all general disclaimers apply

Author's Notes: Don't take the title the wrong way...heheh...there's real meaning to it. You'll see soon enough. The King of Games has a modern equivalent in the form of a certain US city. ;P I just couldn't resist the potential set-up between the two!

Aww, Craps! Part 1

Yugi dashed home from school in an athletic fashion most unbecoming of him. It even surprised the spirit within him.

*Where's the fire Yugi?* the spirit within him inquired.

"Granpa has some exciting news! I can't wait to hear it!"

*If you continue to run like this, you will not arrive home any faster than if you walked.*

"Are you saying I'm slow!?" Yugi challenged.

*I'm saying you are not a skilled runner. You are tiring. If you tire, you will end up walking twice as slow than if you just walked to begin with.*

Yugi growled. There was logic to Yami's reasoning, but still...
"There are times when I wish you'd keep your opinions to yourself Yami."

The spirit said nothing, but Yugi knew he was chuckling.

In minutes that seemed like eternity, Yugi reached home. He darted into the game shop portion where he knew his grandfather would be.

"Hi granpa! So what's the news?"

"A bit anxious aren't we Yugi?"

"C'mon granpa! This has been on my mind all day!"

*Mine too thanks to you.* Yami interjected.

Yugi ignored the spirit within him and continued on his pursuit of information as an impatient teen often does.

"So granpa, what is it?"

Yugi's grandfather sighed. There was no way this young teen was going to show any patience in the matter.

"A gaming convention. I need to attend so I can see the latest trends and merchandise for the upcoming selling season and perhaps acquire some more items for the shop."

"And I'm going too?" Yugi asked excitedly. Even Yami raised an eyebrow in his own way.

"Yes Yugi. Your school break is at the same time. Your mother has already approved it."


"The spirit within you may find the environment pleasing as well."

Yugi nearly choked. How much did his grandfather know about Yami anyway!?

"Yugi, I know the spirit from the Millenium Puzzle resides within you. I even have a pretty good guess as to who he is...or was." Yugi's grandfather said with a smirk and wink.


*Your grandfather was an archaeologist Yugi. He may know more about me than I do myself. But I will find the environment pleasing? What does he mean? Ask Yugi.*

"Uh, granpa, the spirit wants to know what you mean by a pleasing environment?"

"You both will have to wait and see."

*I don't have time for surprises.*

"You always say that Yami. Relax and heheh...chill."

Yami was not impressed by the younger teen's attempt at humor. *Tred carefully Yugi. Mock me and I'll be sure to give you a new lesson in humility.*

"Yami, I was just---"

"Yugi, you and the spirit can argue with each other later. Right now, I think you'd best stay on your mother's good side and do your homework."

"Uh, oh , yeah. I wouldn't want her to change her mind. See ya at dinner granpa!" Yugi waved as he departed for the house portion of the building.

"Hi mom, I'm home!" Yugi yelled as he entered through the rear door.

"Hi dear! How was school?"

"The same. I'll go do my homework now."

"I see you've already spoken with your grandfather."

"Yeah. Thanks mom." was Yugi's only reply as he dashed up the stairs to his bedroom. Once there, he shut the door and Yami assumed a more 'seeable' appearance outside of the puzzle.

"Where do you think this 'convention' is being held?" Yami asked as Yugi opened his backpack and dumped its entire contents on his bed.

"Dunno. It's a surprise remember."

Yami cringed at hearing that word again. It was beginning to be a word he detested.

"Hmm, I have math, history, and science. Man, this is going to be a while! I may not get it all done before dinner. And I wanted to meet the others at the arcade after dinner." Yugi moaned as he thumbed through his assignment sheets.

"Knowledge is power Yugi. You shouldn't begrudge yourself the opportunity to learn."

"Duel monsters is power Yami. Knowledge just gives me a headache."

Yami chuckled. "So it seems. But duel monsters is nothing without knowledge too Yugi. It all comes full circle. Knowledge is power."

"Ah you're no fun." Yugi joked as he set his books on his desk and took a seat. Yami chose to lay on Yugi's now cleared off bed. "Oh I see how it is. You're just going to lay there and not help me get all this done?"

