Hello All!

This is my first fanfic in a long time and my first for Sakura/Madara! I know this trope has been done over and over again but I like it and I want to explore the warring era more! So here is my stab at this!

Also for Madara I want to make it clear it is a bit different from others portrayed in this fandom. I think that at the point of the story Madara is somewhere between who he was like as a child and the final 'I am going to take over the world' version. The village is newly formed and he still has a lot of hope for that future! This story is going to deal a bit with his slide into darkness but overall take my above note into consideration when reading this!

I hope you enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: Naruto and the Naruto world is from the great mind of Masashi Kishimoto – I am just using the world to have a fun exercise of my imagination.


Chapter 1

Sakura waved one last time at the retreating backs of Naruto and Hinata. They were cute together, she was so glad Naruto had finally proposed. She smiled as Naruto looped an arm around her back and pulled Hinata closer to him. The blonde tilted his head in as if to rest his head on hers. It was an affectionate action.

The screen door banged shut, wind rushed close behind her, startling her. She glanced once more at the couple before turning to follow Sasuke back inside his home. He had built this house during his time on probation (under Kakashi's suggestion) and it had actually turned out nice. Occasionally, Sakura fantasized about moving in with him and how life would look once they started a family.

Following the sounds of movement she found Sasuke in the kitchen moving the plates from the table to the sink. Sakura crossed the kitchen to begin running water at the sink. As the water warmed she helped him clear the table by packaging the leftovers.

"The bread that you picked up was really delicious. It is too bad there is none left." Sakura pouted as she

"Yeah, I could tell you really liked it

Sasuke was in the kitchen moving the plates from dinner to the sink. She took the place in front of the sink and began running water.

They passed the chore in companionable silence. Sasuke putting the leftovers away and scraped the plates into the trash before depositing them next to her. Sakura filling the sink with hot soapy water and starting on all the dishes.

After he had gathered all the dishes next to her he leaned against the counter watching her. Sakura felt pleased. It was such a domestic situation; her washing the dishes him helping out – well, supervising. The warm feeling grew in her chest and she started to hum softly under her breath.

This is what their future would be like together; and it would be perfect.

"These are not clean. Pay closer attention to what you are doing. If this is your attitude at the hospital, I am glad I never had you attending." Sasuke said critically fishing out a couple of plates she had moved into the other sink to rinse. Sakura paused as Sasuke plunked the dishes back into the soapy water.

The warm feeling faded as her brow ticked in annoyance. It was amazing how fast feelings about a situation could change. Fishing one he put back in she examined it. Both sides of the plate didn't look at if there was anything on it. If he was so picky why didn't he wash them himself.

"There is still grease on it." Sasuke answered her question that she didn't pose.

Her annoyance grew as she continued. Now aware that she was the only one working on the dishes. Sasuke had taken up the roll of supervisor, pushing any subpar dishes back into the dish water. Her annoyance was growing, but not so much at Sasuke but at herself. If Ino had recreated this situation with one of her boyfriends, Sakura would have snappily advise her friend to have the bastard to the rest of them. But Sakura wasn't taking her own advise. It was different; this was Sasuke.

She stewed in her own spiraling feelings until she was done with the dishes. Wiping her hands dry on a dish towel her mood dissipated as he laid his hand gently on her shoulder. His hand was large and warm on her shoulder, making her feeling distinctly feminine as even her shoulder felt slight compared to him. It was a comforting gesture.

He let he arm drop, ghosting his fingertips down her arm to her hand. Lacing their fingers he gently turned her to face him. Sakura looked up to Sasuke's face and a strange cold feeling dropped into her stomach as if she swallowed a ice cube.

Human emotion was fleeting and without context was hard to determine what is actually meant. However for the softness of Sasuke's action and the relaxed smile on his face, his eyes seemed cold. Sakura wondered if her gut feeling was right or if it was her own emotions coloring her world.

