Chapter 1: Xemnas

Here you have it folks. The Organization 13 Ice Bucket Challenge! Here you get to vote on which Organization member gets to be splashed by a bucket of freezing cold ice water. You can only vote up to one member per chapter, and so your choices are: Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexeaus, Zexion, Saix, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas and, because I love her so much, Xion!

So to start us off, since he's the leader of the Organization, we're having Xemnas go first.

It was a calm day at the Castle that Never Was, or whatever is like a day for that world with no sun or moon, just Kingdom Hearts shining outside. Aside from that, the 13 Organization members, plus Xion, were gathered on top the Alter of Naught. They were gathered here because apparently Xemnas had received word from 'Kingdom Hearts' that they should do the ALS ice bucket challenge. The Nobodies were confused on why Kingdom Hearts would tell them to do this, but they were not prepared to question Xemnas or Kingdom Hearts.

As for the entire ice bucket challenge thing, well, yeah... let's just say some fangirls got into the World that Never Was, used state-of-the-art flying technology (Not sure what it was or where they got it), hid behind Kingdom Hearts, and yelled at Xemnas from behind Kingdom Hearts so that he believed that Kingdom Hearts was actually speaking to him. So, yeah... I'm pretty sure you can imagine what the fangirls said while behind Kingdom Hearts.

Anyways, Xemnas had explained the whole entire thing to the Nobodies and let's just say they were not too the-Nobody-equivalent-of-happy about it. Larxene, Axel and Saix took the news the worse. Axel and Larxene, because of their powers, didn't want to get wet and Saix really hated the idea of being cold and wet. Roxas and Xion didn't know much about it so they weren't too concerned about it. Demyx was a little afraid about the ice put in the water, but he said he could do it. Vexen, being the nobody no one likes and controller of ice, felt intrigued by watching his fellow Nobodies in agony when the ice water would fall on them while he would be immune to the cold. As for the rest of the Nobodies, it was a mixed nut bag.

Anyways they had 14+ gallon buckets of ice water ready and they were going to teleport to Agrabah to do it since it was hot and they would get warmed up easily there. So after Xemnas explained the thing to them they all dark corridored to the world, Xaldin and Lexaeus being the last two since they were designated in lugging the heavy gallons of ice water since they were the strongest. It would take a few trips to get every bucket from The World that Never Was to Agrabah.

"I can't believe we have to do this," the mullet-headed sitarist complained. He and Vexen were designated to add the ice cubes and water to the bucket, and neither one liked each other.

"Pipe down, IX," Vexen said, promptly shutting the younger member up. Demyx then began to mutter something about 'cranky old man' while while Vexen began grumbling about 'teenagers these days' and 'no respect'.

"Attention everyone," Xemnas called out, promptly shutting up the rest of the nobodies, "Kingdom Hearts has declared we do this challenge, no undoubtedly to prove ourselves worthy to such a heart as this. A heart that will soon grant us what we have lost, the thing we sought after and came together to form this organization. A heart."

As Xemnas continued with his extremely long and flowery speech, Axel gently shook Xion and Roxas from falling asleep. Honestly, why couldn't Xemnas just quit the speech and get straight onto the main point? He always had these elaborate, flowery speeches. Demyx had started drooling in his sleep until Xigbar whacked him upside the head.

"And so without further ado, we shall take this offering of our humility to Agrabah, as Kingdom Hearts has sent us to this world to relieve us of our suffering this shall bring. So let us go forth, and prove our worthiness to Kingdom Hearts," Xemnas finished, and with that he disappeared into a corridor of darkness, followed by 13 other corridors.

Agrabah's full heat blasted them as they came out, causing a few to shiver from the quick change in temperature. Xaldin and Lexaeus quickly went back into the corridor several times to bring all the water out. Some of the ice water and the ice cubes spilled out of the buckets and onto the sand as the two men walked along. The moisture was quickly absorbed into the red sand and the ice cubes began to melt as soon as they hit the ground.

"Alright Xemnas, so we're all gathered here to do the thing. So who goes first and how we gonna decide on who's going next," Xigbar asked, leaning against a brick wall. Xemnas motioned to a glass jar that Vexen that been holding. The spherical vase had several pieces of paper in it.

"There are thirteen pieces of paper in this jar, each with every Nobody's name on it excluding myself for I shall be going first. Once a member has done there turn, a piece of paper will be chosen from this vessel and the member whose name is written on the slip will be chosen to go next," Xemnas explained. "And to answer your first question, it shall be I who will be starting first, for it was I who had heard from Kingdom Hearts to start this act that we may show ourselves to be worthy of receiving hearts for our transgressions."

A few Nobodies appeared bored by his speech. If there was one thing to know about Xemnas, then it was that he made super long and flowery speeches. And that they were at many times excruciatingly boring, but no one had the guts to say that directly to him, lest they be dusked.

Lexaeus then came over to Xemnas and placed a gallon bucket of water at his feet. "Your bucket, Superior," he said in a gruff voice. Xemnas gave a toothy grin.

"Thank you Lexaeus. Now all of you, witness as I prove myself to Kingdom Hearts as worthy to bask in its ethereal light and to receive a heart once it is complete," Xemnas said. He then lifted the bucket over his head a poured all over himself. Ice water and numerous ice cubes fell out and completely drenched him in the freezing fluid. Yet oddly enough he didn't even flinch.

Once he finished, his white hair clung to his tanned face and he was handed a towel by Luxord. Xemnas hasten wiped his face with the towel and then slung it over his shoulders before further addressing the rest of his Organization.

"Now for the rest of, you we shall draw the papers each a turn to find out the rest who shall be dunked with the ice water," Marluxia came over and held up the glass bowl with the thirteen papers on it. Each for all of them.

While he was choosing, Roxas and Xion leaned over to Axel. "Axel, why are we doing this for," they asked.

Axel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before replying, "Because the Superior said so."

"But why is the ice bucket challenge so important," Xion asked.

"Because it's made to raise awareness for this thing called ALS. It's uh, I think it's an incurable nerve disease that makes the person who has it very disabled and it can eventually paralyzes them for life." Roxas and Xion gasped.

"That's horrible," they said.

"But why do we do the ice bucket challenge," Roxas asked.

Axel sighed again and replied. "Because it helps raise awareness for the disease and it helps fund research to help cure it." Both of the younger Nobodies nodded, seemingly content with their answers.

Meanwhile Xemnas had already picked a paper slip and chosen the next Nobody to do the challenge.

"Attention everyone, I have decided which one of us we'll be doing the ice bucket challenge." He looked down again and re-read the piece of paper. "And the next one of us who will be doing the ice bucket challenge will be..."

Who will be the next Organization 13 member to do the challenge? Your votes will determine who will be our next contestant. Xemnas has done his turn has done his turn, so that just leaves Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexeaus, Zexion, Saix, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas and Xion. You can vote up to two characters in your reviews and whoever gets the most reviews gets to do the ice bucket challenge. Remember, this is to help raise awareness against ALS. Together, we can end ALS for good.

Okay, so last year I did the ALS ice bucket challenge. My verdict: It was freezing cold and I took a hot shower afterwards. But it was all to raise awareness so that was good. I have a friend who's mother died from Lou Gehrig's disease this year, but she lasted way longer thanks to our prayers, so thank God. I wanted to make this story for all those people out there who are or know someone who is diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease. I dedicate this story all to you. Please review and tell me who do you want to get splashed next. I look forward to reading all your reviews. I'll see you soon. Sincerely, v.t.7