Chapter 15: Last Chapter

It took awhile, it took some time waiting for reviews containing help from readers to move to the next chapter. But finally, we did. The last chapter. Thank you everyone for all the votes and suggestions you've given throughout the story. You guys rule, so I still have this bonus chapter just for you.

Thank you tuckeyhunger99, Team Wingless, mysteryreader6626, Tashasaurous, Kiseki, TheFantasyTrain, invaderhorizongreen, Arya Rift, , Mukuro234, Cobweb, One and only, ShadowPoisonCrystal, PhoenixM91, Cloudhead and all the Guest's for your reviews who kept me going the whole way through by their reading and reviewing. You guys are the awesomest or the awesomest!

Now, enjoy the chapter!

It was finally over. Thirteen totally exhausted Nobodies, minus Demyx who was still getting sun-baked in Agrabad, teleported home and either went back to their normal, everyday activities or to the wash racks for a super long, hot shower. Demyx showed up about an hour later, moaning as he trudged to Marluxia's flower garden for the aloe vera plants he planted around in his desert section.

Axel left the keybearers in his room to play with his selection of kid-friendly video games while he went to speak to Xemnas about the unfairness of the challenge,and how they should have a hot coal bucket challenge to compensate. How many of you out there can guess what Xemnas's reaction was?

Meanwhile, some Nobodies had gathered together on one of the balconies of the castle and were discussing a very important matter. One concerning one very annoying member among them.

Xigbar walked along while whistling and swinging his weapons back and forth. Another swarm of heartless turned into swiss cheese heartless. Another successful round of shooting.

Little did he know that the heartless attack was not yet over. In the shadows made by the castle and Kingdom Hearts, five heartless being stood watching him, and in each of their hands was a bucket. (Three guesses what's in them.)

The time wasn't right now to attack him now, but soon. Real soon.

The moon cast its gentle light down on the castle. Xigbar was in the courtyard of the castle, shooting every and any unfortunate heartless that he spotted. It was a kind of hobby that calmed him. Something about the loud bang and the heartless vanishing really made him feel calm and relaxed. A perfectly unaware target.

And so the five, plus one extra mysterious cloaked figures decided to strike now.

Hoods flew off as the figures descended down, revealing the faces of Luxord, Xaldin, Marluxia, Larxene, Zexion and Axel. Xigbar turned and smorked at all of them. His lone, gold eyes singled out a bucket each of them were holding. A bucket filled to the brim with freezing, chilled ice water with extra ice cubes.

"Haha. I thought you'd might try and pull something off on me for what I did to you guys. I knew it was just a matter of time before someone acted," he cackled.

"So then you know what's going to happen next," Axel answered. Xigbar nodded and got into his fighting stance.

"Yep, you may have got me isolated from the others, but you still have to catch me." He suddenly started warping around them. Glowing, violet, diamond-shaped bullets came straight towards the members. One struck Xaldin's bucket, causing a hole to form. He angrily clamped his glove on it to staunch the water flow.

"Xigbar," Axel, Marluxia and Larxene screamed and each summoned their weapons. A barrage of flames, lightning an razor-sharp rose petals streamed out and after the sniper. Xaldin summoned held his lances with his free hand and started summoning a twister like wind around the group, trying to pull anything out of the cyclone towards the middle. Luxord and Zexion remained still with their buckets. If one of the more 'aggressive' members brought Xigbar in, one or both of them would trap him so they could splash him.

Luckily, the winds were starting to get stronger and since Xigbar was warping in a counterclockwise circle compared to the cyclone's clockwise turns, his warping became slower and slower, making it easier to hit. Finally, it became slow enough for Axel's chakram to slice through the air and knock him onto his front. Unfortunately, having to hold a leaking bucket of water while also creating a vortex of rapidly swirling air was getting harder and harder to handle. The winds started increasingly rapidly till they had started lifting up bits of bricks off the floor and walls, and Xigbar too. The sniper began yelling as he swirled rapidly in the air.

"Xaldin! Get me off this crazy thi-INGAHHH!" Xaldin finally had enough and de-summoned his lances, instantly canceling the winds from blowing anymore. Unfortunately for Xigbar, that also meant that nothing was holding him up any longer. So naturally, even though the laws of gravity are a bit out of line in the KH universe*, he started falling straight down. And then another unfortunate thing happened, he fell right on top of Luxord.

So imagine this, if you're a person standing directly under a person falling straight down towards you from, let's say, about a hundred feet above, and you're standing on a tiled floor. I bet many of you can imagine that scene in Kung Fu Panda** when Tai Lung smashed into the ground and their was a hole shaped exactly like him when he impacted the earth. So, just to clarify, there was now a hole in the tiled floor that resembled a falling Xigbar on top of Luxord.

... Ouch.

Weirdly enough, Luxord's bucket remained unaffected at all by the crash. Still full of water up to the brim and not a drop less.

Suddenly, all four Nobodies flinched back as a sudden purple, white and black orb appeared straight above the hole, just a few feet above the floor. Swirling darkness and light mingled together, forming what appeared top be an unstable vortex. Suddenly, the orb grew more and more erratic, and next thing anyone of them knew, their buckets were pried out of their hands and into the vortex. Luxord's bucket was sucked up to, as if it was a magnet for the ice water buckets.

Then, as soon as it appeared, the orb shrank in a blink of an eye, leaving only a tiny spark, like a miniature star, that soon was extinguished. The members just stared where it had been, not yet able to process what they had happened.

Their attention instantly turned to the hole as soon as a pained groan came from it. A black gloved hand shot out a grasped on top the sides of the crater and out came a dizzy and groaning Xigbar.

