Daily life with an Equestrian girl

By: Blur the Hedgehog

Disclaimer: Blur the Hedgehog does not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic nor Daily Life with a Monster Girl. They are the property of their respective owners and subsidiaries. Thank you.

Summary: Twilight Sparkle finds an old note book in the chandelier in her castle. The note book contained Star Swirl the Bearded's formula for interdimensional travel. This discovery sparks her thirst for knowledge and she gets to work right away. How will this change Equestria and what will this mean for the inhabitants of the other worlds? Read and find out!

Chapter one: The Extra Species What?

It was a bright and sunny day in the town of Ponyville. The quaint Elizabethan style town was bustling with activity. The inhabitants of the town were a bright and colorful lot, literally. Each one was of an equine type. There were earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasus ponies. The scene then shifts to look at a large crystalline structure shaped like a tree. The grand entry way was now decorated with warm inviting colors. In a large sitting room two purple creatures were busy cleaning. One was a small reptilian like creature of purple and green. The other was a pony with beautiful wings and a spiraling horn on her head. She had a deep indigo mane and tail that were streaked with pink. On her flank was a six pointed star and tiny sparkles.

"Hey twilight," the dragon asked the mare, "When are you going to schedule some interviews for a cleaning staff for the castle?"

"No I haven't spike." Twilight sigh as she levitated her feather duster up to the chandelier. "I guess with all my studies and all the events that happened I never did get around to that."

"Some other ponies would not only help clean the castle faster but also make it feel not as empty." Spike said as he shivered at how big the castle was. Twilight nodded as she continued to clean the chandelier. After a few minutes of that the duster brushed up on a strange marking and a hidden panel opened up and a book fell onto twilight's head.

"Ow!" she exclaimed as the hard covered tome bounced off her head near her horn. She looked down at the book and asked, "Where did this come from?"

"I think you found a secret compartment." Spike said as he looked up at the chandelier. "The girls and I found one when we were looking for a way to beat Trixie when she was under the influence of the alicorn amulet."

"The question now is why was it hidden and who wrote it?" twilight asked as she levitated the book up to eye level. She opened the book and read the first page aloud. "Theories of trans dimensional travel by…" she then gasped in shock "… Star Swirl the Bearded!" an indigo, pink and purple blur flashed by spike as the now abandoned feather duster spun helplessly in the air.

"I better go keep an eye on her." Spike sighed as he followed twilight. "Celestia knows that one day she'll study herself to death." He soon found twilight in the castle's library in what could only be described as a book fort. All the books were on subjects that would help her decipher Star Swirl's notes. "Might as well fix her stuff to graze on while she's in turbo study mode." Over the years spike knows that twilight will unconsciously eat something when she is hungry while she is studying.

"EUREKA!" Twilight shouted after her three week turbo study session. She ran out of the library and toward where she had last left spike. When she got there she saw her friends gathered around the table under the chandelier. "When did you girls get here?"

"We've been visiting off and on for the past three weeks, sugar cube." The orange coated, Stetson wearing cow pony stated.

"When we first visited spike told us that you found something that triggered you to go into, his words not mine, turbo study mode." A butter yellow Pegasus with a soft pink mane and tail said quietly.

"That little book fort you made was so cute." A pink on pink mare stated.

"Darling, you were so focused on studying, you did not even register the fact that applejack push an inkwell out of alignment." A white unicorn said.

"It's true." The cow pony stated.

"So what was it that got you so focused anyway?" a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail asked.

"I found a note book that once belonged to Star Swirl the Bearded." Twilight explained to her fellow elements of harmony. "It contained all his notes and equations for inter dimensional travel." The others gasped and twilight continued, "This is most likely how he banished the sirens to Sunset Shimmer's world. I've done the math and cross referenced all the material and I think I can recreate his mirror."

"After you get some actual rest!" spike asserted.

"I completely agree with spike." The white mare stated, "You can still do your experiment after you sleep and visit the spa."

"Rarity," the cyan pony argued, "I don't think twilight needs a beauty session."

"Rainbow dash," rarity chastised her jock friend, "A trip to the spa is not just about beauty but also about one's health." She then turned to the yellow mare, "Fluttershy darling, could you and spike go to the spa and tell aloe that we need to book a rejuvenation session."

"Oh um alright." Fluttershy said as she and the dragon made their way out.

"I guess I do need a break from the studies for a bit." Twilight admitted with a yawn. "What say we revisit this topic in about three days, huh?"

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie pie said as she bounced away.

"We'll see ya later, Twi." Applejack said tilting her hat.

(Three days later.)

