Chapter 21

The Way Back To Love

A/N: Final chapter I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and please leave me a review. I greatly appreciate it and enjoy reading all of your feedback.

The moment her lips touched his he collapsed against the wall sliding down it bring her to sit on his lap. He let out a sob and laid his head against her shoulder as he just held her.

"It was for you and Alexander. I am sorry I just wanted him to pay for what he did." Brandon whispers.

"Brandon, it is ok. I know why you were doing it. Thank you. I love you." Callie says.

"I love you too." Brandon returns.

The security guards have gotten Ty out of the room as Brandon slowly calms down under the soft caresses of Callie. She knows the pain he felt and the things that had been going through his mind. To he it was very important for him to know she wasn't scared of him. That she knew he would never hurt her.

"I love you Brandon I really do, but do you think you could put me back in bed? I am really tired of having my bare ass hang out of this gown." Callie says.

"Sure." Brandon says with a chuckle as he slowly stands and carries her back to the bed.

"Brandon Foster?" An officer asks.


"You are under arrest for the assault of Ty Hensdale." The officer says.

"Wait he was protecting me. You can't arrest him for defending me!" Callie yells.

"Callie calm down. Call your dad ask him to call Mike Ross and explain what happened." Brandon says.

"No Damn It! That Piece of Shit did this to me! He killed our Baby! He was in here to finish the job his hired guns couldn't! Where were you guys huh? Thought I was suppose to have around the clock protection?! Yet Brandon had to defend me cause you guys were sleeping on the job, and now you want to arrest him? I think only over my dead body." Callie says.

"Miss I am just doing my job." The officer says, by this time Callie was standing once again and was between Brandon and the cop.

"To hell if you were!" Callie yells.

"Callie calm down." Brandon says.

"No I will not B! These asses screw up and you have to do their jobs and now they want to arrest you! They will be taking me first." Callie says.

"If you insist." The cop says as one grabs Brandon and the other Callie.

Brandon watches as the cop who was talking grabs Callie by her bad arm and takes her to the ground. He can hear what sounds like sticks cracking when you step on them. Something inside of him snaps and he throws the hands that are on him off. He moves toward where Callie and the cop are at on the ground only to be slammed into by Sophia as she wraps her arms around him.

"Let dad handle it." Sophia says.

"What do you think you are doing to my daughter?!" Robert asks loudly.

"Arresting her for interfering with an arrest of a suspect." The cop says.

"I think you better take your hands off of and get off of her!" Robert says.

"We can arrest you as well." The cop says.

"What is the meaning of this?" Another voice says.

"Has everyone gone stupid here or what?"

"Excuse me officer? Would you care to explain that comment?"

"District Attorney Stines. Sorry sir, I meant no disrespect." The cop says.

"Get off that young lady and explain yourselves. Since when are victims treated this way." Stines says.

"Callie, Callie are you OK?" Brandon asks as he rushes to her.

"Yeah I am fine." Callie says as she holds out her hand for Brandon to help her up.

"What was that cracking sound then?" Brandon asks looking at her.

"The idiot broke his glasses." She says with a giggle.

"I am waiting for your answer." Stines says.

"ADA Willis told us to come over here and arrest Mr. Foster. He said to arrest anyone who got in our way." The cop says.

"Willis?" Callie asks.

"Yeah Willis." The cop says still with an attitude.

" Willis as in relation to Sharron Willis?" Callie asks.

"Yeah she was his sister." The cop tells her.

"That might explain it." She says.

"Might explain what Ms. Jacob?" Stines asks.

"Sharron Willis was one of the people Donald Jacob killed when at the same time he killed my mother. Might be his way of getting back at Donald. Trying to hurt who he believes to be his daughter." Callie says.

"Yeah well I got some hurt for him!" Brandon says as he starts for the door only to be grabbed by Callie.

"So you can get arrested for real. You do that and I am going to kick your ass Brandon." Callie says, which deflates Brandon at once.

"Young man I will look into this for you two. If I find that is the case I know someone who will be looking for a new job. Officer report to your commanding officer at once he will let you know what will be happening to you. If I was you I would be looking for a new job though." Stines says before he turns and walks out.

"Brandon you have to promise me you are going to let them handle this. I need you here with me. I know we still have things to talk about, like what that note about you leaving really meant. We can't do that is you are in jail. So promise me you will stay out of it." Callie says looking him in the eyes.

"I promise." He says as he picks her up and lays her back in the bed.

