I do not own anything involving Naruto and Legend of Zelda series.
Prologue: A begging of a legend
Ten year-old Uzumaki Naruto was not having a good day. First he woke up late for school, rushing to get ready and not even enough time to have his morning cup of ramen. Once Naruto finally made to class he was yelled at by Iruka sensei for being a hour late. Latter on the day Naruto had to do the clone Jutsu, which almost the entire laughed at him as his clone was a dead blob. At lunch he asked Sakura-Chan if she would like to have lunch with him, only to be punched in the face by her. Finally at the end of class he had to spare with Sasuke, which ended with his ass kicked and laughed at again.
Naruto with a small frown was walking towards the training grounds for extra practice. 'Man at this rate I may never become...' Stopping for a moment shaking his head then yelling to anyone one or everyone "I WILL NEVER GIVE UP BECOMING HOKAGE BELIEVE IT"
Continuing his way to the training grounds he noticed a training ground he had never noticed before. It was forest with some of the largest trees he had seen in his life, what made this training ground special was the large chain link fence that surround the entire of the training filed which went father either direction then he could see. Also signs post on the fence had many different warning's, not to enter training grounds forty four.
"Huh, training ground forty four... Looks awesome!" This must be a training grounds like for the Hokage. Jiji will not mind. Determined to become a better ninja he quickly climbed the chain lent fence and ran into the forest.
25 minutes later
Naruto was running on the forest floor, running as fast he could, jumping over the large roots of trees, wall run on the trunks of trees, and parkour over rocks. Some would think this was a more bizarre long distance running to help improve his speed, endurance and agility. But this was not the case for Naruto was running for his life ,being chased by three elephant sized tigers.
Running as fast as he could look for any way to escape, he spotted a hole in a tree large enough for him to crawl in to but too small for the tigers. With all his energy left he ran towards the tree and dived into the hole, feeling the air of a swipe of a tiger claw just missing his back.
Sitting up in the hollow hole with his eyes closed he was breathe quickly trying to rest after his near death experience. Opening his eyes he was faced with the hollow eyes of a skull.
Screaming and jumping to the other side of the tree, breathing heavily Naruto began to look at the skeleton. It wore a faded navy blue uniform with an blood red bleeding eye symbol, with rusted chain mail underneath, a strange rusted looking sword in its left hand; long and strait like a katana but both sides were sharp*, and in its right hand was a small pouch. What caught his attention the most was a necklace around the skeleton neck, it had two golden triangles incrusted with an emerald green and sapphire blue . As well a blood orange red swirl that he similar had on his back.
"Hey, that's a cool necklace" he said happily to himself forgetting neither the near death experience nor the dead body in front of him. He walked up to corpse and carefully tried to take the necklace off, though proceed to nock the head off the head off the skeleton.
"Opus, sorry skulk-san"
Taking the necklace he took the two triangles off and put them in his pocket, thinking that swirl was cooler looking on it's own.
'I'll probably try giving one to Sakura-Chan' smiling at the thought of Sakura.
Naruto then proceeded to check the small pouch in the skeleton hand. In side it contained an old scroll, in a writing he had never seen before, it went left to right instead of up to down, which was unheard of to him.
"Huh, weird. Jiji will probably know what it says, maybe its a super cool Justu"
Carefully rolling the old scroll back up he placed it in his pocket, not wanting to damage the old paper. Naruto decided to put the skull back to its rest of its body. Giving the skeleton a quick bow and a quick thank you for the necklace and scroll he slowly stuck his head out to see if the tigers were gone. Seeing how the coast was clear he crawled out and ran towards were he came, making sure not to ran into any more giant tigers. Once he made back were he climbed up the fence before, and went over the fence and proceeded to run back home not looking back.
One hour latter
Finally making it home Naruto opened his door to his small dingy apartment, he saw that another brick had been thrown throw his window with a note attacked to it. He sighed to himself and picked up the brick, being carful of the glass and removed the note not bothering to read it he put in the trash, knowing it had the lines of 'Get of town!', or 'Die Demon!'.
After all the glass had been swapped up and the new hole covered by news paper, he proceed to make himself a cup of ramen for dinner, before going to bed he tried to read some of his text book. But like always he could never understand out what the book was talking abut, or how to apply it. He placed the scroll in the a secret lose floor board under his bed and placed the necklace on his bedroom table and the two jewelled golden triangles beside it.
"Tomorrow will be a better day" having a sad smile on his face, as he closed his eyes and went to sleep. Unknown to him a the swirled necklace admitted a small glow, as a ghostly specter watch him with his ruby red eyes.
"Perhaps this is a young warrior, will have the courage to clam his place as a hero of these lands, and possibly Hyrule as well." speaking to himself in a clam even tone. The specter floated towards the necklace and disappeared in a flashing bleeding eye symbol. On the swirled neckless the same bleeding eye symbol glowed and disappeared.
*The sword is an Estoc a thrusting sword made to pierce chain mail and the plates in night amour also good for slashing.