Prompt #10: Quidditch Stadium

Summary: Hermione asks Ron to take her to new heights, but he ends up taking her higher than she ever thought she could go.

A/N: I wrote this fic while listening to a song, Body Gold by Oh Wonder. Here are some lyrics before you start reading:

Before I was found I felt like I could drain the ocean
Before I was found I didn't wanna breathe out
Now my soul beats a sound loud enough to quiet the thunder
A love with no doubt and now I'm never gonna slow down
Never gonna slow down

Let it go, paint my body gold
Take our bodies higher and higher and higher
We can go until the morning glow
We can go higher and higher and higher

And we will walk with our feet on the ground
And we will talk with our head in the clouds


"Don't be afraid," he whispered in her ear, then, using his nose, brushed strands of her hair to the side to drop a kiss onto her tender skin. She let out a long breath and shivered with excitement, and only a bit of apprehension, before he sat up straight again.

His arms were stretched out in front of him, on either side of her waist, his hands together just above hers in a tight grip on the wooden handle of the broom they were astride on.

"I'm not," she said, and cleared her throat to get rid of the tremble that permeated her words. "I trust you."

He held them steady with his feet on the ground, while hers dangled over the edge. A second later, his body tensed, and his knees hit the back of her legs as he kicked off, sending them soaring up into the night sky.

Hermione burrowed into the shell of his neck, chest and arms until her peripheral vision was surrounded in the mustard yellow and gold tones of his jumper. His biceps flexed against her shoulders, and his elbows turned in to squeeze her sides reassuringly. The sound of rushing air was muffled by Ron, but the wind on her face made her gasp and blink rapidly as he picked up speed.

She could tell they were gaining height as the goal hoops of the Quidditch pitch sailed past, and were now below their feet, glinting from the glow of the moon, which is where Ron seemed intent on landing. Her heart was racing to keep up as she let out a squeal that made Ron's chest rumble against her back in a laugh and a loud whooping shout.

He made a sharp turn, and she felt her body swerve away from him. She screeched, and Ron let one hand go to wrap his arm around her waist as they swooped in an invisible circle high up over the pitch that looked like a toy from their vantage point.

When they slowed down enough, and her head stopped spinning, Ron's grip on her waist loosened, and his hand was under her jumper, flat on her cool stomach. He whispered huskily, "Do you want to go higher?"

She paused to catch her breath, and closed her eyes to avoid the temptation to look down. Then he kissed her again on her neck, and she could feel his lashes blinking on her earlobe. Feeling safe yet reckless, and with her heart hammering in her chest for a multitude of reasons – anticipation, fear, the swarm of butterflies in her stomach that seemed to only be held at bay with Ron's hand – she found herself nodding.

Without further confirmation, and with one hand on the broom, Ron tilted them upward and pushed forward, making Hermione grimace against the wind pushing on her face. After a long moment of breathlessness, they stopped abruptly and leveled out once more.

"Open your eyes," Ron said quietly, bumping her ankles with his trainers.

Her hair was being blown around her face, so she shook away the curls and opened her eyes; immediately she gasped and tightened her already vice-like grip on the broom. Except for a cluster of lights far below, a million tiny stars above, and the moon looming overhead, everything was black around them. She couldn't see the Quidditch pitch, nor Ron, but she felt him, so she knew she safe despite the fact that they were at the highest elevation she'd ever been in her life.

"That's... that's Hogwarts!" she exclaimed, and let out a shaky laugh.

"Brilliant, yeah?"

"It's amazing. It looks so small…"

"I'm proud of you, Hermione."

"For getting on a broom? Not exactly note-worthy. You did all the work."

"I could tell how scared you were. That's why you asked me to take you out here, isn't it? To get over your fear?"


"Are you still scared?"

It felt strange to talk to him like this, floating in the darkness, knowing they were higher than even she could guess. Yet she felt something let go inside of her, and she felt renewed somehow. And that was how it was, to be with Ron. She didn't know who she would be without him in her life.

"It's funny," she said with a sigh, "I've been on a broom before. I've flown on thestrals, even a hippogriff."

"Don't forget the dragon," he murmured into her shoulder.

"Yeah," she said, forgetting her train of thought as he buried his face in her hair, and inhaled, moaning almost inaudibly. "I can see why you love flying so much."

"Reckon you'd want to play Quidditch? In the daylight, of course."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she said, rolling her eyes.

"It won't be hard. You wouldn't have to try out for anything. Trust me, that makes things a lot worse.'

"You got on the team, didn't you? Sixth year- I was there."

"Oh, I know you were there," He snorted, then he cleared his throat, as if just remembering something. "I know what you did, by the way." Hermione turned her head, and now that her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and with the aid of the moonlight, she could make out the faint outline of his face, but not his expression.

"What I did?"

"Yeah, back in sixth year, when I was trying out for Keeper. Ginny told me."

Hermione gulped, and turned back around to stare ahead, shaking her head. "I don't know what-" she stopped, not wanting to lie, but dumbfounded that he knew this whole time and never said anything. "How did she- Oh, Harry."

