Daily life with an Equestrian girl

By: Blur the Hedgehog

Disclaimer: Blur the Hedgehog does not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic nor Daily Life with a Monster Girl. They are the property of their respective owners and subsidiaries. Thank you.

Summary: Twilight Sparkle finds an old note book in the chandelier in her castle. The note book contained Star Swirl the Bearded's formula for interdimensional travel. This discovery sparks her thirst for knowledge and she gets to work right away. How will this change Equestria and what will this mean for the inhabitants of the other worlds? Read and find out!

Chapter Four: Pinkie Pop Pie.

Kanji sat in his living room sipping his coffee while he reclined on his couch. Sitting across from him was his coordinator, Sumike Smith. She was currently looking over the request forms that had been filled out asking for a renovation. She was going over every detail carefully showing some actual diligence in her work. Normally she would have shifted the request to someone else however the threat of being cut off of good food was more than enough incentive to get off her rear. After reading the forms and seeing no errors anywhere she placed the forms down and said, "Twilight seems to have a knack for paperwork."

"I'll see if she can teach you sometime." Kanji said jovially getting a flat look at his ribbing.

"Anyway," Smith said taking a sip of her coffee. "All the forms check out but the question remains," she then lowered her sunglasses, "Why do you need this stuff?"

"Made a new friend." Kanji dead panned. "Wanted to make sure she was comfortable."

"An industrial cooking range and oven as well as a recording studio is what is going to make her comfortable?" Smith asked curiously.

"Well I guess I should explain." He stated, "It all started…"

(Earlier that day.)

Beep, beep, beep! The alarm in Kanji's bedroom went off getting an annoyed growl from his lips. He rolled to his right, away from the soft, warm sweet smelling pillow that his face had been resting on. "Five more minutes isn't too much to ask, is it?" he moaned as he turned off the offending device. He then rolled back and wrapped his arm around the pillow and snuggled in closer to it.

"Aw," a cheerful feminine voice whispered as she wrapped her arms around him. "You're a cute little snuggle bunny aren't you?" the owner of the voice then ran her finger through his hair. The action and voice snapped Kanji right out of dreamland and into the waking world. He suddenly pressed himself against the wall where his alarm clock sat and stared at the girl in his bed. From her waist down was a pair of pony legs and a tail that was as poufy and pink as the hair on her head. She had blue eyes as bright as her smile. She was easily shoulder height with Cerea. Her body was only covered in the blanket on the bed. Barely hidden by the fabric, kanji could tell that she had a high G cup bust and three balloons on each butt cheek. "Heh, heh, heh," she giggled cutely, "Your shyness is so cute." She then crawled up to him letting the blanket fall off of her.

"Um," kanji nervously chuckled as the girl started to crawl up his body, "Well I wasn't really expecting to be in bed with a beautiful girl like you." He was lucky that most of his blood was rushing to his face as her breasts rubbed along his pelvis.

"Now don't you say the sweetest things?" She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and squished her breasts against his chest. "If you want to cuddle some more, I don't mind." She then brought his face into her breasts and sat in his lap. "You can even do more than cuddle if you really want to." She whispered into his ear as she felt something poke her rear.

"TWILEY, SPIKE, DASHIE!" kanji shouted after he got his head out of her pillows of heaven. "HELP!" The door to his room suddenly exploded as Twilight, Spike and Rainbow Dash stood in the smoke in fighting stances. Spike was standing with his apron on holding the spatula like a sword. Twilight stood with her hands and horn glowing and her dress shirt half buttoned letting everyone see her black lace bra. Dash had been in the bathroom if the towel around her torso was anything to go by.

"Spike, twilight, dash," the pink haired girl said with a wave, "Hi."

"Pinkie Pie?!" the three Equestrians asked/shouted. Thirty minutes later the five of them were in the kitchen and fully dressed. Pinkie was wearing a pair of blue jean shorts that emphasized her butt and a white tank top that showed off a good bit of her cleavage and a small blue jacket. "So why are you here?" Twilight asked as she started to sip her juice.

"Well I wanted to see your boy toy and visit my herd sisters." Pinkie said nonchalantly and caused four simultaneous spit takes.

"Pinkie," twilight exclaimed, "What you are suggesting is illegal!"

"How are we herd sisters?" dash asked after she almost choked.

