After the events that happened that night Beth was happy to be lying in her bed, she was rather excited because she had a real live boyfriend and not just one of her mother's servants playing a game, usually it resulted in the servant losing their head as the didn't perform their princely duties.

Lying in the bed she curled up into the secondary pillow and pretended it was Chad, a short while she drifted off to sleep. Beth woke up screaming, checking her clock she saw the time it read 4:50, knowing she had a while to go, she attempted to go to sleep but to no avail. Picking up her phone she saw she had a message from Chad it was sent a few hours ago after they had all split up.

C "Hey are u awake?"

Beth thought this was cute as he was thinking about her even when they were apart hoping he was still awake she send one back.

B "I'm alright little shaken but can't sleepL"

Within seconds she had a reply.

C "Oh that's no good. Want me 2 come over?"

B "If it's no problem, my room seems a lot bigger now that Zara is gone."

C "I'll be rite over see you soon."

Beth put her phone back down on the side table. Having a phone was new to her but Marie thought it would be for her best interest if she had one. The room was looking bigger to Beth since Zara's death and Beth didn't like being alone especially with what had happened, all she could see was Ben throwing Zara into the lake and her screams that echoed as a result.

A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts. She whispered a light "come in" and the door opened and Chad walked in. he was wearing blue pyjamas bottoms that had small mice prints on them and a dark blue shirt that had a few holes at the hem.

"How are you doing?" Chad said shutting the door as quietly as possible.

Beth got out of bed and ran over to him embracing him as she went.

"I missed you." She said burying her face into his chest.

Chad kissed her forehead and pulled her back into the embrace.

"Can you come and sleep with me tonight?" she asked "I don't want to be alone."

Chad nodded and gave her a kiss on her cheek before leading her over to her bed and the two of them snuggled down and drifted off to sleep.

Greg didn't get much sleep that night either as the FGM wanted him to come and see her right away to discuss what had actually happened to him. Walking in to her office Greg could sense the pressure that was mounting as he began to tell his story about Rapunzel and the tower.

"Well my dear it seems that you have had quite the ordeal my dear child but what I would like to know is what you learned from it because we need to find out more about what happened to you and why you of all people were chosen for this ritual. Now is there anything else you want to tell me?" she said in a soft voice

Greg didn't know what to say he just kept quite because he knew that if he told his life would change forever and he liked his life the way it was without having the added stress of royalty.

"No God Mother that's all I can remember, but I'm tired may I please go to my room?" he asked.

After receiving a curt nod, he left the room and headed down the stairs and straight to his room. Along the way he could hear voices they weren't very loud but they were telling him to follow them. Greg didn't know what to do some part of him was telling him to following the mysterious voice but on the other hand he knew he better not, because hearing voices even in the magical world isn't a good sign, unless you knew a fairy but the only one he knew was currently in her office at this school. So going out on a whim he decided to not follow the voices and head back to him room.

Opening the door, he found Gaston Jr sitting on his bed and he looked like he had been crying.

"Hey." He said closing the door.

Gaston Jr looked up and from what Greg could see he had been crying heavily.

"Oh thank Hades, where have you been." Gaston said running over to the small boy, and putting him in to a headlock. Greg just laughed as this was GJ way of being nice because on the Isle he would have been crushed by his father Gaston and his siblings Gaston the third and Paulette his sister.

"I've just been with the Fairy God Mother she wanted to know what had happened to me. Now please let go of me I want to go to sleep." Greg said attempting to pull himself out of the older boy's grip and succeeding after the third try.

"Ok mate but, I want to know everything after this stupid event we have to go to." GJ said pulling back the covers of his bed and he was asleep within seconds. Greg however couldn't sleep his body just didn't want to. His mind just kept replaying everything, he was a prince of wonderland, how does that happen. He didn't want claim to any crown, he just wanted to be with his sister. Soon enough the feeling of sleep drifted over him and he finally closed his eyes hoping to forget the past day's events.

Gaston didn't know why he was being dragged to the museum at 10:30 in the morning. He was sleeping peacefully thinking about what mischief he was going to get up during the day, when a rough pair of hands shook him out of his dreaming phase. Upon opening his eyes, he found the face of Chad Charming staring down at him.

