A/N: This is a redo of my last fanfic, the world god only knows 4: guardians, because i had a hard time creating short stories about it's plot. The following stories will be about my thinking of what happened after the goddess arc, when the goddesses' host start competing over our little god of conquests, plus i'm adding an OC into the mix with new enemies on the horizon. There will be no haremXOC in these stories, only haremXKeima fluff.

Rated T for violence and suggestive scenes.



Flag 0.0: Let the competition begin.



Keima's POV

After saving the goddesses, new hell and the earth. things went back to normal (at least my version of normal) and loose souls were at an all-time low. Almost no loose souls have showed up ever since we defeated vintage and the goddesses' host haven't been pestering me for the past couple of days. In this case, I would be playing like there's no tomorrow, but something felt really off and that something made me feel really uneasy for some reason, like something is about to happen.

"Oh well, there's no point worrying about what might happen" i said to myself, while playing my PFP in the living room. This was actually day 5 of none-stop gaming.

"Divine brother, why do you think we haven't seen the goddesses ever since we defeated vintage" Elsie asked and she was cleaning up the living room as usual.

"beats me" is said with a shrug. Less pestering hosts means more game time for me.

"why aren't you worried? Something bad could've happened to them" elsie said, while she started whacking her broom at my head. It didn't hurt it was just slightly distracting.

"if something was up, then they would've contacted us by now" i said with my attention fixed solely on my game. I wasn't willing to let a measly distraction like this get in between me and my precious gametime and i do have a persuasive argument, don't I? "besides with vintage out of the way we only have to worry about the loose souls"

But still, why do i feel like i have hole in the pit of my stomach, when Elsie mentioned the goddesses. My grip on my PFP suddenly tightened.

It feels like...what i felt when Kanon was stabbed...but less intense...less potent...and less dire.

Before I could think much more of it, someone suddenly knocked on the door three times. I looked at it questioningly, before standing up and walking towards it. This was unexpected, but i suppose they would come see me after 5 days of staying quiet. Goodbye my precious game time T_T

I was about to reach for the door knob, but the door suddenly flew open; revealing the 6 girls in question all in their highschool uniforms. The door opened outwards, so i wasn't hit on the face.

At any rate, there wasn't anything unusual about them being here, albeit unfortunate since i'll be losing game time, but it was more on the manner of how they were here. They all had determined looks on their faces and they were all pointing at me with their fingers.


So this was why i had that uneasy feeling.


Haqua's POV

"Haqua, there's someone at the door for you" my buddy said from downstairs. I looked up from my bed and turned to the open door of my room with a puzzled expression. Who could it be?

Things have been really quiet ever since we defeated vintage; No loose souls have appeared, no problems have happened in new hell, so what could it be? Maybe it was just somebody dropping by for a visit? Then who could it be?

If it was Elsie she would've just charged right in and tackled me or something. If it was Nora she wouldn't even bother knocking, she would've just walked in like she owned the place and she doesn't even have any reason to be here.

Maybe it was Keima...

Heat suddenly rushed to my face as soon as i thought the name and i suddenly felt bothered at the same time.

Why hasn't he even visited me after we defeated vintage. Is there something wrong with me? Isn't he worried about me? Doesn't he care about me enough to come check on me every now and then. I mean it's not like he feels anything about me and it's not like he has an obligation to me, but...

"What in the name of new hell is wrong with me?"i said as i grabbed my blusing face and stuffed it down a pillow in embarrassment, while flailing my legs back and forth.

Why do i suddenly get like this whenever i think about him? My heartbeat starts sputtering, my face starts heating up and lately i've been having these dreams about him, where he would hold my chin and he would move his face to mine. We would have our eyes closed and our lips would get closer and closer and closer and...

"what is the matter with me?" I squealed in my embrassment.

"I wanted to ask you the same thing" a vaguely familiar voice suddenly sounded from the door. I felt like i was suddenly sent spiraling back in time; to when i was still in school. I turned to the door and i saw a familiar face smiling at me, like a teacher smiling towards his student. This was really unexpected, i haven't seen him since i graduated from hell school.

So, what was he doing here? Maybe he just wanted to pay me a visit or congratulate me for saving new hell. Well it was a team effort, but...

"Here i thought you'd be the last person to get boy troubles" the person spoke and i immediately threw a pillow at him, while i yelled.


