The Mega AllStar Fanfiction Royal Rumble

Summary: Three hundred of the best wrestlers and characters (yes, I did say 300) compete in a wild and insane Royal Rumble match featuring two rings, pure insanity, and a huge cash prize.

Disclaimer: I don't own WWE, IMPACT Wrestling, Lucha Underground, Ring of Honor, New Japan Pro Wrestling, FOX network, CBS, Mattel, Hasbro, Capcom, Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, TBS, or any company whatsoever.

Myself and UltimateWarriorFan4Ever created the list of entrants. But, UltimateWarriorFan4Ever helped me with eliminations and everything else.

Rated T for wrestling violence and language.

This is a special request for Jeff Hardy Fan VR1.

Chapter 62: The End Is Here!

Brock then nails brutal right hand shots to the faces of Spectra Vondrgeist, Hunter Huntsman, Angry Video Game Nerd, Christopher Daniels, James Storm, Sheldon Cooper, Shelton X Benjamin, Drew Galloway, Dante, and Austin Moon.

"Brock is destroying the competition with those right hand shots," Jerry Lawler said.

Brock then grabs Dante's head and bounces him over and over again onto the ring mat.

"Brock is now just pounding Dante like he's a basketball," Michael Cole said.

After thirty bounces, Brock gets up and nails Johnny Mundo with a brutal spinebuster.

"Now a spinebuster on Johnny from Brock," JBL said.

Brock then unloads a series of punches onto the face of Randy Orton.

"Randy is just getting beaten by Brock," Jerry Lawler said.

After ten punches, Brock picks up Emma Ross in a fireman's carry position and after a few seconds, he gives her an F-5 over the top rope and onto the floor, eliminating her to numerous boos from the crowd.

"There goes Emma, thanks to Brock," Michael Cole said.

275th eliminated: Emma Ross, by Brock Lesnar, Duration-4:00

As Emma left the ringside area, in ring two, Daniel Bryan had the Yes Lock on Mai Shiranui and Chris Jericho had put on the Walls of Jericho on Red Forman.

"Look at these two submission moves by Jericho and Daniel," JBL said.

"They definitely want to win this match, even if it means hurting people to do it," Michael Cole said.

These submission moves and all the craziness in the two rings nearly last a minute as Jericho and Daniel break off the holds for a moment.

In ring one, Christopher Daniels notices Drew down (from a DDT made by Prince Puma), so he runs up and hops onto the top rope on the bottom right corner of ring one. But suddenly, Trent pushes Daniels off the corner and onto the floor, ending his rumble run.

"There goes Daniels by Trent," Jerry Lawler said.

276th eliminated: Christopher Daniels, by Trent, Duration-10:06

As Daniels left the ringside area, AVGN was nailing punches to Eric Daven, Spectra, Sheldon, Solomon Crowe, Tyler James, Jeff Hardy, Hunter, Austin, Johnny, Red, Randy, and Brock with Power Glove assisted punches right to the faces.

"AVGN is making a big mistake going crazy with those punches all over the ring," Jerry Lawler said.

Nearly two minutes of AVGN going crazy with those punches and numerous fights happening in the other ring, Jeff Hardy then nails a twist of fate on AVGN.

"Twist of fate by Jeff on AVGN, and AVGN is a bit woozy at the moment," Michael Cole said.

Then, Jeff and Spectra throw AVGN over the top rope and onto the floor, ending his rumble run as well.

"There goes another potential winner of match, AVGN is out," JBL said.

277th eliminated: Angry Video Game Nerd, by Jeff Hardy and Spectra Vondergiest, Duration-23:08

As AVGN left the ringside area, Tyler and Shelton were trading chops and fists right to the chest and face.

"Look at this showdown with Shelton and Tyler, they are trading shots like crazy. They really want that prize," Jerry Lawler said.

A minute later, Shelton gets Tyler in a fireman's carry position. He then runs to the ropes hoping to get him out.

But then, Tyler grabs onto the top rope and Shelton falls onto the floor, but Shelton grabs onto Tyler's legs and he fell to the floor as well, eliminating both of them from the rumble.

