Jack was bored. Bored bored bored bored bored. Jack was bored of building, tired of tinkering, weary of Wu hunting, enervated of engineering…. and running out of ways to say that he was utterly and completely bored! So Jack simply sat as he spun slowly in his chair. He was just about to give up on the day and go back to bed when his wu alarm went off, shattering the silence. Jack got up and stretched with a long suffering sigh.

"I guess anything is better than hanging around here. Jackbots! Let's go."

Jack moved quickly without any of his usual flamboyance; he just wasn't in the mood, so he actually made it before anyone else got there. The location this time was a hot sandy desert, basically Jack's worst enemy. He used this time to search for the wu with the hope that he might be able to find it and leave before he got caught and thoroughly beaten by the monks or burned by the sun. He was about to give up and just wait for the monks to come and find it for him when he tripped. Mumbling darkly under his breath about how his day was going from boring to stupid, he turned angrily to see what had tripped him. What looked like some kind of tube was sticking innocently up from the sand. Jack stood and dusted himself off before grabbing the thing with one hand and pulling. The sand fell away from the object as he yanked, and he wasn't surprised to see a wu; what made Jack roll his eyes in disgust was the shape the wu took.

"Really?! A lamp?! What am I supposed to do with a filthy lamp?" he spoke as he used the sleeve of his shirt to dust off some of the sand.

"Though it'd be pretty cool if there was a gen-"

With a strange light and a pop Jack Spicer disappeared and the wu dropped to the ground with a thud.

Around half an hour later the monks arrived.

"We'll be lucky if the wu isn't gone already."

"Well we would have been here sooner if someone hadn't gotten airsick."

"I told you this wu always makes me nauseous but did you want to take one of the multiple transport wu you have? NO! 'Come on Dojo.' 'It'll be faster if you fly Dojo.' 'STOP BEING SUCH A BABY DOJO!' 'THE WU WILL MESS UP MY HAIR DOJO!'"

"Alright, calm down, we get it. Let's just get the wu and get out of here."

"Umm, What wu are we looking for again?"

"-sigh- The Golden Lamp. It-"

"Oh, hey I see it!"

Dojo huffed angrily. "Well if they can't stop themselves long enough to listen then they can find out what it does the hard way."

It was Kimiko and Raimundo who grabbed the wu only to find themselves at odds with Chase and Wuya.


"I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown. A Battle Royale. Last one standing wins. I wager my Lotus Twister against your Eye of Dashi, Changing Chopsticks, and Golden Tiger Claws."

Kimiko looked angry to have been interrupted as she glared at Chase. Chase rose one elegant eyebrow. "I am not so vain that I need my name announced every time we meet young dragon. Do you just enjoy the sound of your own voice or the sound of my name on your lips?"

Kimiko was, as usual, furious at both implications. "Fine, we accept."

The land shifted, breaking apart and reforming until the four competitors stood on a sandy battlefield that was flat, circular, and sandy with indistinguishable parts of quicksand throughout. The battle cry signaled the start of the showdown and the warriors jumped into action. The battle was surprisingly short. Chase used Kimiko's anger to get her to knock out both Raimundo and Wuya with her errant fireballs. Raimundo had actually dodged but was instead sucked into quicksand, meanwhile Wuya had taken a fireball straight to the face and had stumbled off the stage. After that it was a simple thing to kick Kimiko herself off the stage while Clay and Raimundo facepalmed. The battle was over leaving Chase holding all five wu and Wuya moaning about her burnt hair.

"We will meet again young monks and I would work on my temper if I were you Kimiko." With a surge of magic Chase and Wuya disappeared, leaving the monks to berate Kimiko as they mounted Dojo and began their journey back to the temple.

Chase and Wuya arrived back at Chase's cathedral shortly. Wuya went to fix her hair while mumbling about what she planned to do with the fire brat, and Chase went and sat on his throne, ignoring her as usual in favor of studying his new wu.

The Golden Lamp. A wu that was useful for both trapping enemies and forcing them to do your bidding. The wu sucked in the first unsuspecting user and trapped them inside, forcing them to remain unaging and unable to escape until it was used by the second person who, for the time of three days, had complete control over the first person. The person could refuse, but for every refusal there was a consequence. What consequence no one knew exactly because no one ever refused, so apparently it was pretty bad. Chase deduced that he was safe because he had seen Jackbots nearby where the wu could be found but no Jack. Chase figured he would use the worm for three days as a servant but would then trap someone useful in the wu, like Omi, and force him to become Chase's servant once again. Well, he would have three days to plan for the main event either way.

"Golden Lamp!"