Sorry it took me so long to update! I've been working two jobs plus school. Hope this makes up for it! ;)

Raven woke up and realized today was the day. San Diego Comic Con. Oh how she dreaded this day. Granted, if she was a normal human being, she most likely wouldn't mind it. All of the events and panels were indeed very interesting, but she just couldn't handle all the emotions.

She laid in her bed pondering ways to try and make this day better when she heard a knock at her door. It was quite odd being only 9:30 in the morning, but she got out of bed, tied her robe on, and answered the door. It was her favorite companion and questionable boyfriend.

"Morning, Rae. I hope I didn't wake you up."

She shook her head, "No, I was just lying there. What's up?"

"Well, I remember a few days ago you saying that you didn't like comicons because of all the emotions in the room, so… I paid your ol' doctor down at S.T.A.R. Labs a visit and see if there was anything she could do for you."

She looked intrigued. He pulled his hands from behind his back and handed her an orange bottle containing about four or so pills.

"What are these?" She hesitantly took the bottle.

"It's just a little help is all, completely safe. What it does is in a way it numbs your powers for a few hours so you won't be able to feel all the emotions and everything around all those people."

"By numbing my powers, you mean all my powers?" She asked.

"Yeah… Sorry, Rae. Oh, and she also said it would be best to meditate 30 minutes before you take the first two pills and immediately 4 hours later and then take two more if you prefer."

She nodded, "Okay, I'll definitely give them a try. Thank you, Beast Boy." She inched forward and gave him a small, delicate hug.

He smiled and rubbed her back, "You're welcome, Raven." He kissed the top of her head.

"What were you thinking about wearing?" He asked.

"Why?" She looked up confused.

"I was gonna try and match you."

She cocked an eyebrow, "Really?"

He chuckled, "Yeah. C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Well, I haven't really put too much thought into it." She moved aside allowing him entrance into her room.

"You should wear a sundress," he suggested. She bluntly stared at him.

"Sundresses aren't my thing and you know that."

"Well, you'd look beautiful anyway. May I look in your closet?"

She smiled and nodded.

"He really is such a gentleman now. All he needed to do was grow up a little and now he's irresistible. Wait. What am I saying…?" She thought briefly.

"Here, Raven," he came out carrying a black button up half sleeve shirt and a black and white striped maxi skirt. She raised her eyebrow.

"A skirt. To a Comic Convention."

"Yeah, 'cause you know it's going to be hot. Aren't skirts all flow-ey and cool like?"

"Yes, but black is the hottest color. Even though, we are supposed to dress up and black is the formal color. I guess that will do," she settled.

"Wow, that was the easiest thing ever," he chuckled. She grinned and closed in on him with another hug.

"You should wear a white button up shirt and black dress pants," she suggested.

"Yes ma'am." He kissed the top of her head again.

"I'll come by and get you in a few, go get dressed," she told him. She looked into his eyes and pushed her lips to the side like she was trying to imply something. He picked up her sign and pecked her gently on the lips.

"I'll see you in a few minutes," he winked at her and left her room. She stood there for a moment just smiling at the ground, thinking of how happy he made her. She changed her clothes, gave her long black hair some soft curls, and a touch of eye liner never hurt anyone. She left her room with some simple black ballet slippers for shoes and went off to Beast Boy's room. She pressed her ear to the door and heard him grumbling.

She knocked, "Gar, may I come in?"

"Yeah," he sounded frustrated. She slid the door open and saw him fidgeting with a black tie and watching a YouTube video. She walked right up to him and held his hands, immediately calming him down.

"Let me help you," she gently said as she folded and fixed his tie perfectly. He stared down at her with a small smile creeping on his face.

"How'd you know how to do that?" He asked.

"I had to help Robin once when he was taking Starfire out for the first time, and I just kinda remembered."

"You're so smart." He leaned down and kissed her, cupping her face.

She broke free from his warm embrace, "Why don't you go grab something to eat while I meditate real quick? I'll be down in half an hour."

"Sounds good," he pecked her one last time before she left his room.

"Oh, and Raven," he caught her attention and she turned around in the doorway, "You look beautiful."

She blushed and smiled, "Thank you, Gar."

The Titans were all in the T-Car fighting with the traffic and trying to make it on time.

"How are you feeling?" Beast Boy leaned over and whispered into Raven's ear.

"I feel really good," she admitted, "I don't feel any other emotions and it's… really nice."

"I'm glad," he kissed her cheek and held her hand until they arrived at "guest parking".

They all piled out and snuck into the hotel through the back avoiding all the crowds and fans. Beast Boy held Raven's hand the whole way. Beast Boy had still not said a word to the other Titans for being the assholes that they were. Robin figured now was a somewhat decent time to apologize.

"Hey, Beast Boy," he spoke up, "Sorry about the other day. We really should consider your feelings more and respect the fact you can't eat as much as we can. We've started looking up things online to maybe try out one day and hopefully we'll all be able to enjoy it."

"It's cool, Robin. But maybe you guys should've apologized like three days ago. You know, when all this happened. But it's whatever now."

"You're right, Beast Boy, we're all really sorry."

"Then why are you the only one apologizing?" Beast Boy asked.

"Sorry, dude," Cyborg spoke.

"Yes, Beast Boy, we are the sorry," Starfire chimed in. Beast Boy rolled his eyes and walked away from the others.

"Our friends are assholes," he said quietly so only Raven could hear.

"Yupp. Are you going to forgive them?"

"Yeah, I mean I kinda stopped caring about it all, honestly. But the fact that they waited four days to apologize for something that isn't even really a huge deal kinda pissed me off."

