Day One

Love- (1) :strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal love for a child (2) :attraction based on sexual desire :affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3) :affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests love for his old schoolmates

"I Love You~"

The words easily escaped her lips like water. Though she didn't have any meaning behind them words. To her love was simply a game played between two pawns. It has been a while since them three words have actually meant something. People just throws these worlds around freely, those three words and eight letters haves so much affect on a person. Did people even love now and day? Love has been turned from a sacred between lovers to a word people are afraid of. Love was a scary thing but loving someone was even more scarier than anything in the whole world.

For a guy with a boat load of money the word love is flung at him left from right. The love he receives is false because the females are blinded by the gifts to even open up their hearts. It rare to see true love now and days. When someone finds something as pure as love they grasped it so scared to let go because the love could quickly disappear in thin ear. Love was such a common word now the word was thrown into a ton of different sentences.

Can someone love honestly? Was it possible to actually find love, to find true love. He use to think so. He use to think he was in love with the most beautiful girl in the world. That love quickly turned into hate. Comes to prove love doesn't exist. How could you love someone one day then hate them the next? Was that humanly possible? Maybe they were to caught up in the moment to realize they didn't love each other they were simply infatuated with each other. He promised himself he would never love again or have them three words and eight letters slip his laps again.

"I Love You~"

She whispered into his ear sitting down on his lap. He knew she didn't love him because he didn't even love her. She was whispering lies into his ears filthy lies that mean nothing to him. The words escaping her lips use to mean so much to him a long time ago but now they were pure ash. Them three words just blow away in the wind never to return again. He placed his hand on her hip the other bringing the beer to his awaiting lips. He leans closer to her ear pressing his lips against them.

"How much do you love me?" He asked in amusement. He had to satisfy his boredom somehow. These last couple of days had been boring he needed a little excitement. He never went any further then kissing with the females. He only picked the ones that reminded him of her hoping they would take the pain away but that was asking for to much. She was forever stuck in his head and he desperately wants her gone. He grabbed the girls hair pulling her head back his lips hovering over hers. "Tell me how much you love me".

"I Love You so much I can hardly breathe" She whispered her baby blue staring into his eyes. He growled angrily, her eyes they weren't the same they will never be the same. Why couldn't he meet a girl with beautiful crystal blue eyes like hers. This just made him even more anger as he slams his mouth onto hers. She would never be enough! They weren't the same. She didn't love him they were all lies. He slowly pulled away from the rough kiss and pushed her aside.

What was wrong with him? After that night he has changed for the worst. Is this what love and hate does to you? He stared over towards the blue eyed beauty and gives her a sad smile. She was beautiful but she wasn't enough. He didn't want her the eyes weren't the same. He stands up walking out the room leaving her there in shock trying to piece together what just happened. He walked into his dressing room only to be greeted with angry looks from his band mates.

"Bassem! Dude where the hell have you been?" His band mate asked. His first band mate was slightly shorter than him with blonde hair. His name was Zachary or Zack for short. He was like the peacemaker of the band. He was more responsible than his two other band mates, he was mostly there to keep them in line.

Bassem shrugged his shoulders walking pass Zack without even a side glance. He wasn't in the mood to hear his yelling and decided to ignore him. His second band mate was the same height as him with brown hair. Peter was the more chilled and laid back member. He tries to stay out of trouble but it was sometimes hard for him. Peter chuckled removing his headphones as he looked over towards the furious band mate.

"Zack just cut him some slack, he is in that mood again" Peter said dodging a water bottle that was thrown at him from Bassem. He enjoyed teasing him even though it landed him in the hospital sometimes. Bassem had a habit of throwing sharp objects. Peter turned off his music staring over towards his leader. "What was wrong with her this time?".

Bassem sighed heavily running his fingers through his long dark brown hair. He hated taking about his problems with his band mates they just loved teasing him especially Peter. He was lucky had didn't have anything sharp to throw at him. The manager had decided to take away all the sharp objects they had in the dressing room. "Her eyes" he mumble.

