"I'm looking forward to working with you. But for now, the dance floor calls."

With those words, Prince Wu spun around and headed off in the direction of a livelier part of the party. Korra was surprisingly ambivalent about seeing him go. Partly because he'd come a long way from the spoiled, useless brat she'd met when she returned to Republic City, but also because it left her alone with Mako for the first time since their argument in the tailor's shop. So much had happened since then, and she wasn't sure quite what to say.

Deciding to start off on a relatively neutral subject, she went with, "How's the arm?"

"Much better," Mako told her. "It'll still be in the sling for a little while longer, but it doesn't hurt as badly at this point." He sounded relaxed, and that settled Korra's nerves as well. Today was a day for celebrating Varric and Zhu Li, not for another fight, but at the same time, Korra did want to try and square things away between her and her ex.

"Better about everything?" she asked. "Because the last time we talked, you were pretty upset."

"I was and, um, I'm sorry about that. It just threw me is all. It's not about you and Asami both being girls. I mean, maybe it is a little bit because I didn't know that about either of you, but mostly it's because I went out with you both. That makes it kind of weird, right?"

Korra nodded. "Yeah. It probably would've thrown me too. Like if it was you and… Okay, I haven't dated anyone else. But if I had, it would be weird if you dated them too."

"I still shouldn't have been a jerk about it."

That was true, but there was no need for her to make Mako feel any worse than he already did. If he'd come around now, that was good enough for her. "Don't worry about it," Korra assured him, "I think we've been through enough together to put one fight behind us. I mean, you almost died taking out the reactor on Kuvira's giant mech… The words 'thank you' don't feel big enough for what you did but I honestly don't know what else to say."

Mako shrugged, looking a bit abashed by the praise. "You don't need to say anything. Whatever happened between us, I want you to know I'll follow you into battle no matter how crazy things get. I've got your back and I always will."

"And I'll have yours," she told him with a heartfelt smile. It felt as if a weight had been lifted from her chest. Nothing anybody else said about it could make her not want to be with Asami, but that didn't mean she wanted to lose her friends over her new relationship either.

The night air felt good on her bare shoulders as Korra sat outside of the banquet hall, enjoying the rare moment of peace and quiet. She was happy for Varric and Zhu Li, and glad to have made her peace with Mako, but she'd still needed a break from the festivities. There was quite a crush of people at the reception and so many of them had wanted a word with the Avatar that it had gotten to be a little much. She'd spent a lot of the last few years in relative solitude, and large crowds still weren't her favorite thing.

Still, that didn't mean she was unhappy to see Tenzin walking up behind her. Her mentor took a seat on the steps, and told Korra, "I just spoke to President Raiko. Tomorrow, he's announcing a plan to expand the city rather than rebuild downtown."

She shook her head in disbelief, not so much at the announcement as at the circumstances that had made it necessary. "I bet Aang never could've imagined there'd be a Spirit Portal right in the heart of Republic City."

Tenzin nodded in agreement. "Korra, you've transformed the world more in a few years than most Avatars did during their lifetimes."

It was a strange thought. More that once, she'd wondered if she was accomplishing enough as the Avatar, but hearing Tenzin put it that way was encouraging, a source of motivation as she moved forward with her life. "But I feel like I've only just begun," she told him. "There's so much more I want to learn and do."

Tenzin's face brightened. "You don't know how happy I am to hear you so full of hope again."

"I am," she agreed. It had been a long time since she'd felt so good, but it was a more mature happiness now, tempered by suffering but also now touched by a love she'd never felt before. One part of her life was over, but another, exciting one was just beginning.

"Speaking of happiness, I heard something about you and Asami," Tenzin said. By way of confirmation, she just smiled, and he added, "I'm glad for both of you. You deserve it after all you've been through."

"It's been a bit of a bumpy ride, huh?"

Tenzin gave her an understanding look. "I've come to realize life is one, big, bumpy ride."

"I know." Korra sighed as she thought back over the past few years, over all of the heartbreak and doubt and pain. Once, it had just seemed random and cruel, but lately, she felt as if she had a better perspective on what had happened. "I was in a pretty dark place after I was poisoned," she told Tenzin, "But I finally understand why I had to go through all that. I needed to understand what true suffering was, so I could become more compassionate to others. Even to people like Kuvira."

Tenzin didn't say anything else, but when he put his hand on her shoulder, and she put hers on top of it, she could tell that he understood what she meant. The moment didn't last for long, though, but Korra wasn't disappointed given who interrupted it. Asami was walking towards them, looking as lovely as ever in her red dress, but with a worried look on her face. "Excuse me Tenzin," she told him, "Varric is looking for you. Something about wanting to borrow a glider suit to fly off the tower."

