Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

Note: I'm sorry it's so small, I separated the story in smaller parts, I will update very soon! (Chapters will get longer after the third one!)

Chapter One – The Fight. (Prologue)

"Maybe you should go…" Magnus said, sounding extremely weary, turning his cat-eyes away from Alec, and dropping them on the floor looking resigned. Alec's blue ones opened wide and he froze staring at him, not believing what he heard. His hands started trembling and he balled them into fists so Magnus wouldn't see him react like that. Suddenly he felt dizzy, his mind conjuring that scene in the subway all over again in full detail.

"I will be out all day…"

"Leave your key…"

He could feel his heart breaking all over again, and bit harshly on his lower lip tasting blood. Struggling to keep his voice even, he whispered; "If that's what you want…" His vision had become blurry with unshed tears and through them he thought he saw Magnus reaching out to him. His mind was buzzing, filled with thoughts from that day, the Warlock's words echoing in his head again.

"Not that it changes anything..."

Though the memories were overpowering, he thought he heard the present Magnus call his name, but he dismissed it. 'It's just my imagination…' he told himself. 'He finally reached his limit and told me to leave… Why would he call me back? I'm imagining things already…' So the Shadowhunter just shook his head in an attempt to clear it and turned his back on him. "Goodbye then..." He whispered unable to keep his voice from breaking, and ran away before the Warlock could see his tears. 'So much for not being able to let me go…' he thought darkly as he ran, stopping only for a moment to use a glamour rune to conceal himself from the mundanes around him.

Next Chapter, {"The Other Side."} coming in Less than 12 hours! Don't kill me! xD

Note: I'm sorry if it's inconsistent at parts, or OOC, or if you find any mistakes! (Let me know and I will fix them!)