"Her eyes?" Zack mumbled after in pure confusion. It was just like Bassem to pick one weird thing that he didn't like about the girls. Zack had to admit all the girls that came to visit him were beautiful. However there is always one thing that makes him turn them down. Last time it was her noser now this time her eyes Bassem was a picky person. "What was wrong with her eyes?".

"Nothing they were beautiful" Bassem said leaning back in his chair staring at the ceiling. He was just confusing his band mates even more at this point. Peter who normally understood everything that came out of his mouth was confused at this comment. Bassem closed his eyes relaxing her beautiful crystal blue eyes appearing in his mind. "They weren't the right color".

Zack rolled his eyes, same old picky Bassem. "Why are you so picky with women?" He asked.

Bassem chuckled opening his eyes looking over towards his best mate. He had a nerve calling him picky. "You have a nerve, ever since when seen that girl from our tour in Russia you only went after girls with platinum blonde hair, snow-white skin and ocean blue/green eyes". Zack blinked a bit before his cheeks turned a light pink deciding to ignore his mate. Bassem knew he won this one he always did. Peter couldn't help but laugh at his band mates.

Everything got quiet quickly, Peter returned to listening to his music and Zack was reading an magazine article about them. Bassem allowed his mind to wonder, he was wondering why he was so obsessed with trying to find a girl that looked like her. He hated her didn't he? He didn't know anymore. That day he was so sure he was over her that he didn't want anything to do with her but she just continued to creep in his mind. He just wanted things to be the same but everything was different now.

He was a famous singer, a leader of his own band. He had changed over the past three years. He barely talked to his parents because they didn't agree with his life choices. He didn't let it bother him much since he still kept in touch with his aunt and little brother Zain. He wish he could say the same about his younger brother Rami. He didn't regret the choice he had made and he was never going to regret it.

Their manager walked into the room closing the door behind himself. He was dressed in a black suit with a red and blue polka dot tie. He removed his glasses staring at the three band members with his crimson red eyes. He has a smirk plastered on his lips getting a look of confusion from the three in the room.

Bassem was the first to speak up upon his weirdness. "Why are you smirking like that old man?" He asked receiving a fake hurt look from his manager. Their manager was only five years older than them being twenty five years old. He wasn't an older man but Bassem called anything at least three years older than him an old man. Their manager was quite the handsome man with black midnight colored hair.

"What did I tell you about calling me old man?" The manager said glaring over towards Bassem who was just smirking. Sometimes he wondered why he was even managing these ungrateful idiots. His glare soften as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm only five years older than you".

"Exactly five years my senior" Bassem said just pissing off his manager even more. It was easy to get a reaction out of him it was hard not to mess with him. He decided to leave him alone because he obviously had important news to tell them or he wouldn't be in here because he tried to avoid them as much as possible. "What's the news Nat?".

Nat beams with a bright smile pulling out a chair sitting down. Peter removed his headphones and Zack placed down his magazines this was definitely important. "I just got a call from so guy in Oakland, California willing to pay us half a million dollars to perform at his son's twenty first birthday" he said.

"Your joking right?" Zack asked in complete disbelief his eyes widen in shock. They have only been hot for eleven months their songs playing all over the radio even though they have been making music for three years. Nat looked at him with a huge grin letting him know he wasn't joking at all. "Who is this guy? You have a name?".

Nat furrowed his eyebrows before reaching into his pocket pulling out a piece of folded paper. He unfolded it staring down at the name that was written down with the rest of his contact information. "His name is..." Nat narrowed his eyes to look at the paper but he still couldn't see so he put his glasses on. "Chaz Finster" he said with a smile.

Bassem immediately stiffened at the mention of that name. It couldn't be the same Chaz Finster they had to be at least ten of them guys in Oakland. He needed to stop being paranoid it couldn't be the same guy that threatened to kill him for breaking his daughter's heart. He wouldn't hire his band knowing he was apart of it unless he wanted to kill him. It has been three years since then. Peter and Zack noticed as he stiffened knowing exactly why.