"Follow me." Sasuke demanded, though not coldly. He turned but Sakura kept their hands linked as he lead her back into the house and out the backdoor.

Once outside he lead her to a small tool shed he had built. It was awkwardly placed a bit off center in the yard. As he had put considerable effort into the small structure he could have at least moved it off to one side. The craftsmanship was ruined from it being in such an awkward spot. She was about to open her mouth and tell him again that Sasuke should move the building, when they stopped in front.

"I want to show you inside."

Sakura's eyebrows shot up in surprise. Was this a kinky sexy play? It would be nice that he is making the effort to make the first move; that was for sure. But in a tool shed?

He opened the door stepping in and held the door open for her.

"Hurry up." Sasuke demanded. Sakura, cowed, followed him.

Inside there was only a small amount of room for actual tools, most of the floor space was taken up by what seemed like a trap door. Sasuke opened it quickly and was already halfway down the steps before she had enough guts to think to follow him. Hesitating again she considered her options as her boyfriend slowly disappeared into the darkness.

She looked at this situation as a moment of truth for her trust in him. She was always worried Sasuke would do something crazy; like leave the village suddenly on an impossibly long goose chase. This would answer if passing the promotion as head healer was a good idea. Could she really drop everything to follow Sasuke?

Taking a deep breath she stepped down cautiously onto the first step.

If he took the time to make a special shed he could at least installed a light.

As if hearing her thoughts, the darkness below was snapped away as Sasuke flicked on lights at the bottom of the steps. Her steps were more confident in the light. Though the fear of falling down them was not relieved by much as each step groaned ominously under her weight.

The space at the bottom of the stairs was mostly empty except for some old vases and scrolls wrapped in the corner. Sasuke was waiting next to a traditional sliding door to the right of the stairs. Her heart pounded in her chest at the triumphant smirk he was giving her. They had been dating for a year, and she had known him since they were children. However there were very few times she had seen him smile like that. It was never at her, and it was never good.

"Since I think I'll keep you around for a while I think I should show you a bit more of myself."

Her eyes narrowed a bit as she took apart his statement. They had already had sex. Many times. She knew what he looked like naked; so besides an autopsy there wasn't much more to see of the Uchiha. Maybe this was a kinky room thing, like in that new novel that was becoming strangely popular.

"More?" Sakura questioned aloud. He, characteristically, didn't answer and slid the door open. Inside was dark the light from the bulb only illuminating a few feet inside. As confidently with the stairs Sasuke went in.

Sakura's overactive imagination went into overdrive as she slowly edged forward, waiting to see what would happen next. Hopefully, it would include Sasuke turning on another switch exposing a room full of puppies.

The sound of a match strike, and a dim light outlined Sasuke. His back turned to her as he began lighting a series of candles. As more candles were lit, the feared room of torture faded into a room that was about as empty as the other. Across from the door a low concrete table was installed over which a large scroll with the Uchiha emblem in the center was the only thing on display. Not too weird. No weird kinkiness so far.

"What is this place?" Sakura asked.

"The Naka shrine. It is the family shrine of the Uchiha. The scrolls here hold my family's history."

Sakura hummed in vague understanding. She sidled up behind his shoulder looking up at the ancient scroll. The script was difficult to read, and the calligraphy old. It was written with more emphasis on the art of each word rather than legibility. Sakura leaned forward and mouthed tried to mouth out some words.

Rabbit follows the moon across the river. Okay, maybe not.

Giving up to try and read the gibberish she turned to Sasuke who had finished lighting all the candles. He was leaning calmly against the stone table looking at her profile with a neutral expression.

"I wanted to show you this because I want you to help teach our children about the Uchiha." Sasuke said as neutrally as if he was saying it was going to rain tomorrow. Sakura however was overwhelmed.

"Children?" Sakura questioned faintly. This was probably the most heartfelt thing he had ever said about their future.

"We should probably-" Sasuke started reaching into his pocket but was cut off when Sakura launched herself at him. She arms wrapped around his neck holding him to her as she kissed him deeply and frantically.