The person just chuckled at me , while i glared back. That killed the mood real quick, so i crossed my arms angrily.

"it feels like only yesterday, I was teaching you channeling spells and crafting. Look at where you are now; flying around capturing loose souls, protecting the goddesses, kicking rogue-demon butt, and saving new hell" the person said as he walked towards me with a smile. I really missed him; he's lile a big brother to me and Elsie.

I'll have to tell Elsie as soon as i get the chance. she's going to be ecstatic when she finds out who's here.

I looked up at him with a smile slowly creeping on my face. I looked at his lavender-colored eyes and white hair that flowed down in spikes.

"It's good to see you again, Ms. Herminium"

"it's good to see you too, Kenway-sensei" I said with a smile


"W-what are you talking about?" I asked nervously, while i continued playing PFP. I was still trying to process what they just said to me, but i think they said something about conquering me.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a flash of light and when i looked at the girls they all switched with their goddesses. I just looked at them, whole my sweat dropped.

"Didn't we just tell you, I'm going to conquer you and turn you into Kanon's boyfriend" Apollo said with a cutesie pose. I guess that's just how she acts.

"impossible, this man belongs to Yui and I will make sure of that. Conquering a boy shouldn't be any different than conquering in war" no Mars there is a huge difference between the two.

"As much as I'm disgusted with you, unfaithful dog, I want tsukiyo to be happy and the only way to do that is to make you fall in love with her..." Vulcanus said in her usually emotionless voice.

"I'm gonna make sure of that even if I have to punish you to do so" Luna said as Vulcanus, while floating in front of me and a black aura was emitting from her. How can this be in any means effective, when it comes to conquering me?

"preposterous Tenri has loved you for well over ten years, it would be ridiculous for you to even consider my sisters' hosts" Diana yelled in front of my face and she even had fangs to boot.

" You belong to...Shiori" Minerva said shyly, while waving her hands infront of me with her eyes closed. She was clearly embarassed to do this.

"You all seem to be forgetting the fact that him and Ayumi are married now" Mercurius stated sleepily.

"Sorry, sister, but that was only a fake wedding. So, this school boy is still up for Kanon to grab" Apollo said matter-of-factly, while nodding and looking pleased with herself.

"a wedding is still a wedding"

"You did what?!" Diana suddenly got in my face and she was clearly furious. "Tenri has loved you far longer than my sister's host has. So explain why you married her and not Tenri" i back up just a bit and i started sweating buckets

"You...should marry...Shiori" Minerva said shyly albeit seriously.

"Come on, Katsuragi, having an idol singer for a wife. just think about how famous you'll get if you marry Kanon" Apollo whispered mischiveously to my ear. I looked at her and she even had a mischivous grin.

"I'm not going to marry Kanon because I want to become famous" I said matter-of-factly to her. She suddenly got an even more mischievous expression

"Oh. So you plan on marrying Kanon unconditionally" she said with her infamous teasing grin.

"Impossible, this man is Yui's wife" Do you have any idea how contradictory that sounded Mars?

"You will marry Tsukiyo and you will care for her, dirty little man, or else" Luna floated directly in front of me with a vicious glare.

"You don't plan on leaving Ayumi in the air do you? Then again that would be typical of you humans"

At this point in time everybody was in a close proximity on my face, which made me look up from my PFP. Almost all of them were glaring at me. The only ones who weren't were Apollo and Minerva.

I cleared my throat to get their attention, before adjusting my eye glasses with my finger. We have strayed really far away from the topic here and i need to get back on the right route.

"First, I need to know what brought this on" i asked them all and Apollo was the first one to explain.

"Well you see here's what happened"


Apollo's POV

"Apollo, do you think Keima would like this" Kanon said as she was carrying a bento box big enough for the two of them. I just had to smile from the mirror that i was watching her from. We were currently in the girl's bathroom and she was more nervous than i've ever seen her before.

"Sure he will." i said brightly before sighing in exasperation. " seriously though, Kanon what do you like about that boy i mean you only spent a week with him and you're sort of a star now, shouldn't you have...higher standards"


"What, I'm just trying to figure it out"

She blushed a bright red before turning away from me. This girl is so easy to tease.

"You just need to make sure that you're super aggresive because the competition sure is" i said happily. She froze in place and I looked at her worriedly.

"What do you mean...competition?" She asked and she just looked like she had just died inside.

