A.N. Just a few things before I start the story. I had a lot of trouble with this story, having to rewrite it again and again but I've finally finished it. It might not be perfect but it's what I've got up to now. This came about after watching the film Click and reading one of my favourite Harry Potter stories (Imperio by Helek).

If you haven't seen them, click is about a guy who gets a remote capable of pausing and fast forwarding time and Imperio is about Harry finding the Imperio spell and using it to have sex. I can highly recommend it as it's a brilliant story.

I'm currently writing the second chapter that will be up in the next week or two if I can.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1.

Harry potter was seventeen years old, 5ft 11, with messy black hair and bright green eyes the same shade of emerald as his mother. He was a normal boy from an ordinary family. He loved his parents, James and Lily and His two beautiful sisters, his twin Amaryllis and his younger sixteen year old sister Amy Lee. He lived in Godric's Hollow a small town in Wales.

He was eighteen in two weeks, at which time he should receive his acceptance letter to Hogwarts College for outstanding students. He was looking forward to it as he would make new friends and hopefully see some old ones. Like his best friend Hermione Granger.

Hermione was top in all their classes except P.E. It wasn't that she didn't like exercise; it was because of the teacher, Mr Brown. Mr Brown was a massive pervert who enjoyed watching the girls while they changed. But she did enjoy all her other subjects. Harry was only a few points behind her so if he got into Hogwarts, she definitely would.

Harry was currently watching his favourite programme, House, on DVD. He was halfway through watching the first season for the hundredth time, waiting for 4 o'clock when he would meet Hermione.

They were planning to go to the cinema and see Romeo and Juliet then Titanic together, he loved seeing romantic films with Hermione, mostly because Harry had fallen in love with her but didn't want to ruin what they had together as friends. Every time they saw a romantic film she would cuddle into him and he would put his arm round her, squeezing her tightly against him and hoping to smell her strawberry and vanilla shampoo.

They met when they were only 5 in kindergarten, being a happy and friendly girl she walked up to Harry, introduced herself then asked if he wanted to be her best friend. They had been friends ever since.

She was beautiful, 5ft 5 with long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and small but perfect 32B breasts. He loved her and would do anything for her.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Harry jumped up and rushed down stairs to answer.

As he answered the door he saw a man with a delivery uniform.

"I have a package for Harry Potter. Is that you sir?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's me." Harry answered, wondering what it could be as he hadn't ordered anything.

"I need you to sign here please, Mr Potter" He said, holding out a clipboard.

"Do you know what it is?" Harry signed for the package and gave the clipboard back.

"No, sir, I just do the deliveries. Here you go sir. Goodbye."

"Bye." Harry said closing the door after taking the package.

It was the size of a video case, with no writing on the outside except Harry's name and address.

He ripped off the wrapping and opened the box inside. All it contained was a control, an ordinary TV remote. At least it looked like an ordinary remote. The only difference was there was no power button, no record, rewind or fast-forward buttons and no number buttons.

All the control had was a play, stop, info, and a few other normal buttons but there was also a few he didn't recognise like MC, HT and WT.

He pulled out a letter that was inside. It read:

Dear Mr Potter.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen above all others to try our new device.

We have been working for a number of years on a device that can stop time and control the mind and we need your help to make sure it works properly.

Please find enclosed a guide to the working of the control as it is now yours to keep, so please enjoy.


Mr Tom M Riddle

Harry pulled out the guide and flicked through it. He read what the various buttons meant.

Stop: Freezes time where only the person in possession of the control will be able to move.

Play: Restarts time. Note: make sure to be away from being seen while stopping and starting time.

HT: Changes a person's height.

WT: Changes a person's weight

MC: When in time stop press MC Button while pointed at someone and speak your instructions. When time is restarted the person you gave instructions to will carry out the orders until they are complete.

Harry stopped reading thinking it was a very elaborate prank by his dad. His dad loved playing pranks and always loved being there when he pranks someone, but he wasn't here. Harry was home alone.

He went back upstairs, unconsciously pocketing the remote and finished watching his show. After he was finished he glanced at the clock. It was an hour before he had to be at Hermione's but he thought he might go down early to spend more time with her. He stopped the DVD, not knowing he had used the new control, turned off the TV and left the house, locking the door behind him.

He made his way towards Hermione's house, not taking note of his surroundings like the total lack of noise, birds frozen in mid-flight, his mother pulling up in the car or the other streets occupants.

When he got there, he knocked on the door and waited, and waited, and waited. He wondered why nobody had answered. Was Hermione out, or did she not here him knock, should he knock again.

He looked around and noticed that nobody was moving, Mrs Ross was frozen while walking her dog and Stacey Macintosh was out running like every day.

Harry went round the back of the Granger's house and looked inside the back window. Just like outside, Hermione and her parents were inside, frozen in time.

'What's going on?' He thought. 'Why is everything frozen? And why am I the only person able to move?'
'Was that control real or was he hallucinating?'

He rushed home in a daze, hoping whatever was happening would end and he could go back to his normal life where time doesn't stop for no reason. Especially the same day he gets a strange control with the apparent ability to stop time.

When he got home he went to his room. The first thing he noticed was the control lying on his bed where he left it. It was then he realised he stopped the TV, and if it was to be believed, time with the new control and not with his old one.