"Did he mention his son's name?" Peter asked trying to get more information. They just couldn't simply jump to conclusions he could be a different guy. Nat looked at the paper shaking his head he didn't understand why the room was suddenly tense from the mention of the guys name. How could he forget all three of them grew up in Oakland, that is where he had discovered them.

"When do we leave?" Bassem said without looking at the manager he was still slightly shocked about hearing that name escaping his lips. He had to calm down and stop jumping to conclusions. There was no way that that Chaz was her stepfather it had to be a different guy it wasn't the same person.

"We leave for the private jet in an hour. We should land in Oakland at nine in the morning" Nat said taking off his glasses replacing them with his sunglasses. He shoved the paper into his pocket without folding it back up. He glanced at the three before leaving the dressing room leaving them alone with their thoughts.

Day Two

"Get out! Get the fuck out Bassem" Kimi shouted angrily at him. She pushed him towards the door. Bassem tried to stay calm, he had no idea why she was screaming and yelling at him. He had just returned to their apartment and she just started flipping out. "I don't want to see your cheating face again!".

Bassem was caught off guard by her sudden out burst. He was cheating on her? Since when? The thought has never crossed his mind before. He started to laugh slightly causing Kimi to give him a strange look.

"You think I'm cheating on you?" He asked in between laughter. He finally calmed down looking over towards her. Kimi had her arms crossed over her chest with a stern look. His eyes widen in pure surprise. "You seriously think I'm cheating on you?"

"Bassem! Wake up" Zack yelled shaking his sleeping band mate. They had landed in Oakland and they needed to get off the jet. He noticed Bassem's face twisted up in pain as if he had been hurt or something. He reached out shaking him one more time before his eyes snapped open. "Are you okay?" He asked worried.

Bassem rubbed his eyes nodding his head. "Just had a terrible dream" he mumbles standing up the blanket that was covering him dropping onto the floor. He couldn't believe he was dreaming about that fight, he was lucky Zack had woken him up before the bad part happened. He knew coming back here was a horrible idea, he tried so hard avoiding this place. However god had different plans for him. He stepped off the jet after his other two band mates and puts on his sunglasses blocking out the flashing of the cameras.

They walked over to the waiting car and climbed into the backseat, he was nervous for some reason even though they weren't going to meet Chaz until tomorrow. He just wanted to confirm his gut feeling he knew this was Chaz, Kimi's stepfather. This would be entirely awkward if it was him. If he found out it was him he probably won't be able to work with him. However this was business strictly professional he couldn't let his emotions get in the way of the money they would be making. Bassem glanced around the back seat of the car, Peter was listening to music as usual and Zack was playing a game on his phone.

"Hey guys" Bassem said getting the attention of his band members. The two looked over towards their leader. "We should have a little fun tonight, how about bowliw?" He asked with a small smile. Zack sighs heavily and shrugs his shoulders slightly. He really didn't like playing things like basketball, mini golf, or bowling with his band mates because things start getting serious and fast.

"Sure sound like a fun idea" Peter said with a smirk he went back to listening to his music. Peter knew Bassem just wanted a relaxing time without wondering if this Chaz they were meeting was Kimi's stepfather. They all didn't leave on good terms the last time they have been here. Zack looked up from his magazine over towards his leader. This was hard for him and he could clearly tell. However both Peter and Zack have been wondering what happened that night of the break up.

Bassem didn't tell them anything that was going on. They didn't mind it was his business both they both worry about him. He hasn't been them seem ever since. They break up most her been terrible to change a person like Bassem. It was hard to believe who he has become if you had met him three years ago before the break up. Zack decided to turn on the radio to lighten up the mood when he heard their new single blasting from the speakers.

The beat played for a few seconds before they all heard Bassem voice. This excited them all even though they had two songs on the radio this song was a little more special than the others.