"Shelton and Tyler just eliminate each other from the rumble," Michael Cole said.

278th eliminated: Shelton X Benjamin, by Tyler James, Duration-41:12

279th eliminated: Tyler James, by Shelton X Benjamin, Duration-3:52:12

"Wow, Tyler nearly lasted four hours in the ring, that is pretty good for starting off as entrant seventy-four," JBL said.

As Tyler and Shelton left the ringside area,in ring one, Randy nails Bridgette with a brutal RKO.

"RKO from the viper on Total Drama's resident surfer girl," Jerry Lawler said.

Then, Mai picks up Bridgette and tosses her over the top rope and onto the floor, eliminating her to a mix response from the crowd.

"Now Bridgette has been eliminated, the rings are getting less full by the minute," Michael Cole said.

280th eliminated: Bridgette, by Mai Shiranui, Duration-1:12:20

As Bridgette left the ringside area, in ring two, Puma climbs up to the top rope on the bottom left corner of ring two, hoping to get a moonsault on the down Trent.

Puma then jumps off the ropes and flips for the moonsault, but Trent raises his knees and Puma lands on those knees, failing to hit the moonsault on Trent.

"Puma went for the moonsault, but Trent raises his knees and Puma is in pain," JBL said.

As Puma got up, Jin Kazama and Hunter grab him from behind and toss him over the top rope and onto the floor as well, eliminating him from the match.

"Now Prince Puma is eliminated from the rumble," Jerry Lawler said.

281st eliminated: Prince Puma, by Jin Kazama and Hunter Huntsman, Duration-15:31

As Puma left the ringside area as well, in ring one, James Storm was trying hard to eliminate Red from the match, he got him over the top rope, but her remains on the apron.

"James is trying to eliminate Red from the rumble," Michael Cole said.

"But Red is holding onto those ropes and is on the apron," JBL said.

Thirty seconds later of that elimination attempt, James gives up and let's Red stand back up. He then tries to nail Red with the last call superkick, but Red lowers the ropes and James wrecks himself onto those ropes.

"Bad move for James Storm, he lands on the top rope painfully," Jerry Lawler said.

Red then throws James off the top rope and onto the floor, ending his run in the match.

"Red uses his smarts and eliminates James from the match," Michael Cole said.

282nd eliminated: "Cowboy" James Storm, by Red Forman, Duration-10:07

As James left the ringside area, a person hops over the barricade and tries to enter the ring, that person was "The Animal" Batista.

"What the hell," Michael Cole asked.

"It's Batista, he wants desperately wants to get in the ring," JBL said.

"Can we get security down here and handcuff this lunatic," Jerry Lawler said.

Over a dozen security personnel came down to ringside and held Batista back as the rest of the fighters watch at this chaotic scene.

"Can someone drag this lunatic out of here," Michael Cole said.

"We already have one full scale riot here tonight, we don't want another one here tonight," JBL said.

"It is going to be hard since Batista is really big and has this vicious mean streak," Jerry Lawler said.

Fifteen seconds of Batista trying to get into those rings later, the fans gave a loud ovation, but not to Batista. Instead, the cheers came from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin who came running down the ramp and nails Batista in the back of the head with a brutal forearm.

"It's Stone Cold, he came down to get rid of Batista from ringside," Michael Cole said.

"The security officers are trying so hard to separate these two wrestlers from tearing each other apart," JBL said.

Steve and Batista were battling up the entrance way with fists to the face as security are trying so hard to separate these two once and for all.

"This brawl is heading up the ramp and security is having a really hard time dealing with these two guys," Jerry Lawler said.

This brawl ends up taking up forty seconds of the rumble's time, meanwhile in ring one, Trent and Jeff Hardy use the distraction caused by the brawl and toss Dante over the top rope and onto the floor, ending his time in the rumble as well.

"As the match continues, we see that Dante has been eliminated from the match as well," Michael Cole said.

