Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

A New Love

Chapter 1

I have been watching Inuyasha and have been wanting to write a fanfiction staring Kagome and Sesshomaru. This is a relaunching of the recent story I started. I made some slight changes and added to the first chapter. I hope you all enjoy this new story.

The uneven breathing of his human charge for the second day in a row made the Great Lord of the Western Lands silently worry. Rin whimpered in her sleep as Jaken wiped her brow with a cool cloth.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I am afraid Rin is slowly becoming worse." Jaken stated worriedly. The dog lord raised an eyebrow at the toad.

"Yes, Jaken, I can see that. Unfortunately, there is nothing more we can do for her that we haven't already done."

"What about the priestess that travels with Inuyasha?" Jaken suggested. "I have heard that she has strange powers of healing. Maybe she could heal Rin."

Before Sesshomaru could respond, the sound of raised voices reached his ears. It was Inuyasha arguing with his wrench once again.

"You are going home again? Don't you realize that we need to find the rest of the jewel shards before Naraku and his incarnations do?" Inuyasha barked as he trailed after Kagome on her way to the Bone Eater's well.

"Inuyasha, as I explained to you countless times, I have to go back to study for some upcoming tests. I will be gone maybe a week. We are also almost out of supplies. I promise I will bring you back a bunch of ramen and chips." Kagome explained calmly for the hundredth time in the last couple of days. All she wanted to do was sit him for following her from Kaede's in the village.

"Three days is all you need. I will be back for you in three days." Inuyasha stated firmly. Kagome's blue eyes flared with anger.

"Inuyasha, let me tell you something, just because I am your clay pot's reincarnation doesn't mean you order me around. I will be back when I damn well please. And don't even think about following me.

"Three days, Kagome, or I will come after you." Inuyasha growled in Kagome's face. Kagome took a step back.

"Inuyasha, sit boy!" Kagome stated calmly despite the anger in her eyes. "I will be back in seven days." She told him as he crawled out of his latest crater. Kagome hopped in the well before he could reply or stop her.

Inuyasha pulled himself up to his feet before he went to the well with the intent to follow Kagome. Some movement in the tree and the sudden smell of a familiar demon made Inuyasha pause just as he was about to jump into the well. He looked over his shoulder to see the last person he wanted to see coming towards him. His older brother, Sesshomaru, stopped in front of Inuyasha.

"What are you doing here?"

"Stopping you. You need to learn some patience when it comes to the miko." Sesshomaru stated without emotion.

"And why do you care what happened to Kagome?" Inuyasha demanded.

"I do not care about the miko, but I do care about quiet when I am camping in an area with a sick human in my care. Rin is ill and I do not care to hear yelling and screaming while she trying to recover."

"What does that have to do with Kagome and I?"

"You were arguing about her leaving, very loudly, I might add. My camp is nearby where Rin lies resting. Keep your voice down while you are in this area or I will have to punish you worse than the miko just did. Keep that in mind, little brother. By the way, where does the miko goes when she goes into the well?"

"Like I am going to tell you that." Inuyasha scoffed turning back to jump into the well after Kagome. A sword appearing in his face stopped him.

"Respect the miko's wishes and do not follow her. I will be in the area watching so I will know if you follow her into the well." Sesshomaru withdrew his sword from his brother's face and placed his sword back in its sheath.

"Why are Kagome's wishes any concern of yours?"

"Because they keep you two from arguing and Rin can have the quiet she needs to recover." Sesshomaru turned away from his brother to make his way back to his camp.

"Remember, Inuyasha, I will be watching." Inuyasha growled at his brother's back before looking down the well, still wanting to go after Kagome and give her a piece of his mind, but he didn't feel like fighting his brother with the new moon so close. Arguing with Kagome would just have to wait until she returned or Sesshomaru left the area, which ever came first.

Kagome sat at the bottom of the Bone Eater's well listening to the two brothers fighting about Inuyasha coming after her. What she couldn't understand is why Sesshomaru would stop Inuyasha from following her. In her time, he and his traveling party wouldn't be disturbed by their arguing. Of course, Sesshomaru didn't know where she went as he had just questioned Inuyasha about her destination.

She felt the well power up around her as it transported her to the future. She climbed out of the well into the familiar well house on the property on her family's shrine. Everything was quiet as she pulled her backpack out the well and exited the well house.

Sometimes, after spending some much time in the Feudal Era, it felt strange to come back to a time with such modern conveniences. She entered the house to find it empty. A note was taped to the refrigerator from her mother.

Sota, Grandpa, and I have gone on a two week long vacation. The freezer is full of dinners that all you need to do is heat up in the oven. I also bought some ramen, chips and everything you might need to stock up for your return to the past.
Good luck on your tests and please take care of yourself.



Kagome smiled at her mother's note. She opened the freezer door to see that it was indeed full of food. Her mother never disappointed. She opened some cupboards and found them stocked full of all the things that everyone in the Feudal Era loved. Sighing, Kagome closed the cupboard and turned to head upstairs to begin studying for her upcoming tests.

Three days later, Kagome wanted to throw her textbooks against her bedroom wall. For the last few days, all she had done was attend school and then go straight home to spend several hours each night catching up on everything she missed in the last few months.

Finally, around midnight, Kagome finally laid aside her textbooks and crawled into bed. The following day was the end of the year finals, so Kagome could spend the summer in the past before entering high school in the fall. She hoped that they would be able to find the rest of the shards and defeat Naraku once and for all. As much as she would miss her friends in the past, Kagome was ready to continue her life in the modern era.

She didn't want to think about the reason why very closely that she wanted to leave the past behind her, but she couldn't help it. For the past year, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo, had been a huge part of her life and she didn't want to think about that not ever being to see them again after the Scared Jewel was whole again. Not to mention, she would never see Inuyasha again either.

Kagome shut her eyes tight as soon as that thought crossed her mind like she could erase the image of his face from her mind. She couldn't believe that she still felt the way about the half demon after all the horrible treatment he had inflicted on her.

Her thoughts went back to the day that she had come home. She still didn't understand Sesshomaru why had stopped his brother from following her. If they had been dating or something, then she could have understood. She sat bolt upright in bed. There was no way that Sesshomaru could think of her that way, was there?

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