"How am I a boy toy?" kanji asked slightly fearing what he was going to hear.

"Well," pinkie said with a thoughtful expression, "You and twilight are getting into a relationship, seriously impressed Dashie with your loyalty and courage and I think you're really cute and really nice to hug all night long." That comment reminded Kanji of what happened that morning as blood slowly leaked out of his nose. "As for Dashie and Twiley's questions, the legality of the situation is going to me a moot point as more and more people are asking for a marriage clause in the law." That had twilight taken aback. "As for the herd sisters' thing, it is a cultural thing in Equestria. Seeing as the gender ratio in Equestria is heavily twerked toward girls, a stallion can marry multiple mares as long as they love each other equally." Then a random thought came to pinkie pie, "That might also help your friend Kimihito with his girl problem. It would be like twilight's solution for the gala ticket problem."

"While I'm sure that Miia and Papi would be all for it do to the fact that their species are all female." Kanji said as images of the lamia and harpy blissfully resting on his neighbor, "I can't really see Cerea being too happy about it." Cerea entered the picture and bucked Kimihito into low orbit.

"Love makes people do weird things." Pinkie said sagely, "She might love him enough to look passed it."

"So anyway," Kanji asked trying to think of something else. "What are everyone's plans for the day?"

"I'd probably laze about the house." Dash stated seeing as she couldn't leave the house without Kanji meaning she couldn't practice her moves.

"I'm gonna read some more." Twilight said.

"Play video games." Spike stated.

"How about we all go to the park for a picnic?" pinkie pie asked with a bright smile.

"That's not a bad idea!" kanji stated getting excited for the idea. "Spike and I could whip up some food, Dash could get some exercise and twilight could get some Sun." the suggestion was very well received and after a few minutes the five of them were walking (skipping in pinkie's case) down the street. Pinkie was currently balancing the picnic basket on her head as they made their way to the park. They found a nice spot on a hill that was near a play set. The basket had been filled with sweets and sandwiches.

"Wow this looks amazing." Twilight stated with awe. "You and spike did a great job."

"These veggie sandwiches you made are awesome." Dash said after taking a bite of her sandwich. "You should start charging Sumike for her meals at your place."

"That would drive her to Kimihito more often." Kanji stated eating a tuna sandwich.

"I'm surprised that she has that sexy body of her." Pinkie said randomly, "I mean considering most of her meals are instant ramen, she'd look like a blob in a suite." That observation gained her a round of laughter. Suddenly, pinkie started twitching. She quickly leapt to her hooves and looked around. Her eyes then fell on a little girl wearing a pink dress and sun hat, said girl was crying. Pinkie skipped over to the little girl and asked, "Oh, what is the matter little one?"

"My mommy bought me this pretty red balloon," the girl sniffled pointing at the broken remains of her balloon, "Then this mean boy came along and popped it." She then started to cry again.

"Hmmm." Pinkie said tapping her chin. Then an idea came to her and she reached behind her. "Don't you worry about it." She stated holding up a small limp red thing. "Pinkie pie has you covered!" she then took a deep breath and blew into the end of the item. It was soon revealed that the item was a bright red heart shaped balloon. She tied a string to it and then tied it to the girl's wrist. "There you go sweetie." Pinkie stated as the balloon floated above the girl's head.

"Thank you." The girl squealed giving pinkie a hug. The girl then skipped off to find her mother.

"That was really nice of you pinkie." Kanji said walking up to her. He then noticed pinkie's tail start to twitch. She ran over to a grounds keeper and pulled him backward a few steps just as a tree branch fell where he was standing.

"Thank you young lady." The elder grounds keeper stated.

"You are most welcome." Pinkie stated as she skipped back to the picnic.

"So what was with all the twitching back there, pinkie?" kanji asked handing pinkie a soda.

"That was my pinkie sense." She stated like it was obvious only to receive a confused look. "It's basically a bunch of little sensations I get whenever something happens." She slurped her soda. "Sometimes it's a singular small twitch and other times it's a combination of twitches that mean a major event is going to happen."

"That does sound like it comes in handy sometimes." Kanji stated. "From what twilight tells me, you are a party planner."

"Yup." Pinkie said with a huge grin. "I even set up a party company with some friends all around Equestria. We meet up every few weeks to bounce ideas off each other." She munched a cupcake and said, "The other two members are called Cheese Sandwich and Party Favor."