283rd eliminated: Dante, by Trent and Jeff Hardy, Duration-18:10

As Dante left the ringside area, in ring two, Spectra nails Randy with a uppercut to the back of the head. As he stumbled forward, Austin kicks Randy in the ribs, hooks his arms, and gives him a brutal pedigree.

"What a set of moves from Spectra and Austin," JBL said.

"They manage to take down The Viper, but can they take him out of the match for good," Jerry Lawler said.

Then, Spectra and Austin pick up Randy and toss him over the top rope and onto the floor to a decent ovation from the crowd.

"The Viper has been put down, Randy is gone," Michael Cole said.

284th eliminated: Randy Orton, by Austin Moon and Spectra Vondergeist, Duration-1:21:21

As Randy left the ringside area, in ring one, Trent tosses Eric over the top rope, but he grabs onto the middle ropes for safety.

"Eric almost gets knocked out of the match by Trent, but he hangs onto those ropes for his life," JBL said.

As Eric got up, Trent gets Eric with a vicious discus punch, the impact knocks Eric off the apron and onto the floor as the crowd gave a very mix reaction to that elimination.

"Score another elimination for Trent," Jerry Lawler said.

"Eric Daven is now out of the rumble match after having a really decent run in the match," Michael Cole said.

285th eliminated: Eric Daven, by Trent, Duration-42:30

As Eric left the ringside area, in ring one, Johnny hooks Spectra's arm, lifts her up, and slams her on the top rope ribs first, leaving her standing on the apron.

"Ouch, what a suplex by Johnny on Spectra as she is now on the apron, a dangerous place to be in a rumble match," JBL said.

Then, Johnny hops onto the middle ropes and nails a dropkick on Spectra, knocking her off the apron and onto the floor, ending her rumble run as well.

"Spectra couldn't save herself from that dropkick and now she is out by Johnny Mundo," Jerry Lawler said.

286th eliminated: Spectra Vondergeist, by Johnny Mundo, Duration-9:38

As Spectra was leaving the ringside area, Johnny turns around and Trent nails him with a jaw shattering superkick, the impact knocks Johnny over the top rope and onto the floor as the crowd were in shock over that elimination.

"OH MY GOD," Michael Cole said.

"Johnny Mundo has been eliminated from the match, even after being the match for such a long time," JBL said.

287th eliminated: Johnny Mundo, by Trent, Duration-3:37:43

As Johnny left the ringside area with the crowd giving him a standing ovation for his efforts. In ring two, Chris was nailing Red with a series of punches to the ribs and face.

"Jericho is just punching away at Red like he is in a boxing match," Jerry Lawler said.

After ten punches, Chris nails the Codebreaker on Red, the impact knocks Red over the top rope and onto the floor, the elimination brought a mix reaction from the crowd.

"Codebreaker on Red and he is knocked out of the rumble," Michael Cole said.

"And the amount people left in the ring is getting smaller by the minute," JBL said.

288th eliminated: Red Forman, by Chris Jericho, Duration-38:57

As Red left the ringside area, in ring one, Brock got Jin with a German suplex, then he nails Jin with another German suplex, and finally, Brock gets Jin with a third and final German suplex.

"Jin just took a brutal ride to Suplex City," Jerry Lawler said.

"We might see another elimination for Brock here in the rumble," Michael Cole said.

Brock then picks up Jin and tosses him over the top rope and onto the floor, scoring another elimination for The Beast Incarnate, Brock Lesnar.

"Now Jin becomes another victim of Brock Lesnar's elimination streak," JBL said.

289th eliminated: Jin Kazama, by Brock Lesnar, Duration-55:10

As Jin left the ringside area, Trent and Austin were trying to eliminate Brock from the match, but were having no luck.

"Trent and Austin are trying hard to get Brock out of the match," Jerry Lawler said.

"They are having no luck, trying to eliminate Brock is like trying to get rid of a tank," Michael Cole said.

Five seconds later, Hunter, Sheldon, and Mai join in the elimination attempt and they finally get Brock over the top rope and onto the floor to a loud standing ovation from the crowd.

