A/N : *Take a deep breath*

Okay... There it is. Journey to freedom ends today with this epilogue.

I want to thank every single one of you who supported and reviewed this story, who fell in love with the storyline and most of all the characters, who cried with them, who laughed with them, and who supported me, even though I put my characters (and you as well) through hell more than once.

Thank you to my dear betas for their amazing work!

WIRM and Chase are now back on the foreground, but I don't forget the prompts for JtF that some of you already sent me. Keep sending them. My PM, twitter, WA... will stay open as long as you want me to write for this fic I spent more than 3 years with.

Trust me, I don't want this story to end... But I have to let you discover my version of OQ happy ending.

Five years later

"Mommy, I want Matthew!"

Regina looks down at her impatient little girl, adjusts her almost one year-old twin boy in her arms before crouching in front of her daughter. Trying to catch up to Zelena and Alan, who carries her other one year-old, she gently says,

"Dawn, let your brother finish work, his class is almost over."

The toddler pouts, crosses her arms over her chest as she sighs.

"Matthew p'omise he eat with us!"

Regina tucks a strand of her daughter's blond hair behind her ear tenderly, biting back a smile as she hears her friends' chuckles next to her. Dawn has indeed inherited her mother's stubbornness, even she can't deny it. "And he will, sweetheart," she insists. " Just give him a minute."

A thunder of joyous screams startles Regina. Immediately, she grabs Dawn's hand and follows Zelena, Alan and Vanda a bit further just as a group of children scatters into the village, boys and girls happily going back to their homes and families.

Dawn spies Matthew before Regina has a chance to, and the little girl tugs on her mother's hand firmly, eager to join her brother. Catching sight of her son, Regina releases Dawn's hand, and watches as her vibrant girl runs and jumps into Matthew's arms, her heart swelling with love and affection at the sight of her two children.

"My mischievous little thief!" The young man exclaims when he picks Dawn up off the ground, lifting her above his head. Dawn's laugh is deep-throated and clear, mixed with her brother's. When she reaches Matthew, the girl's arms wrap tightly around his neck, looking at him with a wide toothy grin. "What trouble did you get into today?"

"None! I am a good girl!" She replies proudly, grinning at her brother.

"Will mom confirm that if I ask her?"

Matthew exchanges a smirk with his mother, and chuckles as his sister sheepishly giggles, confirming his suspicions.

Dawn has been a little troublemaker since the day she started walking. Always a curious little girl, sneaking around, and often putting herself in dangerous situations. And that's without counting her magic, something they expected, which was confirmed after her first birthday when they found her favorite toy floating above her crib. Of course, that often led to hilarious, but also troubling moments, making her parents fear the potential consequences her magic could bring, given the previous experience the family has had.

But, she's also the sweetest child Matthew knows, with a deep and strong attachment to her family. Their synergy has often allowed Matthew to get through to her more easily than anyone else, and he knows how much his recent decisions have affected her.

"Hello, mom!"

"Hello, Matthew!" Regina steps forward and hugs her older son tightly, her fingers tangling in Dawn's locks delicately. "I missed you." She glances at her three young children when she pulls back, Dawn, Ethan and his twin, Lena who's gripping Alan's neck tightly while he adjusts her in his arms. "We missed you."

Matthew puts Dawn on the ground and hugs his aunt, Alan and Vanda, before pressing a kiss to the children's foreheads. Then he turns towards his twin siblings. Lena, an adorable little brunette and her brother Ethan, a dynamic young blonde boy, a duo that Matthew isn't able to see grow up daily ever since he left the camp.

"I missed you too." He cups Lena's chin tenderly as she leans her head against Alan's cheek, then takes his brother from his mother's arms, nuzzling his nose, which results in a joyous laugh from the child. "How's my baby brother? Jonas told me he was sick last week."

Regina weaves a soft hand on the baby's head. "He was feverish for several days, but it subsided recently. Tuck said it wasn't anything serious. Ethan has been an absolute delight since."