Yami nodded and yawned. "Knowledge IS power. Learn Yugi. I once did. Now I need rest."

"You sleep too much Yami."

"You're wasting precious time Yugi, besides sleep is a choice I can make. I'm technically not alive." Yami replied softly as he closed his eyes.

Yugi shuddered at the ghost and dead reference. He hated when Yami reminded him of that. Knowing nothing more was going to come of it, Yugi returned to his studies.

After a couple of hours, both snapped alert at the sound of Yugi's mother calling and the faint whiff of a scrumptuous dinner awaiting downstairs.

"MMmm, time to eat!" Yugi replied as he slammed his text shut. Yami said nothing and retreated into the puzzle.

Yugi wolfed dinner down as he usually did. No matter how many times he tried to slow down, it just seemed like he was eating for two. And perhaps he was. Yami seemed to influence his eating to some extent including certain cravings for grapes on the vine, whole wheat, handmade bread,and other various 'natural' type foods. Still, Yugi was influencing Yami too as the spirit often seemed to develop cravings for hamburgers, chips, and other modern type foods. Or, perhaps it was just Yugi wanting it all. Neither was sure and neither really cared.

Once dinner was done, Yami caved and helped Yugi complete his math homework. To the ancient spirit, the calculations seemed simpler than those of the past. While he had no recollective memory, he remembered bits and pieces. He couldn't read hieroglyphs yet he could expertly read sun dials, look to the sky and navigate by the stars alone, and understand other small bits of time gone by.

By seven o' clock they were at the arcade where they met Joey, Tristan, and Tea. Bakura wasn't among them, but he had a strange way of making himself present when he desired as much.

"Hi guys. So what are we gonna do tonight?" Yugi asked as the others gathered around him.

"There's a new movie at the theater." Tea mentioned. Within Yugi the spirit yawned. Tea had taken him to a movie once...during that surprise date Yugi made them go on. Movies just didn't intrigue Yami's mind enough. Then again, not much did. Yami had the intelligence of a genius. It's just he couldn't remember half of what he used to do or be.

"Domino High's got a good basketball game tonight." Joey mentioned.

This time Yugi yawned. Being short and non-athletic, Yugi found basketball to his disliking...aside from watching girls play. But the spirit pointed out an easier way of getting cheap looks at girls underwear...watching cheerleaders. So he had to ask. "Joey, is it a girls or guys game?"

"Does it matter?"


"Uh, guys."

"Hmm, maybe we should go to that then?" Yugi mentioned. The boys basketball team had cheerleaders. Besides, the girls bball team was wearing shorts rather than skirts anyway. But their bosoms did bounce though not half as nice as the double combo with the cheerleaders and their pompoms.

Tea sighed in disgust. Naturally the hormonally driven boys would opt for such things. "Yugi! You would think that spirit within you would teach you manners and etiquette."

Yugi blushed. "Ah, but he was a pharaoh Tea. Kings always get girls thrown at them. He probably had a harem for all we know or a bunch of naked dancing girls." Luckily nobody could see Yami blush. He had no idea if he did or not, but it didn't bode well in this conversation.

Tristan and Joey chuckled. "Hey, maybe we should help the spirit inside Yugi's puzzle. I mean afterall, perhaps he could reward us with, heheh... hot-lookin' naked dancing girls!" Joey mentioned.

Tea thwapped both of them on the back of the head. "Perverts. I don't know why I hang out with you guys."

"Because you love us Tea. And we love you...don't we Yugi!" Joey mocked as he nudged Yugi.

"Eh? I don't know what you're talking about Joey." Yugi sheepishly replied as his face turned yet another shade of red."Oh guys, that reminds me. When break starts I will be going with my granpa to a gaming convention so I'll be gone for a few days."

"And you're not bringing us? Yugi, you disappoint me." Joey joked.

"Uh, I didn't ask if I could bring friends. It makes sense though...while granpa is in the gaming panels and stuff, I'll be on my own. I'll need someone to keep me company."