"Ohhhh, man. Wha-what happened," he groaned out weakly. Four shoulders shrugged in reply. His lone eyes stared weakly ahead before rolling up in his head as Xigbar's fatigue finally got the best of him.

Now the only thing anyone could do was figure out what had happened to the buckets and where were they now.

Somewhere, at sometime.

The sun beat down on the harsh landscape. Dust flew up in the air across the abandoned and lifeless world. The only life form existing on this planet was a lone, old man. His form was perched on one of the canyon-like plateaus that overlooked the land. His gaze turned out to the plain below him. Littered on the ground, separated in the middle of both sides, stuck hundreds, if not thousands of keyblades into the ground. A virtual graveyard of them.

The old man smirked as he took in the view. His body may had been frail and old, but his mind was as sharp as ever. "He had a plan, a plan that would return youth to his heart and body and bring him the answers he had been searching for his entire life.

But first, all he needed to do now was-

His thought never finished for at that moment, a portal appeared above his head, and from that portal shot out an object made of metal. The sun glinted off its form and its liquid contents as it zoomed through the air and... landed right on the old man's head, pilling whatever contents it had in it on him.

The sound of the man's screams of shock and frozen agony accompanied the sounds of the wind blowing across the world.

Elsewhere, at different times...

On a sunset-lit beach, a teenager, almost a man, suffered the same fate as the old man, except with more force from the bucket at his face.

A youth in a black and red bodysuit with a masked helmet walking the cobblestone paths of Radiant Garden was instantly drenched with water laced with ice cubes. His helmet clanged against the bucket as it hung from his head as he screamed.

A well dressed man in a white lab coat and lavender ascott suddenly yelped in shock as a bucket shot out of nowhere and splattered its contents all over him.

Surrounded by the darkness in a seemingly endless sea of it, no one could hear one man in the dark's startled cry of icy agony.

Meanwhile, later, at the Castle that Never Was

Xemnas shuddered while standing under the glow of Kingdom Hearts at the Altar of Naught as the faint echo of a feeling of ice water dripping down his head and soaking into his clothes came over him. He rubbed his hands to rid himself of the ghostly, cold feeling and blinked rapidly as images in his mind came of himself receiving a bucket full of ice water throughout the years. His mind immediately went to today's previous events, his own dunking.

'This was not the first time,' he thought miserably to himself. 'But why was it not?'

His thoughts were rudely interrupted at the sound of groaning and the uneven walk up stairs from a limping sniper. Xigbar, his second member in the Organization. Still keeping his back turned to him while still facing Kingdom Hearts, he cringed as the sounds of his pain and agony of his trek up the stairs painfully shattered the serene tranquility this place had to offer.

"Xigbar, why must you disturb me at this time," he said. His normally calm, baritone voice was now laced with the slightest tinge of annoyance. Another groan in response,

"Ooh, some Nobodies tried to give me extra punishment. Didn't work the way they had hoped, which still turned excruciatingly painful for me though. Now we've got six missing buckets from the supply closet and a huge crater down in the training area. And another thing Xem', I-"

Remember the six buckets? The last and final portal opened up above Xigbar, and out came the sixth bucker. Xigbar's good eye barely had time to turn up and see it before the ice cubes bombarded him in the face and the icy liquid smacked him backwards as if he had been slapped.

The bucket fell to the floor after releasing its load. It spun a few times on the tiled ground before coming to a stop, standing straight up. Beside it stood the Organization's sniper, soggy and dripping. His eyepatch had begin to sag, his body was tensed and frigid. His single eyes twitched at the bottom.

Finally, the balance broke. Xigbar's head flung suddenly backwards and his eyes shut tightly as his lungs filled with air to be released out in words at high volume. His mouth widened and he yelled, before Kingdom Hearts and his Superior, and to all the world to hear...


His head moved forward again and he stood still while panting He suddenly then felt a feeling of fear and imminent danger come over him, like how a gazelle might feel when being stalked by a predator. His head slowly turned up towards his Superior, who was now facing him. Both amber eyes gleamed with rage towards Xigbar's golden one. Xemnas' face was locked in an enraged expression. Coming out of both of his hands was two, glowing red Ethereal Blades.

And if you had been in the castle that Never Was on that day, you would had heard the sounds of a frightened Xigbar being pursued all around by a furious Xemnas, constant yelling at him that his language was unbelievably wrong and inappropriate to say before his glorious heart-shaped moon.

Behind the moon though, the true masterminds of the ice bucket challenge*** silently disappeared, now satisfied at the fruits of their labors.

And all the Nobodies lived happily ever after. Until they didn't.

The End.

*How else can you explain by Vanitas jumped down from the cliff, Riku the ledge in KH1, and how the heck did Kairi jump off that ledge and stay safe the entire time? Plus even though Aqua caught him while he was falling frozen solid, I'm really surprised he still didn't have that many injuries when he started bouncing off the cliff, at least he should have a broken arm and some cracked ribs. So, in my opinion at least, the laws of gravity are really messed up.

**I don't own that either. All rights go to their respectful owners.

*** Re-read chapter one if you didn't understand that. Dang those crazy and weird fangirls/fanboys. :P

For those who did not understand why or where the buckets went to those places at those certain times, it's simple. Xigbar(space) + Luxord(time) = space-time continuum. As for the last one, well, if you've played KH: DDD then it makes sense. Now that I think about it, Saix didn't get one and he's a seeker. Meh, guess I just had my eyes out to torture just Xigbar.

Well, there you have it. The last chapter, and my longest ever in this story. I do hope you enjoyed it every step of the way, I know I did. Thank you so much for those who read, reviewed, faved and/or followed my story. Thank you all for sticking with me every step of the way. Sincerely, v.t.7