The little boy puts his thumb in his mouth and leans his head against Matthew's shoulder, who cuddles him softly.

A new wave of happy children exit the cabin, followed by Jenna and Jonas who approach the group.

Vanda walks to her daughter and takes her in her arms, while Jonas joins Zelena, bending to lift his younger brother, Nathan, from the ground.

A year after Alan and Zelena's wedding, they decided to adopt Jonas the way Regina and Robin did with Matthew. The boy's archery lessons with Alan and classes with Zelena had already allowed them to develop a strong relationship, only making their decision easier.

Two years later, Zelena gave birth to Nathan, a wonderful little boy Jonas is completely crazy about. Ever since, the family has been living happily at the camp.

"Hello, little man!"

"You have more students than I imagined," Vanda comments once the greetings are over.

"Indeed," Jenna agrees, keeping Tommy against her side and brushing his hair tenderly. "The school works very well."

"So I see."

It was a bet, really, to allow the three friends to start their very ambitious project: Open a school in Rotterhamer to allow children from everywhere to learn spelling, writing and math. To spread knowledge to anyone willing to learn, no matter where they come from, who they are, nor whether they have money or not.

Their parents were worried at first, especially considering that the funding only came from Matthew's, Jenna's and Jonas' little savings. They firmly refused any income from their parents or Snow White and David, insisting that they wanted to succeed, and they wanted to do it on their own.

At first, it was complicated, people were wary towards this unusual initiative. But with time, as the villagers got to know the three young founders and trust them, the project really took off. Matthew's incredible teaching skills, Jonas' humor, and Jenna's kindness quickly led to dozens of parents coming from everywhere to enroll their children, and sometimes even themselves. After a few months, Jenna opened a special class for adults in the afternoons, while Matthew and Jonas taught kids.

Now, a year later, the number of students has grown exponentially, forcing them to expand the school and add more classes, entitled as they are not to refuse anyone.

Something else caused a radical change in everyone's lives: Matthew's marriage to Jenna. After knowing each other for years as kids, while they were planning and executing the project for their school, they grew closer, and their friendship slowly evolved into something more romantic. They dated for several months before the now nineteen year-old man dared ask for her hand.

The celebration occurred two months ago, and soon after, to everyone's dismay, but acceptance, the couple left the Merry Men's camp and moved into a small house by the border of Rotterhamer. It broke Regina's and Robin's hearts to see their son leave his nest, but they could only understand the newlyweds' need for intimacy and independence.

Dawn didn't handle things so well. While Ethan and Lena are too young to notice their brother's absence, Dawn isn't. Since day one, Dawn and Matthew have shared an exceptional bond, beyond anything Regina could have ever imagined. And, up until Matthew left, they were inseparable. Not seeing her brother every day is still difficult for Dawn, but Regina has managed to tamper the girl's tantrums with the promise of regular visits to Rotterhamer whenever her brother doesn't come to the camp.

But today, Matthew, Jenna and Jonas invited their families for dinner.

"You're doing well!" Regina compliments. "I've heard people mention your school different times and they all speak highly of it, and of you."

"We do our best, R'gina," Jonas replies proudly. "People seem satisfied."

The moment is interrupted by Dawn's high pitched "Daddy!" when she catches sight of her father. Escaping Zelena's grip she runs away in his direction, earning a loud scolding of her name from her mother.

Robin walks briskly to his daughter, catching her quickly and moving her out of the way of the horse going right towards her.

"Hey there, young lady! Be careful!"

"We wait for you!" Dawn pouts, wonderfully ignoring his scolding, scrunching her nose in an adorable way that reminds him of Regina way too much.

"I'm sorry, my treasure. Daddy was busy catching bad guys."

"I told you he'd come, sweetie," Regina tells her daughter authoritatively. "No need to run off like you did and put yourself in danger."

"But daddy save me, mommy!" Dawn replies with her usual recklessness that has Regina rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"I'd rather not have to, Dawn," Robin says softly, a hand covering his wife's shoulder as a silent indication that he's handling this. "I would feel much more reassured if you listened to your mother when she tells you to be careful."