He picked it up and looked it over. It looked just like an ordinary remote. Harry didn't believe stopping time was possible, he didn't even believe hypnotism or any other way of controlling a person's mind was possible.

But he decided to try it out because why would someone send him something like this and if it was a prank by his dad he wouldn't embarrass himself by showing him he believed the joke.

How would his dad even get so many people in on the joke? Even Hermione, who once shouted at His dad for an hour when he last pranked her and he hadn't played or asked her to take part in a prank since and that was 3 years ago.

He picked up the remote, put it in his pocket and went to Hermione's house. He stopped and hid close to her house in case it did work, remembering the letter and not wanting anyone to see him appear from thin air.

When he was hidden he pressed the play button. We watched as Mrs Ross and Stacey started moving along as if nothing had happened and from their point of view, nothing had. To them it was like they were walking, or in Stacey's case, running along and nothing had changed.

Only five minutes had passed since he'd stopped time even if the time wouldn't' matter.

He needed to test this in case it was a prank by his dad. He pressed the stop button and walked up to Stacey. She was quite attractive. 19 years old, 5 ft. 7, slim, perky 34C breasts and long tanned legs. As he stood in front of her, he waved his hand in front of her face but got no reaction. He stroked her cheek and slapped her on the bum but still didn't get a reaction.

He knew he had to something different so, gathering his courage he reached out and cupped her breasts. Part of him was excited that he got to feel his first pair of breasts and part of him was terrified she would start moving and punch him. He loved the feel of her breasts, they were perky and firm, the perfect handful, just touching them was making him horny.

He had to have more. She was only wearing a black sports bra, tight black short shorts and trainers with an iPod in her hand listening to music.

He took the headphones out of her ears so the wire wouldn't get in the way and laid it on the ground then he moved his hands lightly up and down her sides, feeling her skin under his fingertips.

He reached around her squeezed her bum pulling her into him pushing his erect penis against her tight stomach. He leant forward pressing his lips against hers. He knew she couldn't kiss him back but he enjoyed just having his lips pressed against a girl for the first time.

He took a step back and admired her body. She was slim, with a toned stomach long legs, long blonde hair, pulled back in a ponytail and ice blue eyes.

He grabbed the sides of the sports bra and lifted it over her head. Her milky white breasts spilled out the white of them clashing with the tanned skin around them. They looked delicious and he could suck on those small brown nipples all day.

He grabbed a nipple, pulled and rolled it between his fingers. They felt rubbery, this being Harry's first time doing anything with a girl he wasn't sure what to do. He leant forward and took one of the nipples in his mouth while still tweaking the other.

He could taste the sweat from her run a salty but sweet taste. She was delicious. He was burning with lust. In the back of his mind he wondered if the lust and the way he was acting was because of the control or was it part of himself that he had hidden, even from himself.

He reached for her shorts and pulled them down. He caught a glimpse of her pussy lips without any cover.

'She's not wearing panties, the dirty slut.'

'Or maybe she had left her home for her run after just having sex.'

She was certainly excited, from her erect nipples to her wet pussy lips.

'What the hell am I doing?' He thought. Coming out of his sex fuelled daze. 'If Hermione knew what I was doing, she'd kill me'

'Then dig me up and kill me again.'

'But she won't find out, not unless I tell her'

He cared about her a lot but she could be a real stick in the mud at times. He decided just to dress Stacey and start time again, but first he decided to get a little extra. He slid his hand down her toned stomach into her panty less shorts and rubbed along the lips of her pussy then slid two fingers into her. She was soaking wet. Maybe it was from her having sex or masturbating before she left her house or maybe she got excited from her run. He slid his fingers in and out a few times before removing them and sucking her juices off his finger.

"MMM, you taste delicious, sweety. I wouldn't mind having a real taste but I haven't got time right now. Maybe we'll finish this later."

He pulled her shorts back up high so the cheeks of her bum were hanging out of the back of her them. While he thought Hermione had the sexiest bum he'd ever seen, having caught a glimpse while she was wearing a skirt at school on a windy day, Stacey bum came in a close second.

It was round with a little bit of sag to make it almost perfect. He then picked her top off the ground where he had dropped it to taste her nipples and put it back on her.

Then he put her iPod back in her hand and inserted the plugs in her ears and stepped back. He could see her nipples poking through the material of her sports bra and the lips of her pussy through her shorts.

He walked back to his hiding spot and made sure he could see Stacey but she couldn't see him then he restarted time. As soon as time started again Stacey stopped and let out a loud moan, grabbing a breast with one hand and rubbing her pussy through the shorts with the other.

Even from where Harry was hiding he could see the glistening juices from her pussy, sliding down her leg. His sucking on her nipples and fingering her must've got her worked up, even if time was frozen. He watched as she stopped rubbing herself breathing heavily from her obvious orgasm that Harry had partly caused.

She realised what she had done and looked around frantically. She saw Mrs Ross who had stopped and stared, mouth agape as Stacey got intimate with herself. Not knowing what to say, Stacey blushed bright red, mumbled something that he couldn't hear and ran off back to her home. He wondered if he should follow her or go see Hermione.

He decided to see Hermione as, even if he did continue what he started with Stacey, he could see her later.

So he moved from his hiding place walking back home to hide the control. When it was hidden under his bed, he walked back to Hermione's knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.