Kagami was worried. He was alone in a hospital room once again, sore and tired, but that was the last thing in his mind at the moment. The day before he had gotten a call in the middle of the day to come in immediately following a huge accident, despite not being on duty until the evening officially, and when he had, he had caught sight of Kuroko right in the middle of the fray. Kuroko had obviously been exhausted, and had been with a patient that was mangled almost beyond recognition. They weren't long for this world. His normally warm vibrant eyes had held a depth of despair that he had never before seen from the smaller doctor. Things had gotten even worse when the ambulance crashed. The young new recruit on the team had been working too long, and was unused to handling the bulky truck. It really wasn't his fault when he lost control and drove it into a streetlight.

When Kagami had awoken in that hospital bed, Kuroko had looked so small and broken, and his white coat seemed to hang off of his narrow shoulders even more than it had before. He had tried to offer comfort, to assure Kuroko that he was fine, but he was still worried. He had been in the hospital for a day, for observation to make sure that there was no complications of the concussion, and in that time he had barely seen Kuroko.

He sighed, resting his head against the pillow and thinking about the times he had. Kagami was certain that the small doctor was neither eating nor sleeping enough. He had asked when Kuroko had come in during his short breaks, but Kuroko had just evaded it, and mumbled something noncommittal while looking at his charts, fiddling the bedsheets, anything to not look into Kagamis eyes. The sooty rings on his porcelain skin, and the dull cast to his normally luminous blue eyes gave his exhaustion away. He still seemed to be affected by that accident, his delicate frame, usually so upright and strong seeming to collapse into itself. He looked like he was made of paper, being crushed and crumpled by a heavy weight.

Speaking of, the current object of Kagamis thoughts appeared in the hospital room quietly, closing the door softly and trudging over to slump into the chair besides the bed. Kagami didn't see him enter, he just noticed the motion of the door as it clicked closed.

"Kagami-kun how do you feel?" Asked Kuroko, blinking through hooded eyes at the bedridden man.

"Bored. I can't believe I'm stuck in the hospital again. My team is gonna start thinking I'm too delicate to take outside," said Kagami, offering a grin at Kuroko. Kuroko responded with a weak smile that didn't reach his eyes, before reaching out and twining his cool, delicate hand with Kagamis much larger one.

"You are many things, but delicate is not one of them." Said Kuroko, delicate fingers fiddling with kagamis much larger hand distractedly, stroking his knuckles and palm with cool fingertips. His mind seemed to be far away from their dull hospital room, trapped in his bleak thoughts and memories.

"You know it wasn't your fault, those people," Kagami blurted out, hating the pathetically mournful look on Kurokos face. It may have been a little blunt, but words were never Kagamis strong suit, and so he tended to blurt out his thoughts and let his actions speak. Kuroko looked up, eyes slightly wide.

"You are probably right. Being responsible for lives is... Difficult." He sighed and cast his eyes away, and Kagami reached out a hand to gently pull his face back, their eyes meeting once again. Kurokos lips parted briefly, intending to say something else, before he crumbled, delicate shoulders quaking as he finally allowed himself to cry and collapsed into soft sobs. These were not the first tears he had shed since the day before, but now he was no longer trying to stop or hold himself together. Kuroko allowed himself to shatter, sobbing into Kagamis chest unabashedly. His fingers clung to Kagami and in turn Kagami cradled him gently, stroking his hair and back listening to his keening in silence. Kuroko shuddered and quaked, tears staining the bedsheets and neither of them made any afford to talk or to stop the tears of grief and frustration. Sometimes it was simply better to let someone cry than to offer any advice or consolation that would ring hollow.

When Kuroko took one last shuddering breath and sat up, eyes red rimmed and swollen, he spoke,"thank you Kagami-kun." His voice was raspy and hoarse from the desperate sobs.

"Hey it's no problem Kuroko," said Kagami softly, smiling slightly at him, to which Kuroko returned, some of his usual warmth returning. "Come over once I get outta here. I'm going to cook for you, you need to eat more."

"Just because I do not eat enough to feed a family does not mean that I am underfed, Kagami-kun." Kuroko mumbled this, voice still hoarse, cheeks still damp, but also refreshed and more alive after releasing his frustrations.

Kagami grinned, glad that things seemed a little bit more okay now. "No arguments, you're too skinny."

Kuroko looked slightly disgruntled, looking down at himself indignantly and huffing out a sigh. "I am perfectly healthy."

Kagami laughed at this, glad that things seemed to be a little bit better, at least for the moment. Kuroko smiled at him with eyes red rimmed and still melancholy, but not quite as broken as they had been, before pecking his forehead and heading towards the door.

"I am going home, Kagami-kun. Thank you, really." He said thank you with feeling, unquantifiable emotion welling into his eyes, before turning and leaving, slipping away just as silently as he had come. His back was straighter now as he walked, not quite so defeated.

"Night Kuroko..." Kagami called into the already empty room.

A/N: I'm not super happy with how this chapter came out but eh. Idk. I'll do the next one better. I think that this fic might be almost done. Three or four more chapters at most Please leave me comments and feedback, I will love you for forever!