Santana screamed as she clung increasingly tightly to Sebastian's freshly bruised hand.
"Big push now, Santana."
"What do you think I've been doing for the past few hours?" Had she been in a position to do so, the midwife would have earned herself several kicks in the head.
"Come on, Santana."
She stopped pushing long enough to turn and glare at Sebastian. "You did this to me. I hate you so much! I hate you!"
Sebastian looked at the midwife in horror.
"Don't worry, almost every new mother I've worked with has said the same thing to the daddy. She'll forgive you as soon as she sees your baby's face, trust me."
Santana decided to ignore her as she focused on getting rid of the pain she was in. Nothing in the world was worth this. She hadn't even wanted to be a mother in the first place.
"Why couldn't you stay gay?" She screamed as Sebastian who blushed.
"It's a long story?" He tried as the midwife looked at him in confusion. "Santana, babe, can you please stop blaming me for everything. I know it hurts but you're doing so well."
"What do you mean you know it hurts? You don't have a vagina! You've never been in labour. Just shut up, Sebastian."
"Big push now!"
Santana did as she was told, screaming at the agonising pain coursing through her body. "Mierda!"
She ignored the yelp from Sebastian as her nails dug into his skin.
"One more!"
There was complete silence in the room as the baby finally came into the world. It had been almost eighteen hours and Santana was exhausted.
"You did it, Santana!" Sebastian whooped, kissing Santana's sweat soaked forehead as their baby announced its arrival with an ear splitting scream.
"Congratulations, it's a beautiful baby girl!"
Santana let out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. "A girl?"
The midwife nodded. "She's beautiful. Would you like to do the honours, Dad?"
Santana nudged Sebastian when he didn't immediately respond. "Go on, cut the cord."
She tried to relax, ignoring the fact that there was a small crowd around her most intimate area. She was absolutely exhausted and just wanted to see her baby. Well and sleep for about fifty years but she wanted to see her daughter first.
"She's beautiful, Santana. Covered in some disgusting goo I'm pretending I can't see but absolutely gorgeous."
Santana nodded sleepily, resting her head back against the pillow. "So she doesn't take after you, meerkat features?"
Sebastian rolled his eyes before turning his attention to the nurse handing him a tiny pink bundle.
"6 pounds nine ounces, very healthy."
Sebastian grinned, gently swaying as he held the pink bundle of blankets Santana assumed their daughter was hidden in. "Hello you, want to give your mommy a cuddle? I think you do!"
Santana fought back a laugh at Sebastian's baby voice as she took the bundle of blankets. "Oh! There you are," she breathed as she took in the little face sticking out from all the pink. Actually, were it not for the features, Santana could've almost mistaken her daughter for part of the blanket pile; her skin was flushed pink from the trauma of the labour and all the screaming she'd done. Now two little brown eyes stared up at Santana for a few seconds before closing. "She's perfect, Seb. Thank you."
Sebastian smiled against her hair. "You were telling me you hated me only a minute ago. And I'm pretty sure you were swearing in Spanish."
Santana shook her head, eyes glued to the snuggly sleeping baby in her arms. "I didn't know I could love anything this much."
"I did."
Santana turned to look at him with a fond smile, craning her neck for a quick kiss.
"Do you have a name for her? If you don't that's fine, she'll just be little baby girl Lopez."
Santana smiled at Sebastian before turning her attention to the portly midwife. "Her name's Annie."
"Annie Lopez it is then-"
"Lopez – Smythe."
"Okay. I'll give you a few minutes alone. Congratulations."
Santana was lying in the bed, watching Annie sleeping in the bassinet the nurses had brought to the room after Santana had refused to be parted from her daughter. Her mom had already been in to see them, her father was on duty somewhere in the hospital and was refusing to see her or the baby. Not that she cared.
Annie was the best thing to have ever happened to her and she didn't need her father's approval to legitimise her love for her baby.
Santana turned to look at the door, smiling when she saw Blaine looking over a bouquet of roses. "Bow-ties!"
He shook his head, smiling as he gave her a careful hug. "Mom's sorry she couldn't come, work commitments or something. Where's Sebastian?"
Santana rolled her eyes. "Went to get himself a McDonalds. He kept complaining that he was hungry. As if he did all the hard work."
Blaine grinned. "Can I have a cuddle with the baby?" He asked as he put the flowers on the bedside table.
"Of course you can."
She watched closely as Blaine gently cradled Annie in his arms. Apparently he was a natural with children. That would come in handy when she needed a baby-sitter.
"Oh, Rachel asked me to let you know that she'll be down to visit this weekend with Kurt. They thought they might as well wait for you to be out of hospital before they made the trip from New York."
"Is Kurt still not talking to you?"
Blaine shook his head. "Nah, it's my own fault though. I did cheat on him."
Santana frowned. "Hmmm. I suppose now's as good a time as any."
Blaine raised a thick eyebrow, turning his attention from the baby cradled in his arms. "For what?"
"Sebastian and I have been talking, besides which my abeula has threatened to maim Sebastian if we don't have Annie christened, and we want you to be Annie's godfather."
Blaine blinked. "Really?"
"Of course, dummy."
Santana turned as Sebastian appeared in the doorway, waving a bag of McDonalds at her. "My hero," she grinned, reaching out for the bag. "This better not be my push present!"
A/N I've been having sooooo much trouble writing this. It's like my brain doesn't want to say goodbye to this baby. I've had so much fun writing it and you've all been absolutely incredible supporters. Thank you! I'll see you all again on Christmas Eve with a Christmas themed spin-off from this fic. All the love, Kim (queendurin) x