"What drives you to be so cheerful and out going?" Kanji asked not knowing he setup a song from pinkie pie. He soon found his head in the lovely pillows pinkie had as she hugged him and caused blood to leak out of his nose.

"It is because everyone is my friend and I love to see my friends smile." She said cheerfully with a huge smile on her face.

(Play My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic smile song.)

Pinkie pie then started to skip down the park path and sing. Her singing voice was warm and cheerful like her personality.

My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!)

And I am here to say (How you doing?)

I'm gonna make you smile,

And brighten up your day!

As she sang she had skipped passed some people and waved. She then saw someone trying to read a book. She then hopped up onto a branch and bent it out of the way. The person looked up and smiled at her.

It doesn't matter now (What's up?)

If you are sad or blue (Howdy!)

Cause cheering up my friends

Is just what pinkie's here to do.

She spotted a couple of little boys who looked depressed. She appeared behind them with a big smile and hugged them to her chest. This action got them to smile with blood leaking out of their noses.

Because I love to make you smile, smile, smile

Yes I do

It fills my heart with sunshine all the while

Yes it does

Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

She tossed the boys onto her shoulders and slid down a hand rail. She leaped off the bottom and onto a merry go round like play structure. As the play set spun she leaped off leaving the boys laughing and smiling. Out of the corner of her eye she saw some kids with a jump rope and they waved her over.

I like to see you grin (Awesome!)

I love to see you beam (Rock on!)

The corners of your mouth turned up is always Pinkie's dream (fist bump!)

But if you're kind of worried

And your face is made of frown

I'll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down

Pinkie started skipping in the middle of the rope as two kids spun it around. As she skipped, her breasts bounced ever so slightly. This caused many males in the area to take notice, especially Kanji who was following her with the others. An orange haired boy skipped in with her, she smiled warmly at him and made room for him. A girl with teal hair soon joined gaining a thumbs up from pinkie. Pinkie then pulled all four kids next her into a hug, leaving the rope to twirl itself. As she hopped out of the twirling rope, she bumped fists with one of the kids. She then saw a kid looking sad with a jump rope nearby. Said kid then found himself on Pinkie's back as she used the rope getting him to smile.

Because I love to make you grin, grin, grin

Yes I do

Bust it out from ear to ear let it begin

Just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin

And you fill me with good cheer

Pinkie stated to march down the street and a crowd started to follow her. She looked back and smiled at the people following her getting them to smile back. A painter was standing next to a building with a ragged look on his face. Pinkie stood in front of him with a smile and he wave his hand at the wall. Pinkie tapped her chin then got an idea. Grabbing the paint brushes in each hand, pinkie got to work. In a manner of minutes the wall was now a mural of a smiling pinkie and a smiling sun. This caused the painter to smile at pinkie.

It's true some days are dark and lonely

And maybe you feel sad

But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad

There's one thing that makes me happy

And makes my whole life worthwhile

And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile

I really am so happy

Your smile fills me with glee

I give a smile I get a smile

And that's so special to me

Because I love to see you beam, beam, beam

Yes I do

Tell me what more can I say to make you see

That I do

It makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam

Yes it always makes my day

Come on everybody smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

Come on everybody smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

Yes the perfect gift for me ([Choir] Come on everybody smile, smile, smile)

Is a smile as wide as a mile (Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine)

To make me happy as can be (All I really need's a smile, smile, smile; From these happy friends of)

Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile

Come on and smile

Come on and smile

As pinkie sang people began to join in her singing, even the sourest of people began to get in on the act. Pinkie hopped and swung around lamp posts with the crowd following her. Soon she was on Kanji's back pressing her breasts against his head. Chuckling at her antics, he carried her back toward their picnic spot. Pinkie then vaulted over his head and was surrounded by people. She twirled around as everyone was singing and smiling. She ended the song by jumping into Kanji's arms bridal style and hugged his head into her breasts. The crowd soon started cheering, some used their phones to record what had happened and put it on the internet. "That was amazing Pinkie." Kanji stated as he wiped the blood from his nose.

"Yeah," pinkie said whimsically, "I get that a lot." She started to twitch again and looked around to see a sign that was advertising a baking contest. It had a large cash prize of one thousand. What was better was the fact that it was open to extra species. "Hey I got another fun idea." She stated pointing at the sign, "Let's enter the back off."