In short order the nurses and doctor are there examining her, putting her IV back in. getting her settle back into her bed. She keeps a close eye on Brandon knowing he still wants a piece of ADA Willis.

Two weeks have gone by since the Ty incident. Callie is now home and getting around well on crutches. Her therapy was going great. Her ribs were almost completely healed, they would twinge with pain every once in a while if she moved wrong. But other than that she was progressing nicely.

The day after they were almost arrested, the DA payed them another visit to inform them of his findings. He said Willis had been suspended for 2 weeks and instructed to stay away from them. He said he was put on probation for 6 months with weekly reviews. Callie was ok with that, she understood where he was coming from, the pain he was in. The DA had also said no charges would be filed against Brandon or her.

Her and Brandon were in a great place as well. They had talked about everything for the last 2 weeks she had been stuck in the hospital. They had sorted out the note he had left and that it was just meant as a lesson. One she assured him she got loud and clear. She knew they weren't over that was what he was doing, teaching her a lesson. They had both been taught a valuable lesson when he had thought he was going to lose her, and when they had lost their unborn child.

Brandon had taken her out of the hospital one day for a short trip that the doctors said was ok. He had driven her to a cemetery that was close to Roberts house. When they got there she was amazed that everyone who was important in her life was at a grave site. There was a preacher there as well. They were all standing around a grave stone. As she got closer she saw the name: Alexander Jason Foster. The stone had other writing on it to, but she wouldn't know what that was till a later visit. She couldn't take her eyes off of the name on the headstone. It was when they were leaving that she notice the sign over the area where Alex was buried. It said Quinn Foster family plots. Thus had cause fresh tears to form.

Brandon had told her he was going to cook her dinner when he got back from Idyllwild. It had been a long day of therapy and doctors appointments. She had found out there was no permanent damage cause to her cause of the miscarriage, and that she would be able to still have kids one day. That thought had he smiling despite how tired she was. To now one day Brandon and her would be able to have a family was icing on the cake of her recovery. At this very moment the man she loves is in the kitchen slaving away cooking them dinner. She wants to tell him the news cause they had both been worried about it. Not that they would have split up over it, no they just both wanted their own kids one day.

"Brandon, I have some news." Callie says.

"Oh yeah, what would that be?" He asks back.

"The doctor said I am fine, we can still have kids one day. That is if you still want to." Callie says.

He walks up to her and wraps her in a hug, one she returns happily. He then looks her in the eyes before placing a soft kiss on her lips. She sighs into the kiss knowing this is just what she needed after a day like this.

"I do still want kids with you. When we are ready and in a better position for them. We can have as many as you want. It is your body that has to carry them, it is you who has to go through the pain, so you set the limit. 1 or 10 it is up to you." Brandon smiles at her.

"10 is a little high for me. I was thinking 3 maybe 4. maybe adopt one as well. But that I will leave up to you. I just know I was given a great chance, and I met the man of my dreams. I want to be able to maybe give another the same chance I got, with two people who love each other and who would love them." Callie tells him.

"Never been one for odd numbers, lets say we adopt 2." Brandon says which earns him a kiss of epic proportions. "Ok I have to break this off and get back to cooking or it will burn."

"Fine but we will continue this a little later." She smiles at him.

"You bet your cute ass we will." He says causing her to smile.

"I love you Brandon Foster." Callie says.

"I love you Callie Jacob." He says as she walks into the living room to get off her leg for a little while.

As they are eating Callie notices Brandon keeps looking at her and then at her glass of wine. She really hasn't paid much attention to it only taking drinks every once in a while, she wasn't a huge fan of wine. She finally looks at the glass and notices something in the bottom. It is a ring, a diamond ring. Her breath catches in her throat as she slowly reaches in and pulls it out of the glass. Her eyes lock on Brandon as he gets up and walks to her side of the table. Get gets down on one knee and takes the ring out of her hand.

"Callie, we have had one hell of a road to get where we are today. There have been ups and downs fights and hurt feelings. Through it all though I never truly gave up hope. I believed that there was still an us and that we would figure it out. Sure I went through a depressed state for a while, but I still believed, might not have seemed like it though. The one thing all of this has taught me is simple. Life is too short to waste it on hurt feelings or stupid things. I know that you are the only girl for me and that I want to spend the rest of my life with only you. I want to have a family with you one day, to be able to help a foster kid out and have them join our family, all cause you want to help them. I love you Callie Jacob will you do me the honor of agreeing to become my wife?"