The toddler frowns the way she often does when her parents disagree with her, looking down, suddenly silent.

Robin places Dawn on the floor, but keeps a good hold on her hand, kisses his wife's cheek, greets the group with quick but warm hugs, until he faces his two sons, taking them in his arms, sighing deeply when he pulls back to look at Matthew up and down.

"Damn, I feel like it was yesterday that we took you in. Where did the time go?"

His son chuckles, adjusts his brother in his arms. "I grew up. You have three other little thieves to take care of now." He tilts his chin towards his siblings.

"I do, but I miss my big boy." Shaking his head, Robin looks around at his friends. "Shall we?"

The group goes into the best tavern in the village. Dawn and Tommy already engrossed in a game of their own, while Nathan, Lena and Ethan focus on the images of a book Jonas opened in front of them. Meanwhile, the adults discuss the camp's life, the sheriff's work, the school, and the newlyweds' adjustments.

"It was strange at first," Jenna admits. "Going from the animated life at the camp to the quietness of a house with only the two of us was quite a change."

Matthew wraps an arm around his wife's shoulders, bringing her against him. "But we adjusted quite well I believe. And the school brings us our fair share of excitement."

"That's for sure," Jenna laughs softly, lovingly looking at him. "We have a good life." She turns towards her family as the waitress deposits their plates in front of them. "Speaking of that, the reason we asked you to come here tonight, is because we have something important to tell you."

"Oh!" Colin exclaims, falsely disappointed. "And here I thought you missed us and wanted to see your family!"

Jenna chuckles. "You know I do, dad. But it wasn't only for that."

The soft, but mysterious smile of the young woman catches the attention of the parents, everyone falling silent, aside from the children.

Matthew links his fingers with Jenna's, the two exchanging a warm glance, before facing the group.

He meets each and every one's eyes, his parents, his aunt and uncle, and parents-in-law, and takes a deep breath. "We're having a baby."


Three years later

Regina pulls back and tenderly cups Snow White's chin, the Queen staring back at her with brimming eyes and a quivering lip.

"I'm so sorry." She watches Robin pull away from David and sadly smiles at the young man. "How did this happen?"

"A snake's bite," David explains lowly, sighing deeply. "She went to visit Granny and Ruby at the farm, and while she was talking with Ruby about the current situation, Ruby stepped on a snake and my mother instinctively moved between them, receiving the bite. According to Ruby it was an Eastern Diamondback. By the time they got back to the farm and fetched a healer, it was too late."

"We didn't even get to say goodbye," Snow White sighs. "And we had just told her the news. She had so many plans. It won't be the same without her."

Regina squeezes Snow's arm, trying to comfort her, knowing very well it won't be very effective, but she can't do much more. Ruth's death is a tragedy affecting everyone, but the woman was so important to the young Queen and King that Regina knows nothing will soothe their pain.

"Luckily, she had already discussed many of her ideas with Johanna," Snow resumes, their eyes moving to her caretaker a bit further, holding herself up in the middle of the crowd, but unable to hide her sorrow. Throughout the years, the woman had become a close friend to Ruth. "So, we'll be able to use them. But..."

Snow sighs and meets David's eyes, the King wrapping his arms around her shoulders and inviting her to lean against him while he finishes her sentence.

"She won't be there. She won't see us get married."

Robin cups David's neck. "Indeed she won't. But I know for certain that the news of your engagement and the wedding plans filled her with the greatest joy and pride. She wouldn't want you to dwell on her death, especially not while preparing such an important day." He kindly squeezes his shoulder. "Today, you can mourn her, allow the weight of her loss to win for a few hours. But then, I want you to promise me that you will remember how much she loved you and how proud of you she was. You'll plan your wedding with the lightness of heart you'd have had, as if she were still with us. And when you're face to face, about to tie your life to each other forever, you will do so knowing that she's watching over you, enjoying this important moment of your lives. Because I knew Ruth well enough to assure you that's what she'd want." He looks at the two in their eyes. "Promise me."