"That's the one," Ron said, and she felt the air move gently around them as he steered them slowly forward. The breeze felt nice, and she tried to forget how far they were from the ground, and instead listened to his voice.

"He told Ginny what you did, how you helped me by confounding McLaggen. She thought I knew, and sort of said it I guess to prod me into doing something about us. You know Ginny, can't hold anything in."

"Were you upset that I did it?" Obviously, they were together, and far more important events have happened since then. Yet she wondered…

"I did it because I couldn't stand to see that arrogant arse get what you deserved. And I knew your nerves were getting the best of you. You're a brilliant Keeper, Ron." She turned to look up at him, hoping he could tell she was being honest from the tone of her voice. "I just want to make it clear that you had no reason to feel badly about it. I didn't do it because I thought you couldn't perform. I-"

"Hermione, it's fine. Yeah, I might've gotten into my head about it, but I know now you did it cause you fancied me," he said and she could practically hear his eyebrows waggle.

"Yes, well there was also that," she murmured.

Ron sighed, and kissed the top of her head. "I love spending time with you like this. It's like we're alone in the universe, with all these stars."

"It is very romantic," she smiled, and hummed when he lowered his hand to where her legs met the broom. Then he pushed his pelvis forward – a part of his body he'd kept away from her the entire trip – and gasped as his apparent erection prodded her bum. "How long have you been hiding that from me?"

"Too long," he moaned, pressing into her again. "I was trying to be romantic, but sod it. Let's take this thing down, yeah?"

She bit her lip and nodded vigorously. All of a sudden her head was thrown back against his shoulder. She held her breath as the goal hoops came back into view and the numerous lanterns scattered across Hogwarts were no longer pinpricks of light.

Both of Ron's hands were back on the broom, steering them in a diagonal descent until the earth rushed at them. Hermione cried out when he pulled the broom up, and swept them in an arc to slow down. His feet hit the ground, and grass flew around them until they stopped with a jerk.

"You could have landed a bit gentler," Hermione scolded between her gasps for breath. She detached her hands from the broom, swung her leg over and got unsteadily to her feet. It was extremely dark, and she could only see a few feet in front of her as she peered down at her hands, red and sore from her tight grip on the broom.

"Sorry, love. You try flying with a stiffy."

She ignored his offended tone, and sighed, looking up at the inky sky they were just recently a part of. Then she felt his arms encircle her waist and he was behind her once again, grinding his front against her back, both hands free to feel her without obstruction.

"Do you want to-"

"-shag right here?" he finished for her, even though that was not what she was going to day. She started to protest, but then his hands had slipped under her jumper and were cupping her breasts, kneading them over her bra.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

He turned her around and they were finally face to face. He was looking at her with such yearning and heated passion that her entire body felt scorched, right down to her center.

"I… can't remember."

He grinned wickedly and bent down to trap her mouth into a fierce kiss. The rush of being at an unreachable height, of soaring through the sky, in the dark, with someone she loved more than anything, fueled her desire, and she was kissing him back with just as much intensity.

Ron groaned into her mouth, and pulled her in by his hands on her bum, squeezing her roughly through her jeans. She reached between them and unfastened his trousers hastily, not wanting to let go of this feeling, not wanting to let her more rational mind catch up to what they were doing, to stop her.

"Can you be quick?"

"Fuck… I can be whatever you want, Hermione."

Next thing she knew her jeans were being pushed down to her knees, and she was stepping out of them, and they were kicked away, along with his trousers. And he was pulling her down to lie on the prickly, dewy grass, where hundreds of blades were tickling her thighs and ankles. He pulled off her knickers and then his pants before lowering his long body between her legs.

"Kiss me while you're inside me."

He searched her eyes and a smile played on his lips as his face grew nearer. He kissed her softly as he entered her, and she moaned contentedly, opening her legs wider as she held his lips to hers. Soon enough he was moving faster, heeding her suggestion to make it hasty. As she expected, Ron slid his hand down to where they were joined and circled his thumb around her clit, rubbing as he thrust harder and faster, and she gasped louder.

"Don't stop!" she cried out, over and over until she was merely mouthing the words. Her bum skidded on the wet grass, and she fought to keep contact with Ron's mouth. When she felt the thumping of her heart mix with the pounding of Ron's hips she let go and threw her head back. Ron dropped his head down to drag his tongue up her neck and cursed softly against her throat as he thrust once more, spilling into her,.

Spent and sweaty, with a grass-stained bum and dirty knees, they lay on the grass, looking up at the stars with panting breaths.

"If I'd known this would end up with my bum in the grass I'd have brought a blanket."

Ron chuckled and flopped a hand to her belly, caressing her skin aimlessly. "You can't be prepared for everything, love."


That's it! All ten prompts are done!

If enjoyed these don't forget to visit and follow my Tumblr blog, RomioneSmut! Starting October 13th, you'll be able to read more fics based on these prompts by many other writers! If you're interested in writing for the fest submissions close October 9th. Look for the main post on the blog explaining all the rules. If you have questions message me and I'll be happy to answer.

Also, look for an update on Impedimenta in the next week or so. I will be working on that story next!

Thanks for reading!