It took a moment for Sasuke to catch up and follow her lead. However he took control of the kiss quickly. He continued the kiss, keeping control of the kiss for only a moment longer. Grabbing her hips he pulled away. A brief stab of fear shot through her. Intimacy with Sasuke always pushed her to be demure, a trait she didn't often associate with herself. He always pushed her away or stopped her if she took too much control or initiated to quickly. Sasuke clearly had a low sex drive; which during frustrated times, she cursed Orochimaru and his family for making him emotionally constipated. If he was going to stop things now, she was going to be extremely frustrated.

Sakura was happy, excited and aroused; and she wanted to show her pleasure to his proposal in all ways. Because it was a proposal, right?

Sasuke looked down at her for a moment and she was worried that he would actually push her away. However Sakura was pleased when he continued dipping his head back to hers. Their lips met again and she was careful to give him full control. He pulled her closer and pressed their hips together, clearly showing his interest. She moaned softly and tugged him back towards the door. Taking the message he started walking her back. Once at the door inspiration struck Sakura. Gathering courage in case of rejection she took control and guided Sasuke out the lower shrine door with a soft push.

Sasuke frowned at her in confusion, but Sakura pressed on with her plan. Coyly looking up at him under her eyelashes she lifted the hem of her shirt pulling it, tantalizing, up around her stomach and with the other slid the door between them shut.

Sakura giggled to herself as she tore out of her clothes. She hoped Sasuke got the picture of what would happen or this would be awkward. More so, as this probably wasn't the best place to do this. But the unexpected was sexy; at least that is what it said in CosmoNinja.

She shimmied out of her skirt, then bent down to undo the strap of her sandals. Sex with shoes on - not sexy. Sakura stood up quickly not wanting to keep Saskue waiting when a wave of vertigo hit her. Stumbling a bit and steadied herself against the wall. Fainting while half naked because she stood up too fast - also not sexy.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself she struck a hopefully sexy pose, and slid the door back open.

In front of her was not Sasuke, naked and ready like she planned. Instead a half naked man with long dark hair stood hand outstretched as if to slide open the door. Something about him tugged at her mind in familiarity; but she couldn't remember where she had seen him. She dropped her eyes to his bare chest. It was wider, tanner, and more defined than Sasuke's. This was new – she would have definitely remembered who belonged to these nice set of abs.

His surprised expression told clearly that he was as surprised to see her as she him.

"Huh." Sakura grunted and gave the outer room a quick glance, as if Sasuke was hiding in a corner and this was a bad prank.

Without further acknowledging the man she slid the door back shut. Hallucinations at this age (really any age) were bad. But she would leave, as soon as she and Sasuke had sex, and go straight to the hospital. Sakura shook her head as if to shake away a dream and slid the door back open.

The man was still there. He still looked surprised; though this time he allowed himself the free show and dropped his eyes down her figure. Strangely, she felt more self conscious for her choice in underwear than her near nakedness. They were only matching because they were both black, the laciness of her bra and the satin of her panties made it clear they were not a set.

"Sasuke?" She questioned hesitantly. If this is a joke, it is in poor taste.

He gave her a once over again, notably lingering over the apex of her thighs. Then he reached over (she raked her eyes over his well muscle arm and torso again as an act of retribution) and slid the door shut.

Blinking hard at the door she looked around the room she was in. Nothing had changed from a few minutes prior when Sasuke had first shown her the room. The empty walls were still empty; the number of candles were the same; and the old scroll hanging up still looked old. What exactly had happened?

Closing her eyes she released her chakra muttering "Kai!" just in case. If this was a genjitsu it was the best she had ever seen, she hadn't even noticed the transition.

Opening one eye Sakura could see that nothing changed.

Damn it.

Sakura was alone, potentially crazy, and very horny.

The man reopened the door. Taking one step inside, this time he ignored her as he looked around the small room. For what exactly she wasn't sure. Maybe how she got in there?