David nods first, then Snow mirrors him, but the brunette adds, gazing deeply in Robin's blue eyes. "Alright, but can you promise me something first, Robin?"


"When I get married... Can you walk me down the aisle?"

Robin grabs the Queen's hands tightly, smiling warmly. "It'll be my greatest honor."

Snow White jumps in his arms, hugging him, the sadness of the day vanishing for a moment as she breathes a thank you in his ear, promising that she will plan her wedding to be the happiest day of her life.

The lightness that fills them fades a moment later, when Snow pulls back and notices someone among the crowd. Her smile dies then, her frown grows, and she tilts her head to the side.

"There's something else you don't know," she says as she lets out a deep sigh, and announces solemnly. "Since Ruth's death, Ruby's been a mess. Granny said she blames herself for not sensing the danger."

"What do you mean? How could she have sensed it?" Regina questions, her hand rubbing the Queen's arm.

"Thanks to her abilities, and to Akela." In front of Robin and Regina's confusion, the Queen explains. "She said it's the huntsman's wolf's name. He helps Ruby use her powers and control her transformation. Thanks to him she begins to at least be partially aware of her wolf state. If she can have full control she won't be a danger to anyone."

"Right," Regina remembers. "He resurfaced when she began turning into a werewolf last year."

"Indeed." The rough voice belongs to someone they all know, and it's with a compassionate smile that Regina walks towards Granny, wrapping her arms around the old woman's shoulders. "He gives us a great help," Granny declares after a moment. "The red hood I had found allowed us to prevent the transformations for a while, but since Akela is here Ruby has completely changed. She's beginning to accept who she is now, and I have to admit, so do I."

"I'm glad, Granny," Regina says as she rubs the woman's back and widens her smile a little. "I never understood the reason why he stuck around since the huntsman died, but what's even more incredible is the number of people he helped."

"I hope he can help Ruby overcome her guilt."

"Is she going to attend the ceremony?" Robin questions.

Ruth's funeral is about to start, and since Snow White and David requested a private ceremony, only people from the castle, and close friends will be in attendance. The Merry Men are topping the list, and many of them came to pay their respects and bid their goodbyes to the incredible and generous woman Ruth was.

"Yes. She was getting ready when I left her. She should be here any minute," Granny exhales shakily.

"She's already here," David declares, tilting his chin towards the crowd, pointing at Ruby, who just entered the hall.. The sweet child Regina met years ago in the Forest is now a beautiful young woman, with large brown eyes and wavy dark hair falling over her shoulders.

The hugs are warm and sincere, all of them full of sadness.

When the bells announcing the beginning of the funeral are heard, Robin suggests. "We should go sit."

The Queen and King head for their thrones, while Robin, Regina, Granny and Ruby join the others, sitting on the front row.

The ceremony is short, but composed of many people sharing their memories of Ruth, including Regina and Robin. And once everyone has paid their respects, the men carry the coffin to the crypt, where Ruth's body will rest safely next to Snow White's parents. This arrangement was made to honor the role she played in the young woman's life, and because she was the King's loving and dedicated mother.

"You gave a beautiful speech, Regina," Ruby admits with a small smile.

"Thank you. She meant a lot to me." Regina sighs, looking around, at all the faces wearing traces of grief. "To so many of us. I regret that life kept us apart lately."

"She understood," David says. "She missed you, but she knew as well as you did that we couldn't see each other as frequently as we used to. How are the kids, by the way?"

"They are doing great!" A broad smile breaks Regina's face, one that illuminates Robin's when she glances up at him. "Dawn wants you to know that she plans to become Sheriff," The news brings a welcome laugh in the group, the image of the energetic little blonde girl hovering above them. "Connor is just as gifted as Little John is at fighting and is adjusting slowly to his family's new situation. Ethan can't wait to go to school, while all Lena wants to do is spend her time in the forest. As for Matthew and Jenna, the school is still running smoothly, and they savor their lives as parents, Lily is a pure delight."