"There goes Brock Lesnar," JBL said.

"The Beast has been put down," Jerry Lawler said.

290th eliminated: Brock Lesnar, by Trent, Austin Moon, Hunter Huntsman, Sheldon Cooper, and Mai Shiranui, Duration-9:20

As Brock got up, Brock knocks down four of the referees with punches to the face.

"Oh god, Brock is going crazy at ringside as he took out four of our referees," Michael Cole said.

Brock then enters the ring and he gets Mai with a belly to belly suplex, he then gives Drew a suplex, then he gives Trent a suplex as well, Brock then nails Daniel with a German suplex, Brock then nails a suplex on Hunter, then he nails a belly to belly suplex on Austin, he then nails Chris with a German suplex, Brock then nails Solomon with a suplex, and then he gets Jeff with a German suplex as well.

"Brock just took almost everyone in the ring to a long and painful trip to Suplex City," JBL said.

Brock then lifts up Sheldon in a fireman's carry position and then he delivers an F-5, knocking Sheldon out.

"F-5 on Sheldon, everyone in ring one is out thanks to Brock Lesnar," Jerry Lawler said.

Brock then rolls under the ropes and heads up to the backstage area with the fans giving him a negative response for that attack.

"Looks like this post elimination attack has stopped," Michael Cole said.

"Good thing too, I'm getting tired of all of these riots that we have seen in this rumble," JBL said.

Ten seconds later, Mai and Trent get up and they toss Drew over the top rope and onto the floor, ending his rumble run.

"Bye-bye Drew," Jerry Lawler said.

"He couldn't recover from that attack and it costs him the rumble," Michael Cole said.

291st eliminated: Drew Galloway, by Trent and Mai Shiranui, Duration-21:15

As Drew left the ringside area, in ring one, Jeff was able to get up and scoop up Sheldon. He then throws him over the top rope and onto the floor, ending his long time in the rumble match to a mix response from the crowd (although some were boos).

"That F-5 from Sheldon definitely cost him the match, he is out by Jeff Hardy," JBL said.

292nd eliminated: Sheldon Cooper, by Jeff Hardy, Duration-2:14:21

"We are down to eight fighters, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Solomon Crowe, Jeff Hardy, Trent, Austin Moon, Hunter Huntsman, and Mai Shiranui are closer to the grand prize," Jerry Lawler said.

As Sheldon left the ringside area with the crowd giving him a standing ovation for his run. In ring one, Hunter sees Solomon getting up and he gives him a back suplex and at the same time, Trent nails him with a neckbreaker, knocking him out.

"What a wild double team maneuver from Hunter and Trent," Michael Cole said.

"The two guys that spend the most time in the ring (along with Austin) takes out Solomon who has been in there since entering two hundred and eighty-three," JBL said.

Then, Trent and Hunter pick up Solomon and toss him over the top rope and onto the floor, eliminating him from the rumble as well.

"There goes Solomon Crowe, he's out of the rumble," Jerry Lawler said.

"Now we only have seven guys left in the match," Michael Cole said.

293rd eliminated: Solomon Crowe, by Hunter Huntsman and Trent, Duration-27:31

As Solomon left the ringside area, in ring one, Hunter turns around and Daniel nails him with a running knee to the face. As Hunter stumbled around, Chris nails him with a Codebreaker, leaving him leaning on the ropes.

"Running knee from Daniel and a Codebreaker from Chris, Hunter might be in la-la land," JBL said.

Then, Daniel and Chris give Hunter a double clothesline that sends him over the top rope and onto the floor, ending his very long time in the rumble.

"After being in the ring for so long, Hunter is eliminated," Jerry Lawler said.

"We only have Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Trent, Austin Moon, and Mai Shiranui left in the match," Michael Cole said.

294th eliminated: Hunter Huntsman, by Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho, Duration-3:24:40

As Hunter left the ringside area with the crowd giving him a standing ovation for his run, Austin comes from behind and tosses Chris over the top rope and onto the floor, as the crowd were in shock over Chris' elimination.