"Who are you? How did you get in?" His voice was deeper and harsher than she expected from his features. Though he slightly resembled Sasuke, the tan on his face and broader features made her expect someone in personality to Naruto.

She took a step back in shock; he advanced, forcing her back. He half raised his left arm and she became particularly aware that he was holding a hammer. As he was half threatening her with it! Sakura looked over the man, more closely this time. A sheen of sweat covered his body and his chest was dusted with a fine layer of sawdust. His dark hair was longer than any man she knew. The uneven locks fell down his back to his waist giving him a distinctly wild air about him.

"Are you suppose to be a sexy carpenter?" Sakura asked aloud, still hoping that this was Sasuke's idea of a joke and not a mental breakdown.

Though her imagination must be working overtime. A wild looking carpenter, with Uchiha-ish features; what was her brain trying to tell her?

She was wanted sex - that was probably it.

Something about him tugged at her brain - he looked familiar.

The man raised his eyebrows in a look of disbelief at her words and tone. He took a step forward crowding her space again and raised the hammer a bit more. She took another step back running into the low table. The room had seemed small before but with this man towering over her it had shrunk. His hand holding the hammer jerked forward, a jolt of fear ran through her as for a moment she was afraid he would it her. The man dropped the hand holding the hammer and with the other he shot out to grip her hip tightly. He pushed and crowded her back onto the concrete table until she was practically sitting on it to get away from him.

"If you are a spy, I must let you know that I will soon kill you. Though your method is right on target. I think I will first enjoy the fun part of your plan," He leaned in close to her ear. "… as I am insatiable."

She was hit with the his masculine scent, overwhelmed with the scent of pine and sweat. A throb of excitement throbbed deep in the pit of her stomach adding to what was already there. She swallowed hard trying to find her voice.


"Good thing I am not a spy then." Sakura squeaked out. It wasn't like her to be so affected by a man. Sasuke had always been the one for her. He rose a dark eyebrow, giving her a look of mild exasperation.

"I –" Sakura started but stopped as his head dipped towards hers. Her brain finally caught up and adrenaline spiked through snapping her back to her senses.

"What do you think you are doing?!" She asked incredulously, pushing against his chest with charkra enhanced strength. He was clearly shocked at her strength as he flew across the room and fell into the door. The man dark eyes flashed with something dark as he pulled himself from the the door that was now unset.

"I just fixed that." She heard him mutter to himself.

This was not Sasuke's idea of a joke. He would never keep the act up this long, he would be bored and walking away by now. Fear struck her again as the man crouched slightly. He was a stranger, a stranger who was clearly a ninja.

Something had happened. What or when she didn't know. But now she had an opponent who was falsely convinced she was going to kill him. Paranoia caused people to do crazy things, and he seemed an extra kind of crazy. Sakura wiggled off the stone table and shifted back into a ready stance.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked with more confidence than she felt.

"As you are going to die soon, I don't see the point in telling you." The statement annoyed her. There had been enough posturing and vague threats in the Fourth War, and she had no time for more. Gathering her small amount of courage she lunged at him, quickly forming a clone.

Together the copies of herself bolted for him. Luckily, the man was a pervert. So her lack of dress seemed enough for him to be too distracted to tell which was the real one. Her copy lunged at his head and she dropped to the floor and sliding under him. Pushing up at the last minute and delivering a kick to his chin. A move that Naruto, Sasuke, and Lee would be definitely proud of.

She heard his jaw click satisfyingly as he was launched back into the door for the second time today. Releasing her clone she tried to roll back to get distance, but was stopped mid roll as he reached out and grabbed her ankle. He recovered much faster than she thought he would; much faster than any normal man would after a blow like that.

She snapped her head back to give him a glare that would hopefully melt his brain. True fear shot through her and momentarily she fell limp in shock. Red, angry, sharingan glared at her.