The rest twilight had gotten brought her back to physical and mental peak. She was now putting the finishing touches on her own mirror portal. It was a large full length horse shoe framed mirror that was standing across from the Cantorlot high mirror. Twilight had rigged it up with the same enchantment bypass that she use for the first mirror. She was currently working on the enchantments for the messenger books like she and sunset shimmer were using. It was applejack who spoke up first among the group.

"So you're gonna make some inquiries about whether or not there are ponies with our names?" she asked after twilight said she had wanted to avoid confusion in the other world. "And if there aren't you're gonna tell us with this here book?"

"That's right applejack." Twilight stated as she finished the last rune, "I'm pretty sure the rest of you are just as curious about this as I am." She placed the book at the top of the contraption and watched the pale gold magic flow into the mirror. In a bright flash of light the gateway was formed. The reactions to this was a range of fear to elation. Twilight stood before the portal ready to pass through it. "Ready to go spike?" she asked her assistant.

"As I'll ever be." Spike stated as he dropped into a track runners start position.

"Let's go!" twilight exclaimed as she ran forward. She hit the glass and was sent on a wild ride through a vortex of colors. Soon she was ejected out onto a dirt path with a thud. Another thud brought her attention to her left. There lying next to her was a purple and green human dragon hybrid. Based on his size he was about ten years of age. From his waist down he had the same legs and tail as her assistant but his upper torso looked human. His forearms and hands did not change much. His head had green spikey hair and purple scales framed his face. He had green pointed ears and green reptilian eyes. He also wore a purple vest and pants.

"Ow," the dragon newt groaned with her assistant's voice, "That was really unpleasant."

"Spike," twilight asked as she sat on her knees, "Are you alright?"

"I think so." He stated as he sat up. "I don't feel all that different." He then look at his sister figure and gasped. "You don't look that different either."

"Huh?" twilight asked as she turned to look behind her. There reflected in the base of the horse statue was an unfamiliar figure. From her waist down was her regular pony form. Around her waist was a pleated miniskirt. She wore a dress shirt over her torso and arms. Around her neck was a tie with her cutie mark on it. Her head resembled a humans save for her ears and horn. The closest creature fitting her description was the tyrant Tirek. "Is this what the natives of this world look like?" she asked aloud.

"I don't think so twilight." Spike said as he pointed at a group of people. Most of the group were human like she had seen at Cantorlot high but the rest were human animal hybrids. "I guess we won't stick out too much then."

"I guess not." Twilight admitted as she levitated spike onto her back. "We should probably explore the area and get some information."

"Sounds good to me." Spike said as she adjusted himself so he wouldn't pinch twilight's wings. The fact that twilight's form hadn't changed that much made getting around much easier. She jotted down notes in her messenger book so the other element bearers wouldn't freak out.

"This world is quite diverse in its population." Twilight stated as she had seen many different creatures. Some were similar to species native to Equestria. "Rarity would be in seventh heaven with all these fashion designs."

"Indeed she would." Spike sighed dreamily. He then looked around and noticed that many of the people around them were holding up rectangular devices and giving them weird looks. "Twilight, everyone seems to be staring at us."

"I wonder why?" she asked and then saw a man dressed like a police officer riding a bike. "Why don't we ask the local guard why everyone is acting like this?"

"Excuse me miss," the officer said when twilight got into range, "Could you and your friend tell me who your homestay is?" twilight and spike were confused as to what he meant by that.

"Homestay?" spike asked looking at the officer, "What exactly are you talking about?"

"The person you're supposed to stay with while you're taking part in the extra species exchange program." The officer stated calmly.

"The extra species what?" twilight and spike asked at the same time.

"You seriously don't know?" he asked. When twilight and spike shook their heads the officer sighed. "Listen," he began taking his hat off. "I can tell you two are upstanding folks and if it were up to me I would let you go about your business. Unfortunately seeing as I am a sworn officer of the law, I'm afraid I'll have to take you into custody."

"What?!" twilight asked/shouted backing up a little.

"Hey I'm just doing my job, as unsavory as it may be." The officer said as he held up a couple of pairs of handcuffs.

"We should probably do as he says spike." Twilight said as her assistant when he growled, "We don't want to make the situation any worse."

"Fine." Spike groaned as the officer hooked the cuffs on twilight and himself.

"If you two would follow me I'll take you to the exchange program's headquarters." The officer stated as he was down the street. Suddenly his radio went off telling him that a child was stuck in a tree. The officer looked nervous and torn between what to do. He then noticed a man walking in the same direction as him. The man had short curly brown hair and a dark red business suit. He also had on black sunglasses. "Excuse me sir." The officer shouted getting the man's attention.