"OH MY GOD," JBL screamed.

"Chris gets eliminated, thanks to Austin Moon," Jerry Lawler said.

295th eliminated: Chris Jericho, by Austin Moon, Duration-1:01:46

As Chris left the ringside area, in ring one, Mai nails Austin with a clothesline that knocks him over the top rope, but he hang onto the middle rope and was inches away from the floor.

"Austin almost got eliminated from the match by Mai," Michael Cole said.

"Let's hope he gets back into the ring safely," JBL said.

Austin tries to flip back into the ring, but then Trent and Jeff Hardy nail Austin with a double dropkick to the chest, knocking him off the ropes and onto the floor, eliminating him from the match as well.

"Austin couldn't save himself from being dropkicked by Trent and Jeff, he's now out of the match," Jerry Lawler said.

296th eliminated: Austin Moon, by Jeff Hardy and Trent, Duration-4:06:54

As Austin left the ringside area with the crowd giving him a standing ovation for his run in the match, it was now down to four people as Trent, Jeff, Mai, and Daniel were in this four way intense stare down.

"We are down to the final four, Jeff Hardy, Daniel Bryan, Mai Shiranui, and Trent," Michael Cole said.

"Who will be the winner of this epic rumble," JBL asked.

After twenty seconds of this stare down, there was fists flying between Daniel and Trent in the top left corner of ring one, while Jeff and Mai were brawling in the bottom right corner of ring one.

"Look at this, Daniel vs. Trent and Jeff vs. Mai, who will be the victors," Jerry Lawler asked.

After ten seconds of fists flying, Trent gives Daniel a back body drop over the top rope, but he hold onto the ropes and remained on the apron.

"Daniel nearly gets thrown out of the match, but he hangs on for the moment," Michael Cole said.

Then, Mai runs up and tries to nail Trent with a big running boot. But Trent moves out of the way and Daniel gets hit with it instead, knocking him off the apron and onto the floor to a very negative response from the crowd (it wasn't as bad as Dawn's elimination, but it was still really bad).

"Mai was going to nail Trent with the boot, but he dodges it and Daniel gets knocked out of the match," JBL said.

"These fans sure are not too happy with that," Jerry Lawler said.

297th eliminated: Daniel Bryan, by Mai Shiranui, Duration-1:14:32

As Daniel left the ringside area, Mai suddenly turns around and suddenly, Trent and Jeff Hardy nail Mai with a double clothesline, knocking her over the top rope and onto the floor as the crowd cheer for that elimination.

"Mai is now gone," Michael Cole said.

"We are down to two, who's going to win the match," JBL asked.

298th eliminated: Mai Shiranui, by Trent and Jeff Hardy, Duration-1:05:37

Then, Jeff and Trent go face to face, knowing that one of them will win this epic rumble.

"Jeff Hardy and Trent, which one of these guys will win the rumble," Jerry Lawler asked.

After ten seconds of this stare down, Trent nails Jeff with an enzugiri and sending him right to the ropes.

"Enzugiri by Trent on Jeff," Michael Cole said.

"Jeff is right near the ropes, this could be big trouble for him," JBL said.

Then Trent runs up and gets him with a cross body, the impact sends both guys over the top rope and onto the floor as the fans were in shocked, they were thinking who won the match.

"What the hell," Jerry Lawler said.

"Who won the match," Michael Cole asked.

Trent and Jeff get up to see what had happened and wanting to know who won the match.

"I won the match," Jeff said.

"No, I won the match," Trent said.

Half the refs think that Trent won the rumble, while the other refs think that Jeff won the rumble.

"Half the refs think Trent won, while the other half of the refs think Jeff won," JBL said.

"Let's look at the replay in slow motion to see who won the match," Jerry Lawler said.

They show the replay in slow motion and they finally determined that...

...Jeff's feet hit the floor first with Trent hit the floor after him.

"Oh my god, Jeff's feet hit the floor first and it means that Trent has won the match," Michael Cole said.