"There's a shop down the street,

where they sell plastic rings,

for a quarter a piece, I swear it.

Yeah, I know that it's cheap,

not like gold in your dreams,

but I hope that you'll still wear it."

Bassem had sang his heart out that day with raw emotions. This song was the one he had written for Kimi before the break up it means a lot to him. At first he was a little hesitant about putting it on his new album but he just had to. Just in case she so happened to hear the song. It was all over the radio so she had to had listen to it at least once. They all just sat back listening to the song not even singing alone. These moment deserved the silence. As soon as the song ended the radio people's voice came in.

"That was Endlessly by Minute 3" the radio girl said with a slight giggle. "Say Herny, do you think this song is about a girl in his life? I'm so jealous".

Bassem rolled his eyes they are at it again trying to figure out his personal life. He hated it but that was the con of being a famous singer. People think they know you. They think they love you but in reality it was all fake. Bassem didn't want to her them talk but didn't make a move to turn off the radio even though he wanted to.

" I don't know Juliette, Bassem seems to busy to be having a girl in his life" Henry said.

Juliette grunts in annoyance at her costar before speaking up. "It has to be about someone, you can really tell he is singing from his heart".

Henry chuckled at Juliette's foolishness "whoever she is, is one lucky lady".

Bassem finally turned off the radio getting annoyed with the two DJ's singing from his heart? How could she possibly know that. She was just some crazy fan-girl who drool over all the boys in his band. He sighs heavily looking out the window watching the cloud pass by as they made it their way to the bowling alley.

The walked into the bowling alley without drawing to much attention to themselves. They were there to have some fun so they shouldn't have to worry about some fan-girls running him over. The manager was thinking about buying out the whole bowling alley for the night but decided against it. Bassem sat down on a bench slipping his bowling shoes on with a smirk.

"I'm going to kick you guys asses tonight!" He yelled over the loud music.

Peter rolled his eyes as he was checking out the perfect bowling ball for himself. "You wish lover boy. I'm going to win this".

"Are you two fogetting who kicked your asses last time?" Zack asked. And so it had started. They all weren't giving up without a fight which means only on of them was walking out of this bowling alley a winner. Sure had won last time in New York but this time he was going down.

The first to go was Peter, he had finally picked the perfect ball. He put his fingers in the holes and stared down at the lane trying to line up the bowling ball with the pins. He took a deep breath before drawing his hand back and pressing it forward releasing the ball. The ball rolled down the lane with spinning forceo before knocking down all the pins. "Strike!".

"Beginnings luck" Bassem said over the music as he grabbed the perfect bowling ball. He stared at the pins sticking out his tongue. Bassem wasn't the best bowler but neither was Zack or Peter they just always seem to have pure luck at the beginning. He released the ball watching it roll down the lane knocking down all the pins. Zack was next he grabbed his ball spinning it for good luck which the other's thought was weird. He didn't even try to line it up like the other to did and released the ball knocking down all the pins.

The whole game went on with Peter either getting a spares or gutter ball and Bassem getting spares. Zack had gotten a turkey (the strikes in a row) twice which made Peter and Bassem believe he was a cheater because he was never thing good at bowling before. After awhile they decided to talk a five minute break and eat some pizza because they have grown hungry.

"I don't care you are cheating Zack" Bassem said biting into his pizza sulking. "How did you manage to get a turkey twice! Not even once" Zack simpler shrugged his shoulder with a smirk.

" I have to agree with Bassem, last time you could even get more than one strike. You only won because we just kept getting gutter balls" Peter said glaring at Zack as he smirked. He couldn't believe he was going to win again this was completely unfair.

"You two are just jealous I'm better than you both" Zack said sticking his tongue out at his best mates. "Plus I knew we might play again so I took a couple bowling classes" he shrugged biting into his pizza.

"They have bowling classes?" Bassem asked in confusion. Zack nods his head slowly, he was just happy he was going to walk out the winner.

