The funeral was a small event. A couple of the old folk from the retirement home her father had been staying in came, other than that Rita and Iain were the only others there. The service was sombre, all eyes downcast. There was a hurry, another funeral scheduled after their 20 minute time slot. The priest wrapped the whole affair up with practiced efficiency, not an ounce of emotion in his voice.

Rita folded and unfolded the small leaflet of condolence in her hands as they walked from the grave, her father buried to rest under six feet of cold unforgiving earth. She rolled the sheet up to obscure the words that made her chest ache with loss.

'In loving memory of Alfred Richard Freeman'

Iain's hand in the small of her back had been a comforting presence through the entirety of the proceedings. He hadn't left her side. She smiled across at him as she climbed into the passenger seat of his car.

"Okay?" He smiled back, sadness in his eyes.

Rita nodded. "Okay."

He squeezed her hand tightly and started the car. They drove straight back to the hospital, not exchanging a word. Rita found herself staring vacantly out of the car window as the world streamed past. Iain's attention was split between the road and looking over at her, Rita could feel his gaze boring into her shoulder. Pulling up outside the ambulance station, they got out of the car. Dixie was lent against the open door of the ambulance. She flashed Rita a small smile.

"Oh come here you. Iain filled me in before you left." She pulled her into a warm embrace. "You know you could have told me..."

Rita cleared her throat.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry Dix."

Dixie pulled away, looking into Rita's eyes. "You have nothing to apologise for kid. And from what I can see you already have your very own knight-in-shining-armour at your disposal." She waved towards Iain, who stood with his hands stuffed into his trouser pockets. Rita grinned.

"There we go, that's better. There's that smile." Dixie winked at her.

"I erm...I better go. I'm on the late shift."

Rita held out her hand, Iain grasped it eagerly. They walked into the ED. Zoe, stood at the reception desk, rubbed Rita's arm as they walked past, giving a small smile of encouragement. Robyn and Lofty walked up to them.

"We're really sorry for your loss Rita. It must be really hard." Robyn motioned between them.

"Yeah er...if there's anything we can do?" Lofty ran a hand down the back of his neck, the other stuffed into his scrubs pocket.

Rita smiled weakly. "Thanks guys. I just want to get back to work really."

"Glad to hear it." Connie's voice sounded to their right. She looked up from studying a patient's scans, sympathy in her eyes. She walked over to them.

"Feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm on the night shift tonight. I erm...I want to be here if that's okay?"

Connie frowned. "If you're sure. Your wellbeing comes first. I can give you the time off?"

Rita nodded. "I'm sure. Keeping busy is what I need."

Iain squeezed her hand as they walked to her locker, a troubles look on his face.

"I'm not on lates tonight. You could come back to mine? Connie did say your wellbeing comes first."

Rita fished her scrubs out of her locker, running her hand over the dark blue material she had fought for and was proud to wear. She belonged here, that was certain.

"I want to work, I don't like having time off and the rest of the department having to carry me. I'll be fine."

Iain sighed, tucking her fringe behind her ear. He closed the distance between them.

"You are so stubborn Miss Freeman."

Rita stuck her tongue out at him. He responded by cupping her cheek.

"So strong, so beautiful," he murmured. Rita felt her lips on his, gentle at first but becoming more rapid, deeper. She ran her hands under his suit jacket and into his hair. He slammed her against the lockers with more force than intended, coaxing a moan from her.

"We can't do this here..." Her breath came in ragged gasps. Her eyes locked on to his as he slowed down, kissing her neck.

"Later. I promise you." She whispered.

They were interrupted by jeers from outside the staffroom. The blinds weren't down and half the ED was stood at the Nurse's station. Cal wolf-whistled in the distance. Rita even spotted Connie observing them with her arms crossed, a smirk on her face.

"Definitely not with an audience." She grinned.