Sakura remembered who this was. She couldn't believe that four years was enough for her to forget that glare. This was Madara Uchiha.

Shit, this better be a dream.

He pulled at her ankle and she did nothing to stop him as she slid across the wood floor to him.

"Madara," She whispered as fear clutched her insides.

"You really must learn to keep up your act." He grinned maliciously down at her as he settled on top of her upper thighs effectively blocking use of her legs. "Who sent you to kill me?"

It was a demand, not really a question. The suborn part of her wanted to not answer. However, a great deal of her wanted to live but she had no good answers.

"No one sent me. I am from Konoha." His eyes were still red, watching her face for a trace that she was lying. A frown briefly flickered between his brows, as if he was trying to remember if he had seen her before.

"I don't recognize you. Where did you come from?" The man asked darkly, his grip on her arm tight and painful.

"I told you, here!"

The look he gave her told Sakura that the man didn't believe her. He stood, dragging Sakura to her feet as he stood. Scrambling she slipped and only didn't fall back down from his grip on her upper arm. Once to her feet he pushed her out the door and up the stairs, ignoring her protests that she wanted to grab her clothes.

Making it to the top of the stairs and she was shocked that instead of exiting to the small shed in Sask.'s back yard they exited into a small closet sized room. Not pausing he continued to practically drag her, slamming the door opposite open and marched out into a hallway. He moved them quickly, passing an elderly woman. Her features were pinched and her furrowed eyes snapped to Sakura giving her a disapproving frown. As Madara yanked her past and into another room Sakura could hear the woman mutter something about 'young hussies.'

Sakura turned her head to explain herself when he grabbed her chin and locked her eyes with his as he activated his Mangenkyo.

Shocked she didn't fight as the world faded to blackness. The world refocused with her naked, laying down with her arms and legs tied spread eagle and unable to move. A movement in front of her brought her attention to Madara. Like in a dream he had suddenly appeared. Kneeling over her, a kunai poised ready to slice into the underside of her breast into what she knew would be her heart.

Sakura could feel the cold metal and sucked in her breath, her eyes snapping to Madara's face as if she could stop him with a silent plea. His face distorted suddenly, the image pausing as a yellow bird suddenly flew into the room and perched on his shoulder.

This is just a genjutsu. The mangenkyo. Snap out of it now.

Closing her eyes she focus her chakra and expelled it forcefully, as she would do with a normal genjutsu.

The Madara above her cackled and thrust the tip and cut, severing tendons and skin. She screamed. This pain seemed real.

Of course that didn't work. Calm down and think!

She felt the warmth of blood seep out of the cut and pool on her belly. Her stomach turned as the warm liquid trickled into her belly button. It was a sick feeling and the detail of it made it difficult to tell herself it was not real.


Genjutsu worked by tricking the mind something was happening to the body when it wasn't. It manipulated the chakra of her own mind to make her see things. In order to win against it she needed to control the chakra pathways in her mind. Never before was this so much trouble to accomplish. Controlling her breath she focused on the air, the subtle movement in front of her. Then she focused on the flow in her body. The path of her blood, the pathways of her chakra.

Slowly narrowing her focus to her mind she had to pause a moment, overwhelmed as the dream Madara made another cut. Narrowing the focus she was overwhelmed by the chaotic flow of her chakra. This was an excursive she had never done, and she wondered briefly if she imagined it. The thought caused her to slip but she focused again following the chakra flow of her body.

Tsunade had explained her that the Mangekyo had a damaging effect if used too long on the victim. With the irregularity of chakra flow to this level it was not unexpected. Forcing herself to calm she started with each pathway - mentally slowing her racing chakra and redirecting the flow. As she worked the feeling of Madara's kunai lessened, until she opened her eyes with a gasp.

She was in a room. Obviously a bedroom as her arms were tied over her head to the foot of the bed. The day was going from good to very bad, very quickly. Being a hostage of a dead madman was not how she wanted to spend the end of her day. She needed to get out out this nightmare and back. Casting one quick look around she saw nothing else that would significantly help or impede her so she ignored the rest of the room.