"He never won Total Drama, but he's won the rumble tonight," JBL said.

299th and final elimination: Jeff Hardy, by Trent, Duration-26:54

"Your winner of The Mega AllStar Fanfiction Royal Rumble, Trent," Eden said as the refs raised Trent's arm as confetti and fireworks shot all over the stadium.

"Trent went from number forty-six and has won it all," Jerry Lawler said.

"He lasted over four hours and manage to outlast two hundred and ninety-nine other fighters to win the money," Michael Cole said.

Trent re-enter the ring and celebrated his win, then Gwen and Lindsay came down into the ring and presented a trophy and a check for twenty-five million dollars to Trent. Then, they give the winner a kiss right on his face.

"Looks like he's celebrating his win with some of the girls from Total Drama," JBL said.

Then, WWE Hall of Famer, "Stone Cold" Steven Austin enters the ring with a twelve pack of beer in hand, then he tosses a can of beer to Trent and he catches it.

"Here's Stone Cold, looks like he's offering a cold one to Trent," Jerry Lawler said.

After they open their beers, they clang them together and they both just chug down their beers.

"Looks like the two are enjoying their drinks to the delight of the crowd," Michael Cole said.

Then, Steve Austin climbs up to the middle rope on the top left corner of ring one as Trent climbs up to the middle rope on the top right corner of ring two. Then, Stone Cold clang his two beer cans together and drank his beer. Meanwhile, Trent did a similar thing but after he drink the beer, Trent spits it up in the air (sort of like what Triple H does before he has his matches) to a positive response from the crowd.

"Well looks like we are going to celebrate, Stone Cold style," JBL said.

"That will do it for us, this is Jerry Lawler with Michael Cole and JBL saying, good night from East Hartford," Jerry Lawler said.

We end the event with Stone Cold still celebrating as the cameras fade to black.

Wow, it took over half a year to finish this rumble but it is done, thank you all for reading along to this insane fic and in the end it is Trent that wins the rumble. Well here are the final stats of this rumble.

