Chapter 19

A New Day

It had been the first of what would be some very long days and weeks in the world of wizarding Britain. Things had changed, in most people's opinions for the good, but there were still those who felt it hadn't, and that was clear by the small skirmishes that continued to break out for weeks following the death of Voldemort.

Amelia had managed, between her duties as head of the DMLE and training her replacement for the Queen, to have Bones manor rebuilt to a more comfortable home for her and Susan. They moved back home less than a month after the war was over.

Back at the Manor, all our guests and students had packed up and headed home. That was all except Remus and Nym, Andy and Ted, and Cissy and Draco. Remus and Nym were very happy to continue to live in the Gate house with little Teddy even after Remus accepted his position back at Hogwarts, choosing to Apparate home every night. Ted and Andy wanted to stay close to their daughter and grandson which allowed Andy to babysit while Nym returned to work as an Aurous and Ted was working at Amelia's side as one of the prosecutors overseeing the trials of the Death Eaters. While in Cissy and Draco's case they still had nowhere else to go.

Will Creevey and the boys found that they had come to love living at the manor and taking care of the livestock and magical creatures and choose to stay on after the war was over. Will had confided in me that he felt that this was the fresh start he and the boys had needed since his wife's death. While Aunt Viv had taken up residence at Hogwarts to help with all the training of staff and Garrick, who chose to hand the wand shop over to his nephew, joined her at the school.

Over at Trunk Manor Harry and Hermione finally took some time to relax. While Lily and James and Rose prepared to move to Hogsmeade. Professor Slughorn had chosen to step down as potions master as long as Lily was willing to take his place, and Madam Hooch had chosen to retire as well allowing Headmistress McGonagall to ask James to take the position, while Rose prepared to start her first year at Hogwarts. Hagrid also moved back to the school, retaking his position as the teacher for Care of Magical Creatures.

As for the Weasley clan, Molly and Arthur had remained in the village till the end of July then moved back to the rebuilt Burrows along with Ginny. The Twins, along with Alicia and Angelina, had rebuilt the shop, expanding it and adding two apartments for each to have a place to be with their soon to be wives. Bill and Fleur had come to love the village and decided to stay in the home there after Bill's parents had moved, and Ron and Lavender choose to stay in the home Harry had given them.

I was not happy having my friends move up north so soon, but as Remus pointed out, with Harry and Hermione staying in Truck Manor and choosing to keep it where it was, Lily and James were just a quick pop away, and of course they would be home for holidays and other occasions.

Besides if anyone was moving away it was Sirius and I, since with my having to fulfill my obligation to the Crown, I was spending weeks at a crack living at the row house with Sirius working beside me at the ministry. We both felt it was safer for our precious package if I weren't popping back and forth daily, I looked down at my baby bump and smiled. I had still not told anyone that it was twins.