herald.
"Y-y-you d-did a g-g-good j-j-job Naruto-kun." she shyly before letting go. The young herald smiled at her and said thank you.
"All right class that all today remember what you have learned today in class and reflected what sparing you did today and train to fix your mistakes or to improve on your skills. Have a good Day."
Omake: fleas
Mooom why does Akamaru gets a bath an I have to get my head shaved?! complained Kiba as his mom shaved his head.
"You were the baka who tried to give your sister fleas only for them to get on you and then your partner, besides you need to go class tomorrow Aramaru has to stay in the bath all day tomorrow. Besides you can use the henge and your hood to hide your head runt"
Kiba grumbled about stupid flees and annoying moms.
1. The clan is made and means Scarlet intense Flame
2. Tridea is tri meaning 3 and dea meaning goddesses. (I had found this on reddit)
3. How funny would that be to see this.
4. Baguazhang is what they basted air bending off in the last air bender and the legend of kora. Ironically Naruto chakra is air.
That has to be the longest chapter yet so go me. So the beak ends on Monday so back to class so no new chapter soon. Please write reviews.