A/N Hi! I hope that you like this tory and that the characters aren't to OCC. PLease comment but no trolls. :)
Ava Ayala was many things, but patient wasn't one of them, especially after a seriously stressful day which involved Sam loosing his helmet at the school's charity sale. So yeah, she was not in the best of moods. By the time she'd finally got home to Aunt May's she needed to just relax. She settled down to read in the living room, or at least she would if it wasn't for the fact that Peter Parker was determinedly pacing in his room above her. The constant thudding sound finally wore her patience thin and she threw her her book to the side before she marched angrily up the stairs towards Peter's room.
"What is your problem!" Ava yelled as he walked through his open door, only for peter to continue pacing whilst mumbling to himself, lost in thought.
"PETER!" She yelled again louder this time causing him to jump in momentarily confusion.
"Oh er... hey Ava. I didn't see you there." He said awkwardly trying to compose himself. "Soooooooo how's it hanging?"
Ava rolled her eyes at another of his unfortunately common puns before placing her hands on her hips.
"Well you know I could be better if I couldn't here someone's constant stamping" She said snidely.
"... and that's all you heard." Peter asked hesitantly.
Ava frowned at his behaviour "Yeah, why?"
"No reason" He said too quickly.
Ava raised her eyebrow disbelievingly before walking over to her friends.
"What's on your mind?" She asked in a kinder tone than before, her annoyance at him temporarily put aside.
Peter sighed before deciding to confide in her "Well I ... er ... have this friend and well I have kind of been debating for the past half hour -and possibly the last few months- if I have a crush on them." He stammered.
Ava fought hard to resist the urge to scream "NO SHIT!" at idiot of a friend and calmed herself down.
"And I'm guessing you've decided that you like them right?"
He nodded.
"Well what are you going to do about it?" She put simply.
Peter shrugged "I guess I was thinking of asking them on a date but they'd probably say no and laugh in my face, making the rest of my life a misery and I'll never be able to ask anyone on a date again!" He yelled getting more and more in a panic.
Ava could practically see his 'doomed fate' play out in his mind. She shook her head and sighed, clearly the boy needed some help.
"Just don't make it an official date then" she said.
"Huh?" Peter asked confused.
She cursed boys and their romantic idiocy.
"Just casually suggest going to see a movie together and see how things go. That way it's not an actual date so if it doesn't go well then your still friends and you can laugh it off. And if it does then you can suggest doing something like that again. Perhaps even to that romantic coffee shop down the street."
Peter beamed at her " Thanks Ava! You're a genius!" and he tackled her into a hug.
"No problem lover boy, but you know you wont be able to go on that date if your in jail for strangling me to death" She choked.
"Sorry" Peter apologised realising her from his grip. " But seriously thanks"
"You're welcome" She smiled. "Hey you know that video game that you and Sam like to play?"
"Why are you bringing Sam into this?" Peter said nervously. She ignored him.
"It's just that I heard that it had been made into a movie" She said slyly.
"But aren't video game movies usually really bad"
"Maybe this one will surprise you and if it does suck then it'll be a laugh. Besides it's important to pick something your date will like isn't it?"
Ava could see the cogs turning in Peter's head as he imagined the perfect date causing a smile to crack on his face.
"You're the best Ava" He thanked.
"I know" She replied turning to leave only stopping when she reached the doorway "You know I'm still pissed with you for disturbing me right?"
"Yeah" Peter chuckled nervously.
Enjoying him sweat in fear Ava returned down stairs to her book and hopefully for some peace and quiet.