"This fettuccini is great, Mr Mars." Mac announces, stuffing her face with food. He laughs, taking a sip of wine. I pass on the offer of more food.

"So..." he starts, squeezing my hand under the table. I know he wants to talk, but I'm not ready yet.

It didn't take them long to find us. We'd been tied up in the basement of Evita's old home. Mac found the address, not long after I'd been kidnapped; and told the sheriffs department. They found Donny cradling her cold, dead body; me trying to carry Heidi. They took us to the hospital, we stayed the night. I might have had a concussion, the doctors said, and in my condition... well I didn't want to argue with them. Or Mac.

The smell of food and coffee sends a wave of nausea over me. I really need to start getting used to that.

They let me out today. On my way out, I went to see Heidi. She was in a private room, all cream and beige furniture; and filled to the brim with vases of lilies. John was sitting in a dressing gown, beside her. He was beginning to look like his old self. Almost. His eyes were red and raw from crying, his shoulders hunched over. He wouldn't let go of her hand.

I drink some water, almost choking after Mac pulls one of her faces. We're all laughing, and its like nothing ever happened. Almost.

They still haven't caught Lindqvist or Teller. Lamb reckons that, after Donny called them, they must have realised their time was up; and made a run for it. Taking all the money Evita stole from John Harris-Claude. Leaving her, his daughter, and Donny. Guess he never loved, not really. Not when you're a crook and their's $20 million whispering in your ear.

Dad starts telling Mac the recipe, who listens intently, surely going to attempt to make it tomorrow. Then, when it inevitably goes wrong, she will take it in to work for lunch, and force me to taste test.

Donny was arrested. First good thing Lamb's been able to accomplish. He's waiting trial, but I hear they have him in locked up in a padded cell. A suicide risk, they said. I don't feel sorry for him though, if I'm honest. Evita, yes, but not Donny. He never had to kill her. But the bastard did it anyway.

Mac looks down at her phone, no doubt waiting for Wallace to text her when he's ready. His latest girlfriend, Erica, dumped yesterday.

Whilst I was visiting Heidi, I explained to John about everything. He told me he would pay for Evita's funeral. I asked him to call when they had a date set. I don't imagine many people would attend, and her life's been tragic enough.

"I'm meant to be calling Logan. He left me like, a hundred voicemails. By the way, thanks for telling him I was kidnapped." I say sarcastically, wiping my mouth and leaving the table. Dad sheepishly passes me his empty plate while Mac finishes the rest of the pasta off. Making my way to the kitchen sink, I see the smile on his face disappear. He meant well, I know, but I don't want to upset Logan. I don't need him fussing all over me anymore than he's already going to.

"Gotta run. See you tomorrow." Mac says, mouth still full, as she gets up from the table. She's going out with Wallace tonight to cheer him up. They asked if I wanted to come, but I think Mac knew I couldn't. I have things to do. "Hey, I hope you don't mean for work. You only came out of hospital today." Dad says. Mac smiles, assures him that she won't let me work until next week, then waves goodbye. As she walks out the door, Dad comes into the kitchen and start drying the dishes. "I mean it Veronica. I've not slept since that phone call."

"Please Dad, relax. I think I'll be having nightmares enough for the both of us," I start, though the look on his face shows disbelief. "Promise. No work for a couple of days." My arms reach around for a hug, and he holds me tight. I wonder if this is what I will feel like soon. The thought terrifies me. We do our chores in silence for a few minutes, me washing, him drying. I glance at my watch. Shit. I promised Logan we'd have a proper call at 8pm, and it's 8.03. He's probably hyperventilating into a paper bag by now. "Can you finish? Important Skype call." I ask, drying my hands. He nods.

I take my laptop to my room, and open up Skype. Having already called Logan, I had managed to assure him that everything was fine, that I was still alive. You could hear him crying over the phone.

He answers promptly. "Bobcat, thank god! I know you said you were fine, but still-"

"Logan, calm down, there's something I have to tell you. Something important."

"What, is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine."

"Then what is it?"

Well, here goes.

"I'm pregnant."

I hope you enjoyed reading this, it was a lot of fun to write. It's been a long journey, but you guys made it all worth it.

Stay tuned for the expectant sequel...

Veronica Mars: Midnight for Madame Sophie


Merry Christmas!