"You didn't know? My sisters' hosts seem to be pretty lovestruck for that school boy too and they're not girls who are willing to give up." i said matter-of-factly. "So if you wanna keep him, then you're gonna have to go all out and use your advantage" i proclaimed happily.

"What do you mean advantage?"

"isn't it obvious you're an idol singer. Sing for him, say his name in an interview or you can even dance with him romantically on one of your concerts" I suggested happily and when i looked at her she was blushing and fidgeting all over the place. She had her back turned to me the whole time.


"oh come on, you have to admit that even guys fall for romantic stuff like that"


"Are you just staying silent because you're embarassed by it?"


"oh...i see...i bet you're already making plans in that little head of yours" i said with a mischievous expression on my face. "in that case don't let me interrupt your romantic plans" she turned to me and her face was redder than a tomato and steam was coming out of her head.


"And how exactly does that explain why you're all here? I said impatiently.

"shush, were just about to get to that part" apollo said cheerfully. She was really getting a kick out of this.

"all you've done so far is try to promote Kanon" I stated, while grabbing my PFP. She looked a little mortified and guilty before laughing nervously.

Hit the nail on the head, indeed.

"anyhoo, Kanon's future plan aside..."


The door suddenly opened, which made us both look at who it was. It was Mar's host; Yui.

"oh, hey Kanon didn't know you were coming today" she walked towards us and she looked at me. "hey apollo"

"Hey there, Yui" I greeted happily. She smiled at the both of us.

"So, what are you girls doing here?" She asked out of the blue as she eyed Kanon's intense blush with a teasing grin.

"Are you planning something with Katsuragi as well, Apollo" Mars suddenly said and I just looked on proudly, but Kanon was getting even more fidgety. You know for a super famous japanese pop idol she's sort of shy and sheepish.

"You bet, and Kanon came up with the perfect plan" I said proudly and Kanon started flailing her hands repeatedly. Luckily, she put down the bento first.

"Is that so, then it would appear that were love rivals, then" we turned our heads to the speaker of the voice.

"Oh hey, Tsukiyo" Yui greeted and she just smiled at the both of us, while carrying that doll that my sister always possessed.

"I didn't think that the competition would be this intense; i'll have to compete with an idol" Tsukiyo said albeit sheepishly. i laughed in good nature, while Kanon just flailed her arms in denial.

"Nononono, I'm not that fierce a competitor" she denied.

"We can always threaten him if that dirty little man looks at any other girl" My sister, Vulcanus, suddenly appeared on the mirror as well.

"Please...don't theaten Katsuragi like that" We all turned our heads and we saw Minerva's host and sure enough Minerva appeared in the mirror with us.

"See? i told you the competition was intense, Kanon" i said matter-of-factly

"Yeah, I guess you're right"

"But don't be sad, Kanon you got me after all and put that together with your idol skills and you got yourself a combo no man can resist" i said confidently, while striking a pose.

"Oh...well, this is awkward" Ayumi had just come out of a cubicle in the girl's bathroom and all eyes were on her.

"Honestly, I never thought that I'd had to compete with my sisters for the love of one man" Diana said as she came in through the window. So the whole harem is here.

"I never thought that I would have to fight for such a dirty little man" Vulcanus said disgustedly.

"I never pictured us to be enemies in this type of war, but i wish you all good luck" Mars said with a smile.

"and may the best girl win Keima's heart" Kanon proclaimed determinedly.


"I'm so proud of Kanon for saying that, she said it like she was the sure winner" Apollo said with her hands on both sides of her face.

"I see..." i said and i looked at them with a serious expression. "You want to conquer me the same way I conquered you is that it?" I asked them with a smile growing on my face. They all sounded so confident and certain with this plan of theirs that it was beyond absurdity. I am the god of conquests afterall. Thinking that the conquered could beat the conqueror is absurd not to mention improbable.

I stood up slowly and all eyes were on me.

"Then I certainly hope that you know who you're dealing with and that what you want to do is not going to be easy. After all I am the god of conquests"



A/N: So, yes the roles have reversed and the girls will be the one's to try and conquer Keima. This is just the prologue for this series of short stories and each story will be a stand alone with it's own plot.

However, the stories will make certain references to previous chapters and there might also be some stories that will take more than one chapter to make. Meaning, one short story might have a part 2 or a part 3 depending on the plot.