"Shit! Shit!~"

I hissed as the rain started to downpour onto my head. I rushed through the traffic on the street, cars beeping at me because I stupidly ran out in front of them. I wasn't sorry because I needed to get out of this rain before I caught a cold or something. This was the worse Sunday in the history of Sundays. I almost got caught by a few police because of my line of work. Though I only did this line of work to survive.

I pushed open a door to the hotel that I have been staying at since my parents kicked me out the house two years ago. I couldn't believe they disowned me because I was gay. Ever since I found out I was gay when I was ten they have been trying to 'cure' me. And trust me if I had a choice I would choose to be straight so I wouldn't have to go through this horrible way of living. I would be a normal person.

Sadly I wasn't a normal person, I was a gay who didn't have the same rights as straight people. I had to go to certain restaurants because they didn't serve 'my kind' that was something I hated with a passion. I was an openly gay male, and there aren't many of us around here. The only other openly person at my school with Savannah Shane, and she was in a happy relationship with her girlfriend Hannah Parkerson, who by the way went to a different school than us.

And because of this Savannah and I are best friends, only because we were out casted by all the other people in our school. They didn't want to be near us because they didn't want to catch the 'gay'. If only we could spread it I would definitely give it to my parents. However, gay isn't something that you can catch,you are either born gay or you aren't. Luckily I was born gay.

I walked up the stairs to my hotel sweet, that I shared with my wonderful best friend Savannah. Her parents kicked her out after she came out the closet to them a few months ago and I happily took her in. She had a job, so it was easier to pay the rent. I unlocked the door and walked inside immediately removing my wet shirt.

I think Savannah's girlfriend was luckily, she had a father who cared so much for her and didn't care if she like males or females. And that's something I wished I had. Instead I had parents who decided to 'cure' me and when they found out they couldn't, they just tossed me out and started working on having another child. So I have a one year old brother now, I don't mean any disrespect but I hope he turns out gay like me. That'll show them.

"Welcome home Aaron," Savannah said lazily from the couch, watching her favorite show 'Orange is the new black'. It was a show a lot of people were obsessed with but I wasn't really a big fan. It didn't peak my interest, and I get a ton of hate from Hannah and Savannah for hating their favorite show.

"Yeah," I mumbled tiredly and dragged my feet across the floor to the bathroom. I felt like all the energy had been drained from my body, I just hoped I didn't wake up with a cold tomorrow.

I walked into the bathroom and removed my pants starting at my reflection in the mirror. I looked just like my asshole father, minus the dyed neon ice blue hair. I had the same baby blue eyes, nose, ears, etc. I hated that I looked like him, I just wished I can change they way I like with the snap out my fingers. I was once thinking about getting plastic surgery, but Savannah slapped that idea out my mind literally and it hurt like a bitch.

I just decided to add a few things to keep my mind off that, I got a lip and nose ring and I started to wear eyeliner to make my eyes pop more than my fathers. And surprisingly that helped a lot, even though I look like an emo freak now other reason others avoid me. Even if being gay wasn't enough, no one wanted to hang out with an emo freak who cuts themselves.

I sighed heavily and turned off the light in the bathroom and made my way towards my room to get some sleep. I had been working all day and hadn't been able to get a break. Plus I had sleep early in the morning and I needed all the energy in the world to flip people off tomorrow. I dragged my feet along the floor of my room before jumping onto my bed with a huge grin.

It felt amazing to finally be laying in my comfortable bed. I shifted onto my back and looked up at the ceiling that had glow in the dark stars. It made me feel like I was actually looking up at the beautiful night sky. I use to go stargazing with my father, I don't miss him but I do miss looking up at the stars. I have been so busy lately I haven't been able to do it and I would promise myself that I would.

Staring up at the stars I couldn't help but make a wish, a wish I knew wouldn't come true. However, I couldn't help myself and I ended up falling asleep with a bright smile on my face.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door.

"Aaron Thompson Wilcox! That alarm have been going off for a good ten minutes, turn the fucking thing off!" Savannah's voice shouted from the other side of my door.

I groaned and slammed my hand down on the annoying alarm clock, I was probably really tired if I didn't hear that loud thing. God!

It's fucking Monday, I always hated Mondays with a burning passion. It was just one of them days that just generally just pissed you off for some strange reason. I didn't have enough time to rant about Monday's because I was going to be late. I jumped out of bed and rushed towards my closet picking out any random piece of clothing.

I need up with black ripped skinny jeans and a sleeveless neon green shirt, it wasn't like I was dressing to impress someone. The person I like was the straightest guy at our school. Zason Melton, the last time I heard he was dating some Kimi girl. She was a luckily son of a bitch, I wonder give anything to have him all to myself. One can only hope.

In school I kind of had this reputation, I was known as the gay guy, who honestly didn't give a fuck and I didn't. I didn't trust people or let any of them close to me. I hate being tricked and I don't take kindly to jokes. Especially when people start making gay jokes, it's fucking annoying and childish.

I grabbed my bag and left the hotel sweet with Savannah behind me. I love walking to school with her - noted sarcasm. All she did was talk on the phone with her girlfriend and leave me alone to talk to myself. Which wasn't a bad idea because I would know how to keep a conversation going with myself. I was a weird person.

We approached the school and eyes immediately landed on Zason, or Z. He hated being called by his name, though he didn't know I called him his real name in my head. It just made myself feel special knowing I was the only one calling him that, even if it was all in my head. I continued to stare at him, his arm wrapped around Kimi's waist, I was guessing that was her. I don't remember half the kids in this school. Just looking at them made my already broken heart broken even more beyond repair.

Once he looked my way I immediately shifted my gaze to something else. I didn't need to start problems. To have a gay kid stare at you was disgusting. That's what all the males in this school say anyway. It was like they secretly wanted me, but tried hiding it with insults, how childish. I think if we had more openly gay people this world would be a better place.

I walked straight into the school building glancing back at Zason every once in awhile, his eyes were watching my every move. It was weird, however I didn't much of it. We haven't even spoken to each other at all and I wasn't planning on talking to him anytime soon. It was just a stupid crush on a straight person,it wasn't important. He was happy in his relationship with that girl, who ever the hell she was.

Yes! I'm jealous of her and I wanted to do something about it. I couldn't without seeming like someone who was obsessed with him. So, I'll just continue to pretend like I hated him, before walking completely inside I glared at him. He seemed shocked by the action, but I walked into the building before he could even do anything about it.

Note: Did you like? I hoped you did. I wanted to address something I can across. I feel terrible about authors who are getting horrible reviews. It hasn't happened to me yet, but I'm sure it will. I think we should just ignore these internet trolls guys, we are just feeding into them and that's what they want. They feel like since was are bashing at them, they have power of us. If we ignore them, we'll seem like the bigger person. I know it is hard, but we have to try. I just hope all this will stop.