Time was the essence, as they say and she needed to put as much distance between herself and the megalomaniac before he came back. Sakura tugged on her bonds testing them. It seemed that Madara not only had a passion for world domination but also knot tying. The more force she put against the bonds the tighter they clenched her wrists. The bastard had not missed that she had manipulated her strength with chakra. He had pulled her arms far back limiting the muscles she could use.

She squirmed for a bit testing how much she could move. As she did this the ropes tightened further, cutting off her circulation. Breathing deeply she began to try and think which muscles she needed to bolster to get out of this.

As she began channeling chakra, voices grew steadily louder from outside the room.

"It's a spy. I told you that Iwagakure and the Hyuuga were up to something. She was trying to kill me." Madara told someone with vehemence.

He opened the door to the bedroom and stepped in a familiar man following him. The tall brunette she recognized immediately as she saw his face every time she went to the Hokage office. It was the first Hokage, Hashirama.

Hashirama smiled at the Uchiha's words in the same way someone would at an overreacting child. The Hokage attention was immediately drawn to her. His eyes running up and down her undressed form; at how her arms were tied over her head causing her breast to be pushed up.

His gaze was something she would expect from someone like Jiraya, not the first Hokage. "If I was being seduced by someone like her I don't know if I would be complaining quite so much."

Both Madara and Sakura glared at the brown haired man.

"Untie me! I. Am. Not. A spy!" Sakura yelled at them and she jerked against the ropes with each word.

Hashirama squatted down so he was at the same level as her, raising an eyebrow in question. At least he seemed to have pulled himself together to be serious. "Where are you from then? If you are not a spy?"

Now she was stuck. The distant future was probably not a good, believable answer. So she said the first place that came to mind.


A vein above Madara's eye twitched. "You just said you were from here!"

"Well as I just moved here. I am now from here, aren't I?!" Sakura bit back. The logic was fallible but whatever.

Hashirama held up his hands in a placating gesture. "Now, I have never met you. Madara, here, has never met you. As neither of us know who you are in a village of three hundred people – you can see how this is suspicious. So, when did you get here?"

"Just now." Sakura said truthfully, though it did nothing to alleviate the suspicion.

"Without your clothes? You must be a very confident woman. Which I must say, is misguided confidence," said Madara. She shot him a glare over Hashirama's shoulder as her blushed deepened. Hashirama at least had the decency to roll his eyes.

"No, I didn't come here without my clothes. They are downstairs in that creepy shrine." Sakura looked down at the floor as if by avoid their gaze she could hide her nakedness. When she stripped she had not planned for anyone but Sasuke to see her.

"Downstairs?" Questioned Hashirama over his shoulder to Madara. Sakura smirked as the Uchiha grew noticeably paler. Apparently it was a secret that he didn't want anyone to know about.

"Yes, downstairs, in the shrine." Sakura spoke up eager to get the attention (and trouble) off her and onto Madara.

Madara glared at her and paused a second clearly unsure what he would do next. Muttering something under his breath he pushed past Hashirama and began to untie Sakura from the bed post. He hoisted her to her feet by her bicep, her hands still tied together and in front of her.

"Let's go." The Uchiha muttered though Sakura was unsure who exactly he was talking to. Himself? Her? Hashirama? His mind must be degrading to insanity much faster than she thought. At most he looked thirty.

Madara grabbed a blanket from the end of the bed and reached out to drape it around her shoulders. Pride and stubbornness rose in her chest. Her back tensed and snapped ramrod straight. Lifting her chin stubbornly she side stepped him and his offered covering. His treatment of her was unbelievably petty and unwarranted. If her undress bothered them, then they would have to deal with it the bastards.

Once outside the room Sakura regretted her pride. A group of women were cluster at the far end of the hall whispering to each other. Their whispers reached an almost audible level when they saw her. A few let out a giggle as Madara pushed her forward, back down the hall.