"Sure thing pinkie." Kanji said as he walked over to the sign up booth. "Excuse me," he said when the stood in front of the booth, "My friends and I would like to enter the bake off."

"I'm sorry," the woman said with a sigh as she saw how many people were standing there, "We only have two slots available for contestants."

"We're just here to cheer them on." Dash stated wrapping an arm around twilight and spike. After Kanji and pinkie signed up, they headed to the competition kitchen and waited for the announcer to start the bake off. "You can do it guys! Woo hoo!" their friends shouted from the stands.

(Background music start: Reach for the stars from sonic colors.)

"Let the bake off begin!" the announcer shouted after he introduced the contestants. Ingredients were quickly gathered as mixers and mixing bowls were set up. Some contestants, like pinkie and Kanji, worked like a well-oiled machine while others found that they were really good a burning water. Cake pan clanged and mixers hummed, it was a symphony of cake making. The timer ticked down and tension was high as the confectionary conflict continued. While Kanji and pinkie were starting to assemble their cake, he felt a small bit of killer intent coming from their right. He turned and saw a pair of girls that went to the local girl's school glaring at them. He just smiled warmly at them while also releasing his own killer intent. "Time's up, cutlery down!" the announcer stated after five more minutes. The judges walked along the tables and looked at the cakes.

"Just because you're a pop idol, don't start thinking you and your boyfriend have a chance of winning." The senior student growled at pinkie pie.

"Well I'm not here to win," pinkie said happily, "I'm here to have fun. Winning is just a perk."

'Pop idol?' Kanji asked himself as he raised an eyebrow. 'When did she have time to become one of those?' "Hey," Kanji said catching the girls' attention, "What's this I hear about pinkie pie being a pop idol?"

"You haven't heard?" the junior student asked taking out her smart phone, "She's the number one video online second only to the extra species pop idol group in the ratings." She then showed them the footage of pinkie singing in the park. "People are demanding 'Smile-Chan' merchandise."

"What sort of merchandise?" kanji asked while he had to admire the speed of today's technology.

"Posters, T-shirts, hats and more!" the junior student exclaimed.

"Well I actually came to spend time with my herd sisters and future husband." Pinkie stated nonchalantly. Her words caused the school girls to look shocked while kanji was embarrassed.

'I should probably ask twilight and smith to help me get ahead of this trend before it gets out of hand.' Kanji thought as the judges walked up to their section.

"Lovely looking cake," one judge stated looking at the fancy confection.

"Just what we have come to expect from the Kyubii Academy for Girls (OC school non canon)." Another judge stated as he was handed a slice.

"Absolutely delicious." The final judge stated after taking a bite of cake.

"Thank you very much." The students stated bowing.

"Now for Ms. Pie's entrance." The first judge said as the three of them were handed a cupcake.

"I think she may have you girls beat in the taste category." The third judge stated as she devoured the treat.

"Unless she can top their presentation, I think our winners are quiet clear." The second judge said noting how plain the cake looked. Pinkie pie smirked as she lifted a cake spatula and cut the cake in half. She pulled one half away to reveal the Mona Lisa.

"I think we won pinkie." Kanji stated seeing the looks of awe on the faces of the judges.

(Present time.)

"After we were given the trophy," Kanji said as he wrapped up his experience to Smith. "We met back up with twilight and the others and Twiley and I got to work on this paper work."

"Well it is a good thing you did." Smith stated taking a sip of coffee, "This will definitely keep her from being exploited." She set her coffee down and asked, "Where is she anyway? I would like to meet her."

"You know that is a good question." Kanji said looking around. Pinkie had seemed to have disappeared when they got back. "Yo pinkie where are you?"

"Right here lover boy!" pinkie cheered before hopping over the couch and landed in his lap. She smile brightly as she hugged him close to her naked body.

"Now you weren't planning on having sex with Mr. Lover boy were you pinkie?" smith asked trying to be intimidating.

"No of course not." Pinkie stated not showing any signs of fear. "That will come in later chapters." She smiled at the confused look on smith's face. "This is just fan service like this." The last thing Kanji saw before blood lose induced unconsciousness took hold was pinkie pie giving smith a very steamy kiss on the lips.