Hey guys, Bookworm here!
Wow...it's been a long time since I've visited this website. It's very nostalgic.
I guess I owe you guys an explanation.
When I started this story I was in middle school. I had a very active imagination and I often channeled that through writing but as I grew older I didn't find that same relief with writing anymore which was part of the reason why I stopped. But I managed to log into my old email a few days ago and I noticed that a few people still do enjoyed my old stories. In particular, Wind.
Now as an older person (my Senior year in high school yay) I think I'm ready to try again. But I want to reset.
I want to rewrite these stories. Same characters and same plot-line but with the taste of who I am now.
I will make changes to the characters but they will be better than before. At least I hope so.
Wish me luck!