Oh yeah, she was going to be the subject of this week's gossip. Briefly, part of her berated herself for not taking the offered blanket but she quickly squashed that thought. She had nothing to hide, and if this made people uncomfortable then they might as well just treat her as a human.

She knew she was beet red but she continued anyway head held high, as they made their way down the hallway. But with every step she was more and more aware that her butt cheeks were barely covered by the silky black cloth. Likely everyone was getting an eyeful because of her pride.

Going first into the shrine she bent to get her clothes where they were still in a pile by the door. Blocking the door, she refused to look at the two men as she wriggled on first her skirt awkwardly as her hands were tied in front of her. Snagging her shirt between her fingers Sakura turned to the two and held out her bound hands.

Madara got what she was asking and pulled out a kunai and quickly sliced through the bonds. Sakura glared at him on principle and quickly pulled her shirt over her head. Kneeling, she put on her sandals when a brilliant idea hit her. Maybe, if she repeated to motion before, what ever this was would reverse itself.

Standing quickly, Sakura reached out and used all her strength the slide the door shut. It jostled and caught on the wooden floor, tilting on the corner to barely do it's duty to partition the room from the next.

Waiting only a moment she threw the door open with a triumphant yell. Battered by the abuse it tilted back on it's other corner before clattering to the floor. The two men stood with slumped shoulder and identical questioning looks.

"Are you doing this again?" Madara asked.

Sakura didn't answer, merely slumped against the doorframe.

"I found her here. I had just finished installing the door. I closed it for a couple of seconds and then she opened it. That room was empty before I closed the door." Madara explained to Hashirama, who stared at Sakura questioningly.

Hashirama gave her a once over then entered the small room, looking around to see how she got in. Realizing quickly she was in deep shit, she offered a half assed explanation.

"It's a new jutsu. It allows me to travel in the earth. It was merely an accident that I ended here." She laughed forcibly at the end.

"A new jutsu?" Hashirama didn't seem to believe her. Thinking frantically she started the only seals she knew that was something close to what she described. As she sank into the ground, she thanked all the time Orochimaru used the a similar jutsu to exit in the creepiest way possible.

"Oooo~ nice! What is that?" Hashirama asked excitedly.

Relieved she wouldn't have to sink the whole way down she stopped and pulled herself out. The jutsu she had was using only allowed the user to sink into the ground to conceal their presence. Sakura had no idea how to move in any other direction than up or down.

A quick glance at Madara told her he didn't quite believe that was how she got there.

"It's not quite done. I don't know how to control it very well. It was lucky I found this place when I did." She lied. A talent she was practiced in by the minute.

"You should have register your presence at the front gate." Madara was suddenly in front of her pushing her back into the wall. "Only someone who had ill intentions for this village would bypass simple procedures. It is suspicious that someone from Whirlpool would ignore this when we adopted the practice from them."

Gee the man didn't let up.

"It was a mistake." She ground out through clench teeth as she pushed him away.

"Where are the rest of your friends? What is your plan?"

"Okay, okay both of you." Hashirama stuck his hands in between them and physically moved them apart. He sent a glare to the Uchiha before turning to her.

"I'm sorry…"

"Sakura." She supplied.

"I'm sorry, Sakura-san, but I agree with Madara on this. Though I believe, and hope, your intentions here are honest but we must be cautious. As we are just starting this village we must be careful, but we are ready to open our doors to new people. To ensure that you are honest, please be understanding that we will put you in care of one of our shinobi. To monitor what you do. That is if you are planning on staying."

Sakura couldn't see any reason to argue with his logic, it was clear even Hashirama was suspicious of her. She wanted to stay. She needed to if she was going to find a way back home.

"Fine. I will be babysat if that is what you want."

Hashirama smiled, though it was clearly forced. "Good. Madara, have fun with your new assignment."

"What!?" Both Madara and Sakura protested.