She nodded, "I understand. Maybe they'll grow a brain someday."

"Doubt it."

They walked into the backstage room filled with refreshments, chairs, and make up tables. Starfire was the only one to take that up. The others went to the food, and Raven took a seat. She began thinking and a nervous expression washed onto her face. Beast Boy noticed and walked over and sat next to her.

"What's up?" He caringly asked.

"Well, it's just that since you posted that picture, I just know someone is going to ask about "us" and I'm too scared to face that in front of all those people. I mean they let in what 1,000? That's a lot of people to talk to about my personal life."

"Well, if they do ask, then I'll be the one to talk to them. I love talking to the fans."

She smiled, "Okay."

He leaned over and kissed her before the stage director came into the room asking all the Titans to line up in order. There was an introduction to the panel, followed by the individual intros for the Titans, Beast Boy getting the loudest cheers, naturally, and they all took their seats and discussed what it was like to be a superhero.

"Alright guys," the host said, "I think it's time for the fans' favorite part, our Q&A segment!"

The crowd cheered and lines began forming for the questions. The first was a little girl dressed as Twilight Sparkle.

"Uhm, Raven," her tiny voice spoke, "I think you're really pretty and I was wondering how I can be like you one day."

She smiled at the compliment and tried to figure out the best way to word her answer to not crush the little girl's feelings.

"Tell me why you wanna be like me," Raven replied in the kindest way possible.

"Because you're pretty, and strong, and you have the best super powers."

"I'll tell you this, having super powers doesn't make you a hero. What makes you a hero is who you are on the inside. Just because I look a certain way, or I carry myself differently than everybody else only defines me as the individual I am. Only you can be the one who defines you as a hero and I see it in you. Maybe one day, you'll be my hero."

The crowd followed with "aww"s and claps. Beast Boy leaned away from the mic, "That was beautiful, Rae."

She smiled in response.

Next, Robin got a question, then Starfire and Cyborg, followed by a Rob/Star shipping question, which in turn opened the door for BBRae.

The girl next seemed super excited to be where she was and was eager to ask her question.

"Beast Boy!"

"Oh, dear," he whispered to Raven.

"You have got to explain that picture!" the crowd roared. He thought he'd yank her chain a bit before he answered.

"What picture?"

"You know! The one of you and Raven!"

He grinned, "I'm just kidding. Alright, I'll tell you guys what's up."

The crowd cheered.

"So, a few days ago, I may have talked Raven into kissing me since I showed her all the BBRae stuff you guys post online, and granted that kiss was completely private, but I talked her into it again on the roof of the tower and ever since then, we've been closer than ever."

The crowd went sweet, "AWWW…"

"So, does this mean you guys are dating?!" The girl asked.

Beast Boy and Raven smiled at each other.

"Yeah," he answered, "I think it does."

More cheers arouse from the crowd. The next girl game up to the mic.

"Raven," she began, "Do you love Beast Boy?"

This was a forbidden question, the crowd became dead silent. Some were even shocked she'd ask such a question. Raven's face was plain as can be and Beast Boy looked over to her with a face that read, "You don't have to answer that." But she smiled and leaned over to the mic, "Yes, Yes I do love him."

His face lit up and leaned over and kissed her right on stage in front of everyone. The crowd became a riot of cat calls, whistles, and more "aww"s. The room looked like a dance club with all the flash photography going on. He broke from their kiss and whispered, "I love you too," in her ear. He kissed her forehead and moved his chair back to where it was before.

The host chuckled, "Well what a fantastic ending to a panel. That's all we got for you, you can catch the Titans in the Hall of Fame tonight at 5 for an autograph. Thank you guys for coming in, we wouldn't be here without you! Be safe now!"

The crowd clapped and filed out while the Titans went back stage. The director came up to Raven and Beast Boy.

"I am so sorry that one of the fans asked such a personal question."

"It's alright," Raven replied, "I wanted him to know anyway."

"Well, I will try my hardest to make sure that doesn't happen again."

"You can't guarantee that man," Beast Boy said, "It's cool, really."

The director walked away and Raven shook her head and laughed.

"That's not how I wanted to tell you, but I guess it works."

"Well, I love you too ma'am." He kissed her again, "C'mon, let's go grab something to eat before two hours of autographs and pictures."

After a long day of fans, pictures, and signing, the Titans made it back home really late. They were all exhausted and filed into their bedrooms. Beast Boy walked Raven to her room and kissed her goodnight.

"Wait," she said.

"What is it?" He asked, concerned.

"Stay with me."

He smiled, "Yes, my love."

He guided her into her room and pulled the sheets back for her.

"I'm going to change and I'll be right back," she said taking her silk night dress and robe into the bathroom with her. He stripped down into what he slept in every night, just his boxers and climbed into bed searching for the remote. She came out with her hair tied back from washing her face and her robe wrapped around her body.

"Do you always look this cute when you get ready to sleep?"

She smiled and rolled her eyes, hanging her robe on the bedpost and climbing in beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned into his chest.

"I had fun today. Those pills really helped, thank you, Gar."

"You're welcome, love." He kissed the top of her head, "Sweet dreams, beautiful."

She looked up into his eyes, "I love you."

"I love you, too." They kissed goodnight and quickly drifted off into sleep.

Hope it was worth the wait! Can't decide if I should continue or leave it there. I have another story I'm working on I think you guys will live, but I want to finish it before posting so nobody gets upset for me taking so long to update! Lol, but yeah, feedback is always good! Thank you, guys!