"I still can't believe the kid is a father and runs a successful school!" Granny exclaims. "It feels like only yesterday he was a shy boy who still hesitated to call you mom and dad."

Regina shrugs and scrunches her nose. "I know. Sometimes, I miss those days. But he's such a good man, and such an exceptional father and husband. Robin and I are very proud of him."

"He taught me a lot when I was taking his class," Ruby claims. "He is a gifted teacher."

"He does," Regina agrees with a smile.

The conversation dies down, silence in its place, and Ruby stares down at her feet, fidgeting with her fingers, breathing in deeply before announcing. "I have some news too."

David frowns and steps forward. Her sudden shift in tone can't be good. "What is it?"

"I-" The young girl meets everyone's eyes, and stares at Granny when she reveals, "I'm leaving."

"What do you mean 'I'm leaving'?" Snow White's tone is tainted with fear, and she approaches Ruby, frowning and confused.

Ruby addresses her with a small and shy smile. "I mean that I will leave with Akela... Today."

It's Granny's turn to step forward. "Today? Ruby, what is this nonsense?"

Sensing the girl's anxiety and hesitation, Robin moves a hand to Ruby's shoulder in comfort, lifting the other one to appease the tension. "Easy, Granny. Let her speak."

Ruby gratefully glances at Robin, finding in his caring smile the strength to explain her decision. It wasn't an easy one to make, but she didn't decide this on a whim, and she has her reasons.

"Before Ruth was bitten, we had time to talk. I told her how I felt, that despite Akela's help, I couldn't exactly find where I truly belonged, nor who I really am. I'm either Ruby, the person you know, or a ruthless wolf I still struggle to control. But I am not both. I am not one."

The brunette pauses, breathing out slowly, her voice thick with emotion. When she learned about the werewolf inside her, she discovered freedom, but also found herself locked in an inescapable prison. She hopes that by focusing on herself instead of on not hurting others, she will find the peace of mind and acceptance she's longing for.

"I'm tired of this constant conflict inside me. When I mentioned it to Ruth, she suggested something... Something she knew you wouldn't like." Ruby's teary eyes are set on Granny, who looks as if her world is going to fall apart. "But she was right, and in order to honor her, I have to do it." She takes a deep breath. "I am leaving to travel the world, and to embrace the wolf within me, until we become one. I want to be able to use my abilities anytime I need them, naturally, not to hurt but to help people. And I can't do that here, where I risk hurting you."

Tears are falling down Snow White's cheeks, so Ruby wipes them with the back of her finger gently.

"Don't cry. I'm not saying goodbye forever. I will come back. I'll just come back stronger, and as someone who knows and accepts herself fully. I will be back as a woman you can be proud of," she confesses to Granny, who shakes her head and wraps her arms around her granddaughter's shoulders.

"I'm already proud of you, Ruby." She pulls back, sniffles, cups the girl's cheeks and brushes them with her thumbs. "And I understand. If this makes you happy, then you have my blessing."

Ruby finally allows herself a real smile, squeezes Granny's hands tightly. The two women falling silent, staring in each other's eyes, taking a moment just for themselves.

When she's ready, Ruby faces the royal couple. "I'm sorry, I will miss your wedding."

David takes her hand and squeezes. "Knowing that you're following the path you chose is enough satisfaction to make us accept your absence. Take care of yourself, Ruby."

Snow White doesn't speak, her glassy eyes are enough words, but she hugs her friend tightly, unwilling to release her at first, but eventually pulls back with a wry smile. She takes a deep breath and turns her smile into a wide and honest grin. "Be happy."

Ruby watches her with equally emotional eyes. "I promise."


Two years later


The brunette turns to face her sister and Leanne who join her on the practice field. The class is over, so she hangs her quiver to a tree, and meets them halfway.

"Hey! Did you have a nice trip?"

The two women just arrived from their weekly visit to the Queen's castle to check on Snow's pregnancy.

