Disclaimer: No I don't own Teen Titans or Batman, both are the rightful property of DC Comics and Cartoon Network. Only rights about this story are the plot and original character: Ifrit.

A/N: This is my first Fanfic that I have written on this site, it has been given many positive feedbacks, and I have had many people ask me to re-post this one. Well, here's your lucky day.


An Old Flame

"Good morning, friend Raven! It is time to begin this glorious day!" said an overly hyper alien girl.

Raven rolled over in her bed and grumbled. She looked at her clock on the nightstand. It read seven-thirty A.M. in bold red.

She let out a moan, and said, "…It's too early."

What is Starfire thinking waking her up this early? Starfire knew she was not a morning person like everyone else on the team. Raven thought about going right back to sleep before soon hearing more knocking come from her door.

"Friend Raven, it is time to wake! We must prepare for our guests today!" Starfire exclaimed.

Raven just pulled her blanket over her head, and said, "I don't think they will arrive this soon, Star."

Starfire didn't hear the remark and continued knocking on her door.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'm up, damn it!" said a now grouchy Raven. '…Why does Star have to be such a pain in the ass about everything?' She glared at the door. "I'll be out in a few minutes!"

"All right, friend Raven! I will make sure everyone else is up and ready!" Starfire declared.

Raven rolled her eyes, having no doubts that her friend would do just that…regardless if the others wanted to sleep in like she wanted to…

Forgetting her irritation with her redheaded friend, she slowly crawled out of bed and made her way to her private bathroom and hopped into the shower to wake herself up fully. After ten minutes in the shower, she turned the water off and dried off. She used her powers to bring her a clean outfit and got dressed and went back into her room. She decided to begin her mediation, seeing how their 'guests' weren't coming until later that evening.

Two hours of mediating went by and then her stomach started to rumble from lack of subsistence. Raven grumbled at her rebellious stomach and made her way to the kitchen. On entering the kitchen, she was just in time to see Beast Boy and Cyborg arguing over meat and tofu…again.

"Why do you eat that stuff? It's filled with bacteria, and it clots your blood!" Beast Boy shouted, waving his arms in the air.

Cyborg pointed his right index finger at Beast Boy, and countered, "I'd rather eat meat than that tofu crap! The stuff looks like white clay, and it tastes the same, too!"

This only made the argument go on longer. Raven shook her head and began boiling water for her herbal tea. Five minutes later, Robin came into the kitchen, wearing normal-looking clothes instead of his costume. His attire consisted of a red sweater with black denim jeans and red tennis shoes. He looked like an average teenager…if he wasn't wearing his mask. He never took it off for some reason…even when he dressed casually around in the tower, which he only started doing for Starfire, who wanted to see him in clothes other than his usual costume.

Robin smiled his charming, good-looking smile he was famous for at Raven when he saw her. She instantly felt a blush creep onto her face. Thankfully, she had her hood up to hide her moment of redness. Raven had developed quite a crush for the Boy Wonder when they first met. Unfortunately, she will never have him.

All because of Starfire…

Everyone knew those two were infatuated with each other. Just the way they looked at one another was enough to tell. This made it nowhere near possible for Raven to have a relationship with Robin. At one time she considered going out with Beast Boy…

But that, too, was hopeless when Terra joined the team. She thought to herself it was only a little flame she had for either of them, anyway. She knew she couldn't have a serious relationship with anyone; on account of her powers. If she were ever to lose control of them, she would end up hurting everyone around her. That was the last thing she would ever do to the only people that meant so much to her. She just wished she didn't have to be so alone because of it, but whenever she even considered looking for a relationship, she instantly dismissed it.

'…No, I will never be close to anyone, if I do, I can only bring suffering to them. Still…that fact doesn't ease this emptiness inside me,' Raven thought sadly.

Her depressing thoughts were interrupted when Beast Boy yelled, "TERRA!"

All the blonde and blue-eyed girl had to do were walk into a room like she did…and Beast Boy would get love sick all over again. He ran to his girlfriend; both given each other a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Seeing this only helped Raven's mood grow more depressing; watching them express their emotions when she couldn't make her hate them both, and she didn't want to feel that toward her friends. So, she did what she always did.

She ignored what everyone was doing around her…

When the water started boiling, she quickly made her tea and proceeded to the living room. There, she sat at her usual spot where she liked to read. She took a minute to smell and enjoy the fragrance of jasmine in her tea and then blew on the top to cool it down…but just as she was about to take a sip, Starfire floated up next to her.

"Raven, are you as anxious as I am about meeting Robin's mentor and our new friend!?" Starfire asked merrily.

Raven almost spilled her tea on herself, but she used her powers quickly to catch the tea, and it put back in her cup. She glared at Starfire, irritated furthermore by her, and said sarcastically, "Oh, yeah, Star. I'm thrilled, so thrilled that it was worth being woken up at seven in the damn morning."

Starfire, being used to Raven's sarcasm, didn't pay it any mind, she was too happy. She was going to meet the man that raised Robin, and she was also anxious to meet this new friend Batman mentioned to them. It was so strange and sudden, too. Batman called Robin last night, saying he'd be arriving with a new member of the Titans. Robin was anxious as well to see Batman; saying to the team that it's been a while since he's seen his old mentor. Even though Raven didn't like to be woken up so early, she was curious as to whom the Dark Knight would consider wanting to join the Teen Titans.

'It's not every day you get to meet the legendary Dark Knight. Maybe it will be worth being woken up so early or maybe not…' Raven thought. She sighed and looked at Starfire. "Shouldn't you be talking to Robin about Batman's arrival?"

Raven only had to mention the Boy Wonder, and Starfire would squeal and blush furiously.

"You are right, Raven! I had better go and look for him!" Starfire said, dashing away to find Robin.

She watched as her ditzy friend left to find Robin, leaving her in peace with her tea.

"…This is going to be a long day," Raven said to herself.


A/N: FINALLY, I got this chapter the way I like it. Sorry if it's different from the previous one, but I don't think you'll complain. Thanks for reviewing guys. They mean a lot to me. I'll try not to disappoint you with this story, but I think you'll enjoy it! And as always…

'May the night bless you.'