"Oh look sleeping beauty wakes at last, took you long enough come on we are going to be late." He said throwing a box at him which Gaston assumed held his outfit made by Evie. Looking over at Greg's bed he saw it empty and neatly made.

"Why do I have to go to this, it's not like it has anything to do with me." He said walking into the bathroom to get changed. Throwing the note aside that Evie had written, thinking he was late enough as it is so why waste his time reading. 5 minutes later he walked out of the room wearing exactly what his father wore the day he "proposed to Belle" Gaston thought it was a nice touch but did his father really wear this sort of get up and what was with the low cut top.

"Well don't you look Charming." Chad said with a snigger "Now hurry up the rest of us are outside and we are running late enough as it is."

Following Chad down stairs Gaston found it funny that Greg didn't wake him up like he usually did, but walking out the front doors he saw Greg standing there attempting to hide behind Beth who was standing next to Evie who wasn't impressed.

"You're late, I mean not white rabbit late but still let's go Ben and Mal are waiting for us at the museum." Evie said climbing into the limo that was going to be taking them there.

The ride over was pretty quiet everyone was still re thinking over the events of what happened, especially the part where Ben, their king who is the nicest of all people, threw Zara to her death and the worst part is he didn't seem fazed by it. The only person talking was Evie who was still trying to guess what the surprise was about. Gaston was about to open his mouth to make the infernal girl shut up but Jay, who Gaston hadn't noticed until now finally spoke up.

"Evie would you give it a rest; we will find out when we get there." His tone was harsh but firm. This caused the daughter of the Evil Queen to close her mouth and she didn't utter a single word for the rest of the trip.

Getting out of the limo Beth was a little nervous at the amount if people there were standing outside the museum. Her nerves were slightly calmed by Chad who took her hand and lead her inside, but not before posing for a couple magazine photographers (Beth rolled her eyes at this because she thought it was lame). The noise was cancelled by the closing of the front doors and the silence continued except for the clicking of Beth and Evie's heels. Walking in the statue of heroes' room they found Ben and Mal standing there with big grins on their faces.

"Well what's all this about then?" Gaston said "And why did I have to be woken up so early for it?"

Mal gave Gaston a death glare that caused her eyes to go green. She composed herself and then continued.

"Well in honour of what happened at the coronation the people of Auradon would like to present us this." Mal said pulling on the golden cord that then revealed a statue of the original core four each in their positions they were in the final stare down with Maleficent, all the clothes were the originals that they wore and Beth couldn't help but smile at Carlos who was still holding onto the dog even in a near death situation. Jay walked up to his statue and gave it a small nod of approval stating that Gaston should be jealous of his muscles, this caused a growl from Gaston Jr which Jay just shrugged off. Carlos wasn't there which was a pity as the FGM couldn't let him out of the hospital wig for fear that he might collapse. Evie screamed and pushed Chad out of the way causing the son of Cinderella to fall to the ground in attempt to hug Mal and Ben saying it was the best gift she could ever receive. Beth took a look at the statue and said.

"Even in statue form Evie really does know how to steal a scene." This caused Chad to burst out laughing and Evie threw a shoe at him.

"Well at least I have a statue where's yours, huh pretty boy, go on tell me?" She responded.

Everyone in the Hall started laughing at that all including Chad

Zara opened her eyes and found herself lying on a bed being tended to by a woman, she couldn't quite tell though because her vision was a little blurry. When her vision came to she found she was lying on a soft bed of, wait was that fur. Zara sat up quickly and attempted to take in her surrounding it was all fur and dead stuffed animals. Upon taking a closer look at her blanket she could tell it was an animal fur but couldn't quite place it.

"It's Doe darling very hard to come by." A voice said. Zara turned around and saw the last person she expected to see. "Now I'm not saying its Bambi's iconic dead mother, but I'm not saying it isn't." Cruella Devil said walking over to her.

"Wait but you're on the Isle how are you here?" Zara said

Cruella looked at the girl before saying with a smile on her face.

"Don't you know DARLING the villains won."

Well there you have it my last chapter sorry it took so long i was a really terrible person and i let it in the woods to die or i just lost intrest hope you have enjoyed the journey as mush as i have take care and play nice.