Years ago, after Regina's first delivery, Zelena had a talk with Leanne about her role as a midwife. The woman's passion led to an animated discussion that ended with Zelena admitting that she'd love to be able to do the same thing and bring people so much joy. It took off from there. Leanne enthusiastically offered Zelena to accompany her to see some pregnant women and help her during deliveries, and not only did Zelena tremendously enjoy herself and fall in love with the job, but she also showed to be extremely competent in it.

After two years, she was capable of taking care of a pregnancy from beginning to delivery without Leanne's help, an ability that allowed her to slowly be known amongst the kingdom, which had people specifically asking for her services.

Zelena didn't quit her position as a teacher in the camp's school, though, she instead worked with Vanda to create a schedule that allowed her to get enough free time to visit her patients.

So when Snow White discovered that she was pregnant, logically she asked Zelena to be her midwife, to which the redhead happily agreed. Except that, just a month later, Zelena found out about her own pregnancy. Torn between the determination to keep helping the Queen and the knowledge that at some point her current state would be an obstacle to do her job properly, Zelena decided to ask Leanne for her assistance, but not without first discussing it with the Queen. Ever since then, they've worked together, allowing Snow and David to get accustomed to Leanne.

"Yes. Everything was fine. Snow's pregnancy is going well," Zelena informs Regina.

"And David is completely in love with their unborn child," Leanne adds with an amused tone. "It's really touching to watch him interact with it."

"They'll be great parents," Regina confirms and smiles broadly. She went to visit them last month, and the two were glowing, ecstatic about Snow's pregnancy. "When do you think the baby will be born?"

Zelena shrugs. "In two months at most."

"Do you think you'll still be able to keep going there once a week by then?"

Regina tilts her chin towards her sister's belly of six months, and Zelena tenderly cups the curve of her stomach, smiling.

"I hope so. Anyway, Leanne is here if things become too difficult for me. Snow adores her, she won't mind if I'm not the one who delivers her child."

She winks at her friend as the three women take place at the large tables near the fire, enjoying their last moments of peace before the children exit school.

Robin arrives from work just after school is over, and he immediately takes care of Dawn's homework before her daily archery lesson. The now ten year-old girl is more focused on learning how to become a proper member of the Merry Men than on school, so her parents are being careful, closely following her studies. Matthew helps every time he visits them, and Little John does too, which makes things much easier as Dawn usually shows more enthusiasm to studying with her brother and godfather than with her parents.

Regina gives her attention to her twins, who happily tell her everything that they learned and did this afternoon with Helena, while Leanne cuddles her two-year-old daughter, Abby. Connor is next to her, the now young teenager working on his homework before his Quaterstaff's lesson with his father.

When she initially came to the camp, first for Regina's pregnancy and then for Zelena's training as a midwife, Leanne slowly became acquainted with everyone. Eventually she grew closer to Little John, the two having suffered a severe loss during the war. Time and long conversations at night helped heal their wounds, until Cupid worked his magic. If Little John's fear was mostly regarding Connor, Regina took it to heart to help the boy through accepting the situation and Leanne's new role in his life, but most importantly, his father's. Although he stays closer to Regina and seeks her out more often than he does Leanne, the birth of his little sister, Abby, two years ago, strengthened his relationship with his stepmom.

"Hi, R'gina!" The brunette looks up from her children to meet Jonas, who still lives at the camp despite his work as a teacher with Matthew and Jenna, and his recent engagement with a young woman from Rotterhammer. "Hi Leanne!"

Regina smiles affectionately at her nephew. "Hey, Jonas! How was your day?"

"Good, thank you. Do you know where my mom is?"

Regina points at Zelena's tent. "She's in there with your brother. You know that Nathan needs a quiet environment to properly study, otherwise he gets distracted every other second."

"Right! Thanks!" He starts to walk away, but stops and turns around. "By the way, Matthew and Jenna will spend tomorrow night here with Lily."

Regina's smile grows wider at the thought of her oldest son and his family. The mention of Matthew's name has Evan and Lena excitedly looking up from the game they'd just started.

"Matthew coming?" The boy exclaims happily.

