Prologue: Harry POV

Everything had been quiet since the war ended 27 years ago, there wasn't a single death eater walking the streets, dementors weren't running Azkaban and all of Voldemort's loyal supporters were locked up, knowing this it certainly made Harry Potter decision easier, to give up the dangerous field work of an everyday Auror and to instead become head of the magical law enforcement office. There was a lot more paperwork now but at least it made Ginny happy.

"Afternoon Harry you heading down too." Minister of magic Kingsley Shacklebolt greeted Harry in the elevator "yes sir, Ginny wants me home early since all the kids will be home tomorrow" Harry replied

"Right it's the start of school holidays, can't believe Lily will only have one year left, does she know what she wants to do when her education finishes?" Shacklebolt asked Harry too couldn't believe that his baby girl was all grown up, his memories of when Lily was only a small child, running all over his office making a mess of his files stacked neatly on his desk were still so strong and it was hard to believe so much time had passed.

Harry shock himself out of his memories answering his long-time friend "She's still determined to be an Auror, I don't think anyone in the family is particularly fond of our little Lily to take up this career path,"

"Yes I can imagine, but I doubt that is going to sway her, she is the most stubborn child I ever met," Shacklebolt smiled Lily had an art of getting what she wanted and even the minister of magic was not immune to her charm.

"There is no denying that she got the Weasly temper" Harry replied, and as the elevator reached the ground floor Harry took his exit "well I will see you tomorrow" bidding farewell to Kingslsy as the doors closed behind him, he caught sight of the panic stricken face of one of his young Auror's in training running towards him.

"Harry sir" said the young Auror whose face was as pale as a sheet "there's chaos going on at the Azkaban prison, and your needed there right away sir,"

Harry sighed, turns out he wasn't going home early after all "ok Teddy, let's round up some Auror's and head out as soon as everybody is ready, this could dangerous so everyone needs to be prepared."

The sirens were blearing at a deafening level as Harry marched up the cobble stone path, with the clattering of a dozen of his best men following him, it was both calming knowing he was not alone and nerve racking because if anything bad happened to his men it would be on him alone.

Even though the dementors were no longer the guards of this dark and dreary prison Harry could not help the shudder that ran down his spine as his thoughts went to his lost godfather. As Harry came to the castle entrance he saw the unmistakable white hair of his former enemy "Potter" Draco Malfoy greeted tersely

"Malfoy, what's the damage" Harry replied, he may have forgiven Draco for the wrongs he committed in Hogwarts they were still nowhere close to friendship.

"Fifteen cells were broken into from the outside, these prisoners had help and they mean business, killed three guards and injured another 5 of our men that were first responders to the scene. They all disappeared as soon as me and my team came." Draco said handing the case files over to Harry, with a quick glimpse at the file Harry could see that these escaped prisoners were dangerous and wanted to do serious damage, he had to catch them and quick.

"I want your team to do a sweep of the prison for any weak spots in the foundation, I don't want anyone else escaping, I will take a team through the castle make sure no one else is still in there." He ordered as he walked up the path to the prisons crumbling entrance.

Harry looked down and saw an envelope sitting in the centre of the crumbling cell as he bent down to pick it up he saw his name written in a messy scrawl and above it a seal in the shape of a skull with a snake coming out of the mouth. He pulled out a piece of old parchment, burnt at the edges with a single sentence.

"We will destroy everything you hold dear, we will destroy you. We are coming"

The clatter of nearing footsteps brought Harry out of his trance he turned and saw it was only his young blue haired godson.

"What is it Harry, what did you find" Harry knew he couldn't hide the truth the boy was a true Hufflepuff at heart and thus very perceptive of people's emotions,

"Something bad Teddy, something very bad" Harry replied as he traced the now faint outline of a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.