Those unfamiliar with Varric might have thought that was a joke or a ploy by Asami to get Korra alone, but Tenzin knew better. What Korra thought of as his "Worried dad face," immediately put in an appearance and he dashed off, declaring, "That doesn't seem like a good idea."

She and Asami shared a bemused smile at his departure, and Korra asked her girlfriend, "Wanna sit with me for a minute? I'm not ready to get back to the party just yet."

Asami nodded, and the two of them sat back down on the steps. In the background, Korra could hear the low, steady sound of Naga snoring away, but otherwise there was nothing to disturb her enjoyment of the moment. It was amazing how much just being with Asami improved her mood. Their relationship might have been new, but the years they'd known each other made being together far more comfortable that it might have been with someone she'd just met. The thought that this happiness had been waiting for her all the years she'd been gone caused a twinge of regret to poke at her guts. Korra had said she was sorry for hurting Asami with her absence, but not for its length, and abruptly, she broke the silence.

"I don't think I ever really apologized."

Asami looked surprised by that. "For what?"

"For being gone all that time. I had to leave, but I wasted a lot of energy wallowing in my pain instead of really focusing on getting better. I didn't need to be away for three whole years."

"You don't need to apologize for that," Asami assured her. "These things take as long as they take. I'm just so happy you're here now. I don't think I could've handled losing you and my father in the same day."

Asami buried her face in her hands and Korra leaned over, wrapping her arms around the woman she loved. The engineer had put on a brave face, but she was still processing her sorrow, something Korra knew would take time. "I am so sorry about what happened," she said softly. "Whatever he did, I never would've wanted that to happen."

"Thank you." Warm lips planted an appreciative kiss on Korra's neck, and in response she pulled her arms a little tighter around Asami. "I'm just glad I was able to forgive him."

Korra made no move to break the embrace, letting her lover be the one to pull back first. When she did, Korra asked, "So, what now? Back to the dance floor?"

Asami shrugged. "I'm kind of all danced out." She gazed into the night sky, a distant look on her face. "Honestly, after everything that's happened the past few months, I could use a vacation."

That was more than enough to put a big smile on Korra's face. Ever since they'd started dating, her relationship with Asami had preoccupied her thoughts, even when they were apart. The idea of taking a break from all the daily distractions and focusing on exploring that relationship sounded wonderful. "Let's do it," she declared. "Let's go on a vacation, just the two of us. Anywhere you want."

Asami seemed surprised to be taken up on her proposal, and a smile of her own now put in an appearance. "Really? Okay. I've always wanted to see what the Spirit World's like."

"Sounds perfect," Korra agreed, taking Asami's hand in her own and settling back into a comfortable silence. Off in the distance, they could see the golden light of the Spirit Portal shimmering. A few minutes ago, when Korra had been talking to Tenzin, it had been a symbol of a changed world, but now it also held the promise of a romantic adventure with the woman of her dreams, and she couldn't think of anything more appealing than that.

Ahead of them, the light of the Spirit Portal shone brightly, but though she wasn't sure exactly what she would find on the other side of it, Asami wasn't afraid. The Avatar was by her side after all, and she couldn't imagine a safer place to be.

It had been a strange journey, she reflected. Who could have thought that getting into a scooter accident with a pro bending player would lead to meeting the Avatar, let alone to falling in love with her? Certainly not Asami, but in spite of the hardships that joining "Team Avatar" had brought at times, she had never regretted it. It had been an incredible adventure and she didn't know how she would've gotten through the discovery of her father's Equalist ties if not for the friends she'd made.

And Korra… Asami realized she couldn't imagine her life without her any more. When Korra had left Republic City three years ago, it had been hard enough on her, but back then, there had only been the enticing lure of what might be developing between them. Now… They might only have been at the start of their relationship, but already it felt like no other that Asami ever been in.

Korra turned towards her, a smile on her face, and Asami returned it, reaching out her hand even as the Avatar did the same. Their fingers interlaced, and Asami squeezed tight, enjoying the gentle strength in her lover's grip. They were almost at the portal now, and as they stepped into it's light, they turned, bringing the two women face to face. The smile on Korra's face had become positively radiant, and it filled Asami's heart to overflowing to see it there. Looking into those beautiful, blue eyes, Asami had no doubt that the love she felt was entirely reciprocated.

She leaned in for a kiss and as her lover's lips met hers, the portal began shifting two of them into the Spirit World. Asami didn't know exactly what she'd find there, or just what her future with Korra held, but she couldn't wait to find out.

And that's a wrap. I hope you enjoyed reading this story, as I certainly had a lot of fun writing it, and I will definitely do more Korrasami in the future. Thanks to everyone who left feedback; it means a lot.