By Meldewen Ilce

Rating: G
Spoilers: Movie version of The Two Towers

Summary: What was Arwen thinking as she left Rivendell and what was her destination?

Disclaimer: I don't own Arwen or LOTR. I am just borrowing both for a bit and I ask not to be sued because I have made NO money off of this!

I turn my gaze back towards the balcony where I knew Father stood watching us depart...

As our eyes meet, his gaze is so solemn and I still see his grief there...

And I remember...

"Do I not still have your love?" he had asked me, breaking my heart.

"You always have my love, Ada! Always!" I replied as I buried my head into his shoulder, biting back a sob.

I cannot stand to see the pain I am causing him, and that is why I must depart Imladris...

As we cross the threshold of my childhood home, I turn again to look ahead, turning my thoughts towards my destination.


I will flee to the shelter of the mallorn trees where I had dwelt so long after my mother's departure to the West...

I will flee to my grandmother's arms in hopes that she will support me in the decision I have made to remain behind in Middle-Earth so that I may love Aragorn...

But I cannot even be sure that Galadriel, the wisest of the wise, will not see my love for Aragorn as nothing more than folly, and I cannot be sure whether or not even she will not urge me to depart these shores with my Elven kin.

Oh, sweet Elbereth, I feel so alone in this, my choice.

Will no one I love support me now in this hour of my decision?