"Unless you're going somewhere where the spirit can enjoy your body." Joey smirked.


"Well, I hear there's a gaming convention in Las Vegas during our break. Is that the one you're going to?"

"I don't know. Granpa didn't say exactly where."

"If that's the one, you'd best let the spirit take over. He could make you and your grandfather a lot of money while there. Then your grandfather can buy lots of good stuff for the shop."

"I didn't think of that. But, he'd have to assume his own form. My short body wouldn't get him into any of the casinos."

"I doubt that's beneath him. I bet he could make your body look more like his own."

Yami was very interested in where this conversation was going now. He listened intently and was ever curious to know more about this Las Vegas and what exactly a casino was.

*You WILL ask your grandfather where this convention is when we return home Yugi.* Yami mentioned within him.

"Oh thanks Joey, now you've got the spirit all curious about it too! You guys are going to corrupt him!" Yugi replied.

"I don't think he's as innocent as you are Yugi. In fact, not even close. I doubt we'd do any corrupting to him."

"Speak for yourself Joey. I don't want the spirit getting too modernized. What if he has to return to the past or something. His knowledge of today would warp history as he knows it."

"Yugi, that's too deep for me and you watch way too many Star Trek episodes. Your own brain has gone boldly where no mind has gone before...and it's freaking me out!" Joey joked.

*But Star Trek has interesting concepts and plot depth.* Yami muttered from within.

Yugi shook his head. "Nevermind all this. We're way off topic now anyway. Weren't we trying to figure out what we were going to do or are we going to sit here and babble all night."

"Who's in for duel monsters!" Joey said as he waved his red eyes black dragon in the air.

"Let's not play duel monsters this time Joey. For once I'm actually tired of duel monsters." Yugi replied.

"You're just afraid you'd lose to me and my red eyes beauty." Joey challenged.

"Joey, do you honestly want to challenge the one who beat both Kaiba AND Pegasus. Think about the stupidity in that Joey." Tea mentioned.

"But Yugi's my friend. He'd go easy on me."

"Would not."

"You wouldn't?"

"Every game should be treated seriously Joey."

"You're no fun Yugi!"

All had a good laugh at Joey's expense (as usual) before returning to their task at hand.

"Hey, there's a dog show at the arena tonight. Joey might be interested!" Tristan teased as he noticed an advertisement on one of the arcade walls.

"You'd better stop with the dog stuff before I kick your butt Trist." Joey challenged with a fist to Tristan's face.

"Guys, guys...c'mon, we need to focus here. We're wasting time." Yugi said as he stepped between the two.

"Since none of us can decide, perhaps you should call upon the spirit and let him choose for us?" Tea suggested.

"Yeah, he could be the 'third party' of sorts." Joey added.

"I don't really think he'll care Joey. The spirit usually sleeps or retreats within the puzzle when I'm not dueling or in danger."

"Well, we just need to find something that he'd be curious about that's all."

"Perhaps we could go to the IS the 'Sport of Kings' y'know and it IS a game. Maybe that will intrigue the mighty puzzle spirit. I bet he's a damn good gambler and knows horses since there was no cars back in his time." Tristan mentioned.

"You can get in, but I doubt the rest of us can Tristan. They don't let kids our age in without parental accompanyment. Even the spirit's smooth talking won't get us in without such." Yugi replied.

"True. Hmm, guess that's one for just the spirit and Tea to go to then...on their second date." Tristan said with a wink towards Tea who blushed and tried to look away from the suggestion.

Tea wanted to nail Tristan between the legs, but opted to be more mature and ladylike by simply ignoring him.

"Well guys, we've spent nearly an hour babbling and have gotten nowhere." Yugi mentioned as he looked at his watch.

"I got it, let's all go to the burger place! Maybe we'll solve it over food!" Joey suggested.

For some reason, despite the fact all had eaten dinner just a short while ago, they agreed upon it.

to be continued...

author's notes pt. II: Where's this going you ask? Heheh...I'm not totally sure myself but I do know where it'll end up. I'm just setting the tone right now. Guess you'll just have to stick along for the ride if interested.