Entries gone through this story: 300

Entries left: 0

People in the ring: 1

Eliminated competitors: Barry Eisenberg, Heath Burns, Rikishi, Christie Monterio, King Barrett, Rob Van Dam, PJ Black, Bobby Roode, Michael Bennett, Lelouch Lamperouge, Chris, Rhyno, Courtney, Mark Henry, Ash Williams, Zack Ryder, Dan Hibiki, Mojo Rawley, Farkle Minkus, Leela, Hernandez, Tyler Breeze, Honky Tonk Man, Jeremy Buck, El Torito, Angélico, Tommy Dreamer, Morrigan Aensland, Psymon Stark, Vincent Valentine, Tourette's Guy, Pentagon Jr., Jack Swagger, Eric Young, Naruto Uzumaki, Rangiku Matsumoto, Eric Forman, AJ Styles, R-Truth, Finn Balor, Joey Gladstone, Luke Harper, The Nostalgia Critic, Bram, Pac-Man, Bender, Jill Valentine, Son of Havoc, Sunset Shimmer, Pacifica Northwest, Eric Cartman, Chris Redfield, Viktor, Ally Dawson, Captain America, Ron Zombie, Sexy Star, Naldo Montoya, Mitsurugi, Simon Gotch, Aiden English, Mr. Anderson, Penny, Donkey Kong, New Jack, Alan Harper, Matt Morgan, The Green Arrow, Tajiri, The Big Show, Bubba Ray Dudley, "Razor" Jake Clawson, The Miz, Falco Lombardi, Jimmy Uso, Kevin Owens, King Cuerno, Eva, Jeff Jarrett, Wolverine, Jessie Godderz, Booker T, D'Angelo Dinero, Brian Kendrick, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bo Dallas, Kurt Angle, The Sandman, Heihachi Mishima, Mil Muertes, Matt Sydal, Patrick Star, Roman Reigns, Al Bundy, Frankie Kazarian, Marco Diaz, Star Butterfly, Dalton Castle, Cid Highwind, Ed, Edd, Duncan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Jesse Katsopolis, Matt Taven, Iori Yagami, Luigi, Dean Winchester, Mario, Knuckles the Echidna, Texano, Steve Urkel, Jay Briscoe, Darkwing Duck, Ethan Carter III, Wreck-It Ralph, Homer Simpson, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Tyrus, Awesome Kong, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Lashley, Big Ryck, Dolph Ziggler, Roderick Strong, Guile, Abyss, SpongeBob SquarePants, Neville, Danny Tanner, Sabu, Triple H, Bud Bundy, Shelby Marcus, Caleb Konley, The Flash, Jay Lethal, Seth Rollins, Shikamaru Nara, Aster Phoenix, Max Buck, Apple White, Flash Sentry, "T-Bone" Chance Furlong, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Maxi, Sami Zayn, Daring Charming, Liv Rooney, Sting, Eddie Winslow, D-Von Dudley, Kenny King, Heather, Kyo Kusanagi, Hulk Hogan, Byakuya Kuchiki, Snake Plissken, Lightning, Blondie Locks, Rusev, Link, The Undertaker, Leonard Hofstadter, Matt Hardy, Curtis Axel, Cody Lambert, Justin, Sparrow Hood, Enzo Amore, Rockstar Spud, Adam Rose, Bart Simpson, Bull Dredd, Sub-Zero, Gunner, Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, Cage, Fry, Drago, Konnor, Sonic The Hedgehog, Big E, Cloud Strife, Diamond Dallas Page, MVP, Hideo Itami, Ashlynn Ella, Brian Anthony, Leshawna, Aero Star, Chavo Guerrero, King Leonidas, Darren Young, Cedric Alexander, Kazuya Mishima, Scorpion, Ryback, Dawn, D.J, Charlie Harper, The Rock, Rouge The Bat, The Godfather, Barret Wallace, Cesaro, Fenix, Jack Evans, Blue Demon Jr., Ichigo Kurosaki, Pickleboy, John Cena, Abbey Bominable, Dipper Pines, Bray Wyatt, Damien Sandow, Stardust, Kitana, Kofi Kingston, Robbie E, Porter Geiss, Liu Kang, Magnus, Angry Grandpa, Mick Foley, Xander, Alexis Rhodes, Davey Richards, Kazuchika Okada, Maddie Rooney, Dean Ambrose, Monty Monogram, Luke Skywalker, Felicia, Titus O'Neil, Invisi Billy, Kane, Geoff, Twilight Sparkle, Austin Aries, Rocky Balboa, Anne Maria, Steven Hyde, Fandango, Colin Cassidy, Jimmy Preston, Batman, Shadow The Hedgehog, Xavier Woods, Eddie Edwards, Peter Griffin, Chun-Li, Rey Mysterio, Albert Wesker, Cyd Ripley, Terry Funk, Samoa Joe, Ivy Valentine, Alberto El Patron, Fox McCloud, Deadpool, Michael Kelso, Kalisto, Luther Dwayne-Grady, Ryu, Dan, Eli Drake, Captain Falcon, Eddy, Tigre Uno, Kurenai Yuhi, Owen, Emma Ross, Christopher Daniels, Angry Video Game Nerd, Shelton X Benjamin, Tyler James, Bridgette, Prince Puma, "Cowboy" James Storm, Dante, Randy Orton, Eric Daven, Spectra Vondergeist, Johnny Mundo, Red Forman, Jin Kazama, Brock Lesnar, Drew Galloway, Sheldon Cooper, Solomon Crowe, Hunter Huntsman, Chris Jericho, Austin Moon, Daniel Bryan, Mai Shiranui, and Jeff Hardy.

Still in the match: Trent (the winner of the rumble.)

Longest time in the ring: Trent (Four hours, twenty-five minutes, and fifty-four seconds.)

Shortest time in the ring: Adam Rose (1.7 seconds)

Most eliminations: Leshawna (nineteen eliminations)

That will do it, this is The Extreme Brony saying, goodbye from my first rumble fic.