"Are you talking to me?" the man asked after looking around.

"Yes I am," the officer said as he took the cuffs off of himself. "I hereby release these extra species into your custody. I have to get to the park to get a kid out of a tree." Without even waiting for a protest he hopped on his bike and rode off.

"Another shining example of our taxes at work I tell ya." The man scoffed, "Ya wear one suit that looks like the uniform those exchange agents wear and suddenly you work for them."

"It happened to you before huh?" spike asked seeing the irritation on his face.

"Last week it was a bunch of punk rockers giving a centipede lady a hard time." The man growled then chuckled as he remembered, "One of those idiots had enough metal in his face to attract lightning. He also wore a t-shirt that said no fear, I was so tempted to whip out my super magnetic bar just to put fear on his face." Spike chuckled while twilight was appalled. "Then like now I got confused for an agent just because I want to give a prospective employer a good impression of me."

"I can certainly understand wanting to make a good impression." Twilight stated as she remembered her first time at Cantorlot high. "I guess I should introduce ourselves." Twilight bow slightly and said, "My name is twilight sparkle and this is my assistant spike."

"Hiya!" spike said cheerfully.

"A pleasure to meet you both. My name is Kanji Mitarashi." The now identified Kanji stated. "Might as well get these cuff off of you two so I don't get in trouble." He then picks up the key the officer dropped and unlock the cuff on twilight and spike. The trio walked along the street until they found the M.O.N. headquarters. The lobby looked like any office building lobby. "Talk to the receptionist, she might help you out." Kanji stated waving at the central desk.

"Thank you very much, kanji." Twilight said with a slight bow. "I hope we can see each other again one day."

"You're a really cool guy." Spike said offering a fist bump. When the gesture was returned he said, "If you're ever in Equestria, look us up."

"I'll let you two get registered for the program." Kanji stated walking outside. "I better get going or I might miss my window for an interview." Later that day kanji walked up his street sluggishly. "That cop was a freaking incompetent idiot." He growled with his over coat over his shoulder. "Sure I got to do something good for someone else but I lost out on a job." He then looked at his house only to see construction workers outside. "What the heck is going on?"

"Perhaps I could explain." A female voice stated from behind one of the trucks. Strutting into view was a woman in a black business suit. Kanji recognized her immediately. "Allow me to introduce myself."

"You're Sumike Smith." Kanji stated tiredly and smirked at her reaction. "You're an agent of the exchange program and one I have come to affectionately call she-who-failed-home-economics."

"Cheeky Baka." Smith growled then chuckled. "I'm here to congratulate you for accepting an extra species person into your home and ask that you sign these wavers so we can renovate your home."

"I don't recall signing up for the program." Kanji growled as he signed the forms.

"Our newest exchanges asked for you specifically." Smith stated as she saw the pen fly across the pages. "She said you walked her to headquarters."

"Twilight asked for me." Kanji said as the last form joined its fellow documents.

"She was most insistent." Smith said as she led kanji next door. "Both you and her will be here until the renovations are done. Your friend Kimihito was kind enough to help you out."

"That was very nice of him." Kanji stated with a grin that reminded smith of a coworker of hers. "I should really let him know I appreciate this." He then walked to the door and raised his leg. "Yo Kimi-chan," Kanji shouted as he kicked the door open, "Are you home right now?"

"Did you really have to open the door like that?" a male voice groaned from behind the broken door. It was a man around Kanji's age and taller by about a foot. His hair was a dark brown and was in a white t-shirt dark pants and an apron.

"Of course I did Kimi-chan." Kanji replied with a sadistic grin. "Otherwise you wouldn't know I was here."

"You could just knock." Kimihito groaned as he pealed himself off the wall. "And quit calling me Kimi-chan darn it."

"Anyway I have guests to welcome." Kanji stated as he made his way to the living room. There he saw spike and a harpy with blue hair and feathers playing a video game. Next to a bookshelf was twilight who was reading through a selection of books. Across the room from her was a snake girl with red hair and scales. Kanji noticed that Mia was glaring daggers at twilight. "Mia," Kanji said with an I'm-always-sweet smile on his face. "Do you and Mr. Squirty need some alone time?" when she shook her head, "Then quit trying to burn my guest with your gaze." He then walked over to twilight and said, "Spike seems to have made a friend already."

"It helps that she and spike have the same mentality." Twilight said looking up from her book. "I have to admit that the extra species exchange could really open up real opportunities for both this world and Equestria."

"With that said, here's to a beautiful friendship." Kanji stated after snatching smith's coffee from her hand and downing it in one gulp. "So Kimi-chan, what's for supper?" he asked Kimihito.