They all finished eating and went back to playing the game. Bassem and Peter still claiming Zack was a cheater for taking classes. Zack shrugged his shoulders telling them it wasn't in the rules they made up that he couldn't take classes and he wasn't cheating. At the end of the game Zack had walked out the winner with Peter and Bassem mopping as they made their way back to the car. It was already late they have been bowling for the longest time and didn't even noticed how dark it was getting. They just keep calling a rematch whenever Zack had won a game which was all of them. They couldn't believe they didn't think of people that in the rule book. They didn't even know there was a such thing as a bowling class but obviously you could find anything on the internet.

The three were completely exhausted as soon as they entered their hotel sweet and fallen onto the bed they passed out. They had a long day ahead of them tomorrow and they weren't going to stay up all night. They wanted to be refresh for tomorrow.

Day Three

They all woke up at the same time immediately ordering food service. It has been a long night for them and they were all rested well. Bassem was happy he didn't have another dream like the one on the jet. Maybe it was because he was more calm then before. He sat at the table digging into his five courses breakfast. It was delicious, the pro of being a famous singer you get all the amazing food around the world. Bassem didn't feel nervous anymore about meeting Chaz, he was just going to deal with it like the adult he was. They weren't meeting him until the afternoon so they had the whole morning to themselves.

Bassem had gotten dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans with rips at the knees, a sleeveless black shirt showing off his cross tattoo on his right arm, with white vans. He grabbed his black fedora placing it on his head with a smirk. He wasn't going to stay in this hotel room all day. Zack wanted to stay and have fun in the huge pool and Peter wanted to work out in the gym Bassem was the only one who wanted too explore.

Bassem shrugged his shoulders hoping into the car telling his driver to take him to the mall. He would probably caught a movie or something. Maybe he would just eat all the food in the food court or go shopping for some clothing that is California appropriate. He didn't know what to do with himself until the afternoon.

Bassem walked into the mall with the glasses on his face with a small smirk. He was lucky he wasn't easily spotted because he didn't want to deal with anyone right now that he has his relaxing time. He walked around the mall with his hands in his pocket checking out all the stores. Maybe he should get a skateboard, that's what most people did their anyway skateboard or surf. He shakes his head walking into a footlocker.

He had money to spend so why not spend it right? Maybe since he is back he could visit his parents. He could buy his brother's new pairs of shoes as a Christmas gift because he had missed three of them. He felt terrible that he missed his brother's birthdays but he did send them cards and called them whenever he is given the chance. He looked at the shoes and sneakers on the shelf with a small smile. Sure his brother's would love to see him again, he had missed them a lot.

"Do you see anything you like?" A female voice came from behind him. He turned around seeing a girl with dark black hair and icy blue eyes. She had the sweetest smile on her face showing she was friend. He had to admit she was beautiful, maybe he could hangout with her.

"Actually I do" he said removing his glasses holding out his hand. Her eyes widen in surprise letting him know she knew exactly who he was. "I'm Bassem".

The girl finally calmed down from the shock and smiled again shaking his hand. "I'm Sarah".

"Sarah huh? Do you want to hangout with me?" Bassem asked with a sigh. "I'm kinda here alone and don't have any company". Sarah nods her head slowly telling him she gets off in five. Bassem decided to wait until she got off course not without buying the shoes for his brothers.

The two walked out the footlocker and walked around the mall talking about random things. Bassem had found out so much about Sarah. She was in college studying to be a nurse the same thing as Kimi. She has another job working with nurses at the hospital for practice. Bassem was starting to like this girl, she wasn't like the other girls he had met on the rode. The ones that throw themselves at him begging and pleading for his attention. Sarah didn't seem like the type of girl who wants a lot of attention. He could tell she was really shy.






Note: I have decided to transfer all of my work to this account. So, all my stories will now be on this account. I have future stories I'll be working on, however I will continue these stories on some slow pace.