"Yes, little guy," Jonas confirms. "You'll see your big brother tomorrow."

Ethan shrieks excitedly, Regina tampering it in regard for Connor (how the boy manages to study in such a noisy environment is still a mystery to her). "We are impatient to see them, Jonas. Thank you for telling me."

And with a nod, the young man rushes in direction of his mother's tent.


The two women's attention is caught by Connor's voice, the boy frowning over his book and biting the edge of his pen.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"I can't find the solution to this problem."

Leanne doesn't take offense in his choice to ask Regina instead of her. She knows the role her friend has always played in the boy's life, she knows Regina will always come first, and she fully accepts it.

Regina gets up, advising the twins to play quietly, knowing that Leanne will handle them if necessary, and sits next to Connor.

"Alright, tell me where you're stuck."


A few hours later

"Alright, my little thieves! You're all set, now it's time to sleep," Regina declares quietly, tapping on the twins' mattress.

"Can you tell us a bedtime story, mommy?" Lena requests while crawling under the covers.

Regina looks up at her ten year-old daughter snuggled in Robin's embrace and smiles at her tenderly.

"What do you say, Dawn? Are you too old to listen to your mother's bedtime stories or not?"

Her daughter, despite her usual sweetness, has recently showed rebellious tendencies, beginning to claim a premature independence, one her parents refused to give her given her young age and reckless temper. It ended with Dawn running away to the forest, only to be found hours later, snuggled in Tinkerbell's arms, asleep. The fairy explained to Regina and Robin that she felt Dawn's distress, so she came to her, both to make sure that she was and would remain safe, and to understand what was going on.

She advised the couple to have a talk with their daughter, to listen to her without interrupting her. So they did. They learned that, despite her profound love for her family, Dawn's free spirit and magic were pushing her towards an intense need for freedom and escape. That sometimes, she felt suffocated at home. That since the twins' birth, she felt less heard and understood.

That's when they realized how much Dawn and Regina resembled one another, and that being firm wasn't always the best solution. So they compromised, allowed Dawn more freedom, more time to practice her magic (something that they had left aside when she'd started school) and also, at her request, and with Matthew and Jenna's agreement, a night spent every other week at her brother's house.

Since that fight, Regina and Robin have been more careful, unwilling to upset their daughter in that way again. However, they have to admit that their relationship with her has clearly improved since they gave her the attention she requested, and even discovered that they too needed more time with her. They hadn't realized how the long talks they used to have with Dawn had become less frequent, almost nonexistent over the last few months. And yes, while Dawn running away back then broke their heart, it also opened their eyes to something they hadn't seen, allowing them to fix a problem they'd missed and bring back their daughter's radiant smile, that had slowly began to fade.

Dawn leaves her father's arms and walks to her mother, taking the hand she holds out for her. "Of course not, mom. You know I love your stories."

Regina brushes the side of Dawn's cheek softly, gazing into her deep blue eyes.

"My beautiful girl. You know all my stories. Is there one in particular you'd like to hear tonight?"

Dawn blushes and glances between her parents, Robin taking place next to Evan, who uses the occasion to snuggle further in his arms, while Lena stares at her sister expectantly.

"My favorite one," Dawn decides. "The story of how you and dad met."

"Yay!" Lena clasps her hands together happily. "A love story!"

"Ah!" Robin chuckles knowingly. "That one!"

"It's an amazing story, dad!" Dawn exclaims with excitement. "It's about adventure, fighting, living in the forest, falling in love! That's exciting!"

"You're not entirely wrong, Dawn," Regina replies as she helps her daughter climb onto her lap. Settling everyone comfortably on the large bed, Regina wraps an arm around Dawn's waist when the blonde girl leans against her chest and rests her head on the crook of her neck. "Our story is indeed made of all of that. But, overall, what led me to your father, my sweethearts, initially began, as a journey to freedom."

The end

Side note : The huntsman's wolf's name might sound familiar to some of you, as Akela is the leader of the wolf pack in The book of the Jungle. One last reference to Disney's universe.