(Sorry guys, this chapter will not be very long. And might be a bit confusing as it jumps time a bit, by a week. Basically, Harry woke up and they explained what happened and what he is. He is now on bed rest, but there will be a chapter (or well flashbacks) to when he is told)
They starved him.
Declan had known, from the abuse he had healed, that these people were animals. They were low, so low to do what they had done to a boy. One who had no one. It was why he had demanded to be aloud to go with his mates, and the malfoy mates, to see the justice being served to the monsters.
He had been angry. But this, what he felt as he looked down at the whale of a man and his wife, was so much more than anger.
It was fury. Furious for what they had done to the sweet boy who had been staying with them for the past week. When harry had woken up, he had been shy, withdrawn. He rarely ate, and when he did he looked as if he was sick, like the food he had eaten had tasted foul.
Declan had assumed it was because he was getting so close to his awakening that the food tasted off, he knew nivah ate differently, raw things and fruit. But he'd never seen the reactions they pulled from the boy before, the wrinkled nose and gagging. Most Nivah could stomach normal food, but usually just ate it quickly and made a face.
"They starved him." Henry echoed as he looked at the dursleys, his eyes filled with more hatred than Declan had ever seen reflected in them. He'd never seen him look so close to losing his cool, to giving into the monsterous side of himself and ripping these people apart.
"They did." Lucius hadnt been around the boy, Narcrissa had been afraid that he would scare him. Lucius, while being a big softie, was a scary man when it came to children, and politians. The Dursley woman, Petunia Harry had said her name was, looked as if she would wet herself as Lucius ran a talon down her cheek.
Despite being so calm on the outside, the Malfoy Alpha was seething.
How could someone do this to a child?! A child who was given to them for protection, for love and guidence. Lucius' own veela called for blood, as did Coraline who was leaning against the doorframe with Calem not far away.
Calem was a tall man, with long limbs and muscles that made him intemidating. His eyebrow was split in half, a scar he'd been given when fighting for the right to mate Declan, a practice still used by the Dragimi. Declan had been seen as fair game, since Calem had hesitated bringing him in, and had been persued by others until Calem came and fought for him.
Dragimi were odd.
As the alpha of Malfoy Mateship and Declan circled the pair of abusive shits, their son sat in the corner, his eyes wide. He knew these people were crazy strong, the blond one had practically thrown his father when he got to close and the one with dark long hair had forced him to sit in the corner.
"You will watch, you will learn." The man had said, and for a second Dudley had been confused.
Confusion which was quickly brought to a halt when finally, they started.
**** Torture begins*****
Lucius ran his talons across the womans cheek, hearing her whimper only making him smile as if he was a predator and she his prey. This woman had hurt the boy who his wife now was attached to, had abused a magical being, not to mention a wizard. Her eyes flicked to Severus who was leaning against the far wall, near Dudley, her eyes pleading.
"get on it Luce. I want to be home for when Axel comes back from his trip." Severus sneered, giving the woman who had made his early friendship with lily evans so damn hard. Sighing, Lucius nodded, looking to declan who had his wand out, twirling it in between his fingers.
"Oh go ahead lucius, I perfer to use magic. But I know how you veela are, you love to get messy." Coraline snorted, not because it wasn't true. It was very much true, but if the blush that covered Lucius' cheek, he took it in the way her mate hadnt been attending it to be taken.
Turning back to the woman, he finally dug his nails into her cheek, letting the talons dig into her well taken care of skin, marring it.
"Harry told us how much you value normalacy, looking beautiful is one of them. How you made fun of his scars. " His nails dug deeper as she screamed, reveling in the sound and how it bounced off the silencing charms they set up in the house. The sound of someone being sick had his eyes flickering to Dudley, who was now hiding his face in his hands.
Declan watched his friend for a few seconds, the Fae licking his lips before turning to his own prey. The man looked absolutely terrified, the emotions sinking into Declans skin and making him hum with energy. Taking his wand, he didn't speak as he started in on his own torture until he was done, the man panting but unharmed.
Or so it seemed.
"From now own, when you try to eat, your food with taste rotten, your drink with taste like poison. No matter how much you eat, you will never feel full or satisified, but if you try to eat to much, the food will burst your stomach. Just a warning. When you speak, you will feel as if no one is listening, that no one cares. When you sleep, you will dream of nothing, as you will have no dreams. You will find no pleasure, to happiness. People will look at you and see what the world ought to see you as. " Declan leaned down as he spat in the Dursleys face.
"A monster." With a snap the magic settled, big fat tears rolling down both of the Durlseys cheeks.
Casting the same spells on the bleeding woman, he backed off and waved Lucius and his mate away, telling them to go home. They would finish here.
Turning to Dudley, Declan took five small strides to him, the boy backing up until he was squashed against the wall.
"Harry told us about you, what you did to him when you where kids. But he also told us of what you did for him this summer. And for that, your punishment will be small." Waving his wand, he frowned when the boy remained the same. Waving it again, he huffed before casting a diagonsis spell.
"Oh dear merlin…" Leaning down, he jerked the boy up, calling for his mates before he aparated away, taking the boy with him.
"Im a wizard.." Harry stared wide eyed at his cousin, the boy fidgeting with the edge of his comforter. Harry had been confined to his bed, at least until he was all better which made sense to the eleven year old. He was so close to his birthday, and Declan and Coraline wanted him well enough for the Awakening.
"But… That can't be!" harry exclaimed. Dudley held up a hand, before settling it against his thigh.
" They said… They said I have a curse, or a binding or something like that. It was put on me when I turned eleven, that I should have gone to hogwarts like you. It makes sense Harry. From what I read with Mr. Devon, even with the magic core you have, you had way to many accidental magics." He even remembered a few times when he was sure hed done what his parents blamed Harry for.
"But… If.. If you were bound when you turned eleven.. That means.." Harry paused, his eyes widening as Dudley nodded.
"Whoever bound you, bound me. They magical signature is the same. " Dudley hadn't been at the house long, a few days and the next day was Harrys Awakening, which had been explained.
"They said Mom and Dad had to have known I was a wizard, the magic needed to do this binding has to come from a parent, or at least with the consent of one. I… I'm glad they took me away." Dudley had seen the errors of his ways when they had shown him how Harry looked when they found him. What his father had done disgusted him.
"Me to Duds."