Here's a little guide for the end of the chapter:

Italics- Akari
Bold Italics- Hiro
Bold- Both

Onto the story!

Chapter 25

A week passed since Akari returned home, and everyone lives' were back on track. They all went to the university, and they all did everything together. But one day, Hiro and Akari did something a little bit different from what they were used to usually doing, and it started when they left the café.

"Bye Aunt Cass!" Akari called when she walked out the door with Hiro.

"Bye guys! See you later!"

Hiro and Akari had made up a lie saying they were going to get more parts for robots, but really they weren't. They were going to visit a 'friend'…

In the San Fransokyo Penitentiary.

When they arrived, they had asked to see Robert Callaghan, and they were then taken down a hallway into a room divided by a piece of unbreakable glass. They sat in the chairs, and waited for Callaghan to arrive.

He was certainly shocked to find out he had visitors, and he was even more shocked to find out that the visitors were none other than the kids of the lives he'd ruined 14 years ago, and ever since. He sat in a chair on the other side of the glass.

"Well, isn't this a surprise!" Callaghan greeted, but it annoyed Hiro and Akari.

"Save it Callaghan," Hiro stated.

"We came because we want answers," Akari stated.

"Whatever for?" Callaghan asked innocently.

"Just a few things… why did you steal us from our family 14 years ago?" Akari asked.

"Because I wanted to get a second chance at getting revenge on Krei, and if Tadashi didn't die, then you wouldn't have stopped me," Callaghan admitted.

"Yet, you made the stupid mistake to say I was dead, and Hiro almost went hellbent on revenge," Akari explained, Hiro cringed at the memory.

"Not my best move," Callaghan admitted.

"Really?" Hiro asked sarcastically, "But why didn't you just stop Abigail from testing the portal instead of taking us away?"

"Because, Abby would've gotten suspicious if I told her she couldn't test something she'd been waiting for her whole life," Callaghan replied.

"Why did you even kidnap me? That only gave everyone a motive to find you," Akari asked.

"You were the whole reason that your family was back together, you could've figured it out," Callaghan said simply.

"That explains the visions…" Akari muttered under her breath.

"What made you think you were going to succeed this time? The only difference is that Tadashi never died," Hiro stated.

"I changed your lives completely, but it was because you were the whole reason I was in here the first time in the first place!" Callaghan exclaimed.

"Time always comes back around Callaghan, no matter how long it takes. If you had gotten away with your plan without a flaw, we would've eventually found out the truth," Hiro explained.

"Is that why you always showed hostility around me? Because you were afraid I'd mess up your plan again?" Akari asked smugly.

"Yes," Callaghan admitted.

"Why did you even bother trying again?" Hiro asked.

"I had a life sentence! Now I have half as much time, because Tadashi is alive, but I would've never seen the outside world again, I would've never seen the things that my daughter was supposed to do! Do you know how hard that was for me?" Callaghan asked, outraged.

"Gee… I don't know Callaghan. Maybe you're right. Because Tadashi always wanted to see the things we were going to do, and he never saw them, because of you. He missed out on our childhood, he never saw us grow up. He was out of our lives for 14 years," Akari said sadly, but kept her calm composure.

"And it's because of you. You might've thought you didn't change anyone's lives, but you did. You changed everyone's lives in the Hamada family… forever," Hiro finished.

And with that, Hiro and Akari stood up for their chairs. Akari looked at Callaghan for the last time, with a sympathetic, and serious look on her face, "Don't do this again, we've all be through enough as it is. Face it Callaghan, you can't fight fate."

They walked out the door, never to see Callaghan again.

When they returned home, Aunt Cass greeted them, and they went up the stairs to their room. Akari felt something in the pocket of her hoodie, and she pulled it out.

It was a microbot.

She gave it a small smile, and put it in a petri dish.

"We've had some adventure lately, haven't we Hiro?"

"You got that right," Hiro replied.

"Remember the car chase?" Akari asked, "And Callaghan trapped me in your microbots?"

"Yeah, why?" Hiro asked.

"I'm gonna be honest, you're microbots taste disgusting," Akari admitted.

"You put them in your mouth?" Hiro asked in fake disgust.

"Oh yeah. I had a craving for my brother's invention," Akari laughed, and soon, Hiro joined her too.

They spent most of the day in their room, now that they were together again, all they wanted to do was build things together.

The Hamadas were all happy, and together, once again.

We've been through a lot lately, that's for sure…

Sure, we haven't had the perfect life, but at least we've had a good one…

From finding out the truth about everything, and becoming superheroes, our lives have been full of adventure, one thing after another.

But we don't mind. We don't even care that there's no way to reverse what Callaghan did, because at least we have our family.

If we didn't have each other, things would be so much different, but maybe they'd turn out the same in the end…

Family is the most important thing to us. One little thing can impact the entire family…

Like when I was kidnapped…

And we all thought you were dead… It was hard. We thought our family was changed forever… but we got lucky.

Lots of people are lucky… but to those who aren't as lucky…no matter how hard life gets, no matter how impossible the tasks may seem…

There's always a way to turn things around…

And... that's it! The end of Separated Siblings! Wow, what a journey this has been. I want to thank you all that have read my story! It means so much to me!

I'm thinking of making a one-shot series based off Hiro, Akari, and Tadashi's life up until the beginning of 7 Intrepid Friends. What do you think?

Follow and Review! See you in the next chapter!


P.S. What do you guys think of me changing my username to Kiki Anderson, like my OC from Journey To Another Dimension? Tell me what you think in the reviews!